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Queen Candace's blog: "Fubar (The Good and The Bad)"

created on 04/14/2008  |  http://fubar.com/fubar-the-good-and-the-bad/b207243  |  1 followers

Busted Blog 7/31/09!!

Follow the link:  http://www.fubar.com/blog/207243/1050458

  • I'd like to get to know you better.

How about instead of saying this you actually attempt to get to know me better. Using this line just puts you on the "Do not talk to list".

  • Do you have yahoo messenger?

Why so I can give it to you and have you pester me 24/7? So you can perv me on yim instead of just fubar? So we can file share giving you access to my ports? Or maybe so you can spam me with your porn site. I think me and 75% of fubar will pass on that one.

  • You should call me sometime (insert # here)
  • Can I have your number?

Why the f*ck would I give a complete stranger my phone number and why would you. Might as well put an ad in the newspaper with your number. I don't need strangers having access to bother me 24/7.

  • No one loves me.

Maybe if you weren't being such a whiney baby someone would. Saying "no one loves me" or any form of that certainly won't get you permenant love.

  • Do you have a cam?
  • Do you want to watch me on cam?
  • Do you want to cam together?

How many times does this seriously work? Why would anyone want to cam with a complete stranger? If I want to see someone on cam getting off I'll hit up a cam site. I don't need you in my shoutbox annoying me.

  • Have you looked at my NSFW?
  • Want to see my NSFW?
  • Please rate my NSFW.

If I want to see something NSFW I'll get myself naked or I'll turn on something from my own damn porn collection. I will not inflate your ego so you think your "big". Last I checked you don't get points for rating nsfw. How about instead of harassing the people of fubar to look at your nsfw you walk around your neighborhood naked and get your neighbors opinions on how you look naked? If you won't do it in real life DONT DO IT ONLINE!!

  • Buying X with X amount of fubucks!! (including ANY other form of trading fubucks for something of money value)

It's cool if you do this occassionally because your tight on cash but any other time you buy your own stuff. However there are some people that I don't ever see buying their own stuff. All they ever do is beg. GET A JOB! Stop begging people to spend their hard earned money on you when you clearly don't deserve it.

  • Buy me (insert fubar product here).

GET A JOB and buy your own stuff.

  • Buy me (insert bling name). (including any other form of this)

Perhaps instead of begging you should just express how much you like the bling. You could also trade new bling with someone or buy it for yourself.

  • Buy me (insert fubar product here) to see my nsfw.

I am all for you lovin' your body. However fakes commonly sell nsfws that aren't even of them. IT'S ILLEGAL!

  • No one showed me any love.
  • No one has viewed me.
  • No one has rated me.

Quick! Get the whambulance!!! Maybe if you actually spent your time on here giving out rates/love instead of complaining about not getting rates/love...you'd get some. Read my rating guide and do what it says. You'll be getting rates/love in no time!

  • Hey baby, sexy, sweetheart, or any other superficial term of endearment.

If you walk up to a woman on the street saying "Hey baby" you sound like a sleezball...guess what?! YOU SOUND LIKE ONE ON THE INTERNET AS WELL!!! This shouldn't be used unless you know that person and have grown fond of them.


When did this site become a haven for beggers? What happened to making friends and helping eachother level? Half of you don't give as much as you get given to you anymore...its sad

What are you sick of hearing? Tell me! I may have forgotten to blog it :D



After having my photo marked nsfw I took a big step back and look at fubar. Just like anything there is good and bad. The questions that keep popping up in my head are "should i stay?" "should i go" "why?".

I love fubar. I spend a significant amount of time on fubar. I came here to get away from the prying eyes of my family whom are on mspace and fbook. I came here to get away from the enormous amount of fake profiles constantly friend requesting and spamming me. I came here to make friends without having to worry about underage kids being on the site.

Lately among the greedy statuses there are several people deleting and even more remembering the way fubar used to be. There are a lot of people that want change here on fubar. Not because they are greedy. Not because they want something for free. They want change to make fubar a better experience and time for not just them but for others as well. These people either invest a pretty penny into fubar and its members or they have someone else investing in them.

What changed fubar? A few things.


People are beyond tired of investing time, money, and emotions into someone they end up finding out is fake.What frustrates them even more is fubar does nothing about it.After the fake has been busted they just make new friends with unknowing people and start all over again..because they can.

On mspace if there is a profile using photos of you without your permission, you send them a salute. The salute has your myspace user id, the date, your name, and your email. Once they recieve your salute they review both profiles and will delete the profile or remove the photos of you. I have helped several people get fake profiles of them removed. The same goes for many sites like realpic, bebo, facethejury, etc. Yet here on fubar if someone has stolen your photos and is using them for a fake profile, you're s.o.l. IF you have the photos copyrighted then you can contact fubars copyright department, fill out the proper paper work, mail it to them, and have the photos removed. But no one really copyrights their personal photos.

Why are fakes such a big deal? No one likes to be mislead and lied to. This is common with fake profiles. If they will lie about how they look then who knows what else they have lied about. But the biggest part of it is the money factor. Fakes tend to latch on to the kindhearted people on fubar as a way to get free vips, happy hours, bling, bling credits, autos, bombs, blasts, tickers from them. So it really sucks for the users when they find out the person isn't who they say they are.

Quite a few fakes have gone so far as to either have that person fly out to meet them (which is when they figure out the person isn't the person they saw in the pictures) or con them out of actual money (needing money for bills, food, or whatever the excuse is that gets the person to send them money).

Another thing that fakes do  (the biggest thing that pisses me off about fakes) is SELL access to their nsfw photos. Except the photos aren't them, its of the person they are faking. They sell access for bling packs, blasts, tickers, happy hours, etc. It's one thing if they are your photos. But its ILLEGAL to do so if they aren't your photos.

Is it fubars responsibility? No, but they should be part of the solution since it is their site that a good deal of us put our money into. It's all on you if you spend money on someone from fubar. It's your money. But more times then not when you've been burned by a fake the finger is often pointed at fubar and the user is left with a sour taste in their mouth for fubar. To some degree fubar should do something about the fakes.

I'm not saying fubar should go on a witch hunt and delete all the fakes. But there have been times where i've presented the ORIGINAL salute of users that have a fake yet verified salute of. All fubar does is  unverify the salute. But its left in their photos for other people to see. Not everyone can tell if a salute is fake or not. Not even the ones that approve them.

If the original owner of the photos submits a salute stating they are not on fubar along with their contact info, the fake profiles should be deleted.They broke the T.O.S in which they agreed to stating that their photos are their own which is grounds for deletion.


What is the point of having guidelines for salutes if they don't have to be followed by everyone? One of the guidelines is that your face has to be visible. Yet I see a lot of profiles with verified salutes where you can barely tell if the person in the salute is the same as the person in the photos. Another one of the guidelines is NO black and white salutes. I see more and more black and white salutes that have been verified every day. I could easily submit a salute in color then submit the same salute in black & white and have them both verified. No biggie right? Except for the fact that its WAY easier to fake a black and white salute then it is to fake one in color.

Maybe people that approve or deny salutes should take a salute test before given that power lol. Don't get me wrong I know some amazing bouncers, but someone is approving salutes that don't follow the guidelines.


To me this is one of the biggest things that changed fubar for the worse. We all understand why the rate speed was changed. Like always some jackass had to ruin it for everyone. But the time limit put on the rating now has users to the point where they barely rate anyone but people with autos. At least cut 2-3 seconds off that wait time. The less people rate the less time they spend on fubar. It would be nice to be able to rate just a little bit faster. I think just about everyone would agree with that. Not everyone has hours and hours to waste a way rating.

Since the rating time limit has been changed more and more people offer to pay you fubucks just so they can get some rates.


If you rate the newbies then you've most likely been contacted by a YIM whore. If your a newbie then without a doubt you've been contacted by a YIM whore. These fake profiles created by cam sites/adult sites leaving you a comment, pm, shout saying something like "hey sexy! i'm looking for some new friends to chat with me. Send me a yim on imadirtycamwhore@yahoo.com". I have heard several stories about people actually contacting them. They then give you a link to their cam site that they want you to join to cam with them. Cam sites like that are just about ALWAYS a pay site. Last I recall fubar is a spam free site.


You jackasses scare people off so fast it's not even funny. A new person joins and uploads their picture  and within moments your in their shoutbox trying to dirty talk to them. GET A LIFE. Just because you have to be 18 or older to join DOESN'T mean we're all perverts. YES we have our moments and YES we may chose to be perverted with someone we're interested in on here. But seriously this is why your single and on the prowl on fubar. This site is a way for adults to stay connected. It's a place for us to get away from the children on the internet. A place where the adults can have fun playing games and working on leveling while they make new friends. Sure you can have nsfw photos but they must be marked so those of us that set our profile to not show nsfw material won't have to see your genitals. There's a reason why you can set your veiwing to SAFE FOR WORK or NOT SAFE FOR WORK.

I know a lot of you miss the good ol' days. You miss everyone coming on here to make friends and helping eachother level. How about sticking together like friend the friends you claim to be  and trying to get fubar to change for the better. When I look at my bartab all I ever see anymore is gimme gimme gimme. There are always several people looking to buy autos, bombs, tickers, blasts, vips, and happy hours with their fubucks.Theres always a handful of people looking for a hand out and help leveling. There is always someone begging for something.

It's not just the bartab though. I've had complete strangers shout me either asking or TELLING me to bling them. Sure i've been known to put in my status that i'd like a certain bling. But I do not beg and I do bling back when I have the credits available or I repay the person in another way (rates, salutes, my free ticker).

Perhaps fubar should give users the opportunity to once a month buy a bling pack with their fubucks. Not enough credits to buy big bling. But enough that if they used fubucks for some credits and dished out the $$ for a regular bling pack they could afford the bling they've been eyeing and craving. It would be like a fudiscount. Or give us some kind of way that once a month or so we can get a discount on bling credits. How about if you send someone a bling pack you get a certain amount of free credits. Example: you buy a friend a $20 bling pack and fubar gives you the bonus free bling credits instead. Maybe if fubar did it that way it would be a win win for everyone and people would be more inclined to toss a bling pack to a friend since they are getting something as well.


My point of this blog is not to bitch and complain about fubar and the members. It's to get the members to stand up and tell fubar they want a change. Members invest their money in this site so they have the right to want a change. Changes only come when voices are heard and the demand for the change is high.

What would you like to see changed? Even if its something thats listed in this blog, contact the fubar support profile and send them a quick pm. If we try and nothing comes of it, at least we know we tried.

I won't be here for long if changes don't happen. I won't keep busting fakes and having nothing come of it.

Every day I have people on my profile asking me to bust someone. Every day I have people on my profile asking me to vote for their mumm or them in a contest. Every day I have people in my shoutbox begging me for something. And I help because thats what you do on fubar. You help your friends out. I rarely ask or get anything in return.

This is me asking you, the ones I've helped and will help. Will you help make a change or will you be part of the problem?


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog!

Horrible Week

My Unusually Horrible Week:

This week I have had an unusually horrible week. I started off the week hoping that my voice has gotten better. A few weeks ago I used a nasal spray that I ended up having a bad reaction with. My voice has been hoarse and barely working since then. It's very frustrating trying to talk with a fucked up voice. Sometimes the words come out and sometimes they don't. Unfortunately my voice did not get better or worse.

On Monday my home desktop pc ate shit and died on me. For those of you that have had it happen to you, you know how much of a pain in the ass it is. My home pc is custom built by me. So to start off my lovely week I had to dish out a few hundred dollars to build a new pc(I was due for a new one anyway). On top of building my new pc I have to try to salvage whats on my hard drives.

The day I ordered my pc parts and thought maybe the week wouldn't be so bad, was one of the most frustrating days of the week. I get home and charged up my DSLR camera to take new pictures, after a few blurry photos I realized my lens isn't focusing. Turns out the  focus on the lens no longer works. So I pop on my more expensive lens and make another attempt at taking new pictures. The focus on that lens didn't work either. When I get the time and money I have to take my camera and both lenses to the camera repair shop to try and find out whats broken and how much its going to put me in the hole. If I have to replace the lenses I'll be in the hole for a little over a grand. If I need to replace the camera body I'll be in the hole for a little over a grand. Either way....I'll be in the hole.

Yesterday was supposed to be THE day everything would change around. My pc parts were supposed to arrive. Except I only got half of them. It wasn't the parts that allowed me to at least get the pc built before the accessories and gadgets arrived to be put on. NOPE it was half the accessories and some of the pc parts. Needless to say once I got home and found out I still couldn't build my new pc, I was not a happy Candace.

A fufriend last night while I was on my laptop pimped me out. I didn't even know I was pimped out until I recieved several shouts and yims asking me what happened to my default. So I looked. My default was flagged and marked NSFW. So I inquired as to why my photo was marked nsfw. I was told that it was a borderline nsfw photo because of my cleavage. Anyone else see something wrong with that? Take a look at the scroll at the top of the page. It generally goes something like this: guy, guy, cleavage, cleavage, cleavage, guy, bra n panties, guy, guy, chicks ass shot, etc. Yet my default gets marked.

Do I think the photo is nsfw? F*CK NO! Did I care that it was marked nsfw? Not if it was for a good reason. I know the tos better then most of the bouncers and admin. I would not have made it my default if I thought it was nsfw. Yes I was annoyed. No one likes to be subjected to rules that others clearly are not. You can't enforce a rule on one person and not someone else that is doing the same thing. I believe thats even in the Parenting: 101 guide (thats SARCASM).

This morning I woke up and did my normal morning activities. I pulled my phone out of my bag to check the time except my phone wouldn't turn on. After getting to work I plugged it into my charger and my phone still has yet to turn on for me. So on top of everything that has happened this week I now need to get either a new battery for my cellphone or a new phone (even though my phone is only 6 months old).

When I got home from work my pc parts still hadn't arrived. They didn't arrive until i was pulling out of the driveway to get my phone looked at. So it turned out my battery in my phone was bad. I got home and built my pc. The only thing i didn't buy new was my psu. I figured the one I have is only a year old. So I attempt to boot up my new pc and nothing happened.Turns out my psu isn't a high enought watt to run my pc. I ordered a new psu (not happy about that) and now I get to wait for it to come in the mail.

Rating Guide


(without using money)

A lot of people want to level fast but don't have the money for blings and bombs. Having money is NOT the problem. I will be the first to admit that it is the fastest way to level. However, there is hope with leveling fast without spending money. This is my guide on rating! Some of the information you may already know.


As you can tell from the chart above profile rates give you and the person your rating the best amount of points. Also rating during happy hour gives you and them double points. However, that doesn't mean ONLY rate profiles during happy hour. 1 point is ALWAYS better then no points. Bitching about not being rated will not get you rates. If it does then eventually it will wear off and people will get sick of you crying for rates yet never giving rates in return. The best way to get rates is to do the work yourself and RATE. Don't expect everyone else to do the work for you. Create a system for yourself but spread things out throughout the week.

Points Chart:

*Note: I've gathered this information from other charts so the points may not be acurate.

Ways to get rates:


Rate, Fan, and Add the newbies! They are new to the site and could use a little guidance. Help them out by tossing them a rate, fan, and add. They will surely show up on your page to rate, fan, and add you back. Many newbies will rate several of your photos as a way to check out the site and out of curiosity. Since there are so many newbies joining in a day you could do this several times a day EVERY day to help keep the rates coming.

Top Ranks:

Rate, Fan, and Add the top dudes, chicks, and members (daily and overall). Set an hour or so aside a day, pick a list, and rate your heart out. Rates get reset a week after you rated. So every week you could start the rating process all over again. But you could mix it up and pick one thing to do every week. You don't have to start at the begining of the list either. Start at the end of the list first and work your way up to #1 tops.

Secret Admirer:

Play the secret admirer game!! So you guessed wrong. Did you know that you could hold CTRL  + click on the Wrong and it will open the users profile in a new tab (for firefox)? Throw them a rate, fan, add, and admire them while you're at it! Most of them will rate, fan, add, and admire you back. The matches you do make send them a drink as well as a rate, fan, and add. Typically they send you a drink back. Why do you want the drink? When your buzzmeter is 100% you get a 10% bonus for everything you do on fubar. You should try to keep yourself at 100% at all times.


Stopping into lounges to chat for a bit will get users also in the lounge to rate/fan/add. Lounge staff tends to rate/fan/add new lounge members so be sure you subscribe to the lounge your visiting.  Going into a lounge is also a good way to fill up your buzzmeter. Don't be a douchebag and  just go into a lounge for the drinks but not return the favor. At least buy one round.


Stop by the "Bored?" section and rate photos for a few minutes. This is  something you can spend a few minutes doing whenever you feel like. The photos are random so its an endless opportunity for pic rates.


Create a global mumm or comment and vote on other users mumms. BEWARE the people that comment on mumms can be vicious. If you're sensitive I wouldn't suggest creating a mumm. However mumms are a great way to get people to view you and rate you. Be sure you rate them back or there may be a mumm about you next (j/k).

Leveling Groups:

If you have the free time you could join a leveling group. These people help eachother with rates when they are close to leveling. If you join and do not help out you will end up getting removed from the leveling group and will not get help from them. Its a great way to network with others that will help you get rates as long as you help them with rates. Most leveling groups have requirements in order to join.


Every two weeks fubar allows you to buy a ticker using your fubucks (250k) . You could also offer fubucks to buy other people's free ticker . With the right message you can get a good deal of rates.


If your a high enough level or know someone that is a level 28 (angel) or higher they have the ability to pimp you out. This means that you will be in the scroll of pictures at the top of EVERY page on fubar for a certain amount of time (up to 5 minutes). Pimpouts are not given out freely unless you are good friends with that person. A lot of users trade their pimpouts for fubucks (ranging up to 1mil fubucks). You can always strike up a deal with the user if they are willing. You can barter with pic rates as well. DO NOT harass  people to pimp you out. You're likely to end up on their block list instead.


This is a special ability people level 31 and up can grant someone. It gives you ALL of their points they accumulate in 12 hours. Most  users sell this ability for  bling packs, autos, bombs, etc. But there are some out there that  will use this on you if your offer is good enough.

No matter what when you rate someone there is a good chance they will rate you back. So make sure that you at least TRY to rate people back that have so kindly stopped by your page and tossed you a rate.  Keep in mind that the more popular people have a bartab that moves so fast that sometimes they can only see a few minutes or seconds of their bartab. We don't all sit at home 24/7 on fubar doing rate backs. If you REALLY want them to rate you back drop them a profile comment letting them know that you rated/fanned/and added them. This way  they will know that you rated them  if they miss seeing you in their bartab. Make sure you rate and fan ALL of your friend requests.

Rating Plan:

Have a rating plan! You can switch it up every week but if you have a rating plan you'll find your time on fubar more active and you'll get more for the time spent on fubar. Its much better then sitting around waiting and complaining about not getting rates.

This is my Rating Plan:

( I switch it up from time to time and sometimes I don't have time to do all of it but I stick to my plan as best as i can)


  • Rate/fan the newbies in the morning, afternoon, when i get home from work, and before bed (I do not send them friend requests until they rate me back. I feel it gets them more active with the site).

  • Rate/fan all friend requests before adding.
  • Rate/fan people back that are in my bartab.


  • Rate/fan/add top members


  • Rate/fan/add top dudes


  • Rate/fan/add top chicks


  • Rate/fan/add top members


  • Secret admirer

Saturday and Sunday:

  • I'm not around much on weekends but if I am I make up for whatever I didn't do in my rate plan during the week. If I did everything then I stick to my everyday rates and maybe hit the Bored? section.


  • Use Firefox
  • With firefox to open multiple  pages in tabs hold CTRL + click on the link. Click on the first tab and rate/fan/add them, close the tab and move to the next one. Once you get the hang of it you'll work your way through the top lists and newbies faster then opening 1 profile at a time.
  • To close a tab you can press CTRL + W. If you work between CTRL + Click and CTRL + W rating/fanning/and adding people will take much less time.
  • Do Ratebacks!!!
  • Rates reset a week after you rated the person.
  • There's a time limit for rating. You have to wait a few seconds before moving to the next rate or you'll get the bouncer check.

If you have something to add to the guide please leave it as a comment on the blog and I will add it to the blog along with your profile link! I did not list every single way to give/get rates. It is up to you on how much you will rate and your method of rating.


Please rate this blog!


This is not an official guide nor is this guide perfect. I created this to help my friends and new bombers.

Most of us on fubar already know what a cherry bomb bling. But for those of you that don't..a cherry bomb is a special ability bling that can be purchase in the bling shop (http://www.fubar.com/blingshop.php) with 35 bling credits. Fubars description of the cherry bomb bling is "When activated, you can rate up to 250 photos in a single album an 11 with one click for ONE (1) hour. You can Cherry Bomb one album per member and you will have unlimited 11's when using your Cherry"

Things you should know before bombing:

  • You can bomb an album every 30 seconds if timed correctly.
  • You get more points for bombing someones album containing the full 250 photos while they have autos running during happy hour.
  • Your shoutbox will be over run with people asking (and sometimes demanding) you to bomb them.
  • If you run multiple bombs in a day you can bomb the same albums with every bomb. Example: You bomb my 250 photo album, when that bomb ends you run another bomb, you can bomb my same 250 photo album.

Things I use to bomb:

  • Mozilla Firefox(free): http://en-us.www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/upgrade.html
  • TimeLeft Timer(free):http://download.cnet.com/TimeLeft/3000-2350_4-10034817.html?tag=mncol
  • Microsoft Word (you can use word pad, note pad, or any other program that suits you best)

How I bomb:


Open Microsoft Word and set your document to numbering. The numbering is so you can keep track of how many people you have in your bombing list.

Find people you want to bomb. I like to use the who's online pages (http://www.fubar.com/whosonline.php). In Firefox if you hold down your CTRL key and click on the user you plan to bomb it opens the page up in a tab. This is so you don't lose your place in the who's online pages. Click over to the tab for the user. View the users photo albums and find one that contains 250+ photos. Right click on the album then click on Copy Link Location. Paste the link into your Word document and press enter. If your using word the link with become a hyperlink. Once your list is filled up open up the TimeLeft Timer. In the timer settings set your timer for 30 seconds. The timer stays on top of your screen at all times. Make sure you have it in a position so you can easily click from the "Cherry bomb this album" link to the red restart button on the timer. Make sure your speakers are on so you can hear the timer ding.Hit play on the timer.

On Firefox close all of your tabs and direct your page to your bling and locate your unused bomb. DO NOT ACTIVATE IT YET!! Pull up your Word document. Hold down the CTRL button and click on the first link. The link will open up as a tab in firefox. The link should have lead you to the album you plan to bomb. Do this again so you have two of the albums you plan to bomb already open and ready to go. Activate your bomb and close the tab. You can close a tab by clicking the X on the tab OR by pressing CTRL W. Right when the tab closes refresh the album your going to bomb first. I do this by clicking on the album's listing to the left. This way loads the page faster then if you hit the refresh button or press CTRL R.


  1. Quickly click on the "Cherry bomb this album".
  2. Hit the red restart button on the timer.
  3. Click on the X to close the album you just bombed.
  4. Scroll down on the next profile so your timer is positioned right above your link. This will make it easier to click both quickly.
  5. Pull up Word.
  6. Hold down CTRL and click on the next link.
  7. When Firefox pops back up with the new tab loaded. Click back to the first tab.
  8. Once your timer reaches 0 click on "Cherry bomb this album"
  9. Hit the red restart button.

Keep following the steps above as you work through your bomb list.It's your bomb so use it however you would like. Bombs can be quite chaotic when not using a list and when you pay attention to your shoutbox.


Bomb Etiquette:

  • If someone bombs you send them a drink and thank them.
  • If you ask someone to bomb you, BOMB THEM BACK! Even if its months later. They went out of their way to bomb you, so please do the same for them.

Little tidbit of info: If you bomb someone every 30 seconds for 60 minutes the cost of  bombing per person is  $0.25. The less people you bomb in the hour the more it costs to bomb per person.


  • If you want to get bombed at least take the time to read the user's status and abide with what it says (if the status says no links, don't drop your link in their shoutbox asking them to bomb you).
  • DO NOT shout someone saying "bomb me", it's rude.
  • DO NOT shout the person more then once during their bombing.
  • If you don't have autos make a decent fubucks offer (anything under 10k is a weak offer).
  • If someone you bombed doesn't thank you, don't throw a hissy fit. Simply make a mental note to not bomb them anymore.
  • If you bombed someone and they are bombing, don't demand them to bomb you because you just bombed them. Drop them a quick shout letting them know that you just bombed them (BE POLITE!!).
  • Don't strike up a conversation with someone you haven't talked to in weeks because you see them bombing and hope you can weasel your way into their bomb list.
  • The best payback is to either bomb them back or rate 250 pics of theirs.


Be kind to bombers and they'll be kind to you!!

Busted Blog! 7/16/09

Blog Link: http://www.fubar.com/blog/207243/1045693

Please show your appreciation and rate my blog to the left! Thank You! :)

My 3 FUWishes

I would love to get 50 blog rates so I can have a top blog. I blog a lot to inform others of whats up on fu, bust the fakes, and rant about things so you all can join in and rant with me. I'd like to think I deserve to have a top blog. :)

1,100 more fans so I become a legend! :)

I'm also just under 2.5 mil from becoming a Virtual Virgin.

The best part is that it's all FREE! I'm happy to help you out in return when I can. Heavy raters and big helpers will get bling'd when I have credits available (I'll keep a list so I can bling you when I do get credits)

She's Busted?!

Blog Link: http://fubar.com/blog/207243/1043233


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 15 years ago
Fubar Skins
 15 years ago
 15 years ago
Fubar Comment Graphics
official fubar blogs
 8 years ago
fubar news by babyjesus  
 14 years ago
fubar.com ideas! by babyjesus  
 10 years ago
fubar'd Official Wishli... by SCRAPPER  
 11 years ago
Word of Esix by esixfiddy  

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