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NSFW pictures

I'm sure you've gotten that notice in your inbox... the nasty letter from Fubar Shop informing you that your favorite picture of you in a cherry thong has been flagged as containing adult content. I'm sure you've looked at the photo and said, "Well, I don't see this as offensive," and stormed into the Support Lounge or sent a shout or a PM to a bouncer and said, "Unmark this, please." It seems the bigger issue is that the general membership and the bouncers that moderate public photos are not on the same page when it comes to what is considered NSFW. This article serves two purposes: to educate the reader on exactly what bouncers are instructed to look for when determining whether or not a picture is NSFW, and to give you general background as well as inform you of the process and why we use it. This is not intended to be a "letter of the law" bible, nor is it to be used to find out how to circumvent the rules. The final authority on how NSFW is interpreted belongs to site staff (level 150 and above). As of May 19th, 2008, these are the guidelines we as bouncers are expected to follow. Keep in mind that most of these criteria will also depend on the folder the picture is in. Pictures in "default" or set as your primary image will be moderated with more strict guidelines than ones that are hidden away.

What is NSFW

  1. Sexually suggestive pictures
    • Blatant nudity, including exposed genitals, breasts, buttocks
    • Pictures focusing on just the above, whether covered or not (usually, but not always, there will be no face in the shot)
    • Shots of just the member's torso with no head
    • Legs spread wide, regardless of whether or not the member is wearing underwear
    • Gripping or holding an erogenous zone through one's clothing
    • Any depiction of a sexual act
  2. Primary photos that have swear words in them
    • Essentially, George Carlin's "Seven Dirty Words." However, words like "hell," "boobs," "ass," and "bitch" show up on prime-time broadcast television and usually won't be moderated. Avoid the major shock words.
  3. Improperly displayed guns
    • Is the gun pointed towards the viewer? Is it pointed at anyone else? Then, yes, this is NSFW.
    • Is it on a gun rack? Are you just posing with the gun pointed away from people? Are you skeet-shooting? Then this is safe.
  4. Drugs
    • Drugs or drug use depicted in your default folder or as your primary will be moderated. In any folder other than default, we will usually leave them alone.
  5. Overly tasteless or violent images
    • Excessive gore, blood, or dismembered body parts
    • Anything representing extreme violence
    • Bodily waste (urine, feces)
  6. Any image slandering any ethnic group
    • You may have images promoting your ethnic group in a positive way ("Full-Blooded Italian," "Kiss me: I'm Irish," etc.). Racist or derogatory images in your album will be moderated.
To be clear, the above section describes what we look for when moderating photos and what we will usually flag.

What is NOT NSFW

  1. Tattoos: as long as the image would be considered Safe For Work, and as long as the focus of the image is clearly the tattoo and not the breast it's on, then displaying a tattoo is an exception to the "must have a head in the shot" rule.
  2. Marijuana pictures: As long as these aren't your primary picture and are in a separate folder from your default pictures, we will usually leave these shots alone. (Please don't run up to a bouncer and ask him or her to unflag your entire farm if they have already been flagged.)
  3. Cusswords: As long as it is not your primary photo, a picture with a swear word is not necessarily NSFW.
  4. Legs: As long as the focus is on your legs and you aren't including your buttocks, legs are not NSFW. Yes, you are allowed to set a shot of your legs as your primary photo.

The What and the Why

The Goal

The general mindset we use here is: keep the public areas clean. If it can be accessed somehow by someone who is not logged in, it is considered a public area and therefore should not contain NSFW pictures. Your stash is public. No porn allowed in there, please. Bouncers will delete your stash items if they are found to be NSFW. Profile and MuMM comments are considered public, too. We reserve the right to delete them as we come across them. In some cases, the poster of the comment may have his or her posting privileges suspended. Have you tried to post a comment somewhere and have been foiled by the message "ERROR: You're not allowed to do this?" This is probably why.

Community Moderation

Fubar.com is a community-moderated site. The bouncers cannot be everywhere, as much as we try to be. By responisbly and appropriately flagging your own pictures NSFW, you make our lives easier. By reporting NSFW photos that you come across by using the Report this photo link, you do your part. Be aware that every photo that gets reported is reviewed by a bouncer. It is not flagged NSFW until a bouncer sets the picture as such. Also: be aware that while the person you flag has no reliable way of knowing it was you who reported the shot, the bouncers are able to determine this with 100% accuracy. We won't rat you out, but if we find you are flagging someone's pictures purely out of spite, envy or malice, you risk losing your Fubar.com account, irrevocably. Your VIP status, level, and rank do not factor into this equation.

What happens when a picture is marked NSFW?

From a technical standpoint, NSFW content you own is invisible to people who aren't on your friend list. It also will not show up for people who are level 0, or people who have the "Show NSFW content" flag in their settings turned off. This also applies to folders marked NSFW. Content marked NSFW will also not show up in the "recent" pages on the site (pictures will not appear in "Recent Photos," global MuMMs will not appear in the "Recent MuMMs" list, etc.). In addition, photos marked NSFW cannot be ripped or submitted as salute photos. This is why it is important to mark your NSFW pictures, even if those pictures are in private folders. Someone on your friends list with access to the photo can rip it and use it as his or her primary picture. When that happens and that picture gets marked NSFW, you will also receive a notification that your picture was marked NSFW (in fact, any copies of that picture on Fubar that were ripped from you will also be marked). We do this to keep that picture you took for your girlfriend on that special night from floating across the scrolling marquee at the top of the screen, which shows the primary pictures of people who are currently online.

What if my picture was marked in error?

If you believe one of your photos was marked NSFW in error, the correct procedure is as follows:
  1. Contact a bouncer via PM, shoutbox, or in the Support Lounge (preferred).
  2. Politely request that a bouncer review this picture. (Look for orange names. See the help page for a list of bouncers.)
  3. Add that bouncer to your friends list. Bouncers cannot see NSFW pictures unless they are on your list.
  4. Provide the bouncer with a link to that picture. You can either PM that bouncer with an address via the "link this photo" link on that photo's page, or you can copy and paste what's in the address bar. Do not paste links into the support lounge itself!
  5. Allow the bouncer time to review the photo. If it is clearly not NSFW, you will receive an automatically generated PM stating it has been unmarked. If the bouncer determines that the picture is actually NSFW (a valid flag), he or she will explain to you why.
Bouncers are not obligated to unmark your pictures, even if you believe they are safe for work. Also, they will not go searching through your folders for photos to clear flags from. You must provide them with the link.


Previous postings may have appeared vague. This guide is not an exception by any means. Feel free to ask a bouncer for help when determining what to post in public and what not to. You will find that communication is the best way to resolve many problems.
Edits: 11/5/08, 12:55 PST: Added note that we won't go folder-diving.

The New Bling

There have been new, special types of bling released today.

Limited-Edition Bling

These bling are in a limited number, site-wide. If you were given one, consider yourself special. bling_kitt.gif K.I.T.T., 1 credit bling_ateam.gif A-Team Van, 3 credits bling_general_lee.gif General Lee, 5 credits bling_pink_diamond.gif Pink Diamond, 35 credits

Game-breakin' Bling

These bling are "activated abilities" on your Fubar account. They will modify how your account works for a set period of time. bling_elevens.gif Auto-11's, 10 credits: For the next 24 hours, when something of yours is rated 1 through 10, it counts as an 11 and you get points accordingly. If something of yours is rated an actual 11, you get twice the points for it. bling_ninja.gif Ninja Mode, 25 credits: For the next 3 hours, you don't show up on "recently viewed" lists when browsing profiles, photos, mumms, stash, or anything else that leaves a trail.
Bling on, people.

Shoutbox - Did you know?

Did you know you can open your shoutbox in a new window? Have you seen this icon? tt_action_shout.gif Hover over your friend's picture with your mouse and watch the tooltip pop-up box appear. You'll see the tt_action_shout.gif icon. Click on it and you have a nice, easy, convenient way of shouting someone.
The best part: you can have different shoutboxes open for different people! Never accidentally profess your undying love to some random stranger again! 3000184292.jpg

Fubar Bible Errata

The Fubar Bible is the comprehensive guide for all things Fubar. Many bouncers recommend newcomers and veterans alike peruse this document as it answers many questions about how the website works. Over time, however, changes to Fubar have come faster than the udpates to the Fubar Bible have. This blog attempts to catalog some of the changes that have gone on that haven't made it into the Fubar Bible yet. For your reference, here is the link to the Fubar Bible: http://fubar.com/bible.php. It will open in a new window.

Fubar Levels and Points

  1. What are Points and how do I earn them?
    ... Successfully invite someone to join Fubar (500 points each)...
    See Invite Bonus for the correct explanation on how many points you earn for successfully inviting a member. Suffice it to say, you can earn up to 14,000 points.
  2. fubar Levels: Levels, Points, and Unlocks
    20, Rock Star, 425,000, Bolded nickname
    The Bolded Nickname unlock actually happens when you verify your e-mail. You no longer have to wait until go Rock Star.

Other Fubar Features

  1. What are packs?
    ... Members of a pack have their Pack Icon displayed on their tooltip (the little box of data that pops up when you mouse over someones photo), CT home page, and on their profile...
    By "CT", assume we mean "Fubar."

Reporting Abuse / Blocking

  1. Someone on fubar is bugging/harassing/threatening me - what can I do about it?
    ... fubar gives you the ability to BLOCK any member. fubar staff and bouncers will NOT get in the middle of member disputes. If you would like us to remove your account, please send a message to fubar Support requesting to remove you profile.
    For users below level 20 (and non-VIP members), you can also remove your account from the Account Settings menu ("My", "Settings", "Account Settings" tab). Otherwise, you will need to contact Fubar Support.
  2. How do I use the Family Block feature? You don't. It doesn't exist anymore. It was removed in early '08.

Feel free to leave comments with other errors you come across in the Fubar Bible that I might have missed. I will credit you in this blog.

Midgets not appearing...

So, have you gone in and tried to post a midget as a comment to someone's profile and discovered it isn't there when you go to look at it? There's a reason! You can no longer post "embed" and "object" code to newbies' profiles. This includes midgets. In my opinion, it has always been bad form to post midgets on other people's profiles as a way to leech points. The irony is: you couldn't earn points for midgets when the hits come from fubar.com, anyway. Even if they did show up, you'll only earn points/views when the source of the hit comes from a site outside of Fubar.
The "report this photo" feature is designed to call Fubar bouncers' attention to a picture that is Not Safe For Work. Please do not use this feature to report a suspect profile. I'll repeat myself. Please do not use this feature to report a suspect profile. Many fake profiles use Safe For Work pictures. If you flag a bunch of SFW, it looks to us like you're maliciously flagging a member. This could get your account deleted! If you need to report a profile that is violating the terms of service, please notify a bouncer through fubar mail. Include the Fubar ID, or a link to the profile (click on "link to this profile" on the suspect's public profile page, and copy/paste the code into your message).

Regarding items such as HH's, Stickies, Blasts, Tickers, and Blings

It has come to our attention that Fubar has been having an issue with giving out these items upon payment, if you have and questions or concerns about this, please contact Fubar Support, leave a detailed message and your user ID number, along with any reciepts.

A little about the above...

  • This announcement applies to anything you purchase on Fubar.com. This means Happy Hours, bulletin stickies, blasts, tickers, Fu-Bling, as well as T-Shirts.
  • Make sure you screenshot the confirmation screen whenever you buy something on Fubar. This is your receipt. This is the best way to prove you bought and paid for something.
  • While we're on that subject, try this: make a separate photo album for your receipts. Upload your screenshots to that folder (set it private if you want). You can copy the image location within your browser and send the link to Fubar Support. The best part: you'll earn points for uploading the photo!
  • Need help finding your Fubar ID? It's on your home page, in your browser's title bar, in parentheses. Most recent accounts have a 7-digit number. You can also find it in the status bar of your browser as you hover your mouse over your own picture.

Fubar New Features

I will be editing this blog each time we are made aware of a new feature (documented or otherwise). Last update: 3:18 AM 6/27/2008 (Central) New changes have a yellow date.

July 2008

  • [2008-07-03] Games have returned. Go play some. Click on Fun and Games in the menu above.

June 2008

  • [2008-06-26] Anonymous Gift-Sending: This is actually an old feature that was resurrected. You may send gifts to other members anonymously. The gifts will show that they're from Fubar Shop.
  • [2008-06-26] Fubar Midgets: If you go to http://www.fubar.com/mymidget.php, you will be brought to a page that has code on it. This code, when placed on any other webpage, will show a real-time, mini-version of your Fubar home page. Each time it's viewed, you'll earn points.
  • [2008-06-19] Tooltip and Photo Views: VIP members can now count how many times their tooltip windows and photos have been viewed. Statistics measuring each will show up on their home pages.
  • [2008-06-19] New Level Requirement: To get beyond level 3, you now must have logged at least one legitimate referral (in other words, you must have invited at least one person and had that person join the site). If you are already past level 3 and still don't have a legitimate join, your points will be stuck where they are until you do.

Known issues:

  • Unexpected Logouts: A problem has been identified where members attempting to buy VIP and fu-bling get logged out during the transaction. It seems the transaction is canceled as the user is logged out. It is currently unclear if only specific browsers and OS's are affected, but so far, it has been seen on Firefox and IE across Windows XP and Vista Home Premium.
  • Friends Requests Disappearing: Occasionally, a member will see that he or she has several friends requests awaiting acceptance in the bar tab. When that member goes to approve them, the message "you have no pending friend requests" appears. Note from admin: When reporting this, please click "see all" in your bar tab and be prepared to give the bouncer the Fubar ID numbers of those friend requests that have disappeared recently.
Why am I not able to use the multi-uploader anymore in Firefox? Because of certain compatibility issues with the old Aurigma software package that provided Fubar with the multi-image uploader, Fubar made a decision to switch versions of the product from a Java applet to an ActiveX control. Huh? I said... ... No, I got that. What does that mean in English? It means if you're running Firefox, the multi-uploader won't work for you anymore. Use the single-uploader instead, or use Internet Explorer. OK... Pretend I only know half the story. How does an upgrade break the program for one browser and fix it for another? Well, it's like this... Java's selling point is that the technology is designed to work on every platform that has a "Java Virtual Machine" on it (and that's most operating systems, now). The old version of the multi-uploader was a Java applet, which IE, Firefox, and basically every other modern browser supports. ActiveX is a proprietary Microsoft technology. IE, being a Microsoft product, comes with everything you need to run ActiveX controls already. Firefox requires a plugin (a module that teaches Firefox how to render certain objects; for example, Firefox has a plugin to play Windows Media Player objects, which is what lets you hear music in the lounges). So, why not get a plugin to let Firefox process ActiveX controls? There was one. The problem is that it only works for Firefox 1.5. At the time of this writing, Firefox is up to version So, what do I do? If you're using IE, nothing. Continue enjoying Fubar as you did. If you're using a browser that doesn't support ActiveX, you'll have to either wait for a plugin to be developed for your browser, switch browsers to one that does support ActiveX, wait for Fubar to update the multi-uploader again, or use the single-uploader for now. Of course, if you have any questions, feel free to visit the support lounge.

Favorite Photos

Fubar feature: "Favorite Photos"

This feature is accessible by going to your "My" menu, and clicking "Favorite Photos."

What does it do?

I'm glad you asked! This feature allows you to put your favorite pictures of Fubarbarians in one nifty spot so that you can view them all in one screen.

How does it work?

Favorite Photos keeps track of pictures you flagged as your favorite. Go to any user's profile, find a picture you like, and click "add to my favorites."

How is this different from ripping a photo?

Well, only you can see photos you marked as favorite. Ripped photos show up in your gallery, and can be rated (or reported!) by other members. Also, some members don't like their pictures being ripped, so they'll put a block on them. Also, you can add NSFW pictures to your Favorite Photos. By their nature, photos marked NSFW can't be ripped.

What if I don't want this person on my favorites anymore?

In a similar manner to removing family and blocked users, go back to your Favorites page and click the Remove link underneath the photo.

Am I notified when someone adds me as a favorite?

Yes. You will receive a notification in your bar tab whenever someone picks a favorite photo of yours. If you're curious who added you, you can click the link at the top of the Favorite Photos page (it says, "click here to see those who've added your photos to their favorites!"). This should satisfy your vanity some.

What else should I know about Favorite Photos?

Currently, you can only have one Favorite Photo per user at a time. In other words, you've gone to their profile and chosen your favorite picture of them from among their entire gallery - you can't have two that you like the best, can you? For example: I go to User A's page and tag one photo as her favorite. Then, I go to User B's page and tag the picture of his mohawk. Then I go to User C's and get the picture of that nifty little New Year's Eve riot (where we all got a little drunk) he had at his house. Then, I go back to User A's and find another picture I like. So far, I have 3 favorites in my folder, but if I choose another User A shot, it will replace the old one (but not affect B or C). Got it? We clear? Cool beans. Seek us out in the fubar Support Lounge if you have any questions.
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