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pete's blog: "story"

created on 12/21/2006  |  http://fubar.com/story/b36636


Demon-Bitch Sandra had finished a hard day of work, with thoughts of a warm, relaxing bath in her mind. She had put in two hours of overtime dealing with phone calls constantly going in her ear, so she just wanted the world to dissolve away. Starting her car she breathed a small sigh as a small bit of tension was relieved. The drive to her apartment is a rather short trip from work, and since she worked late she missed most of the rush hour traffic, so she would be home in a blink. As she was turning the corner she almost ran into another car that was coming out of a driveway. A day's worth of frustration vented as she shouted at the driver, "Hey watch where you're going, bitch!" The driver returned a cold stare, but then melted to a smile as she gave Sandra a small nod. With a "pft" Sandra just drove on, forgetting the entire incident. With an overwhelming sense of relief she dumps herself onto her couch, just letting her purse droop down off her shoulder. She hadn't even had three breathes-worth of relaxation when her door-bell rang. ‘Maybe they'll go away', she thinks, trying to ignore the caller. Again the bell rang, more insistent sounding. With a sigh Sandra finally got up and went to the door. She was met with the same smile at her door as in the car she had thought was far forgotten. There wasn't a single movement from the stranger, yet Sandra felt a pair of clawed hands at her throat. Before she could even think to scream the breathe was squeezed out of her mouth. Slowly walking in the woman stepped past Sandra as if she wasn't there. Looking around at the apartment, occasionally picking up the occasional item to gaze upon it, she finally walked back to her captive. Sandra could barely breathe as the stranger's eyes moved directly into her view. The "fingers" loosened slightly, but the presence was still felt. She was thankful for the air but still could not speak as she felt a pair of fingers directly on her voice-box. Those eyes. Sandra feared those eyes, more then the hands at her throat. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but Sandra couldn't see any soul in these eyes. Amusement at her predicament, at the use of power, but not a hint of mercy. Then came the voice. It was a mixture of sweet song and an animal's growl. "Well. You certainly have a mouth on you. Perhaps I should correct that, maybe remove it completely? No, I can do better then that. What was it you called me? A bitch? That's actually a wonderful idea. Remove your clothing." A bit of anger and defiance arose in Sandra as she refused to move. The smile dissolved, the hands tightened, and the eyes moved closer. "I can have those clothes torn off your body. But you will learn obedience. Your new ‘job' requires it. Now, do as I say." The hands almost dropped Sandra to the floor, only a last remnant of stubbornness kept her legs under her. She kicked off her shoes to the side, then started to unzip her skirt. "Faster". The hands tightened, causing her to wince. She let the skirt drop as she began pushing the pantyhose down to the floor. "Faster!" Again the hands tightened, she could feel the veins in the fingers against her own. She tore at the panties, then ripped open the blouse, the sound of buttons dancing on the floor. "Faster!" She could barely breathe now as she tore at the bra, letting it fall. She couldn't even think now, not about her embarrassment at being forced to disrobe in front of a complete stranger, not about her fear of this woman. All that mattered to her was those eyes. Sandra hung there limply as her body was inspected. The hands didn't yield even though she had complied, her breathing staying shallow as real fingers poked at her. "Yes. Yes, I can work with this. I don't even have to exert much really, but it will be quite fun to watch." The woman began to intone some language, nothing Sandra had ever heard. Her experience at work kept her exposed to all sorts of languages and accents, but she couldn't place what she was hearing now. Sandra began to feel strange, a warmth that for some reason sent chills through her body. She looked down to see arms change, as if the skin had become liquid. Then her legs began to melt, causing her to lose balance. Thankfully the hands around her throat "dissolved", letting her drop to all fours. Then to Sandra's horror she saw her fingers disappear into her palms, becoming remade into what looked like paws. Watching the same happen to her feet it finally dawned onto her what was happening: she was being turned into a dog. Between her legs a tail began to form. Her nose started to extend as a snout was formed. She could feel her ears growing longer by the second. She tried to cry, but tears didn't form, only a "yelping" sound came from her now pronounced snout. Sandra became confused though when she looked at the rest of her body. Only her arms and legs were changed, the rest of her body remained the same, although she could feel fur growing on her back. The woman watched the entire process with the same smile that greeted Sandra at the door. She crouched down to look right into Sandra's eyes, with those eyes, causing Sandra to move back. "Stay!", shouted the woman. Sandra suddenly felt she had to obey, and felt a pleasure in obeying. Her tongue, a rather long tongue, came out as she began to pant. "Good dog. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you're not an old dog are you? You're my new bitch, aren't you?" Sandra could only bark her affirmation. She was horrified at herself for feeling happy to be this woman's "bitch", but she couldn't think of what to do about it. "So, how about we go for a walk? Come!" The woman opened the door. An overwhelming fear and humiliation hit Sandra, she couldn't let anyone see her like this. Over the past few years she became friends with many of the other tenants. Besides, she couldn't let her win like this, she was still Sandra Berra. The new owner had turned towards the door, expecting the new pet to follow. When she turned and saw the disobedience she became enraged. "I said ‘Come'!", she sternly said, her hand extending outwards. A filament of light, similar to a spider's thread, flowed out of her palm and flew around Sandra's throat. The strand began to thicken, creating a black, leathery leash. A firm tug on the leash emphasized who was in control, yet Sandra still remained firm. Sandra suddenly began to feel a pressure in her abdomen, realizing the choice was no longer her own. "You can go right there if you want, I don't care, but you don't want me make you clean it up how I have in mind." Sandra finally relented, hoping that it will be over soon. They both went down through the lobby, much to Sandra's embarrassment, then out to the back to the dog run. She was led back and forth in full view, then told to relieve herself. Thankfully Sandra lucked out and no one was around, probably dinner time. The woman was relishing in her new bitch's humiliation. Even after Sandra was finished she led her back through the dog run, then back through the lobby. Just as they were about to go up the elevator one of the next-door tenants called to hold the elevator. Sandra winced as she saw one of her friends, Anne, come into the elevator. Anne looked at the unknown woman with concern, not knowing if she was a new tenant. However the apartment manager doesn't allow anyone to move in, especially with a dog, without good references. "Did you just move in?" "Actually I am visiting, I'm taking care of the tenant in 202." "Oh? I didn't know she had a dog, she didn't seem like the type to have one." "And why do you believe that?" "Well, I don't want to gossip, it's just that she didn't seem comfortable with my dog." "Really? Well I can say that she's a changed woman, she'll be very receptive to your dog. May we come over and see?" "Sure, I'm two doors down from her, when Sandra comes in just stop over." Sandra became very confused, didn't she see her there? She was also finding it hard to follow some of the conversation, but after a while she just passed the time by panting and resting against her new owner's leg. "I'm certain you'll see her very soon, I'm quite interested in your dog however if I may see." "Well, I suppose that would be alright. You don't have to worry about Thor, he's big but he's gentle once he smells you." Opening the door, Anne let them in. At the sound of the door being opened Thor came running up, stopping at his usual spot for his owner. He happily waited for his greeting, the wonderful rub on the head. Looking at the guest he started to growl a bit, mostly at the strange smelling woman. A quick "hush" by his owner didn't relax him. It wasn't until the strange smelling woman began to faintly growl under her breathe that he became at ease. Sandra ha heard the sound, hearing the owner say "I am accepted, you are relaxed, I am accepted, you are relaxed" over and over. The hostess had gone into the kitchen to make coffee, bringing back a steaming cup to her guest. After asking the usual "cream and sugar" questions she finally sat down. "So I never did get your name, mine's Anne." "Yes, you may call me Daria. It's a name I used to be called a long time ago." "Um, well, how long have you known Sandra?" "Actually, I met her today." Anne began to feel uneasy, thinking she misjudged this woman. "Perhaps you could tell me how you met her then." "It was quite accidental, normally I wouldn't even consider it. However she annoyed me so I had to punish her." This chilled Anne to the bone. Perhaps her friend was dead in her apartment. "What did you do to her? Where is she?" "Actually, she's right here", she said, pointing to the dog sitting next to her. Anne looked on in disbelief as the dog suddenly faded, the image blurring slightly, then focused onto Sandra's current form. Anne slowly started to stand as it started to sink in, until she was told to "sit down" by her guest. "You don't need to fear me, I will not harm you. I am a demon, but I am not a vengeful one. I have lived for too long to be that angry at you humans. I do have to admit over the years I have been creative in my punishments. I've been called many names for it, I was even set fire at the stake in Salem. Ah those Puritans." "I did punish that old Vicar of course. I turned him into a sluttish woman and whored him out to the entire New England colonies. She's still around, I made her into a nymphomaniac porn star. Every night just before she falls asleep she remembers who she was. I think I'll keep her around for another hundred years or so." "Today she became the exception", she said, stroking the dog's hair. "I could keep her like this for a day or the rest of her life, it does not matter to me. It does please me though to see her like this." Sandra's tail started to wag noticeably at the attention, both physically and verbally. Anne watched, but found her gaze focused on the exposed crotch, which did not go unnoticed by the demon. "Sandra, show us some tricks. Lie down." Sandra happily obeyed, lying down on the carpet. "Good girl, now roll over." Again Sandra obeyed, rolling once, then twice over. Right in the middle of the third roll-over Daria commanded, "Now stay." This caused Sandra to remain on her back, her legs up in the air. However the way that she was positioned Anne was looking directly into her pussy. This also drew the attention of Thor. He came over and began sniffing at what he thought was a new smell. His tongue began to dart in and around the lips, finding that he enjoyed the taste. Anne's breathing became short as her excitement grew. She didn't understand why she was feeling this way, her friend being transformed into a dog, her own dog eating her out, and still becoming aroused by it all. Her hand acted on its own, moving into her own pants for relief. Daria smiled at the display she was receiving from Anne, her spells were working perfectly. Without drawing any attention to anyone she stood up and walked over to the couch where Anne sat, then softly sat next to her. Anne flushed with embarrassment as she was caught in such a compromising position. However instead of stopping she leaned over and kissed the she-demon, exploring her mouth with her own tongue. She was surprised to find that it was sweet, not acrid as she assumed. Sandra was delirious with the pleasure she was receiving, yet she still knew in the back of her mind that this was still wrong. With each passing moment the thoughts seem to drift further away. They broke their mutual kiss, then Daria ordered Sandra to sit up on all fours. Sandra obeyed, though with a slight tone of regret at the loss of the wonderful sensations. Daria made a motion with her fingers, causing Sandra to feel strange, yet aroused even more. Thor quickly noticed as he was having trouble waiting. Anne looked puzzled, but began to realize what happened when Thor mounted his new mate. Daria confirmed her suspicion when she said, "Yes, I just made her a real ‘bitch in heat'. She'll never have puppies I'm afraid. But she will be on the regular schedule of a normal female dog." Thor began to pump in earnest as Sandra instinctively accepted his administrations. The small part in her mind that was human, that before screamed for her freedom, became silenced in the raw pleasure she was receiving. She finally accepted that she was a bitch, that she would happily obey and draw pleasure from that obedience. Daria looked at Anne's face, seeing the sheer lust that was growing before her. But there was something more. Her magiks only accentuated existing passions, it didn't create new ones. She realized that perhaps Anne had some hidden feelings toward Sandra. "Do you want her?" was all she asked. Anne was snapped out of her excitement for a moment with that question. Her desires swirled before her, the emotions overpowering. However reality also swirled in the mix. She knew she couldn't refuse such a gift, especially from a demon. Besides, who better to care for Sandra? Still... "I don't think I could take care of two dogs, and I love Thor, I can't get rid of him. However....what if Sandra could be my bitch when I want her to be, and still be normal enough to draw a paycheck?" Daria's smile grew wide, almost wider then her cheeks could allow. "Very well, do you have a dog whistle?" Anne thought a moment, thinking back to the dog school days Thor went through. Looking through her desk drawer she found the whistle and handed it to Daria. For a moment it glowed in her hand, then faded. "Here, only she will hear this. Wherever she may be each time you blow this she will change. However in either form she will remain completely loyal to you. My original spell is intact, anyone looking at her will view her as fully dog or fully human, not as this form." The two dogs had continued their fevered sexual display, with Sandra orgasming several times. Finally Thor lurched forward, sending his seed deep inside his mate. Without any grand overture he simply withdrew and walked to the corner, licking himself for good measure. Anne thanked the demon for the gift, removing her pants and panties to try that elongated tongue. As she began climbing towards her own orgasm, Daria started toward the door to leave. "Oh, may I ask for one small favor?" Anne asked, quickly drawing close. Sandra woke with a start. It was the same dream, the same she's been having for weeks. Every time she woke up something bothered her, but she couldn't place what it was. However the more awake she became the thoughts would fade. She walked into the bathroom, the breeze from the open window giving her a quick chill against her naked body. A random thought asked when did she start sleeping naked, but that too faded as she washed her face in the sink. A few drops ran down her body, in between her breasts. She watched them race down, enjoying the look of her new nipple rings. She loved how the rings kept her nipples hard all the time. All six of them. A last remnant began to trouble her, but then she heard the whistle and began to run for the door, her tail wagging frantically. She knew she would beat Thor to the door this time.
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