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I know this friend of mine named Jill. Jill has been dating matt for a few years now. They are engaged to be married. Matt has been acting distant to Jill and Jill doesnt know why. Then There is this hoochiemama woman named Stacy Stacy is a bit of a slut. She is sorta coming between Jill and Matt. Matt spends most of his time with Stacy and not his fiancee Jill. Do U think something is going on between Matt and Stacy or not?
Flava > This is a transcript of the audio interview given by Shaggy 2 Dope on September 16, 2005. Intro: And now... he's bald-headed... he's got tattoos... the one... the only... Shaggy 2 Dope! Rude Boy: First question comes from King Steve from Shawano, Wisconsin. Shaggs-- Shaggy 2 Dope: Where's he from? Rude Boy: Shawano, Wisconsin. Shaggy: How the fuck shawano? (laughter) Rude Boy: Shaggs, how come you don't cuff it, and love it, and puff it... the good green stuff i be talkin' about? Shaggy: I hope you're talkin' about that good green stuff, 'cause if you "cuffin' somethin' and lovin' it and puffin' it," and it ain't that green stuff, there's something wrong with your program, King. (groans in background) But anyhow, King Jerry Lawler, I just don't dig the weed thing, man. I don't like feeling high, I like being in my right state of mind, 'cause if I ain't, I just go out of my mind retarded. Esham: Does that include secondhand smoke? Shaggy: Secondhand smoke don't bug me, no... I like the smell of weed--I love the smell of weed, but I just don't like getting high because then I have to go off and kill somebody, and then I won't have an excuse for why I killed them, cause I won't be caught doin' the shit, and what not. Rude Boy: All right, Potato from Denver, Colorado would like to know, why did it take you so long to record your new solo shit--your second solo shit--cause your first solo shit was so fucking tight. Shaggy: Well, my first shit, I believe, came out in 1985, somewhere in that era, but the reason why is, you know, we're in this to tell a story, six Joker's Cards like we always say. Now, there's a proper time and place for every record that we put out, and it just wasn't the proper time and place... It's like, I came out with Fuck Off back in the day, and between the time of that and the end of the sixth Joker's Card, I don't know if you noticed, J came out with Wizard of the Hood. And that was an EP just like Fuck Off was, so right now is the time--all the six Joker's Cards are over--so now we're bustin' ass working on this Fuck the Fuck Off, and it got delayed a little bit and what not, but that motherfucker will be out at the beginning of this year coming up year, two thousand--what's the year right now, 2005? 2006, that boy'll be comin' out, and it'll be tight as fuck! Just like you said, so don't make me jump through this microphone and to your computer and give you a potato, motherfucker! Rude Boy: Now Shawn from Albuquerque, New Mexico, would like to know, besides rapping, what was your biggest passions growing up as a kid? Shaggy: Um, Being a ninja, which I still follow to this day somewhat... I do have the skills to evaporate into evaporations and slip through the cracks of young, tender hotties' windows and fiddle with their clitorises and their neden holes. So, you know, basically, the passion of being a ninja has been with me since I was a boy of maybe four and a half, growing up in Saigon, Tokyo. A little lad, if you will... A little shin tong ting... that's how we say it in the ninja dojo, which I still am a strong part of the Black Night Force ninjas, which, you know, my base weapon is a long stick with a knife coming out the side-- Esham: Answer the question! Shaggy: That was a fucking ninja! What the fuck is this guy doing? So my passions were being a fucking ninja! What do you want? I was a fuckin' ninja. And I still am. Rude Boy: Jared from Martinez would like to know, so, why is your album being postponed? Shaggy: I believe I just said that, didn't I? Oh, that's right. Rude Boy: You didn't. Shaggy: Well, basically, you know I had some, a little bit of trouble in my private life issue what-nots, I like to sip a little too much so I had to go away for a couple months just to correct my fucking shit and get my shit back tight like it used to be. So we had to put the shit on hold for a couple months there. But the fact of the matter is that now, Team Supreme are back in the studio, we're pumping this shit out, me, Lavel, E, J, we're getting that shit done, Fuck the Fuck Off is gonna crumble buildings on top of your fuckin' fat ass! And if your ass ain't fat, then you'll die twice as quick once you turn the fucking volume up because you don't have no fat to support your feeble bones. Ahh, bitch! Like that! Fuck the fuck off! Rude Boy: All right, man. A.J. from Utah would like to know, how come you don't start one of your own Weekly Freeklys? You know, J, he has one going on every other week, and he wants to know, what, you ain't got much to say? Shaggy: Well, now, I'm just gonna keep it real now, that's what we're doing here, right? Rude Boy: It's a shoot interview, if you will. Shaggy: I got no fuckin' skills whatsoever when it comes to computers, turn 'em on, moving a mouse around, fuckin' any shit like that, when it comes to computers, I'm like fuckin' Rain Man in that bitch. You know what I'm saying? I could tell you fuckin' how many train cars are on a fuckin' train when it's driving by, but I can't tell you fuckin' where the A button is on a keyboard. And plus, when we used to do back in the day, the Weekly Freeklys, I forgot what we... Oh, the Mass Ninja Reports, I actually would be one of the mass ninjas doing that. But I'm just not into the whole computer thing. Maybe one day I will, I'll recite it to somebody and they can do this shit, but I'm anti-computer, I fucking hate computers... Well, I don't hate 'em, because otherwise I wouldn't be doing this shit right here, but I hate fucking with computers myself. Technology bad! Rude Boy: All right, The One and Only Ass Chops from Prince George, British Columbia... Shaggy: Hold on, Ass Chops? Rude Boy: Yes. The One and Only Ass Chops. Shaggy: Is it Ass Chaps or Ass Chops? Ass Chaps? Rude Boy: Well, whatever. He wants to know--or she-- Esham: It's a who. Shaggy: I hope it's a she. Lavel: Better be a she. Rude Boy: --would like to know, is teaming up with Mike Clark only temporary or is he back for good with ICP? Shaggy: Well, ain't nothing in stone besides the Tempest, 100% Mike Clark will be doin' all the Tempest with us. But we're gonna move from there and see what happens. Nothing's out of the fuckin' vision of anything, as far as Mike Clark goes, I mean, we could be using him forever if we click tight and everything goes good, you know what I'm saying? And hopefully it does, you know? But I ain't gonna say all our shit in the future is gonna be exclusive Mike Clark shit, 'cause no it ain't. 'Cause like I said, we got the Team Supreme thing going, which is Vel, E, me, J. And I do shit myself, J does shit himself, Vel does shit himself, E does shit himself, we intertwine and just use each other's tracks and shit, so we got a lot of production flavor going on. So it's not like we need to exclusively work with Mike Clark. But we definitely will be hollerin' at him more in the future beyond the Tempest and what not. Rude Boy: You never know. Shaggy: Hey, anything's possible within the infinite realms of Yin and Yang, remember that. Rude Boy: That's for damn sure. Uriah from Pittsburgh wants to know, is there any reason why J raps more on the albums than you? Just curious. Shaggy: Well, in the past, yeah, basically there is, because the fact of the matter is, he would be in the studio a lot more than me. Which basically means, he would be in the studio a lot more, laying more shit down. But some projects, definitely he would be in the studio more than me, and he'd just have more input on the shit and what not, or just songs would just fit his voice better, like an Amy's In The Attic, for example, or Twelve, shit like that. Some shit, he just goes deeper into some issues and shit, which I really don't delve into. I do them now and then, but he likes doing that shit a lot more than me. But some shit's just meant for him. Some shit's just meant for me. Some shit's meant for both of us. Rude Boy: KJ from Goshen, Indiana would like to know... You have a shitload of tattoos, as everyone can see. Now, what's your favorite and why? For personal reasons. Shaggy: Well, first of all, that's a fucking lame-ass question, I can't front. But I'm gonna answer it anyhow... very fuckin' stale. You can ask me anything, you just ask me about a fuckin' tattoo. I don't know... A lot of them mean shit to me, like all my Psychopathic tattoos, of course, that's what I rep. And any project that I'm in and involved with, I like fuckin' symbolizing on me, you know, Soopa Villainz tattoos, Lotus tattoos, Psychopathic shit, ICP shit, but other shit, I got my kids' names tattooed on me, and some shit that I'm into, like martial arts, I got tattoos of that, and that Indian shit, Native American shit, I got tattoos of that. Rude Boy: It's really weird, you telling me this, because I've known you forever and I know all these answers. (laughs) Shaggy: So it must be extra fresh for you. Yeah, I ain't talkin' to you, I'm talking to... Kip Wonderland from Goshen. (laughter) Rude Boy: A scrub from Europe would like to know, he's got a two-part question-- Shaggy: Just one part is the fuckin' contract, guy! Rude Boy: Who was the guy that you kicked the freestyle with on the Bizzar/Bizaar skit at the end? Shaggy: Ahh, that was some kid that used to work with us, his name was Lawrence. When we were doing Bizzar/Bizaar, we edited the record together and did skits and shit in Denver, Colorado, at... what was the name of that studio? Rude Boy: Rocky Mountain something. Shaggy: Yeah, we started at this one studio, then we finished at that Rocky Mountain High Studio, and he was out there with us and shit in the studio every day, and we were just goofing around in the studio, just fucking off, you know what I'm saying? And, we thought the shit was funny. We were just keepin' it real, doin' what we were doin'. Rude Boy: And the second part of his question is, will you guys ever be coming back to Europe anytime soon? Shaggy: Yes. Yes, we will! 'Cause when the Tempest drops, the fact of the matter is, my friends, is you're gonna be getting sick of our asses, 'cause we're gonne be up in that motherfuckin' ass like a fuckin' sphincter muscle. You hear what I'm saying? You can't get further up an ass than that. We're gonna be doing fucking America so many fuckin' times you're gonna think we're fuckin' Evil Knievel, driving around on our motorcycles in America suits and shit. And we're hitting fuckin' Europe... Yes, we are. We're hitting Europe just as hard. We're hitting Australia. We're hitting it, doing shows, doing in-stores, doing whatever the fuck it takes to get the fuckin' Tempest out and going, 'cause for the Calm, and for Hell's Pit, we didn't do really shit for it. We didn't do no in-stores, I mean, we did like a little tour, but for the Calm we didn't do shit, but for Hell's Pit, we did, and we stayed off the radio waves as far as doing interviews, and all that shit, but the Tempest... Back up in that ass for the two-double-o-six, like a prostate exam, like a doctor's finger all up in that ass, ticklin' your fuckin' prostate. Rude Boy: Down Ass Ninja from Chicago wants to know, will you ever grow that dope hair back, or are you keeping it bald just like J so J doesn't feel insecure about his twelve inch forehead? (laughter from the whole Lotus Pod) Shaggy: Damn, motherfuckers just lovin' us. Well, you know, if I was feeling bad for J, and his big-ass forehead... (more laughter) Lavel: That's why he's so smart! Shaggy: ...I would've just started growing the shit on the back of my neck, just cut it all off but the back of my neck. So therefore, I'm gonna keep it real, I'm gonna keep it Captain Picard style (laughter). Give me some clippers with no attachment on them, and I'll be cool. Esham: "Number One, engage." Rude Boy: Moving right along, Dying4Eternity from Bellingham, Washington would like to know, looking back on your entire life--and this is a serious question he's writing--what moment would you say changed your life for the better? Shaggy: What moment changed my life for the better? Well, basically, just doing the whole ICP/Psychopathic/Juggalo thing has. I mean, because even if you're a down-ass Juggalo, you're a part-time Juggalo, whatever you want to call yourself, the fact of the matter is, no matter how long you've been down, no matter how down you are, you could be a Juggalo and not even listen to ICP, you know what I'm saying? A Juggalo is a frame of mind and what not. And I was a Juggalo before we started with ICP. And the fact is, what really changed my life around and shit was the fact that we started ICP, and we started doing this for everybody, for all y'all out there, because if we wouldn't have been doing this, my ass would have been in jail for some long-ass fucking terms-- Rude Boy: --Shit, a lot of us-- Shaggy: --and I ain't trying to be one of those motherfuckers in the Lifers group... Remember them? Rapping for jail and shit. Fuck that, you know what I'm saying? The whole Juggalo world turned my life around, totally upside-down but for the best, you know what I'm saying? Now, I'm a fuckin' super ninja instead of a fucked up ninja. Rude Boy: Aw, man, that's pretty deep, but you know what? It's true, though, because it happened with all of us, or we'd all be sitting in jail together, you know? Esham: Uh huh. (laughter) Rude Boy: Fat Kid 2 Dope from Nashville, Tennessee also has a serious question that he'd like to ask you, and that is, do you consider yourself a Christian, and if not, what are your beliefs? Shaggy: Possi-Chrissy-fuckit! Let's get lit! Drink the Jesus! (laughter) I don't know what the fuck I am, man. I ain't no certain religion, you know what I'm saying? I believe there's something out there and what not, but I don't believe you gotta fuckin' like follow one faith to redeem your fuckin' pass into heaven-- Rude Boy: They got the Bible upper! Shaggy: --Now, I'll get deep as a motherfucker on you right quick, thinking I ain't smart, motherfucker! Like these Al-Qaeda motherfuckers, right? Now check it out. You know, everybody in America, whatever, Catholic, Christian, all this, it's like, you know, they believe all this Al-Qaeda shit is fuckin', "They're going to Hell," "They're evil," "Look what they did," "Blah-say-blah." But, if you were born and raised Al-Qaeda--see what I'm saying?--your actual beliefs, 'til you die, are that we're the evil motherfuckers, and by any means necessary, you wanna alleviate that fucking evil, you see what I'm saying? So, you know, it's like, what religion is right? To Al-Qaeda motherfuckers, they're right. To Buddhist motherfuckers, they're right. To Christian motherfuckers, they're right. You know, I ain't none of the above. I follow the Dark Carnival, you know what I'm saying? That's the bottom line, and that's just like doing what you know is right inside of you. Rude Boy: That's what's up. Shaggy: Just follow the life you want to live. Fuck that. Rude Boy: Skitzo King from Boston, Massachusetts wants to know, is the Shaggy Show ever gonna come out on DVD, and, will there be any future episodes coming up? Shaggy: You know what man, I'll be honest with the whole Shaggy Show thing, man. It's like, we were filming more shit and more shit and more shit... A lot of the footage we taped was just us getting all drunk and fucking each other up. Which is funny, but it gets played the fuck out, you know what I'm saying? And my body can't take it no more! You know, some of the shit's funny... Hopefully, once we eventually get back out on the road, I can get some real good footage and shit like that, like I used to get, you know? Lavel: And a stunt double, too? Shaggy: Yeah, a stunt double, with a big, thick beard. I don't know why he's gotta have a big thick beard, but, you know, just for safety purposes. You know, once we get some footage that I feel is good enough for the Juggalos to peep. I don't wanna put out no garbage, just to put something out there. I want the shit to be entertaining, come correct, and all that. I don't want motherfuckers to be like, "I just paid for this bullshit?" I don't wanna put out no bullshit. I wanna put out some shit, motherfuckers will be like, "Hell, yeah! I can't wait for Part 2!" That's what I want to put out. And it will come out eventually. When? I don't know. But it will come out. It's just a matter of time, of getting the footage and what not. Rude Boy: All right, WoodStak from Australia-- Shaggy: Wood stack? Rude Boy: WoodStak, from Australia-- Esham: Down under! Shaggy: Not Woodstock, wood stack? Rude Boy: No, wood stack. He'd like-- Esham: From Australia. Shaggy: Yeah. Lavel: Down under. Shaggy: Yeah. Lavel: I'm just askin'. Rude Boy: (laughter) Okay, WoodStak from Australia would like to know... Well, here's what he writes--I love hearing your scratch work on the decks. Shaggy: On the decks? Rude Boy: Yep, on the decks, which makes the Soopa Villainz-- Shaggy: Is that a tape deck? Rude Boy: --so fuckin' choice. Shaggy: All right, this is Australian talk now. Rude Boy: Yes. Shaggy: Choice is good, I guess. Like Choice A meat. Rude Boy: ...which makes Soopa Villainz so fuckin' choice. Do you feel that Furious was an achievement in that way? Shaggy: Let me tell you something. I thought Soopa Villainz, first of all, I think it's the fuckin' shit, man. And I don't think that right now, it's getting it's proper ends. And, you know, that's serious, 'cause we put a lot of fuckin' time and heart into that fucking record and we were all so geeked about it and we put down a record, in my opinion, that's the fucking bomb, you know what I'm saying? I can't get enough of that record. And for me, I though it was extra fuckin' super because, I ain't never really got a chance, never on a record to dip into the cutting skills like that, you know. And it was the shit being able to, every song, putting cuts down. You know, I got to shine in a different way than I'm used to doing. And for me, that was fucking... that was the bomb. Rude Boy: You think you'll be doing that in upcoming... Shaggy: Yeah, no doubt. Fuck yeah, because I love doing the shit. That opened up a fuckin' opportunity not only to let me do it, but to show myself that I'm capable of doing that shit. Rude Boy: All right, David Perez from Phoenix, Arizona wants to know, who is your favorite non-Psychopathic artist, and who would you like to work with and why? Shaggy: Well, basically, most of the shit coming out right now, to me, is straight garbage. (laughter) You know what I'm saying? I'm gonna keep it as real as fuck, man. It's like, I got the XM radio and all that, and it's all right. I like the fact that they play the uncensored shit and all that, but it's like all this shit coming out now, all sounds the fuckin' same. I don't know the difference between fuckin' The Game and David Banner. You know what I'm saying? They sound the fucking same to me. I like shit that stands out from the rest of the shit. And one motherfucker that I wouldn't mind working with, but probably, I don't know what the fuck ever happened to him, that I thought was the shit, was this dude. He used to be in Flip Mode Squad, but he got whacked when they started coming out with records. Lavel: Split Star? Shaggy: No, not Split Star. It was Lord Have Mercy. That was my fuckin' boy. Lavel: Oh, the dude with the dreads? Shaggy: Yeah. I don't know what the fuck happened to him-- Esham: He gained like five hundred pounds! Shaggy: --but he was the bomb on that old school Busta Rhymes--not old school, but that Busta Rhymes shit like Get Off My Block and shit. To me, that shit stood the fuck out. And that's the shit right there that I dig, shit like that that sticks out. Shaggy: Heh? (voice in the background yells) Missy Elliott? Oh, yeah, yeah. Good fuckin' thinking there, guy. But, uh, I'm not into bitch rappers. (Everyone starts laughing.) Straight up. I mean, they're all right, some of 'em, but the thing is, you can't be a bitch and come on a record being tough, because the fact of the matter is, you'll get your ass whipped. Esham: I don't think she's trying to be tough-- Shaggy: No no no no--hold on. Hold on. I'm getting to a point here. I'm getting to a point here! Now, you know, you got these bitches out here, rapping about how tough they are, "I'll pop a mutha." Fuck you, bitch. You ain't poppin' nobody. Go have a baby. (More laughter.) But what I'm saying is, Missy Elliott.. now, she's the fuckin' shit. The fact of the matter is, she comes fuckin' original with the shit, she don't talk about how tough she is, shit like that. And I think she's doing her own shit now, as far as producing and shit. That shit's wig-blowing to me. What she does is awesome. Rude Boy: Fearlessclown from Ontario wants to know-- Shaggy: He probably is fearless, living in Ontario. There ain't shit going on in Canada, right? No crime, nothing to be scared of. Rude Boy: --Speaking about shit going on in Canada, he wants to know, do you think Psychopathic overlooks Canada in general? Even 'cause we're so close to the border. Shaggy: No! No, they don't overlook shit. The fact of the matter is this, Fearless the clown from Canada, Ontario, is, the fuckin' thing is, Canada won't let us in that motherfucker! We've tried, we used to come there back in the day, we used to do shows, we used to do in-stores, we used to do all that good shit. But for some odd reason, as the years went along, I don't know, your Prime Minister, or President, or whatever the fuck you've got over there, for some odd reason, 'cause if you're American, to go over there to Canada to do shows or to work in any form, you need Minister papers, or whatever the fuck. And for some reason, even though we could get 'em back in the day... We can't get 'em now. Rude Boy: But even back in the day, there were points where guys were sneaking in, in tour buses and shit. Shaggy: Yeah, I did in-stores in Canada in Toronto, and I think in Montreal and shit, where I had to hide in the bay of the bus and shit, because when you got felonies, and super-long crime records, in America... Man, Canadian government don't want your ass up in their country, especially after that 9/11 shit. They cracked down like a motherfucker, like even working there, unless you're whistle clean like a motherfucker. It's hard, man. And we've been trying like a motherfucker to get up back to Canada. And we will eventually. Rude Boy: I know Alex said he's working hard on it right now-- Shaggy: I look forward to it! Fuckin' Canada's the shit to me. Rude Boy: --that all Psychopathic artists get over to Canada as soon as possible. Shaggy: No doubt. Rude Boy: Tallica from Washington-- Shaggy: Metallica? Rude Boy: Tallica? From Washington, PA, wants to know, now that you can buy Psychopathic shit in any store, including Spencers, Hot Topic, and all that type of places, do you think anyone should be able to get their hands on Psychopathic stuff and call themselves Juggalos? Or does that piss you off? Shaggy: Why the fuck would that possibly piss me off? You know, I think having our shit in fuckin' Hot Topics, and Spencers, and whatever fuckin' store carries our shit, is the fucking bomb. If not for the simple fact because we get to pocket the loot, but the fact of the matter is, you could have kids that live in fuckin' Butthole, Minnesota or somewhere like that that are very computer illiterate like me, that don't go on the internet to buy shit, or don't have a credit card to order shit off the internet. They're broke, can't make it to a show, or can't afford to get in a show to buy shit, you know what I'm saying? Why shouldn't they have the chance to represent some shit, too? You know what I'm saying? They could go down to the strip mall, or to the mall, to the Hot Topic and buy some shit. Why should that be wrong? And who's who to judge what a real Juggalo is, anyway? As long as you a Juggalo, in my book, you're a fuckin' Juggalo. Rude Boy: Yeah, because there's a lot of hatin' on it, you know. Shaggy: I don't give a fuck if you've been listening since Dog Beats, or if you've been listening since fuckin' Hell's Pit. You know what I'm saying? Juggalo ain't just how down you are with ICP and the Hatchet. That's part of it, of course, but what Psychopathic does, like we always say, whenever we're talking about this shit, we support the background music for Juggalo parties, for the Juggalo world. We're just the background music for it, you know? Rude Boy: The soundtrack to people's lives. Shaggy: You don't even to have to fuckin' neccessarily listen to Hatchet shit to be a Juggalo. I mean, that's bullshit. Juggalos are Juggalos. I think the whole fuckin' situation about Juggalos battling with each other because somebody's more down than another fuckin' Juggalo is fucking stupid. Rude Boy: All right. Nick from Boissier City wants to know, if you and J decided to retire from rapping, what do you think you'd be doing right now? Shaggy: If I retire from rapping, and this whole game in general? I ain't doin' shit. I'm gonna marinate to some fuckin' tropical island and chill the fuck out. But that shit ain't gonna happen for a long time, 'cause there ain't no plans, whatsoever, NO plans of retiring any time soon. We'll be out there fuckin' rocking crowds with plastic hips. I don't give a fuck. You know what I'm saying? As long as motherfuckers are willing to fuckin' listen to what the fuck we gotta say, we'll be saying the shit. And until then, then we're doing what we're doing. Rude Boy: That's what's up. Loco-Dogg from Fort Worth, Texas, wants to know, what do you think about signing a female rapper to Psychopathic Records? (laughter) Now we just got off that-- Shaggy: Is the name Missy Elliott? (laughter) See, now, lemme go back a little bit on what I said, alright? I don't hate all bitch rappers, alright? I just hate the ones that think they're fuckin' tough, you know what I'm saying? Talkin' shit... Those girl rappers that talk about getting fucked all the time, that's cool to me. At least they're keeping it real. Bitches like getting fucked, you know what I'm saying? Dudes ain't the only motherfuckers that like fucking. Otherwise, bitches wouldn't be having babies all over the place. You know what I'm saying? 'Cause they like fucking too. So, no, we're never opposed to having a girl rapper on Psychopathic whatsoever. She just gotta be kickin' the shit that meets the fuckin' Psychopathic criteria. You know what I'm saying? Esham: Hey, I got a question. Will you ever be coming out with a book? Shaggy: A book? Esham: Yeah. Shaggy: I believe J already had a book that he made. But no, I don't see myself coming out with a book. And the reason why is because basically, besides my childhood shits, you already read it in J's book. Now, that ain't ruling out that maybe never in my life, I won't. We still got many fucking adventures to go in this piece. See what I'm saying? We got, fuckin', many more adventures. We got years left doing what we're doing. So maybe like ten, twenty years down the line, who knows? I might come out with a book, just touching on a whole 'nother shit past what J touched on, from right now, twenty years on. Who knows? But I ain't into authoring shit like that. J's got a real creative mind as far as putting words and shit and what not. Maybe my shit would just come with, like, a pop-up book, full of pictures so retards could read it and what not. I might someday. Who knows? Ain't shit ruled out on that. But if I do it, it'll be a long time from now, because like I said, we got more path to lay down, to walk down this fuckin' road right here. Esham: Well, I heard a rumor... Is it true that you might be starring in your own reality show? Shaggy: No, stupid ass, where the fuck did you hear that from? (laughter) Rude Boy: Now, you've touched on everything from the beginning stages of your career, to where you're at now, where you're at in your life, where you're at personally-- Shaggy: Once a ninja, always a ninja. Rude Boy: --Now, the final question is... Well, it ain't even a final question. What do you have to say to the Juggalos of the world that are listening right now for the final word here? Shaggy: The bottom line right here is this. All you really gotta do is just sit back and chill, because in 2006, shit's about to be going down in a serious way. Straight up, when the Tempest is approaching and coming out, you're gonna fuckin' feel the rumble in your feet, straight up, because ICP's gonna be the fucking household names of names. Ain't gonna be none of this hiding in the dark shit no more, trying to jump out and school you. We're coming right to your fuckin' door, and kicking that motherfucker in, and dragging you out onto your porch and whipping your ass. THAT style. That's right, on your own porch. Ain't nothing your daddy can do about it but sit back and watch unless he wants a little bit. Rude Boy: Juggalos. Shaggy 2 Dope-- Shaggy: --in that ass-- Rude Boy: --right here, on the interview, and we'll catch you later.
Just out of curiousity if you knew 2 people who were your friends and one was cheating on the other without them knowing, and made you promise not to tell, would you lie to other person and say U dont know anything or would you tell the truth?
i am at main library baby and NOT wwtc library. so if u look 4 me at tc linbrary i wont be there becuase i am at the main branch. love luisa
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