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Tim's blog: "ramblings of one mans heart "

created on 10/26/2013  |  http://fubar.com/ramblings-of-one-mans-heart/b356210  |  1 followers

A brief look in to your eyes while the shields were down . I could see the hurt of your past . The pain put upon you by the words of those devils . Not one could see the compassion within . The love waiting to be shared . In a brief second as I opened my eyes to your soft voice a moment stolen as I seen the love the passion the kiss of life you hold within so honest and gentle here amongst the shamed . I wonder now that I am awake can you ever forgive the pains done to you ? Can you rise above the little people with the closed eyes ? Can you love now one who is shamed and humbled with the emotion behind your sensual eye's ?

                     A Dream ? I thought I awoke to hear you calling me , I knew it was you  only you have ever had the effect . To make my heart race like a raging wind . Your soft voice to arouse me so . I came a running  as my heart did stop when I realized I stood here alone..

As I set here today watching people  rush to and fro  searching endlessly .  For the one that consumes their soul .my heart pounding like thundering clouds . Beads of sweat dripping like rivers of tears . My desires  never fading as I seek you out . A hunger growing within like a child starved for love. no other reasoning then to feel the warmth of your arms of unconditional love . Never ending as I long to share in compassionate things . My feet  standing me up guiding me aimlessly searching For a Goddess to fulfill my life . The need to be  complete smothering me as the world turns and destiny calls .like a blind man I reach out calling to the one with the angel like eyes . Dreaming of her passionate lips to caress my own . Wanting to  feel her arms of warmth caressing me . my patience running out as I wonder when you'll come . Where are you when you know that I am here all alone . I set back down to ponder  weather or not things are truly meant to feel this way . All alone in a dream, of life.
 I woke this day with one thing on my mind . to feel the tenderness of your kiss . I had hoped you send me one on the whistling winds . So I rushed out in to the morning breeze the rain causing me to shiver as the winds went bye the rain like tears dripped upon my soul as it did my lips the taste of salt attacked my heart as I realized the day had turned to night and the winds had died down my being drenched you had sent nothing this day as I lay hear this night I have nothing but hope that during the night I will feel a breeze that will bring with it a kiss and a hug from afar

When ever a cloud appears over my heart and all seems lost . I close my eyes trying to hide from the cold .Searching through the memories and heart felt visions endless miles of special things. There you are like an angel to inspire me . Like a million raindrops pounding upon the earth my heart beats per second those little pulses of excitement . The emotion flowing like a raging river . As I wait in hopes that my vision will share a glimpse of your smile. So warming like a blanket of sunshine upon the world . like a child with a one of  a kind treasure I feel the need to show the world Gods most beautiful creation all the way through . from your warming personality to your radiant beauty . There is nothing like the joy I feel when I know your near . Except the love I feel every time I hear your voice . Now I know on a sad gloomy day when the spirits are down and I am feeling all alone all's I need to do is close my eyes and you'll come with a smile one just for me..

In my heart ,thoughts and soul not one breath have I taken without you on my mind . I lay here now remembering the times we shared . Those special times the ones of just you and I the laughter and how warm I felt knowing I had made you feel so special . My eyes ready to weep for no other reason then missing you . Your voice the compassion of your heart . So  many times I kept expecting to see you out side my window with wings extended from  your back something  about you has always stood out entrapping me my heart and soothing my soul . I just knew you were actually an angel sent to me from the heavens above . you have a glow about you  that warms all that you touch . I couldn't ever reach out far enough so that you would feel  let alone understand how I had come to feel . In this world of emotion and words . I am one of the little ones that could never figure out the right words or actions to tell you honestly  how much you truly mean to me . In a perfect world you would no the same as I that I was made for you and you for me . I wouldn't have had to miss so much nor would you . Yet here I lay holding the most special memories in time . Yes the ones of you and I . At a loss for words to explain as if any could compare to the way I feel no way to act to show you as if there were any action that could display the emotion with in my heart . For the most part I set here  alone wondering if you really ever knew how true the love was I tried to share . or was I like a child  I know that more than once I felt like a  scared child in your presence Maybe that's it maybe you looked at me as an immature boy growing in to whom I am today . I don't know that either .I do know that when ever I get lonely or really sad I just close my eyes and escape to a perfect world full of love compassion and all intimate things. Yes the world of you and I  Close your eyes my angel and fly with me to a perfect world the one of you and I...

                     An Angel In Your Window

Have you talked with that angel today?You know the one I mean. The one that has the love of my soul .The compassion of my heart. If you did I am sure you were just as intrigued with her beauty as I am .The only thing I can say is if she smiled at you your heart must be filled with warmth this day. Because I know the only thing more endearing then her personality is the gentleness of her voice. You can tell its her's the tenderness is like that of an angels song .I know you seen her. She's still there hurry quick in the window. Yes that window the on you call a mirror. Do me this favor deliver her this message? Tell her to smile if for no other reason than I love her more with each and every day.

As I listen to the thundering of my heart . I find you there . That whisper I long to hear . The sweetness of the kiss that rests upon your tender lips. Every time loneliness starts to dwell I close my eyes and there you are  to take my hand and lead me from this hell I find myself in when your arms don't surround me .My heart beats to the music of needing you .Your smile is the sun that leads to the road of my salvation. My happiness is in the aura that surrounds you .Like an angels wings your personality captivates everyone that you come in contact with. I have no choice before the beginning of time it was written that our two souls become one to make us complete . Come my angel look into the windows to my soul do you feel the warmth of my love . Do you see the completion of  one . You and I shall knock on the door of eternity as us...
Casket In My  Mind
As I look around me I see nothing but darkness . Yet it is noon . I feel nothing but the cold dampness that seems to surround me and my thoughts . My memories seem to be as far off as the voices I come to hear . My body feels violated but never touched . Somewhere there must be something to see as there should be warmth. Somewhere there must be something to remember as there should be something to say . somewhere there should be someone to touch as there should be a reason for life..

I don't know what to say from behind my shielded heart . Beyond the pain of solitude . Every day my heart pumps tears of loneliness . I shed my cap and gown and stand before you as the other half of your soul .The heart within me begs for you to remember it . Asking you to reach out and take it home . Why do I talk form the heart when so many don't . And when I do I seem to always loose I have no room for deceit or lies . Just what I feel all the time . Where to focus but upon a heart . Right this moment I think all I feel is lost and alone . With out warmth or love of any kind except the love I have to give . Even at that I fear it is not enough to carry me from the lake of loneliness . Some days I can live on the memories of days gone bye . But today the unthinkable put  it's ugly head upon my shoulder and  reality set in . I should have cast my heart in to stone . I hear many say it is possible to live without loving or feeling wanted or needed . So why does that seem so impossible for me ? I always watch and listen but still that is the task I have not learned to cast a heart in to stone . So please as a friend teach me how not to feel . Tell me what it is that makes me who I am . I need to change from the way I hurt . For the first time ever I don't care for my heart . I am not sure why but I think it would be better if I  felt no more . As the tears from my heart make their way from my eye's I do nothing but wonder if I can make my escape by swimming their lake . As the world turns and feelings grow a vision of beauty  a voice so gentle fades in to the distance . but the loneliness eats away  no such luck on the heart of stone . I feel her there even though I know she has gone . Loneliness is here to stay so I will go on to the next day knowing in myself I have loved an angel and chased her away . Anyone that would think I was left empty . Does not see the treasures given to me . My dreams of destiny . The smiles and giggles her soft voice that still rains in my ears .The gift of hope and the warmth she left in my heart . yes alone and lonely that I am . But with everything she meant to me could never be torn apart . If I could harness the magic she caused upon my soul I would be in flight everyday and through out the nights . Amongst the stars in to the memories of special days never to land upon this world of the lonely . Tortured soul a roller coaster of emotion through out the hours of bleeding hearts . Only one will scream with the burning tear of melting stone to soften things . Feel the wrath of a loving heart as it weeps  Loneliness in to your own . Hear the wails of its song as it tares its way to your ears . Can you feel the pain of the lonely ? Or is it true in this world it is possible to take a heart of love and cast it in to stone? This is a feeling of Today . Let us shed love for tomorrow..

Day time is the loneliest time by far . While people are hurrying  here and there .my hands are busy and my feet are carrying me to and fro .with all the noise and confusions of the day it is still the loneliest by far . No way to close my eyes and be visited by you . My mind has me trapped no time to visit my heart where  my memories of you are. So anxiously I wait the night . when all is quiet and the world sleeps . Here I lay fully awake . I close my eyes and there you are .I visit our memories our every dream . The things you used to say to me . Your sweet little giggle your tender words the softness of your voice so soothing to me .Above your beauty what I miss most is your smile the light dancing off your beautiful eyes when you looked at me .your loving personality the way your heart always reached out to everyone that even seemed a little bit down. so here I lay tonight feeling totally fulfilled of love and wonderful things . As Morning comes and I wonder where you are . I know that  day time is the loneliest by far !!
Within your smile and the things you say I can feel the passion you hold for life so very clear . I an sense your compassion . The warmth of your heart is seen through your personality . By all that share your company . It's the tenderness , love and joy in your soul that draws us in . Within this life of mine I have been blessed to meet such a heart . Yes my dear friend I am talking of you . so within this note I send you a kiss and a hug upon the wings of a dove .
A new day the sunrise was awesome as sunrises usually are . One more I wish hadn't shed its light upon my head . I often wonder why such a beautiful site can shed its light upon  the misery of a lonely heart. I set each day waiting for the sunset in hopes that I am visited by the reaper man . the tortures of my lonely days rest upon my soul . Night mares of what should be haunt me throughout . I dream  a dream of Romance, passion and intimate things  . Tenderness never arrives .my body cries out to be held my tears long for a shoulder or tender ear . yet loneliness soon takes over the dreams of wonderful things . another sunrise and death was not my friend..

                                    Do you see meI wonder today as I try to sneak a peek into your eyes . Do you see me ?Or am I just a color like all the rest before you? Do I stand out as a Bright brilliant shade or am I one of the dull quiet colors not meant to be seen ? Yes today I wonder as I see the glitter in the windows to your loving soul. Do you see me here in front of you ? or am I like a piece of dust upon the floor waiting to be swept up and discarded ?Today I wonder as I watch for your smile. The one I find myself waiting for in anticipation  .The one that fills my heart with warmth and compassion . Do you see me standing here ? Or am I invisible like the air ? I cant help but see you there your smile the sunshine in your eyes the angel like beauty your personality portrays  . I feel you there and when I close my eyes your still there !Still I wonder have you ever seen me here ?
Hold me tight . for I fear that I will wake to find the empty pillow . I lay in a world of you and I . My heart so full of all the things that give love the magic its meant to be . I can see all the things  so clearly in the beauty of your eyes. I can feel my past, present and  future in the warmth of your smile  . I n your voice I feel my compassion I thought once gone.  with in my soul I know that your touch would heal all the loneliness and sadness of being in  life alone . I dream that you will fulfill me.  Let me consume the love you have to share . I need to be in your arms of  security the love and warmth we both could share. yet I fear I will wake to the empty pillow.
Fallen From Love!!! I woke up this morning to the empty side of my bed.Tears leaping from my eye's once again.I searched the house over yes alone .I have fallen from love!

My heart tells me that I am in love alone.Destiny tells me that I will walk alone .To the lake of tears.As my angel has dropped me.and I have fallen from love!

Now firmly flat on my back my head in a daze.My heart in a wreck.I reach my hand out only to realize.I am forced to stand alone.As I have fallen from love!!!!!!! 

as you hold my heart .Don’t let it fall as it will surely break not from the fall you see but as it leaves from the grasp of your compassion I shall know you have said good bye if the stars fell from the midnight sky or the sun disappeared from the day the devastation couldn’t Possibly compare to the sorrow I would feel knowing your love had died. forever a soul lost I would be amongst those in endless flight searching once again for that one special friend . I am bound by ours  bound to your laugh your smile your personality .knowing my heart will always be there to share your happiness’s your sorrows your every thingsweather we shed tears or laughter during the day or night  the one thing that will always be in my soul is you  so take my hand as you will always be my very special friend

             Friend Deanna Bradley

 Within the sparkle of your eyes . I can see the passion you hold for life so very clear . The compassion you wish to share .The warmth of you heart is generated  through your personality. so everyone around may share in the tenderness love and joy within your soul. With the millions of animal sights and people across this globe . I can feel blessed for the company of at least the one that warms the hearts and souls of everyone she meet's .Yes Deanna  of course its you my dear dear friend

It isn’t a poem that makes or breaks a friend its the heart the personality and the soul you have a tender heart  sparkling eyes and any man around would find you the greatest treasure in life so passionate and alluring  the softness of an angels touch the lips for the most sensual and thrilling kisses  the softest of skin so warm and tender for cuddling  the prettiest of hair for hours of brushing and conversation you my love will never know of loneliness while man still breaths to walk this earth . I send to you a kiss and hug on the wings of a  dove 

Every morning I awake hungering for your company to see you the sparkle in your eyes as you set and watched the world turn and wonder where that love is just that love for you the romance you hunger for . my heart yearns to fulfill your dreams yet you look and search for the same things as I . yet our paths meet as friends  my heart hungers to  be close my lips hunger for the thrill of your kisses my arms ache to hold you with in them , Yet dismissed as a flirt I know how easy that would be as I flirt like no tomorrow but all just to find that which both of us desire no pain just the love do we look through each other to see others forever or will we fill the void with substance kiss me darling stop the hunger fulfill the desires

 Through out life one does things that he feels good about and others we wish we  could change .The one thing we all have in common is  the desire to love and to have that love returned in the same way . We search the world over to find it then we usually settle on false loves just to be hurt or the one sided love that eats at us inside  so we build walls around our hearts . so there only loneliness dwells within . and then we miss out on the things that could have been or should have been . As gods greatest gift he gave us the ability to Love . So here I set tonight I wonder if I am deserving of this gift . I played hard when I was younger but now that I have matured I want and need the intimacy So many asked me for in the past . but I refused to give it as I wanted to be free . as I gaze upon your picture looking in to your eyes I see the love and loneliness that we share  I can hear the sweet sound of your voice as if you were here  memories of your laughter and the things that make your personality I hold so dear .your beauty overwhelms me .yet I see in you life's dream fulfilled . as I set here and wonder if I am deserving of loving you that is the greatest gift of all.

walking hand in hand. I had a dream of walking hand in hand down a moonlit beach with a women that every man desires . At least I thought it a dream until I seen her again today I knew it was her for only she could set my blood afire with my deepest desires . I held my hand out as we touched I felt her shiver as I had done . She looked in to my eyes as I did hers . She had eyes that seemed to smile . As I heard her words she had a dream of walking hand in hand down a moonlit beach with a man that could fill any woman’s desires . I pulled her close and kissed her tenderly . As our lips parted I remember thinking please tell me that I am not asleep for we have walked hand in hand and I can see in you that we have filled each other's desires . She held me close and said to me forever and ever we will be as we are tonight . For in this dream we have accomplished everyone’s desires . 

The night my world died. was the night I realized my heart and soul had turned to stone. Should I or why would I care about the tears behind your sad eyes . My cold callus arms so tormented by the emptiness within. and your so warm to all you hold . I stand engulfed by a blizzard of desires no armor to protect me from the dreams of wanting . Here I set alone in the freedom of being alone.

As you hold my heart don't let it fall. As it will surely break not from the fall . As it leaves  your compassionate grasp . I shall know you have said good-bye . If the stars fell from the midnight sky or the sun disappeared from the day it wouldn't compare to the sorrow I would feel knowing your love had died and went away . forever a soul lost I would be among those in endless flight searching once again for you  my sweet princess my one true love . so hold my heart the way I do yours let  it  warm your soul  the way yours does mine  .

I remember the girl everything about her . She had shining dark brown hair . So brown people mistook it for black. It shined as if there were a light gleaming off it even at night . she had dark eyes  that seemed to sparkled like the stars in the midnight sky . Her lips were full and kissable  perfect right down to the color that accented the tone of her skin . Which was so soft and silky  . Not a blemish in the texture . One just wanted  to touch her but didn't  I suppose  for fear of damaging her . She looked more delicate than a priceless porcelain doll . She was all natural from her head to her toes . don't get me wrong it wasn't the firmness of her bosom or her beauty alone , Her personality her voice so soft and gentle . So giving her love of life the way she could spread joy to ones heart with a glimpse of her smile . The compassion she had for everything and everyone she came in contact with . No judgment from her because life is unconditional . I can still remember her sweet scent  Like no woman I have ever known...

I want to be the one that makes you smile. I want to be the voice on the other end of the phone saying I just called to say I love and miss you . I want to be the one that runs your bubble  bath . I want to be the one that brushes out your hair . I want to be the one that rubs your tired feet at the end of the day . I want to be the one that dries the dishes or helps you with the laundry. I want to be the one you cant wait to see . I want to be the one you think about  when you think about love. I want to be the one you show off and the one that is proud to show you off on his arm . I want to be the shoulder that you lean on . I want to be the ear that listens to you no matter what it is you have to say . I want to be the one that sets you on your pedestal . I want to be the one to walk hand in hand with you . I want to be the one you wake up to . Most of all I want to be the one that you know unconditionally loves you. Yes I want to be the arms you rush home to.if I could only love one it would have to be you The passion in my heart brings out sweet visions of you If I could only love one your soul would know it could only be you are my strength my wisdom my eternities if I could only love one id leave it up to you the heart of my soul .so you tell me my love . if I could only love one then who?

If I wasn't scared that I would find the answer I didn't want to know. id go on a quest into the night leaving behind this body of flesh. Just to spy upon thy soul. my heart drives me to find the sensual light my eyes dare to seek again .like a brilliant glow in the aura of love . The voice of gentleness the one that blesses my tired ears with the songs of love .If only I wasn't scared that id find the answers I really don't want to know . Id fly through the midnight sky to feel those heated arms of silken flesh wrapped around my loving soul to feel the other half of my heart beat within one. to share the thrill of passionate kisses or even to be free of loneliness for the first time . If only I wasn't scared to find the answers I should already know...

If only my heart could speak. You would know how truly special you are . It isn't any one word or smile it wasn't even the softness of your voice . I t wasn't even the solitude of my life . It was everything you Represent The compassion you have for all things and everyone around . Its your honesty and love that you share . its the way my soul feels about who you are . Your so much more than anything or anyone I have ever known and its not even that not all alone. If I could use words to show you what you mean to me I wouldn't have the need to hold you within me . if only my heart could speak you'd know exactly what you mean to me..

In the still of the night where all secrets are kept . A whisper can be heard calling out your sweet name. Hearts beating wildly in anticipation of your arrival. The night sky shielded with a billion sparkling stars . The moon so full and bright as if it were lighting a path for a King or Queen. my eyes so wide in anticipation. The excitement building with in my soul. As I set and wait for you to show . A whisper of my own sent out in to the night hoping to find your ears . I only said that I love you so much more ...

It was so easy to fall in love with you. Your beauty is only surpassed by the compassion in your personality. I love your smile and the sparkle in your eyes . I am in awe of the way your rounded cheeks grow flush when you are embarrassed . I love the way you walk and try not to sway for others to see .I am always amazed in the way you glow as if an angel was touching your shoulder . I love your strength and courage when all seems lost . I love so much about you that I could go on forever and never hit on it all . your so special to me and all those who dream of knowing a love just like yours..

It's you When my heart beats to the rhythm of compassion . When my soul dances to the beat of love its you.  When sad and loneliness overwhelms me when hopelessness seems to be my only friend and I need a pick me up Its you . When silence sneaks in and attacks my heart and soul . and I long for  a voice of gentle tenderness its you. when all the beauty seems to have fled from the world and all seems lost  its a vision of loveliness that I need so I close my eyes and  its you. with in the trials of life I have learned there is only one special thing I need to make my life complete and yes Its you ...

Just a smile and the twinkle in your eyes. Is all it takes to get my heart pumping out of control. Letting me know that its still alive. My compassion I thought gone. The unconditional love with in I thought had died. and then all at once the warmth of your smile . let me know that my heart hadn't turned to stone .A smile upon my face a gleam in my eyes a secret thought within my soul .the desire to be swallowed in the grasp of your loving arms has over taken everything within me.
Within every breath that escapes my lipsI hunger for the sweetness of your kisseswithin every beat of my heart I long to feel you nearwithin every sent I smell I try to compareyet I know none can compare to the sweetness of youwithin every dream I dream your there for me to hold within every emotion I have you are my passion my love my desires yes you are my Life !!!!

As I look in to your eyes past the pupils where all stories are told. I see the pain of days gone bye. the hurtful words and miseries .makes my heart cry out for your torn days . the compassion love and intimate things all still there behind your walls. as I leap in to the distance I feel the warmth of every thing hidden away . Let me be the one to hold your tired shoulders feel the warmth of your soul. share within each other the love of things that should be . the little things  the way your smile warms the earth like a mid day sun. the song of your voice spreading its joy .Let me be the ear that hears your words no matter what they are. within all you ha e to share with this world let me be the one that to share in thanking you for just being who you are . you have reminded me that life can be as warm and loving as we want it to be...

With in my heart I have sought that sweet Rose that  could hold my soul upon her palm .until now I thought it a fantasy until that day I gazed in to her eyes and felt her smile upon my heart so warm and filling through out goose bumps upon my flesh when she comes near . so peaceful and fulfilled as I lay with her in my arms .my safety gone inhibitions a part of the past. so vulnerable in her grasp yet the love sets me free to be nothing more than me .
If love were just a word . I wouldn't feel so lonely here today . who knows how or why it happens. I knew it the very first time I looked in to your eyes felt the warmth of your smile or heard the tenderness in your voice . I've searched the world over . Never have I had a desire  to share the company of another the way I hunger for yours . Never have I had a need to see a smile the way I do yours . I have always believed I would know the other half of my soul at first contact . Yet I believed you would feel it too . take the time away from your world . Look in to  my eyes and see if my soul belongs with yours. is it my heart beat that coincides with your own .or do you just wish id go away like a buzzing fly that just flew in . is it me is that why you stay away ? My heart misses you so much more then I could ever say . It is you that gives me the strength to live through each day . If you were here I would finally know what it is to feel complete for the very first time . Nothing has ever felt so lonely as my heart has been waiting for you to bless it with your own.

Whenever sadness takes a bite of me and I feel no warmth . I close my eyes and there I find you . Like the rain upon the earth my heart beats a thousand times per second. Those little pulses of excitement the emotion flowing like a raging river at just the thought that my visions will show your smile . Like a child with the greatest treasure . I want to show you off to the world saying look at this Gods most beautiful creation upon my arm . The joy I feel every time I hear your soft voice only reminds me . that no matter where I am or what I am doing all's I have to do is clothes my eyes and look with my heart.

As I sat here an realize IM lost without knowing where my home is . It comes to me that I haven't a place that I call home . What is a home ? A man made dwelling . Or a place that brings out your most tender emotions . Those little feelings of security , caring , wanting , longing for , love , a place of retreat when you feel lost , scared , helpless , alone , unwanted , no good , or hurt ? Is this home ? If so then I do have a home . My heart guides me to it . It's not made of brick , wood , nor even  cement . It's made of flesh and bone as you and I . But I've always called it a her . That special woman in my life must be my home . For she gives me all these things and a whole lot more . When we are apart I am as a lost child abandoned in the desert . Yes I want to be home. so  you tell me what is a home...
My heart lost in wanting to feel loved . My mind is scared so I hide in the failures of years gone bye . who can I love that will not reopen the wounds of my memories. my soul has the need to find the warmth of another loving heart  the hugs compassionate kisses and tender words . yet my mind keeps the walls up to keep the pain of yester years. now wanting to fly and be free to be the one I want to be yet the tears fall upon my cheeks . keeping me trapped in this prison of my creation free me love let me see that you are here for the duration of us. come set me free to fly with thee. No matter what is in the worlds around us .Inside we know that we can find comfort in the two of us a Place of compassion, Love and honesty  . Free to be whom we are as together we are the wings in the wind .grab my hand and sore with me to a land of serenity

I set here disturbed with the thought of being alone for the rest of my life . I’ve traveled more miles then most hope to in a life time . I've brought children in to this world so I do know of fatherly love . But to know of a woman's love I know not I once thought I did but I guess not . I never really thought about the splendid feelings a women could share . I had thought I'd filled my life's journey until my heart started beating wildly as I stared at the women with the shining reddish brown hair . Her sparkling eye's seem to put romance in the air . Her smile made my blood boil as I continued to stare . With a thousand angels dancing above . I set here wondering . If she knows what she has done to me . Ten days later I set here numb . She has invaded my mind as well as my reams . I know not if our paths will ever cross again . I am hoping so because in five minutes she has done more for my heart than I have done in all my years . The feelings I'm now having have me wondering if the part of my life I have not done is the women with the shining reddish brown hair . If I never see her again I'll always be grateful for the one brief moment she touched me so . I hope she knows that I will always be waiting for her even if in great despair !!!

Mission of life
A search for beauty and warmth throughout the lands . From the mountains to the seas. fulfillment of the heart so fleeting. A million miles in this life . to fulfill this life's quest we all share yet denied . Settling here and there thinking its right . yet the emptiness and hurt  pushes us on to fill the  void of fleeting dreams and romantic things. As I try to forget the pain of the heart .I look with in a virtual window . Through the games and chat room things .The voice of compassion like an angels song grabs My attention as loneliness and years of emptiness turn to memories . Interests reborn as I look in to a set of beautiful eyes . the stories of days gone bye personality and emotional things are told . Through the heart warmth and beauty like an ocean to flood the heart  the wings to my soul spotted here .as the reality of life's mission has finally been given . will the hearts become one will the souls fly together as I reach out will she too Realize that destiny has knocked on our door.

Through  My PC !!! With in myself  I can feel the warmth , passion and romance waiting to burst out and be freeYet it stay's to torment my lonely day's

As I search the world through the window of my PC . I wonder if there is love out there for me. I see all I hear all . But loneliness still dwells within me.

The longing to love , snuggle  and cuddle .Rests upon my heart . Yet I stare at the world  through the eye's on my PC . What to say what to feel . Is there love out there for me .

Some say its a machine. To others It is a game. Yet the loneliness guides me to and fro searching the world over through the heart of my PC .

Still I wonder is there love out there for me??? 

In this life so full of confusion. where my mind whirls in awe. While I feel all that my heart has to share . My willingness to give freely an abundance of tender things a hug a passionate kiss and all the love anyone could possibly give . Lost in a dream where I seen you standing there . Hopeful as I look in your eyes .I knew it was you . I heard your plea's . I answered you back hoping you would hear with open arms . My heart speaks to you in life's recipe there always two parts to a whole . so let me stand at your side feel my soul as your own . there is always room for love even with in us . so never stand alone . always know that my love is always with you no matter what you do..

 Just your smile and the sparkle in your eyes lets me know that its alive my compassion I had thought gone the unconditional love that dwells within I thought had died alls it took was the warmth of your smile and here I am my heart not made of stone  smile upon my face a gleam in my eye's a secret thought within my soul and the desire to feel my self swallowed in the grasp of your loving arms

How Can I tell you I miss you. Without appearing as weak and childish as I feel overtime were apart . How can I show you how much I love you without you feeling smothered . How can I talk of my loneliness without you seeing the tears leap from my eyes. How can I make the day worth living without you at my side . How can I cast my heart in love and let you know what an angel you truly are . How can I come up with the words to show you the love from my heart. words alone could never show you what I feel . With all the ways there is to act not one could compare to the compassion within. Nothing I could ever say or do could even come close to letting you know just how much I truly love you

My lips upon the hive . My eyes an endless search for the queen. my heart her compassion as to day I stand before her shedding my cap and gown . Only pure will she know me without mistrust or condition as we come together . Now in flight my hand upon hers her heart within my own . I look out and see myself for the very first time through the windows of her soul . My final bidding with honey upon  my tongue I realize we are now complete..

Lost in a memory of wishful times. the times of smiles laughter and tender things . A gentle world when people had a genuine concern for each other . No room for deceit or hurtful things. A life of love, joy and giving things . There was a time was there not? Tell me have I just woke up from a wonderful dream? If I have send me back my heart is there . Come along if you like grab my hand grasp my heart there is always room for two in happiness.

The sent of spring is with in your long black hair . your eyes sparkling like the sand in a tropical ocean . The warmth of your smile reminding me of a refreshing breeze . waited for in the desert sun  your voice calling like the beauty of fall knowing that your touch will not be far off as pure as the first snow flake of winter . and our love comes complete..

Can you feel the tears drops I shed during the night ? You may think them  selfish tears the same as I . Its not the pain of loneliness nor are they tears of things to come . They are tears of my own desire of loving you I have a need an uncontrollable hunger to show you the love that grows within . My heart pounds so loud I can hear it above the thunder that thrashes in the clouds. My tears forming a salty lake mightier then the see . I have a need to be loving you yet we are so far apart my heart tends to bleed as the tear drops fall for this selfish need to fulfill your needs. So emotional is thy soul when it comes to needing you in my arms . so here I will be with the tears flowing for my own selfish needs..
As I set and watch the snow fall . I notice the beauty it puts upon the land . but what is such a site when your heart is chilled with loneliness ? As I stare at the fire place . I feel the warmth of the roaring fire with in . The heat is there but what is it without the other half of thy heart ? As I stand on the street corner and watch the children play with such innocents .With no clue that they could become someone just like me . I am the lost  for my heart lie's elsewhere . As I settle in  this night I lay awake wondering how I could have ever let things go so far . Now I hope it comes to you that I will only ever be  with you at my side....

If I could share a dream .I'd share a dream of magical things of the sweetest kind . I'd wish upon every single star in a clear midnight sky . That you feel the love in my dreams of you and I. In all of the universe never has there been a compassion like that of my heart for yours .Never has the  world felt the desire my soul longs for to just be holding  you in my arms . Even if for but  a brief moment in time . If ever a song is sang that can compare to the tender tone of your voice id listen to it a billion times over as it played through out the galaxies so every being could feel the same peace inside that I do when you speak to me . a soft gentle kiss from your sweet lips would be the greatest gift known to mankind the tenderness in your thoughts I wish to all every minute of everyday . the passion of my heart I wish to you . If I could only share a dream I'd live it with you

I cant see you . Yet I know you are there I feel you within my heart and soul , every where I turn I am sure I will find you standing there .Every sweet scent I smell I wonder if you were just there .Oh how I have longed for the softness of your voice to bless my ears. the way you make me smile and my face grows flush by the things you say .I always find my self hungering for your touch so  tender and warming like the love that beats through my heart .everyone I know has the same thoughts of you your all angel .So sweet to this life.
Within your absence my heart has splinters of damnation the tears that have leapt from my eyes are the pool of our memories . The laughter the conversation the special times . Now everything gone . Alone I must swim to the lake of solitude wondering if wanting is all there ever was for me . My heart my soul I handed you . Destiny I thought was us where did I go wrong . I wonder as I swim this sea of solitude..

My heart under lock and Key . Forbidden to tell her how I felt . my heart in a whirl of mystical feelings . Her voice so gentle I could only compare to the voice of an angels song. Without ever directly talking to me my ears tingled every time she spoke. I found something beyond the sparkle in her eyes . That reminded me of the stars in the midnight sky. So warm and serene so much emotion within her soul .her personality so full of love and life . I knew there was so much more warmth in her . something was forcing her not to reveal what was inside to the rest of the world . my heart bled for her pain .Her hair shined like a romantic moon so soft and silky as was the texture of her swollen lips . I hungered to feel them next to my own .I never said or showed an emotion to what I felt as I gazed day after day . I thought I had lost the compassion that once had dwelled within myself Now that she is gone .and all is lost I realize that I should have said or done something to let her know how much she had touched the ones around her . I know now that I too am alive and starved for love..

Sweet Destiny Of  Mine

 The sensual gift of love is seen with in your eyes.  your Voice the sound I always long to here as Loneliness surrounds me when your away .your heart not well hidden as I feel your pain  of  days gone buy .  Your smile so beautiful and bright warms my heart like the sun upon the earth . a Brush in my hand to flow through your shining hair . the intimacy of your closeness is my desire .I  give you my heart to hold within your own.  in  memories and dreams I wonder if my heart is excepted to beat with yours. Or will it lay upon the floor all alone Life is so  short .But with in this love of you and I eternity is not near enough time to share  all our love . Open your heart and  feel me  Destiny of mine the memories of yester year to fade in the grasp of our compassionate hearts beating as one . Emotion's never to be ignored . hold me tenderly as I do you . Look in to my eyes see me hear me . Don't shy away for I am  love at your hearts door

                     THE DREAM
A perfect world of love romance .intimacy and honesty. A vision where there is nothing more than the love portrayed by your personality heart and smile . soft spoken words of compassionate emotion and alluring desire's . Arms to hold me through the good times, the sad times ,all the time ,in this dream I have awoke to find that you are my reality..

shhh don’t say anything  listen to my heart beat as I come closer feel my presence experience the taste of passion as I kiss your sweet lips know love for the first time as I wrap my arms about your tender body look in my eyes and see the treasures  I have for you

  The most beautiful woman I never knewShe had dark brown hair with almost a black looking  tint  that always seemed to shine as if it were under a spot light. Her eyes were beautifully rounded  they were dark like a midnight sky so full of brilliant stars of the shiniest kinds. Her lips full and passionate perfect in color that accented the tone of her soft silken skin . The only thing warmer that the compassion in her smile would be the kindness portrayed by her personality .I always found my self waiting in anticipation for the tenderness of her words as did everyone that ever was blessed with her company..

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