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Brewery Lane Strawberry Wine For 1 Imperial gallon: 4 lbs of ripe strawberries 2 lbs sugar 1 teaspoon yeast nutrient 1 teaspoon acid blend 1 teaspoon pectic enzyme 1/2 teaspoon of tannin 1 package yeast Lalvin EC-1118 wine yeast Campden tablets (add one campden tablet for each gallon of wine) Dissolve sugar in warm water. Remove the hulls and then crush the fruit and add it along with all ingredients except the yeast and pectic enzyme. After 24 hours add the yeast and pectic enzyme. Stir daily for 6 days and then let rest for 24 hours. Rack off pulp and sediment into secondary fermenter. Attach airlock and rack again in 3 weeks. Note: This recipe is for one gallon of wine. To make more wine, just multiply however many gallons you make.

Gluten Free Beer Recipe

Gluten Free Beer Recipe "There's a Hole in the Buckwheat Ale" (Gluten-Free Buckwheat Beer Recipe) by Eric Constans In my obsessive quest for a good-tasting gluten-free beer this recipe is the best so far. It ends up tasting a little like Coors light, which is at least slightly better than no beer at all. (Really!) This beer is still in the experimental stages, so feel free to play with the amount of hops, etc. or to add other GF ingredients such as molasses or malted millet. Make sure you check with your doctor before consuming any of these ingredients. Ingredients for 5 Gallons: 3 lbs. malted buckwheat (recipe follows) 1 cup corn sugar 1 oz. Saaz hops 2 oz. Hallertauer hops 6 lb. rice syrup 1 pkg. Danstar ale yeast Put crushed malted buckwheat into strainer bag, add to 1½ gallons of water in brewpot. Keep buckwheat in brewpot, stirring, until water starts boiling. Remove buckwheat and add rice syrup, corn sugar and ½ oz. each of the Saaz and Hallertauer hops. Boil for 30 minutes and add ¼ oz. each of the Saaz and Hallertauer hops. Boil for 15 minutes and add another ¼ oz. of each type of hops. Boil for another 15 minutes to make a total boiling time of 1 hour, then let the remaining 1 oz. Hallertauer hops steep in the wort for 2 minutes. Strain into your fermenter and pitch yeast when cooled. This "beer" will ferment for longer than most ales, for about 10 days. Add ¾ cup corn sugar for bottling, and let the beer age for at least 1 week before drinking. Instructions for Malting Buckwheat: Since as gluten-free home brewers we can't just go to our homebrew supply store and buy malted buckwheat or millet, we must malt it ourselves in order to brew with it. Luckily, this is a pretty simple process. First, obtain raw (that is, uncooked and untoasted) buckwheat from a health food store or co-op. Rinse about 1 lb. and let it sit for 30-48 hrs completely submerged in water, rinsing it off every 8 hours or so. The buckwheat will expand as it soaks up some of the water and also produce a sticky oily substance, which should be rinsed off. Now put the buckwheat into a strainer or fine-mesh colander and let it sit in the open air in a cool dark place, rinsing off every 8 hours to prevent mold. After 1 day you will see rootlets forming. Let the buckwheat sit in the open air for about 2 days, or until some of the rootlets are about twice as long as the grain bodies. Spread the buckwheat out in a thin layer on several cookie sheets and bake in a 200-250º oven until the buckwheat becomes hard and crunchy (and tastes remarkably like Grape-Nuts) At this point you may increase the temperature and make dark-roasted buckwheat, for darker-colored beers. Use a rolling pin or a glass jar to crush the buckwheat.


MAKING HIGH ALCOHOL WINES One of the advantages of making your own wines at home is that you get to make it the way YOU want it. And controlling the alcohol level is no exception. While we have many customers who like their wines at about 8 to 10 percent alcohol, we have just as many, if not more, who prefer their wines with higher alcohol levels, 13% and higher. Here is some information to help put your fermentations into high gear for achieving maximum alcohol. -Being Realistic First of all, when making a high alcohol wine, you have to resign yourself to the fact that you are fighting an uphill battle. This is because wine yeast has been bred for decades to produce wines that are 10 to 13 percent alcohol, just like the wines you'll find at the store. So when you attempt to make wines that are beyond 13%, you must understand that it is necessary to nurture the fermentation along. You must also have a realistic view of how much alcohol you can expect to make. There have been times on rare occasions when 19 or 20 per- cent has been obtain, but in reality 15 or 16 percent is closer to the norm and 17 or 18 percent is usually considered a godsend. Also, be prepared for fermentations that just can't do much beyond 13 or 14 percent. Different fruits, mix of nutrients and overall fermentation environment contribute to the unpredictability of a fermentation. - Increasing The Flavor The flavor intensity of the wine, whether it comes from grapes, water- melons, blackberries or whatever, needs to be boosted in wines that are intended to have high alcohol. This is to help keep the wine's character in balance. Higher alcohol levels numb the taste buds more so than normal when these wines are consumed, making a normally flavored wine taste watery through no fault of its own. When making these types of wines use more of the fruit when possible. For example, instead of using 3 or 4 pounds of blackberries for each gallon of wine, try using 5 or 6 pounds instead. - How Do I Track The Alcohol Being Made? Using a hydrometer is key to controlling the fermentation and tracking the alcohol that is being made. Trying to make high alcohol wine without a hydrometer is like driving at night without headlights, you will be left in the blind. While there are usually two or three different scales on a hydrometer, the one we are concerned with - as a high alcohol winemaker - is the "Potential Alcohol" scale found on any wine making hydrometer. The Potential Alcohol scale is simply a listing of numbers, usually, from 0 to 20. By tracking how much your readings move across the scale throughout the fermentation you can determine how much alcohol has been made. For example, if you take a reading of 12% on the scale before the wine's fermentation starts and then take another reading at the end of ferment- ation of 0%, then your wine has 12% alcohol because it moved 12 point across the scale. It's that simple. For more information on our Sugar Scale Hydrometer which has the Potential Alcohol Scale among others go to: Sugar Scale Hydrometer - Adding Sugar For High Alcohol Many recipes will find for producing high alcohol wines will call for 2 or 3 pounds of sugar per each gallon. And, this is in addition to the sugars that are already being naturally provided by the fruit involved. Adding all this sugar at the beginning of fermentation can result in a big problem. Sugar is what the yeast turns into alcohol. So it stands to reason that you need a lot of sugar to make a lot of alcohol. But, when all the sugar is added at the beginning of fermentation, the concentration levels can be so high that the sugar can actually inhibit the fermentation. The sugar literally start acting as a preservative. One easy way around this problem is to feed the sugar throughout the duration of the fermentation. For example, add enough sugar in the beginning to get the fermentation going. Then as the fermentation slows down, feed more sugar to it every few days until all the sugar called for in the recipe has been added. Optionally, you can keep adding sugar to the fermentation until the yeast has reached its limits. When feeding sugar to a fermentation, the hydrometer can be a big help. When the Potential Alcohol reading gets close to zero, that is your cue to feed more sugar to the fermentation. In turn, the sugar will raise the reading again and the fermentation will again try to ferment towards zero on the scale. This process can go on for several rounds before the yeast simply quits. But without the hydrometer, feeding sugar can be risky. You may be add- ing sugar to a wine that already has too much and is just slowing down because the yeast has reached it's limits instead of running out of sugar. The result can be a wine that is sweeter than you like. - Example Run-Through 1. Lets say you have a starting Potential Alcohol reading of 10%. Eight days later you have a reading of 1%. This means you now have made 9% alcohol, because the fermentation moved nine points across the Potential Alcohol scale. 2. You then add more sugar bringing the hydrometer reading back up to 5%. Two weeks later it reads 1%. Now you have made another 4% on top of the 9% for a total of 13, because the fermentation moved four more points across the scale. 3. Again, you add sugar to the fermentation bring the reading back up to 3%, and the fermentation struggles on for another 3 weeks, but finally gets down to zero bringing your total alcohol level to 16%, which is calculated as follows: 9%+4%+3%. The whole point here is to maintain lower sugar levels during the ferment- ation so that the yeast can work more freely without the force of the sugar acting as a preservative. Also, feeding the sugar in this way helps you to be sure that you are not ending up with a wine that is too sweet for your taste. Wines that are considered extremely sweet are still only reading around 3% on the hydrometer's Potential Alcohol scale. A normal sweet wine will be around 1% while dry wines will read around -1%. - Other Little Secrets Here are some other tips for producing wines with high alcohol levels. 1. Pre-Start The Yeast. Make a wine yeast starter 1 to 2 days before you start the wine. This allows the yeast to hit the wine with its feet running - so to speak. A yeast starter is simply a mixture of sugars with a boosted level of nutrients, usually about 1 pint in size for every 5 gallons of wine to be made. Just mix it up, add the yeast, and allow it to do a mini-fermentation. Once the starter's fermentation starts to slow down, it is then ready to be added to the prepared wine batch, usually around 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 days. We offer a product called Winemaker's Quick Starter which is a mixture of yeast foods and nutrients designed just for making such a starter. We highly recommend using it in situations where high alcohol is desired. For more information about our Winemaker's Quick Starter go to: Winemaker's Quick Starter 2. Maintain Warmer Fermentation Temperatures. Normally, we recom- mend 72 degrees Fahrenheit as the optimum temperature for a ferment- ation. However, in the case of producing higher alcohol wines it would be best to shoot for a range between 74 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. This slightly warmer temperature range will help to keep the yeast invigorated, particularly when it reaches the end of its ability. Fermentation temperatures that are cooler will cause the fermentation to be slower and may even stop all together. Fermentation temperatures that are higher can result in off-flavors in the wine, and in extreme cases hinder the fermentation as well. 3. Provide Plenty Of Air. During the primary fermentation, keep the ferment- ation vessel open to air. Just cover it with a light towel or something similar. This air exposure will help the yeast to multiply more successfully and give it more energy to do the tasked ahead. Once you rack the wine to a secondary fermenter it is then okay to attach an air-lock.

Rice Wine---Sake (Saki)

Rice Wine---Sake (Saki) Ingredients: · 2-1/2 pounds, rice (husked or raw) · 1/2 pint, grape concentrate or 1lb of light raisins · 7 pints, hot water · 2-1/2 pounds, corn sugar or honey · 3 teaspoons, acid blend · 3/4 teaspoon, yeast energizer (nutrient) · 1 tablet, Campden · 1 pack, sherry yeast Procedure: . Wash and coarsely crush rice. . Place rice and chopped raisins in nylon straining bag, tie top and ..place in primary fermentation container. . Pour hot water over rice and stir in all ingredients except yeast and energizer (nutrient). .. (don’t forget the grape concentrate if not using raisins). . Wait 48 hours. . Add yeast and energizer and cover primary. . Stir daily, checking gravity and pressing pulp lightly. . When gravity reaches 1.050 (2-3 days), add 1/4 pound dissolved sugar or ..honey per gallon. . When gravity drops to 1.030 (6-7 days) strain juice from bag. . Siphon wine into secondary fermentation container and attach airlock. . At specific gravity 1.020 add another 1/4lb of dissolved sugar or ..honey per gallon. . When fermentation is complete. SG of 1.000 or less, siphon off into a ..clean secondary container and attach airlock. . Siphon every 2 months to aid in clearing. . Bottle when fermentation ceases or when ready. It is possible to continue building up alcohol by adding additional sugar until fermentation ceases. For a sweeter drink, add 1/2 teaspoon stabilizer and 1/4 pound dissolved sugar, per gallon, before bottling. Of course, you can adjust this recipe according to your past wine making experiences. Good luck and Happy Sake making!
The I-did-it-all-by-myself way: Get the 5 Gallon / 23 liter plastic bucket from your above experiment. Find 15-20 pounds of something resembling fruit or vegetables. Remove stems & seeds if possible. If not possible, crush or mash the fruit without damaging the seeds. Seeds do not help the wine and often contain stuff like cyanide or was it arsenic which might be good for your skin but neither help in the taste department. Squishing with your fingers works well, or a potato masher. A continuous juicer also works. If you can remove the stems and seeds you can use a blender to mush the stuff, with a bit of water to keep from burning out the motor. Dump the ugly mess, called "must", into the plastic bucket. Simmer around 10 pounds of sugar in water until it's a nice clear syrup and stir it into the fruit. Add some water to almost fill the bucket and mix it all up. Leave 4-6 inches of space for the foam and "cap" to rise under the lid, or you might have a mess on the floor. Take a cup or two of your must, with enough water, that it's not too thick, make it nice and warm, not hot, pour in an envelope of wine yeast and stir it up. Keep it warm, perhaps in a bucket of hot water, until you need it. I like to do this when I start to mush or juice the fruit, then, by the time I am finished, there's a healthy slug of foaming yeast to give the bucket a running start. Once a day, for a week or so, stir up the mess with a stick, to break up the "cap". When the ugly bubbling has slowed down, use sives, collanders or rags to strain the ugly mess. Try to squeeze as much juice as you can out of the pulp before you trash it. This is the worst part of the process. Don't expect clear juice. The stuff should settle to the bottom eventually. Best strainer I've found so far is panty hose. You can put one leg in the other and have a fine, strong mesh that you can hang over a bucket, fill with gallons of goop, and later squeeze Pour this murky liquid into a new container, add enough water to almost fill the bucket again and put a lid on it. Anything tight enough to keep flies out, is fine. As long as your juice is bubbling, you don't have to worry about bad bacteria, as the bubbles are CO2 which lies like a blanket over the liquid, protecting it. A sheet of plastic wrapped over the bucket is good. If that's really tight, just put a pinhole or two in the sheet, so pressure doesn't build up. Let it sit undisturbed for a month. A dark and warm place is good. Siphon off the contents leaving the sediment on the bottom, and drink or bottle it. If you're in no rush, siphon it into another large container (this is called "racking") and let it sit for another month or 3. It should get better and gather potency with age. Some thoughts on: Water - Boiled water is recommended but not always necessary. If your water is safe to drink, tapwater should be fine except for the chlorine. Chlorine, however, evaporates quickly. Take hot water with a shower-nozzle or out of an aerating tap of some kind and let it sit for little while. Containers - 4 or 5 gallon buckets are a good size. They can be carried and are large enough to make the job worthwhile. 4 or 5 gallon plastic water-cooler jugs work fine for the secondary fermentation. Of course you could always buy a real glass carboy. Plastic soft-drink containers with screw-lids work well for storing the final product. They are "free" in just about any size you might prefer. One word of caution: never screw the lids down tight, just leave them loose. I never stop the fermentation with chemicals and the stuff can quietly keep bubbling for a year. This protects it better than a cork but if pressure builds up, you may have a fountain of foam when you open them. Labels - Glue-stiks are perfect for sticking any kind of labels on your containers. Ingredients - Berries are about the easiest fruit to handle with almost guaranteed results. So far, my favourite is blackberry wine that is always first beverage-choice by friends. It has a surprisingly high alcohol content and never lasted long. Every year I do several hundred liters, along with another experiment or two. Extra Ingredients - The only reason to use wine yeast is to ensure that a good yeast gets first crack at fermentation. Without it, it's pot-luck if the natural fruit yeast or a bad one from the air, gets things going. Different types of yeast create differing amounts of alcohol in different temperature ranges but all are in the same ball park. One of these days I'll try to educate myself on the finer points of yeast. 2002 I did 150 Liters of blackberry wine using bread yeast and can't tell any difference between it and the rest, where I used wine yeast. Occasionally I've used yeast nutrient when I had trouble getting some yeast started. Otherwise I haven't used any chemicals in years. Sanitation - Sterilizing everything is usually recommended but seems pointless when you consider all the stuff that comes with most fruit (dirt, worms, bugs, pigeon plop . . . ). The yeast will actually digest most of the impurities and convert them to good stuff. Personally, I just wash and rinse things with really hot water only. Dirty containers I keep closed until I wash them, so that they don't dry hard, making washing difficult. Clean containers I keep open so that they stay dry. I rinse everything before each use. Good Luck

Fig Wine recipe

Fig Wine recipe If you substitute raisins for the figs, you can leave out the lemon and orange. Figs are low in acid, while raisins are not. Ingredients · 2 pounds dried figs · 2 campden tablets · 1 teaspoon pectic enzyme · 2 cups honey · 5 cups brown sugar · 1 lemon, juice and rind · 1 orange, juice and rind · 1 teaspoon nutrients · 1 package yeast · water Dissolve honey in an equal amount of water in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil and skim off any foam that appears. Continue to do this until foam stops appearing. Cool. Pour 8 cups boiling water over the figs and one campden tablet. Cool. Remove the figs, chop them roughly and pour another 8 cups boiling water over them with the other campden tablet. Leave overnight. Strain the liquid from the figs and discard the pulp. Combine the two batches of liquid in the primary fermentor. Add pectic enzyme, sugar, prepared honey, nutrients and lemon and orange juice and rind. Add water to make up to 1 gallon. Add yeast. In 3 to 5 days, when the frothing ceases, strain the wine and place it in the secondary fermentor and attach air lock. For a dry wine, rack in six weeks, then every three months for one year. Bottle. For a sweet wine, rack at six weeks. Add 1/2 cup sugar dissolved in 1 cup wine. Stir gently, and place back into secondary fermentor. Repeat process every six weeks until fermentation does not restart with the addition of sugar. Rack every three months until one year old. Bottle the wine when it is 6 to 12 months old. I like to continue racking for a whole year to ensure the wine is as clear as possible. Wine is ready to drink one year after the date the batch was started. Bottle the wine when you are sure it is stable. NOTE: If you are using fresh figs, it will be necessary to use 3 or 4 times the stated amount of fruit. Boil the honey in some water in a large pot -- it will boil up quite high. Allow it to simmer while skimming the foam off the top. Continue until it no longer forms any foam. If adding honey rather than sugar for a sweet wine, boil 1/2 cup honey with 1 cup water rather than in some of the wine. Skim as above. Allow to cool completely before mixing it back into the wine.

Basic 5 Gallon Ale Recipe

Basic 5 Gallon Ale Recipe Ingredients * One 3.3 lb. can hopped extract * One 3.3 lb. can unhopped extract * Two packages Nottingham yeast * 3/4 Cup Corn sugar Equipment (Order Quality Wine and Ale Supply Brewers BestTM Equipment Package #1000) * One large stainless steel stock pot (3 gallons or larger) * One plastic Primary Fermenting bucket with lid and air lock * One plastic Bottling Bucket with Bottling Spigot * Hydrometer * Bottles & Caps * Capper Creating the Wort 1. Sterilize all equipment associated with the Primary Fermenting bucket. 2. Remove labels from the cans of extract. Fill sink with faucet hot water enough to cover the two cans as they lay on their sides. Soak the unopened cans at least 15 minutes in the hot water. 3. Bring one gallon of water to boil in the stock pot. Empty both cans of extract into boiling water. Use a spatula to get out as much extract from the can as possible. Return to a slow boil. Be careful, the wort may boil over if the heat is too high. Continue to boil for one hour stirring almost constantly. 4. Remove from heat and pour the wort into the sterilized Primary Fermenting bucket. Add enough clean, cold tap water to bring the level up to five gallons. 5. Cover, apply air lock and fill with water or vodka. Let the wort cool until it is at room temperature (4 - 12 hours). 6. Measure and record the specific gravity of the wort. Evenly distribute yeast by sprinkling the two packages of yeast on top of the wort. DO NOT STIR IN. Cover and replace the air lock. 7. Make sure the air lock has a sufficient amount of water or vodka. Check the air lock daily to ensure a proper level of water or vodka. Within 24 - 48 hours you should see activity (bubbles escaping through the air lock). 8. After seven days, the beer is ready to bottle. Priming and Bottling (after seven days) 1. Measure and record specific gravity to determine alcohol level. 2. Sterilize the bottles and bottling bucket and related items. 3. Boil caps in water for five minutes. Do not boil caps longer, else the lining will become deformed and the caps will not seal. 4. Mix the corn sugar with one cup of water in a small sauce pan. Boil until the liquid is clear, about five minutes. Pour the liquid into the bottling bucket. The sugar water will prime your beer for natural carbonation. 5. Siphon the beer into bottling bucket. Raise the bottling bucket to counter-top level. 6. Attach siphon hose to the bottling bucket spigot. Attach the spring-loaded bottle filler to the other end of the hose. 7. Open the spigot. You are now ready to begin bottling by inserting the bottle filler tube into a bottle and pressing down slightly to enable the beer to start flowing. Fill the bottle completely to the top as the level will decrease after removing the filler tube. 8. After all bottles are filled, cap the bottles. 9. Allow the bottles to stay at room temperature for one to two weeks. During this period, your beer is naturally carbonating. After the one to two week period, you beer is ready for consumption. Chill and enjoy!


BLACK CHERRY WINE (#1) * 6-8 lbs black cherries * 2-1/2 lbs granulated sugar * 1-1/2 tsp pectic enzyme * 1/2 tsp citric acid * 5-1/2 pints water * 1 crushed Campden tablet * Wine yeast and nutrient Pick only ripe berries. Wash and destem cherries, discarding any that are not sound and blemish free. Chop the fruit as best you can. It is not necessary to destone the cherries, but discard any stones that crack or break open. Put in crock with water, stir in crushed Campden tablet and, 24 hours later, pectic enzyme. Cover and set aside four days. Pour through nylon sieve or jelly-bag and squeeze well to extract all possible juice. Add sugar, citric acid and nutrient and stir well to dissolve sugar. Transfer to secondary, add yeast starter, fit airlock, and set in warm place (70 degrees F.). Rack after initial fermentation subsides (14-21 days), top up with cold water, refit airlock, and ferment to dryness in cooler place (60 degrees F.). Rack again and bottle. For sweeter wine, stabilize and add 1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar-water before bottling. Taste after 6 months or allow to age one year. Drink within 18 months. [Adapted from C.J.J. Berry's 130 New Winemaking Recipes] BLACK CHERRY WINE (#2) * 4 lbs black cherries * 1 lb golden raisins * 2-1/2 lbs granulated sugar * 1 tsp pectic enzyme * 6 pints water * Wine yeast and nutrient Pick only ripe cherries. Wash, destem and remove stones from cherries, discarding any that are not sound and blemish free. Chop the cherries and mince the raisins while bringing water to boil. Place fruit and sugar in primary and cover with boiling water, stirring well to dissolve sugar. Allow to stand until temperature drops to 70 degrees F. Add pectic enzyme and nutrient. Wait 12 hours and add yeast starter. Cover well and set in warm place for 14 days. Strain through a nylon sieve, pressing thoroughly, and pour into secondary. Top up and fit airlock. Rack after three weeks and again after additional three weeks. Taste for sweetness (should be medium dry). For sweet wine, stabilize and add up to one-cup sugar water (to taste), or simply bottle. Taste after 6 months. [Adapted from Brian Leverett's Winemaking Month by Month] BLACK CHERRY WINE (#3) * 6 lbs black cherries * 2-1/2 lbs granulated sugar * 1 tsp pectic enzyme * 1/2 tsp citric acid * 2 grams bentonite * 6 pints water * Wine yeast and nutrient Pick only ripe cherries. Wash, destem and remove stones from cherries, discarding any that are not sound and blemish free. Chop the fruit, add one-pint water and bring to low boil. Reduce heat and simmer covered for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Drain through nylon jelly-bag. Reserve drained juice and seep jelly-bag in 2 pints cold water for 15-20 minutes. Squeeze jelly-bag thoroughly to extract residual juice and color. Discard pulp and combine juices, sugar, pectic enzyme, citric acid, and nutrients in crock or bowl. Add remaining water, stirring well to dissolve sugar. Test total acid and reduce to 0.85% if necessary. Pour into secondary and cover with cloth. After 12 hours, add bentonite and yeast starter and fit airlock. Move to cool (55-60 degrees F.) place. Rack every three weeks until no new deposits form. Bottle and store in dark place to preserve color. May taste after 6 months but improves with age to 18 months. [Author unknown] ANY TYPE CHERRY WINE RECIPES Some of the best non-grape wines I have ever tasted were cherry wines. While freshly picked cherries of any type are preferred to those purchased at the market, if you have to purchase them, be sure you select the ripest and most blemish-free specimens you can. Some people claim that morello cherries make the best wine, while some say black cherries make a wonderful wine. Still others swear by sour cherries, and some people will use nothing but the bing variety. Whichever type you use, make sure you have enough. If you're going to make weak wine, you might as well not make it at all. These recipes offer a wide leeway in the quantity (from 4 to 8 lbs) and types of cherries required. Cherry Wine [Dry] (1) * 4-5 lbs fresh or frozen sweet cherries * 2 lbs finely granulated sugar * 7-1/2 pts water * 2 tsp acid blend * 1/4 tsp tannin * 1/2 tsp pectic enzyme * 1 tsp yeast nutrient * Montrachet wine yeast Stir sugar into water and put on to boil. Meanwhile, sort, destem, and wash the cherries, rejecting any that are unsound or moldy. Put the cherries in a nylon straining bag, tie, and place in primary. Without breaking the stones, crush the cherries with your hands or other means. Pour the boiling water with dissolved sugar over the crushed cherries. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to cool to room temperature. Add all remaining ingredients except yeast. Stir well, recover, and set aside for 12 hours. Add activated yeast and recover. Stir daily. After two weeks, remove bag and drip drain (do not squeeze). Transfer to a dark secondary and fit airlock. After two weeks, rack, top up, and refit airlock. Rack again in two months and again two months later. When specific gravity registers dryness (0.990), rack into bottles and store in dark place for one year. Server slightly chilled. [Adapted from Terry Garey's The Joy of Home Winemaking] Cherry Wine [Sweet] (2) * 6 lbs black cherries * 3-1/4 lbs sugar * 7-1/4 pts water * 1 tsp yeast nutrient * Wine yeast Bring water to rolling boil. Destem, wash and crush the cherries in the primary without breaking any stones. Pour the boiling water over the cherries. Cover and set aside for 48 hours. Strain through nylon straining bag. Bring water to a boil and pour over sugar. Stir until dissolved and add remaining ingredients. Cover thoroughly and ferment in warm place for 14 days. Pour into dark secondary and fit airlock. When clear, rack again. After two months, stabilize, sweeten if required, wait 10 days, rack into bottles, and store in dark place. [Adapted from C.J.J. Berry's First Steps in Winemaking] Cherry Wine [Dry] (3) * 8 lbs morello cherries * 2-1/2 lbs sugar * 1/2 tsp tannin * 1 tsp pectic enzyme * 7-1/4 pts water * 1 tsp yeast nutrient * Port wine yeast Bring water to boil. Meanwhile, destem, wash and crush the cherries in the primary without breaking any stones. Pour sugar over cherries. Pour the boiling water over the sugar and cherries and stir well to dissolve. Cover and set aside until cool. Add remaining ingredients and ferment 5 days. Strain juice into dark secondary and discard pulp and stones. Rack after 30 days and again when wine clears. After two additional months rack into bottles and store in dark place. [Adapted from Leo Zanelli's Home Winemaking from A to Z] Cherry Wine [Sweet] (4) * 8 lbs sweet eating cherries * 3-1/2 lbs sugar * 1-1/2 tsp citric acid * 1/2 tsp tannin * 1 tsp pectic enzyme * 7-1/4 pts water * 1 tsp yeast nutrient * Port wine yeast Bring water to boil. Meanwhile, destem, wash and crush the cherries in the primary without breaking any stones. Pour sugar over cherries. Pour the boiling water over the sugar and cherries and stir well to dissolve. Cover and set aside until cool. Add remaining ingredients except yeast, cover and set aside for 12 hours. Add activated yeast and ferment 5 days. Strain juice into dark secondary and discard pulp and stones. Rack after 30 days and again when wine clears. After two additional months stabilize, sweeten if required, wait 10 days, rack into bottles, and store in dark place. [Adapted from Leo Zanelli's Home Winemaking from A to Z]
-- Dirge Of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII -- -- FAQ/Walkthrough -- -- By Ken "Kouli/Ice" Zhao (kenzhao99@yahoo.com) -- -- Version 0.2 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This game is made and published by Square Enix. As for this FAQ/Walkthrough, it is based on the JPN version of "Dirge Of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII" that is released on January 26th, 2006. Also, this FAQ could contain spoilers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 1st~2nd, 2006/ - Version 0.1, beginning to write the walkthrough and done Chapter 2 February 2nd~5th, 2006/ - Version 0.2, done the walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough(Easy Mode)--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 8 Starting up, take out the 3 enemies that are nearby. Move on to get a Potion. Go up the ladder, 1 more enemy for Handgun Bullets. Head to the right, destroy the box for 500 Gil. Back track and continue along the left path. Clear out more enemies & continue on. Don't go through by about N3(of the Map) yet, instead, continue along the path for another Potion at the end. Now, for the 1st Memory Capsule, get to about F2, face south & you can vaguely see it being on top of some roof. Shoot it down. Afterward, back track and go down by about N3. Continue down and take out more enemies. Second map, continue on and clear the enemies that are chasing the villagers. You are here to save about 25 of them within this chapter. On the way, at G13, there is a Potion. Head to I14, there is a girl, as well as 500 Gil around. By around I15, there is a couple. Now, move on from G13. There is a Makou Point, as well as a Fire Materia. Don't forget to equip the Fire Materia and to use it, press L1 while in First Person View. Continue on and clear out more enemies. At about F11, destroy the boxes for 500 Gil. There will be more enemies coming. One of them drops the Card Key. Continue on, more villagers. Move on for some enemy. After that, a Makou Point. Just a bit beyond the Makou Point, there are 3 more enemies. Also, about I10, face north, aim high at a window of some room. This is the 2nd Memory Capsule. After that, move on, clear more enemies and get to around J8. Here, you can get Phoenix's Tail, Potion, 500 Gil after breaking some box, and a Hi Potion on a crate. Check the fountain here, it's the 3rd Memory Capsule. Clear the enemies here first, then go open up that cargo. Clear the enemy and get near the girl within the cargo. She will run off to her mother that was crying at the corner. Moving on to H6, don't go up yet. Go explore the left area. Defeat enemies to save the girl. Continue to the end, at E6. You can clear the enemies to save these 3 villagers. Now turn around here to F6. There is a Makou Point here and with Vincent's MP at Yellow, you will use his Limit Break to turn into Gallian Beast by pressing L1 and R1 at the same time. Continue on, clear the enemies, get 500 Gil and another Card Key. Now, back to H6. At there, face south and aim high. At the roof, there is some fence. The 4th Memory Capsule is on there. After that, time to move pass that gate. Continue on, clear more enemies, get Phoenix's Tail and Handgun Bullets. Going down the stairs, clear the enemies and one of them drops the Long Barrel. More items here, Handgun Bullets & Hi Potion. There is also a Makou Point. By the Makou Point, there is a crate and behind that crate, it is the 5th Memory Capsule. After, go pass the door here. It's time for a boss fight. Boss: Dragon Flyer Equip the Long Barrel and attack with Fire Materia. There are also Makou Points around if you need them. Keep attacking and the Dragon Flyer will drop down few enemies. Use the barrels here to get rid of them fast, then you can get back to shooting down the Dragon Flyer. After, you will be within a house, at F2. Check the near for a Phoenix's Tail. Now check the rooms here for 500 Gil, Handgun Bullets, Shoot Barrel. One of the rooms also got a Shop where you can Buy/Sell/Tune. Next, continue up through stairs. Clear lots of enemies. Third map, clear the enemies, get to D7. Supports and 2 Makou Points, as well as Potion and 500 Gil after breaking boxes. At E8, you can ask the WRO Member about various things, as well as Shopping from him. After, get the Griffon and Machinegun Bullets. Ok, from here, see the crates near? Jump onto the 2nd right one and you can aim at a roof of some further house. You can hardly see that 6th Memory Capsule, but you can shoot it down. Afterward, continue on. To the left and right, there are enemies to be killed. Do so to help out those WRO Members. At the right area/F8, an enemy can drop the Cerberus Relief. Head to F9, break the boxes and get the Card Key. Now, go to H8. Get the last Card Key and 500 Gil. As for the 7th Memory Capsule, head to G8, fact up and beyond&within the fire, you can see it. Now, go through the gate at G9. Moving on, continue on and support more WRO Members. The enemies here can be killed with the Long Barrel. Continue on and don't forget to jump to the right, for a Makou Point, as well as Handgun Bullets. From where you get the Handgun Bullets, face the opposite side which is the roof of some house. You can easily spot the 8th Memory Capsule. Now just move on to the last area for the boss fight again. Boss: Dragon Flyer GL Use Fire Materia or normal shots. Just keep running and shoot, this should be pretty easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 3 Clear the hounds and you will be on top of the car. Clear more hounds. First map, head to H12 for a Makou Point. Go to I15 for 2 more Makou Points. Now for the 1st Memory Capsule, head to J12. Face NE and you should spot the Memory Capsule easily. For the 2nd Memory Capsule, head to G12. Face up, look under the car. So, crouch and you should see it. Lastly, the 3rd one. Head to H15, face left, and look down at the waterfall. Afterward, time to get a move on to the northern area. By F8, time or the first boss fight. Boss: Crimson Hound Use the Machinegun Griffon here. Clear the other hounds if you wish. They can drop you items. As for the Crimson Hound, attack it with the Griffon. If that Crimson Hound isn't around, then it's likely that it's on top of some cliff. After you kill it, pick up the Card Key. Use it to get pass the gate. Continue on and another fight. Boss: Air Hose Corps At K4, there is a Makou Point. Use the Griffon here and a high SPD barrel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 7 At G8, get the Handgun Bullets. Move on to F4. There is a Makou Point there. Get near the WRO Member. Get the Card Key. Go back to G12. Get pass the gate and go in the house. Get the Potion, Hydra and Snipe Scope. Go up. Second map, get the nearby Rifle Bullets, then pass another door. Continue on to F11. Use the Hydra, a long RNG barrel and the Snipe Scope. Kill the Snipers that are around. Now, head to G14 for Machinegun Bullets. Nearby, there is a Makou Point. Head to E11 and there should be a person running into the house. Go in. Get the 1000 Gil. Go up, clear more enemies and a Shop. Get the Potion & Machinegun Bullets. Go back out of the house and you will see the person runs out, then the enemies will be chase after. Head to H12, kill the enemies and save the person. Get near the person for more scene. Follow the kid. He will go open the near door. Go in and get the 1000 Gil. Continue to follow him and you will be outside. Now, head to I8, face NE. You can see 2 boxes, above the left one, there is the 1st Memory Capsule. For the 2nd one, head to H8, face SW. You can spot it on the structure. Continue on and go up a ladder. By F8, face NW or N. You can see the 3rd one around F7. There is also a ladder at F7, which leads to the Materia Floater. Get in the door at the end. Kill the enemies and get the Card Key. Continue to go down and get the Toy Gun. Exit out and now you can go through the gate at about G6. Continue along the path. (Keep the Toy Gun. You will be able to tune it after the first half of Chapter 8. There is nothing you can do with it til then, except gathering 250000 Gil which is the total Gil you need to tune Toy Gun into Ultima Weapon.) Next map, for the 4th Memory Capsule, it's by F3. Get around E3, face east and look up. It's above some platform. Moving on and clear more enemies. Take the ladder up at F5 or G4. It leads to a Makou Point and Rifle Bullets. Go up at around H5, there is a box at H7 that contains 3000 Gil. You need to use the Gallian Beast to jump up there. Go back down and around H6, you can get Machinegun Bullets, and Hi Potion. Head to I8, face east and you should spot the 5th Memory Capsule. At G8, there is another Shop. Take the door near it. It leads to 1000 Gil and a Phoenix's Tail. Now, continue on through G9. Continue on and clear more enemies. Another Makou Point on the way. At around I13, there is another Makou Point. As for the 6th Memory Capsule, stand at the high level of H12, face SE. The Memory Capsule is all the way to around J14. Anyway, moving on to J12. Pass the door for the boss fight. Boss: Heavy Mount Soldier Starting up, clear out all the side enemies. If you are wondering about the 7th Memory Capsule, it's high up at K13. Go up the stairs, get to around L14, face NW and look up. Afterward, just stay up there and snipe the Heavy Mount Soldier til he switches weapon to Machinegun. Then, equip the Griffon and attack him til he changes to using his sword. Then transform into Gallian Beast to finish this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 4 First up, clear the enemies around. On the first floor, there is a Makou Point and break the boxes for items. Second floor, get the Machinegun and Rifle Bullets at E2. Head to K11 and one enemy to drop the Rapid Fire. You can't get pass the gate, so continue on and there is another enemy. He drops the Card Key you need and beyond that, there's a Red Potion. Third floor, at the lower right part of the map, you can enter for Hi Potion, the Shop and Rifle Bullets. Now, go through at lower left and there is a Makou Point on the way. At upper left, there is a Potion and another Makou Point. Fourth floor, at the upper right, defeat the enemies to get the Card Key. Fifth floor, head toward upper right and you will see some enemy goes down with the lift. If you return to the fourth floor and take those enemies out, you can get the Anti-Gravity Floater. Then take the lift back up to fifth floor. You can now explore the eastern part. Go through the door at F8. At E8, there is a Makou Point and Machinegun Bullets for you to get. Then you go all the way. Afterward, back track to floor 5 to spot that Azul. For the door at L9, you can go through it now. It leads to an Ether and a Phoenix's Tail. Now, for the 1st Memory Capsule, it's at the I12, high up there by the ceiling. You can head to G10, face SE & snipe from there. Now, back down to floor 1 with the lift. You can enter the upper right room. Continue on, clear more enemies. Get the Handgun Bullets and a Potion. Last map, by around I5, defeat the enemies for the Card Key and Power Cross. Also, face west from I5, there is the 2nd Memory Capsule in mid air. At J2, it is another Makou Point. Continue on, clear more enemies and one will drop Card Key. Next, more enemies and another Card Key. For the 3rd Memory Capsule, get to K13, face S or SW, it is in mid air as well. At H12, there is a Makou Point for you. As for the last Memory Capsule, at F14, face north and it is in the mid air as well. Continue on and a Shop. Beyond that is the boss fight. Boss: Styleless Shelke Transform into Gallian Beast and close combat til you beat her. After, back track and another fight. Boss: Blue Azul Use the barrels here to damage him. He's pretty slow and you can easily avoid his missile attack by running around. If he tries to send out shockwave, then you can just jump. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 8 At K4, which is where you start, face north & check the path that Vincent came from. It's the 1st Memory Capsule. Crouch and shoot it. At I7, G7 and I8, there are Potion, Phoenix's Tail and Handgun Bullets. Eventually, you will be at the first gate. Use the ladder at E10. There is a Makou Point at H10. Then you can drop down to get pass the first gate. Clear more enemies and get the Card Key. Pass the second gate and continue along the path to the next map. Second map, the box at E4 is another enemy. At F9, get the Rifle Bullets. Now, for the 2nd Memory Capsule, it's by G10. Get to F11, face NE and shoot it. As you can see, there is also a Makou Point here. If you go down to G15, there is a Hi Potion. For the H9 area, get the 1000 Gil in mid air first by standing on a box, then break the boxes for 900 Gil & Machinegun Bullets. Now, moving onto to F5. You can get the Thunder Materia. Then you can go to L5, to the next map. Third map, at D10, Rifle Bullets. At E13, there is a Potion. Continue on to E8 and kill that enemy for the Card Key. Well, open the gate that's near. Clear more enemies for the Card Key. Pick up the Handgun Bullets at C8, look up from where you are, you should spot another Memory Capsule. Go through another gate at B8, to get the 2500 Gil. Now, get to G8 which is a Makou Point. Continue on from H8, and head to J5 for a switch. Hit the switch. From there, jump down to the lower part. Hit another switch. For the 2 boxes here, it's got 500 Gil and a Potion. Fourth map, don't bother with the lift at E4 yet. Head to I3 by crouching. You can pick up 100 Gil, 400 Gil, Power Booster. At J4, face south, and you can see another Memory Capsule. Now go take the lift. At the second floor, check F11 for a Shop and D3 is the Makou Point. Back to the lift & take it up to the 3rd floor. Continue on for Machinegun and Handgun Bullets, as well as another Makou Point. The door will shut and you just need to clear the enemies on both sides. Fifth map, heh, playing as Cait Sith here. Go right to J11. Now, avoid enemies and head toward that red circle on the map. Sixth map, still with Cait Sith. Avoid the enemies and head to the red circle at E4. For the 7th map, back with Vincent. Go through the near door and 2 more doors. You can only take one. After, the door at F6 is also unlocked. At K7, there is a fallen bookshelf. Another Memory Capsule is under it. At K9, there are Rifle and Handgun Bullets. Next, at I9, there is a Potion. At B7, there is an Omega Report, at B9, there are a Potion and Handgun Bullets. At around C8, there is another Memory Capsule. Get to C9, face north and look up to spot it. Lastly, a Makou Point at E12. Now just head toward J14. For the 8th map, near item box is a Phoenix's Tail. Moving on, at G15, there is the Handgun Bullets. Continue on to K13. To take out the mines, you first need to know where they are. They are at K11, I10, K9 and I8. Just get near them for them to appear, move away & shoot, so that Vincent won't get blast away. After you've done that, get the Card Key. Continue on. Go down for a Makou Point and take the ladder up. Hit the switch, get on the platform and wait. Jump toward the other side at the end. Continue on. For the 9th map, continue on and go in the door at G9. There are a Shop and 1 more Makou Point. Beyond here takes you back to the 7th map, at the other side of the previous locked metal door. There are a Potion, Handgun and Machingun Bullets. You can also unlock the metal door. Anyway, back track to the 9th map and move on toward E2. For the 10th map, Rifle Bullets at J8. At L5, break the box for a Hi Potion. There is another Memory Capsule here, by L4. Just look out of the right window and look down. At D4, there is a Makou Point. At B7, another Omega Report. As for D9, 1500 Gil. As for another Memory Capsule, it's by G10. Stand at around G7, face south, look up the ceiling and shoot it. Now go down stairs to the first floor. At D11, there is 800 Gil. At J10, there is another Omega Report. At K8, there is Machinegun Bullets. Head toward I4. Last map, there is a Potion at G13. Now just head toward F8. Time for another boss fight. Boss: Black Widow Equip Materia Floater, Materia Booster and Thunder Materia. Watch out for the bombs on the floor. Jump over them. Back at G12, there is a Makou Point now. Now, just go back and try to locate it. There is also a Shop on the way. Once you meet it with up, start with using Thunder. It has various attacks, but they are pretty easily to avoid as long as you are moving or rolling around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 10 Clear the enemies and get the Card Key. At D13, the 1st Memory Capsule. There is a Makou Point by the gate. Pass the gate and move on. By L13, there is the 2nd Memory Capsule. Just face north and look up. It's in mid air. Next, at M7, another Makou Point. Continue on, at J4, break the boxes for Rifle Bullets and Potion. Continue on and go down the ladder. At K4, get the 100 Gil and 500 Gil. At L5, get the 100 Gil and Handgun Bullets. At M5, there are Potion and the Machinegun Bullets. Lastly, at L4, there is a Shop. As for the 3rd Memory Capsule, it is around K6. Get to K5, face south, look all the way up and spot it at the top. Snipe it. Moving on to H5. Clear out all the enemies around to support the WRO Members. Head toward D6 after, for another mission which is to hunt down helicopters. Clear more enemies around. Get the Card Key after. At G4, break the box for the Makou Point. At F3, there is the Potion. After, go pass the gate. Second map, continue on. There will be a Makou Point and a Shop. Get Handgun Bullets at G13. At G8, a Potion. At around H7, Machinegun Bullets. At H9, there is 1000 Gil. As for the 4th Memory Capsule, it's around F11. Get to G12, face N or NW, snipe high up at the near top of the pole. For the 5th Memory Capsule, it's at I10. Get to around H9, face SE, snipe high up at the near top of the pole. If you check the top, you can see and snipe at a Sabotendaa/Cactus. Now, head to the door at F7. Continue through here and there is 1000 Gil on the way. Clear more enemies and one will drop the Card Key. At I4, another Potion. At F5, there is a Makou Point. By the Makou Point, face south. Check around F10 and you can spot the 6th Memory Capsule just above the water. Now, go to I5. Like wise, face south. Look at the way to I14. It's around the middle of those cliffs that you would spot the 7th Memory Capsule. Afterward, pass the gate. Third map, get the Handgun Bullets at E12. At E9, there is a Potion. At J6, you can get Machinegun Bullets, Potion and 1000 Gil. At K7, there is a Makou Point. At J8, there is the Rifle Bullets. At the middle of the stairs, at G6, you can get the 8th and 9th Memory Capsule. For the 8th one, face NE, look up at the top of the building where the flashlight is. You can snipe at it. Now, for the 9th one, face SW, look around the middle level. It's just above the water and below the bridge. After, go up for the boss fight. Boss: Black Widow II Head to G10 for 3000 Gil. Now, aside from Black Widow II, there are also side enemies here. You should take them all out. To avoid the homing missile, you can just hide behind a pole on the first floor. There is an enemy that drop the Far Adjuster. Besure to get that. At E4, break the box for a Makou Point. Now, time to deal with the Black Widow II. Basically, hide before a pole, missile from it hits the pole, you can then attack. Repeat til you beat it. If you do this right, you shouldn't even get hit from it. Fourth map, nearby, there is a Makou Point. Continue on and get a Potion. Then get Rifle and Handgun Bullets. At F7, there is a Makou Point. At H9, there is Machinegun Bullets. At J7, there is a Potion. As for the 10th Memory Capsule, it's high up at G6. Get to around F9, face NE and look up. You can snipe it. Now take the door at I6. At J3, there is 1000 Gil. Last map, just head toward L9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: NONE No item, no Memory Capsule, this is really just a story chapter. Anyway, speak with Yuffie at G10. Next, at M7, speak with Reeve. There is also a Shop around. Head to the Mechanical Room from H8. After, back to speak with Cid, Yuffie, Reeve and Cait Sith. You can speak with each of them multiple times. Now, go back to speak with Shelke. Now go to the Lower Part of the Sierra from F8. Continue on to the middle room. From there, back track out for more scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 9 First map, there is 2000 Gil at E12. There is a Hi Potion at H10. For the first Memory Capsule, it's around H8. Go to H9, face N or NW, look up. It's high on the structure. At E9, after meeting the WRO Member, face west & you should see the 2nd Memory Capsule within the narrow passage. Now move on from E10. Clear more enemies and get the Card Key. There is a Mega Potion at B11. Move on after. Second map, nearby is another Makou Point. Continue on, around the gate, there should be an enemy jumping down. Kill him for the Card Key. Move on, clear more enemies and get another Card Key. For the 3rd Memory Capsule, it's at C6. Move to D6, face west and you would spot it around the middle, just above the first crates. Continue on for a Shop. At K5, there is the Blizzard Materia and there is Makou Point around. At F7, there is 2000 Gil. At E7, another 2000 Gil. Now, for the 4th Memory Capsule, it's all the way up at G7. It's by an enemy. Get to I5, go face SW and snipe it. Now, for the 5th Memory Capsule, it's at I9. It's under that bus. Moving on, at I12, there is the Makou Point. Third map, clear the enemies first. For the 6th Memory Capsule, it's at D11. Get to D10, face south and you would spot it in the middle of the cars. For the 7th Memory Capsule, it's at G5. Get to G7, face north & look up all the way at the top of the structure. At F9, there is a Makou Point. At D12, there is 2000 Gil. At around I11, there is another Omega Report. For the 8th Memory Capsule, it's on a bridge by J8. Get to I7, face SE and snipe it. At J11, there is 2000 Gil. At K5, another 2000 Gil. At L8, yet another 2000 Gil. At L13, the final 2000 Gil. Fourth map, there is a Shop to the left after you got off the bus. At E11, the Makou Point. Clear the loads on enemies, then get 2000 Gil at M8. For the 9th Memory Capsule, it's at K7, under the car. Get to J7, face east, crouch & shoot it. Go pass the gate here. Fifth map, Mega Potion at B11. At L7, there is a Makou Point. At B7, there is a Hi Potion. Supposedly, enemy at about C6 can drop you the Middle Adjuster. But, I didn't get any. Last map, there is a Makou Point at J8. At E5, there is 2000 Gil. Now head to the red circle of the map for the boss fight. Boss: Unit Shrike Go hide in the car at about E7. They won't be able to hit you. You can also try the car at about E5. Basically, have long range and take them out one by one. For me, I stay at E5, face east and snipe from there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After finishing the first half of Chapter 8, you will be able to tune the Toy Gun you found earlier in Chapter 3. Toy Gun -> Silver Toy Gun (requires 15000 Gil) Silver Toy Gun -> Gold Toy Gun (requires 35000 Gil) Gold Toy Gun -> Ultima Weapon (requires 200000 Gil) That's 250000 Gil in total. Here is the stats of Ultima Weapon: POW: 200 SPD: 140 RNG: 110 HIGH: 200 MED: 200 LOW: 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 5 From where you start, face south and the 1st Memory Capsule is at about D15. You can spot it high up in the air. Continue on and clear the enemies at B11. Get the Card Key and a Hi Potion. Back track and pass the gate. To the left, there is 1000 Gil and a Makou Point. Moving on to J8, there is the Handgun Bullets. Around M5, more enemies and the Card Key. At M5, from the fallen car's lower left, with that narrow view, you can spot the 2nd Memory Capsule at around M4. Crouch RIGHT at the door at M5, face that Memory Capsule, you should have it in range. It's pretty hard here to shoot it, but just keep trying. Continue on, 1000 Gil after you destroy the box at the corner and a Makou Point near. Take the ladder up, through the fences & get the Potion at the end. Second map, continue on and clear more enemies. There is a Shop on the way. Go up to kill the enemy with the machinegun. Pick up the Rifle Bullets and go up the ladder. Third map, a Makou Point near. Head to B10 for a mission. Just crouch down and use that opening. Afterward, don't go through it yet. At D10, the box here is the Rifle Bullets. Go in the near room and clear out the enemies to pick up the Card Key. For the 3rd Memory Capsule, it's at about B9, second floor. Move to B8, face south and look up to the second floor. Now, don't go pass the gate and go pass the path at B10. That paths leads a Makou Point, Ex Potion, Machinegun Bullets, Rifle Bullets and Handgun Bullets. Most importantly, the G Report is also here. Once you are done, back track. Head to M8, this is a room with lots of fences. There are 5 devices here you can shoot down. Shoot some will unlock more fences, which allow access to other devices. Anyway, you can get 1000 Gil, 1000 Gil and Hi Potion. Well, it is time to go through the gate at B8. Besure to hit the switch to open the door and close the door with the switch within. At the end, hit the switch to open the door. Fourth map, break the near boxes to get 1000 Gil and 1000 Gil. Continue on, get rid of more enemies. You will come to another Makou Point. Break more boxes for Handgun Bullets and 1000 Gil. At the end, take the lift. Now, within the lift, face south & as the lify goes up, you will eventually spot the Memory Capsule. You will need to shoot it before you miss it. Last map, clear more enemies and continue on. A Makou Point first, then a Shop after. Take either door here. Don't head toward G14 yet. At K13, a Hi Potion. Near that, there are Rifle and Handgun Bullets. At E11, there is the Handgun Bullets. Nearby, there are Machinegun Bullets, Machinegun Bullets, Potion and Potion. Lastly, there is the last Memory Capsule. It's by B13. Jump onto D12, face SW and aim at the higher grounds to spot it. Once you are ready, go toward Rosso for the boss fight. Boss: Red Rosso Just stand behind poles to avoid her bullets. Damage her enough and she will go into Burst. Boss: Red Rosso Burst Even more faster. You can still stay behind the poles to block her attacks. But the wave can go through that and damage you. It's better you keep moving or pay attention on what she's using. Keep moving and shoot seems to work fine for me. If you need to, use items and Gallian Beast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 5 Don't go in yet. At the upper left of the map, there is the Rifle Bullets and Handgun Bullets. To the west, there is a Makou Point. At lower left and south, there is 5000 Gil and Red Potion. To the lower right, there is Phoenix's Tail and Machinegun Bullets. As for the 1st Memory Capsule, it's at E4. Get to F5, face NW, crouch and shoot it. Now, go in. Second map, the first floor, head up from the right stairs. Third map, the second floor, get the Rifle Bullets at I4. Head up from the left stairs. Fourth map, the third floor, from E5, face SE, the 2nd Memory Capsule is all the way at about I12. Snipe it. Head to the right and pick up the 3000 Gil. Go jump down at G2. Fifth map, get the Handgun Bullets and Potion that are near. Continue on to the red circle of the map. Sixth map, at I8, face north and crouch to shoot the 3rd Memory Capsule. At M5, get the Rifle Bullets. Continue on to the next area. The 7th map, much bigger than all the others so far. From where you start, turn around for a Red Ether. Continue on. On the way, get 3000 Gil and Machinegun Bullets. Further on, 1000 Gil and Mega Potion. Next, Makou Point, 3000 Gil, Red Potion, Red Potion. Moving on, a Shop and Phoenix's Tail after breaking a box. After that, Machinegun, Machinegun, Handgun and Handgun Bullets. Hit the switch to open a door. Hit more switches and open more doors. Just beware the insects from the back. A Makou next then enter the door. A quick boss fight here. Boss: Black Widow TW Run and keep shooting it. This should be a pretty easy battle here. After, hit the switch to open the lift, get in and hit another switch. Head out the lift after. For the 8th map, well, there is no Map here. Check out each section for Rifle Bullets, 3000 Gil, Machinegun Bullets and DG Extreme Secret Data. Now, go pass the door that's at the back of the lift. A Makou Point on the way. Clear out the enemies at the bridge, the 4th Memory Capsule is also around. From how you enter to this bridge area, face the left and check the further bridges to the left. You can just snipe around the bridges far away and you would spot it. It is the bridge about NW from the door you just entered through. Now continue on and go through the first crystal room. Second room, full with spheres, you can also get another DG Extreme Secret Data here. Then move on. Eventually, Cloud will get Tifa to send you the map of this area. Continue on, get the Handgun Bullets, hit the switch at the platform to go down. Clear more bombs on the way down. For the 9th map, continue on for a Shop and Machinegun Bullets. Within the big area that's made of 4 rooms, you can get 3 more DG Extreme Secret Data. Moving on to the upper left area of the map, get the Handgun Bullets, hit the switch on the platform to go down. As the platform going down, pay attention to the NW of the map. There's the 5th Memory Capsule for you to shoot. Last map, continue on and eventually, a Makou Point. Continue on, a room with Handgun Bullets, Rifle Bullets, Machinegun Bullets and Ex Potion. Continue on and eventually, boss time. Boss: Blue Azul Equip 2 Running around and keep shooting. Boss: True Azul Alright, guns here don't work, so that leaves to close combat. Of course, have Vincent to transform into Gallian Beast. There are lots of Makou Points here, but you need to lure Azul to break those metal barrels first. Another way to attack Azul is using Blizzard. Similar to shooting, use Blizzard and keep running away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 15 First map, get to A7, face NW. The 1st Memory Capsule is by about A6. Moving on to get the Handgun Bullets, then continue on down. More enemies to clear out and these ones can fly around. After you clear 8 of them, more and an enemy got the Card Key. With that, you can unlock the gate at B8 which leads to 1200 Gil and Ex Potion. Continue on, at H7, there is an Omega Report. At L6, face NE, and you would spot the 2nd Memory Capsule high on some structure. At K10, one Makou Point. Second map, a Hi Potion near. At L5, face east and the 3rd Memory Capsule is at about N5. Just check the lower part of N5. At G12, Machinegun Bullets. Kill the enemies around for the Card Key. Continue on to J7. Third map, continue on and a Makou Point. Clear more enemies, get the Card Key and head toward D3. Fourth map, most enemies here got barriers, so close combat to kill them. There is one you can kill with guns. At F5, there is a Makou Point. At E8, face south and look down, you should see the 4th Memory Capsule at the bottom. Snipe it. Now, to F14. Fifth map, there is a Shop after the door, also a Makou Point near. Clear the enemies and since you don't have the Card Key yet, go down at E7. Sixth map, the 5th Memory Capsule is at L6. Get to I7, face NE and look up all the way to snipe it. Break the boxes around for items. At F11, there is another box with 1000 Gil. Now head back up to the fifth map. Fifth map, pass the gate and continue to M9. For the 7th map, from where you start at B14, face south and look up. It's the 6th Memory Capsule. Slowly move on and you can roll in to the right at F13. It leads to a Makou Point and a Shop. Continue on to the north of the map to get on a cart. While moving, turn around and shoot down all the enemies that are chasing you. Eventually, there will be even helicopters. For the 8th map, there is the 7th Memory Capsule at about B9. Get to C9, face west and look down. Under the Shinra logo and the track, there it is. Now, get a move on toward K6. You will drop down then toward K12. For the 9th map, this is quite complicated here. Lots of items and there are 7 Memory Capsule here. Near left box is the Rifle Bullets. There is a Shop & the box near it is the Ether. At K14, face west. Check out the roof and you would spot the 8th Memory Capsule. At L12, face east and look down to snipe the 9th Memory Capsule. Continue on and more enemies now block bullets. At N9, there is 2000 Gil. Clear more enemies to get the Card Key. Head to N10, there is another G Report. Continue on, pass the 1st gate and clear more enemies for another Card Key, to go through another gate. Yet another enemy, a Card Key for another gate. There is an Ex Potion at K10. At J10, a Makou Point. At J10, face NW or W, look up at the top of the house, then snipe the 10th Memory Capsule. At I10, there is the Rifle Bullets. At I7, there is a Makou Point and the Blow Machinegun. After, you will be locked. Clear all the hounds to get the Card Key. The box at I8, it is a Makou Point. Now, go up to I8, get another Card Key. By around I7, face NE, look up to that house. The 11th Memory Capsule is left of the chimney. Now get to E7, face north and you can easily spot the 12th Memory Capsule. Pass the gate and move on. There is a Shop at D8. At E9, face south but don't drop down yet. Look up and do you see the box? Near the left of the box, you can snipe this explosive barrel to knock the box down. That's the Fairy L Barrel. Moving on. At E11, face south and look pass the fence. You would spot the 13th Memory Capsule. Get on the machinegun at C12, clear all the enemies to get the Card Key. Then you can go pass the gate near the machinegun. Get the 2000 Gil, Card Key and Phoenix's Tail. Head up to D5. Yes, there is a gate but you can go around, so you don't need any Card Key. Get the 10004 Gil. Continue on, there is a Shop, and at E3, face north & you can easily spot the 14th Memory Capsule. Next, there are 3 Makou Point. Clear the enemies to get the Card Key. Move pass the gate. Last map, there is a Shop near and Handgun Bullets. Go up for Rifle Bullets, as we as Machinegun Bullets. Continue to go up. There is another Shop, a Card Key near and shoot the device on the floor for a Potion. The Shop is actually just an enemy. Continue on up and go along the paths. Clear enemies, get Card Keys and go pass gates. At H12, face the east and wait til the countdown gets to 0. By 0, a Sabotendaa/Cactus will up. You can also shoot it, but you need to do it fast. Next, continue on for Rifle Bullets, a Shop and 5000 Gil. Clear lots of enemies then get the Card Key. At I9, face NW, just by that opening under that bridge, you can snipe the 15th Memory Capsule. If you go through the gate by J11, you will get to another area where you need to finish off enemies to get another Card Key for the other gate. That gate will lead you to a mission to kill 100 enemies. If you can pull that off, you get the Gold Moogle Doll. That's more or less a reference item. Of course, you can also sell that for 35000 Gil. Now, get a move on to I9. Get 3000 Gil and a Makou Point. Go down the stairs, go take the right door for another Shop. Move on from the left door. Clear the enemies and drop down. Head to K8, shoot the device at the ceiling for the Card Key. At J8, there is a Makou Point. At H7, which is the ladder, there is one more Card Key in mid air. After that, continue to go up another ladder, and a Shop, as well as a box which is another Card Key. Check the back of the Shop, there is another Card Key. Move to G6, move slowly and get the Card Key. Back to J8, use the machinegun to shoot down a box at the top left cliff. Go destroy that box for another Card Key. Back to J8, face SW and snipe at the cut of a red pipe. You can see a red device which is another Card Key. You now have 7 Card Key. Now, go open up the gate at I9, that gets you 2 more Card Key which you will have 8 now. Now, time for the 7 consecutive gates at I7. You get the Lucky S Barrel, as well as 2 more Card Key. So, you have 3 right now. And there are 3 more gates, so just enough. After you get the items behind those 3 gates, move on toward E2. Time for the boss fight. Boss: Jet Black Darkness Nero Easy enough. Keep moving and shoot. Eventually, he will multiplies to 3. Just get behind some rock, then take them down one by one. Another way to damage him here is the Blizzard. Keep the distance mid range, so you can run and avoid if you need to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 6 Nearby, pick up the Handgun Bullets, Hi Potion and a Makou Point. At F5, there is the Ex Potion and a Makou Point. Then just continue on. Second map, kill the gargoyle around. Move on and a Makou Point. By G8, face NW and look high up on a ring. Snipe the 1st Memory Capsule. Continue on to the next map. Third map, continue on. Get Rifle Bullets, then Handgun Bullets. At H9, face SE and look down, there is the 2nd Memory Capsule. Move on, clear the enemies for a Card Key. Pass the fence. There is a Mega Potion near, you will need to go around or you can jump on with Gallian Beast. Moving on, at H9, there is the Machinegun Bullets. Get 900 Gil, as well as the Makou Point. Clear enemies for the Card Key. Fourth map, clear more gargoyle and move on. Continue on, get the Machinegun Bullets, Rifle Bullets and Handgun Bullets. Fifth map, get the Phoenix's Tail and Hi Potion. Move on, and clear the enemies if you want to. The trick is to use the explosives on top of them. At the end, get the Hi Potion and Ex Potion. Sixth map, clear more gargoyle and continue on. There is a Makou Point. Move on and a Shop. Close combat that enemy til he dies, get the Card Key. Pass the gate and quickily go finish off that other enemy, or else he will shoot you by using the machinegun. At C5, face south & you would spot the 3rd Memory Capsule easily. For the 7th map, continue on and close combat the enemies. Next, a Makou Point on the way. Run through and clear bunch of bugs to get the Card Key. By B7, go face west and look up. You would spot the 4th Memory Capsule. Get the 4 Makou Point here, and by B10, within this near barrel, shoot through the barrel to get this 5th Memory Capsule. Now, take the platform at the middle to go up. At about D6, which is the upper left corner, it is the last/third G Report. If you need some boost with your jump, just use Gallian Beast. Go back down and enter through the door. By F10, which is just after the door, facing NW and look up. You should spot the 6th Memory Capsule. Get the Machinegun, Rifle and Handgun Bullets, as well as a Hi Potion. Hit the near switch to open up the gate. It's time for a quick fight. Boss: Dragon Flyer PT Just keep shooting and it will go down. This is not much of a fight at all. Now, the 8th map. Hit the switch, continue on and you will get to a Shop. Move on after that. Time for another boss fight. Boss: Nero Rough Rare Run and shoot. The barrier will break after shots. Then you can attack that Nero. Repeat til you beat him. Don't bother with others, just run, avoid and shoot. Boss: Nero Wing Shooter A bit annyoing here because he always warps around. But, he tends to appear on one side a lot more than the other side. Just face one side, look at the screen and if you see any darkness around, he will appear there. Equip the Snipe Scope and snipe his head. Afterward, there is 5000 Gil near and a Shop as well. Continue on for more boss fights. Boss: Pure White Emperor Vice(Houjou) Don't bother, you can't win. Let him kill you. Boss: Vice(Houjou) With The Power Of Omega Dwelled Within Stay around a tube and work from there. If he's moving around, you can fire at him then go behind a tube. When you've done enough damage, he will move to the center and use lasers. Just run and jump to avoid them. If he uses a shockwave, then jump as well. He can also send out slash slashes, then you can just keep moving and shoot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: 1+1 (For the 2nd Memory Capsule, you will need to watch the G Ending first. I will talk about that below.) Vincent will be in Chaos form with the Death Penalty gun. Continue on and try not to use the Death Penalty Bullets. You can go through here with the Ultima Weapon just fine. Just switch weapon with L2. For the 1st Memory Capsule, just move on and drop down at K12. Head to J11, face NW or W. You would vaguely see it at further of this spiral path. Continue on to the next area. Second map, continue on to the second floor. At E8, get another Omega Report. Go on up to the third floor. At F7, there is the final Omega Report. After, at the top, clear all the enemies for more scenes. As for the rest, just clear out enemies after enemies. Continue up to the top. If you are running out of bullets, use others and save Death Penalty Bullets. If you don't want to fight the enemies, just rush to the top. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Of Memory Capsule: NONE Nothing to it, the final 3 battles of the game. Boss: Crystal Feeler Just look out for the buds here. Anyone lights up, get near and close combat to destroy it. Repeat til you get rid of all of them. Boss: Omega Cocoon Switch to Death Penalty and keep shooting it. Boss: Omega Vice Same here, use the Death Penalty. I have about 370 Bullets. Run and shoot here. For his attacks, you can stay behind the moving walls here. The rest is just keep shooting his front. He has lots of Life, so this takes quite sometimes. If you need to heal, use items. If Vice comes down, switch to Ultima Weapon and shoot him. Keep shooting him and he will go back up to Omega. Then Omega Vice is likely to fly up high in the air. This is time to heal. Omega Vice will use a fireball attack, which can cause around 1000 damage. Next, Omega Vice gets more active here. He will come to you and attack. Just go the other side, attack and repeat. It's important that you also keep your HPs high here. By the time I beat it, I have about 260 Bullets left for the Death Penalty. Which means I roughly used up 110 Bullets to kill it, but that's not counting the Handgun Bullets I used on Vice when he comes down. Afterward, you have beaten the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have followed this walkthrough, or at least have obtained the three G Report, then you will get this ending after 'The End'. And yes, G is Gackt. As for Gackt's 3 lines: ~Nemuri ni tsuku no wa mada hayai~ (It's still early to fall asleep) ~Tomo ni shuuen wo kanadeyou~ (Let's play the demise together) ~Otouto yo~ (Younger BROTHER) Load the Clear Data. Based on how many Memory Capsule you have collected, you will be able to view events of the game. If you have followed my walkthrough all these time, then you will definitely have 81 Memory Capsule so far. As you can see from the Last Chapter in Event Viewer, you are still missing one. <82th/Last Memory Capsule> After seeing the G Ending, get back to the second part of Chapter 12, aka the part that's titled as 'Vincent Chaos Descents'. Head to L15, face SE, and look up to the 2 wings of Omega. Below the lower wing, snipe the last Memory Capsule and that's it. If you go back to the Event Viewer, the last one of Chapter 12 will be unlocked and titled as G. Yup, that's the G Ending.
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