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Emotions of Christ

Emotions Of Christ By James H. Morrow This was a writing event held on Good Friday, April 14, 2006. For 12 hours, author James H. Morrow committed the emotions of Christ to writing, once an hour from 7:00 am – 7:00 pm. Then on Easter Sunday, April 16, 2006, he completed the work with the final two writings. Each writing is titled next to the time at which it was written. Truly, this was his masterpiece. 7:00AM Alone I sit in a dark hole all alone The night was filled with angry mobs I can hear them still in my head Everything is now quiet With my fathers guidance this will all soon end They took the night like thieves They want to steal my life from me I have come to save them and they cannot see What is it with man All they can see is their own pain and dont understand My anger is righteous They rape, pillage and plunder Then they become victims to a world When all they need to do is pray The pain of agony shrieks over me Satan will soon come visit me Will I be a victim of my own mortality Or will i be destinged for immortality I am just a man To walk in your shoes to show you You were givin Noah and Abraham so we could start new Neither worked now it is time for you To see one that will fit in your shoes To walk the walk no one else could do The sounds of pain shriek in my head Some will never come back from being dead My anger strikes deep in the earths core Do not be a victim in my name Stand up for more The floor is cold and damp Pilate has power I am a man It is time they all understand I will walk this walk without their hand I have been granted my own death From something more than a loveless government I am all alone No wife, no child My only confidante Will be my Father as he carries me in prayer through this horrific end. Psalm 42:3-4 My tears have been my food day and night, while men say to me all day long "Where is your God?" These things I remember as I pour out my soul how I used to go with the multitude leading the procession to the house of God, with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng. 8:00AM Strength Through the nights I have seen the depths of hell in man. I have seen the righteous turn on me My will is no longer my own They will break me with no thoughts of their own They have started to mock the man who has only shown love The thoughts of killing me only strengthens their resolve I will stand quietly and let them spit They have no idea I have forgiven them My strength will be my love I will cherish every child when they enter Heaven above They walk by me and stare The blood the hatred is in the air They have given me the chance to say I dont exist This would put an end to all of this They dont understand the life I lead Even if I were not who they truely want me to be They look for me and I come to them They are afraid of something they cannot understand My love will be my strength My love carries no hate So today will be my last As a mere mortal man I will use strength and love to the end What is it they are so afraid of? They see me stand my ground Then they pray and hope I will come Then tell me I am not who I am I tell them to love not to hate I tell them how to get to heavens gate My strength will be my love I will go down for 1000's of years of the man who loved with strength til the end of his years. 9:00AM Pain I see a man cloaked in black Bent over I can hear the lash He tells me to come to him and end this all The blood the sounds of mothers fall They take every lash and I gasp My pain and suffering is not the attacks I can hear men laughing This is the beginning of my beautiful upfall Shredding is my skin My thoughts are racing My knees hurt this is crazy This is the life of a man? I am here to show you you can live again They hit the back of my head with all there might I can feel sharpness tear as I dont fight I stand up and tell them to hit me again Tear me down and I will show you love again The pain is bearable this is not the worst it seems Father come and enter me This pain is excruciating They are tearing me apart My chest is pounding and when will it stop I can feel their lives are broken They find joy in mocking the chosen The blood is pouring into my eyes That man in the black cloak is begging me to end this before tonight Satan I fear your time has come I will show you I am Jesus Christ the Chosen One He looks at the men They pick up a hammer They hit me in the back of the head to make me suffer I can hear the blood dripping from everywhere Satan you will need to end your time here Satan you are neither the beginning nor the end You have lost your fight millenia from here Oh father send an angel show me what is on the table I will fight this pain they send I will give them the chance to love again Romans 5:6-7 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 10:00AM Agony They are dragging me to a dirt road My mind is foggy of the last hit They are letting everyone beat and spit on me When does it end I am now walking in the valley of shadow of death I fear no evil my father These men know not what they do Will they beat their own wives like this? Will the beat the poor helpless child? The agony I can bear You will soon deliver me A woman in the crowd sees a tear in my eye She sees the truth and the man that is about to die She is screaming in horror The men hit her and pillage her for knowing me Father what are they doing The tear she saw was her life They kicked and beat her til she died I fall next to her in agony I see her open eyes I whisper dont worry you will be with me I am on the ground they kick my side Hit me with sticks and know I will die Father my thoughts are I hope soon they will learn to love then they will know One man brings a couple of friends they pick me up One looks in my eyes and sees the tear He falls to his knees and says forgive me father The tears fall from my eyes As his friends curse him and beat him to death They believe in me and die a quick death The tears stream from my eyes I look at this mans corpse he called upon me He will also join me His agony was to know he was crossed By his own friends he had lost Revelations 13:10 If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed. 11:00AM Purpose They have left me alone laying on the ground They dont see what I am about A young boy sneaks up to me I see a tear in his eye This one is truly a magnificent sight I smile to him and tell him it is ok Like you will be with my father soon A guard storms in and looks around He sees the boy who is in love with his saviour He sees only a young man who in mans eyes has misbehaved He takes a fist and plunges it in this 8 year olds face Mans purpose to destroy me is a disgrace I see the young boy on the ground battered and bruised I see the guard and this is not good The young man cries out for my Father I drop my head as the guard pulls his sword He plunges it towards the heavens and down towards the boy The guard falls back in surprise I look at him and said my purpose is more than you will ever see in your own eyes The young man was gone Had disappeared The guard looks at me in fear I tell him not to fear me Do not kill the children that look at me I am their purpose I am the one you need as a purpose I am not a religion just a man Sent from Heaven and will soon be at my Fathers right hand Mark 10:13-16 People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. 12:00 NOON My Darkest Hour I sit on a stump these men call my throne WIll this be the final blow Father please come and enter me The man in the black cloak is here again He asks me to give up and tells me this is the end I am frail and bloody as merely a man Theses soldiers are here with peasants in the background The have this crown is what they call it I call it the end of all time When do you crown a man who is about to die These people have doubts They know I am your son They want me to eternally be remembered as your saviour and son In their hearts they have wicked eyes They know if they dont agree they will soon die I will leave behind many followers They will be cursed to the end They will be the ones who will die next Father this is my darkest hour This is the one they will turn like a dead flower No heart no mind no body I am not a victim but the one who will save this worlds oul I can feel the thorns piercing my skin The pain is furious it makes my skin tingle Blood is pouring into my eyes so I can see no evil Father forgive them they know not what they are doing It is now about time for my final journey Proverbs 16:31 Gray hair is a crown of splendor, it is attained by a righteous life. 1:00PM Compassion They walk me out to a big crowd The hatred is unbound My eyes see not clearly I can barely hear any sounds My father I know you are with me My pain no longer is around I hold up my head A man standing next to me He is suppose to be their leader Instead they are now leading him These men of temples and gods word want me dead What is with their hate in their heart Can they not love I have showed them many times I came from above I fall to the ground I hear a loud pound It was a soldier who struck me in the head with his shield I turn to him barely holding up my head I forgive you is what I said I see behind him the one in the black cloak Father take away that evil that is trying to provoke Their leader tells them fine I am to be crucified I look at him and see a tear in his eye He knows I will die for him I look into his soul and let him know Their sin will be more than they can bear Yours is not equal to theirs The soldiers push me down 40 stairs My body broken and shattered I look at them and they ask me what I tell them I will love you and die this day for every sin you bear Your hatred does not haunt the man who put you here I am Jesus of Nazareth and my father told me of this This is my journey never forget this John 19:11 Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to youfrom above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." 2:00PM I Carried Them The guards walk me out to this open area Many people sit and stare I dont know how any man could bare Bloodied, battered and bruised this is where my destination must continue They throw me down onto this cross Men yelling Women crying Children falling No one is spared I see this eye of a little girl Raped tortured and forgotten by the world She is crying watching the man she worships fall I smile and whisper child this will help us all A man must be her father I see his eyes he has not protected her Blood goes through my site I lay helpless but want to fight Father in this time of need It is not me that is the one who needs Carry my love to that little girl She has a life that has been so cruel I grab this cross they tell me to lift I look around my eyes crossed and delirious within A man spits in my face and I look at him Father for me only being a man This world has been cruel I will save them at the end My shoulders are hard and the muscles bulge I pick up this cross I see my mother in the distance Her crying, laughter, sorrow i remember so clear Father let her know I will make all our lives new at the end. Colossians 1:17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 3:00PM Determination Father in heaven I am deeply grieved The Gentiles, Jews, and Romans that surround me Don't see the hate they carry This cross I carry is heavy indeed My hands filled with splinters The thick wood weighs more than any one man can imagine Ahead of me I see the person in the black cloak I fall violently to the ground The cross lands on top of me as I fall down The pain and agony I am suffering Is a testament to my faith for the love of my children On the ground I am weak My head bobbles back and forth The person in the cloak tells me to have my father deliver me I look up through the blood running over my face I struggle for words I say no I will finish this with grace As I get up You can see the determination in my eyes At this point in time I will go to the extreme So everyone will live in Heaven alive I pick up my cross as two men help me The throw the cross on my back The weight is crushing me from the inside out I look at one he says let me help I tell him no I am here to help I look behind me and there is a valley in the dirt This is from the cross I will carry to heaven With a line that shows you to follow I think to myself do men want true love? Pick up your love even when they are down Like I am doing and soon you will be crowned I continue on down this path my journey has yet to end but soon it will pass Proverbs 20:28 Love and Faithfulness keep a king safe; through love his throne is made secure. 4:00 Struggle This hill is fierce my Father I have come to a place in my journey men cannot deny A child of about 4 just grabbed my leg His touch on my wounds are healing power of faith His mother comes and grabs this boy as I go up the hill She brushes the blood off of this boy I look at her and she sees a tear in my eye She sees should not wipe the blood but spread it so all will know I have come to save everyones soul My feet are tired and weak This ground tears at the wounds in my skin When I fall I know I am about to lose it all My beauty is who I do this for This children that walk this world Father this timber is so heavy It crushes me underneath all the weight A man steps in front Looks me in the face Picks up a rock Plunges it deep into my face I go to fall ever so slow I see the black cloak Tumble on the cross This is my walk I look up into the heavens One drop of rain falls on my forehead I say Father do not cry This is why I must die I get to my knees Look around all the people that hate me ever so much I grab the cross Feel a whip on my back A man helps me with it on my back I feel the wood tearing at my wounds This makes it all the worse I hug the cross so carefully This is my destiny A woman screaming in my face I tell her you were never a disgrace I do this so I can save you a spot in that heavenly place I drag my battered, tortured body up the hil Father they will continue to kill They will war in my name They will deny me once again They know no better please forgive them That is why I came Acts 10:43 All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name. 5:00PM Extreme From the top of this hill you can see for miles around My Fathers beauty completely surrounds The guards see me moving slowly My pain is enormous In parts of my weary body I have gone numb One guard looks at me and pushes me to the ground I fall slowly as I look around The many faces are near and far The soldiers straighten me on this cross I bare I cannot fight their pulling and pushing they do not care Scraping my back Kicking my legs Father this son is truly dazed I look up in the sky I see an angel I know my time is about here I look over at one arm the place a nail I close my eyes And begin to pray With one whack of fury My blood soaks the ground I feel like they are trying to tie me down I look at the other hand and they pull real hard Snapping my arm out of my shoulder so far My eyes flutter as you can see the pain I look over at my mother and she is restrained Behind her is the cloak in black I let out one smile He knows this is my attack I look up to the heavens and know my plight My father I will not fight The pain tingles through my body Scarred, bruised and all I look at one guard I say I am doing this for you all He takes his foot plunges it in my face Oh my father you know I am not a disgrace Forgive them this is my time They will soon shine I look at my feet and to my surprise the guard takes a swing Misses and hits my feet The agony of defeat I will never feel He takes another swing and misses the nail I pray father take my hand My job is almost done on this land The guard takes another swing and the nail pierces both ankles this time he did not miss the nail Soon they will all know i was not born to fail Luke 12:22-23 Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than the clothes." 6:00PM Pressure Agony rings out amongst 2 men hanging from crosses As they lift mine up the slow agonizing pulls on my hands from the nails is instinctively painful I let out a scream as I go up The pressure is great father I know this is my time But the pain is horrendous They get my cross that I carried straight up and down It moves back and forth swaying as they get it set Each sway is a pull on my hands and feet I can feel the heads of the nails pulling on my skin I see my mother through the blood She bows her head I find the strength to smile I look in her eyes You only see proud She falls to her knees I look around and some people are in shock Some people are throwing stones at me This is the day you all shall be saved They wanted this and yet they look so surprised The guards rip off my clothes They only leave one garment on me The men on my sides spit at me They see me as lower than them I am the son of man I look up to the heavens The pain is severe Soon I will be delivered from here Mark 9:35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be the first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." 7:00PM Love Father the pain is agonizing I am falling in and out I am not lost but soon to save all mankind Many are weeping lost and did not know I would be the one The guards laugh and mock They know my time is soon I look to the sky I see a white dove in flight It must be the time The world must know I came so that I could show Each man, woman and child will walk from now on Knowing that Gods Son Was the only one I see a guard He looks at me hard I see a tear in his eye He has a young man by his side His boy looks at me in disbelief He asks Is he still alive Yes son but now his time is done He grabs a spear I look to the sky He puts it against my side He looks at his boy Pushes with swift hard plunge Father I commend my spirit to you Father forgive them they know not what they do The pain blood pouring out my side and down my leg I can feel the most extreme pain He gives it one more push I can feel the ground shake Violently the world breaks Thunder clapping Viciously shaking his world Lightning burning from the ground I can feel my Father cry as rain drops from the sky Father I need to lay my head down I can suffer no more It is finished John 3:16-18 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. Easter Morning Mary Magdalene For days I have sobbed and walked in the light He will come I know this for sure When will I see I see the tomb ahead and yes it is open I fall to my knees I weep and hold my face in my hands I hear a voice A beautiful voice of a man I look up and see the man of all our dreams He says woman do not weep He says he saved me My life is now new I go to grab him He tells me no he needs to ascend to his father I look around He tells me to go tell many He will soon confront those who have doubted My life is not a waste It was not passing me by in haste I had just waited for the one who came to show us grace He is the one of my dreams It seems Jesus Christ rose today so we could all see His love was not in vain It was not pain It was love to share with the world so we could live again Easter Morning Resurrection I feel like my truth has overcome The world is about to know the struggle I won The tore me to shreds but did not see The mocked and tried to burden me Today is the day I show them the new This morning is here I stand as the truth 3 ladies come to me The want to wash me clean I look in each of their eyes I see a prostitute that I will never despise I see my mother and she weeps at my feet I see another and she now believes I tell them to get off their knees Dont you see I died so you could believe Now go and tell the others what you have seen I am the resurrected I am Jesus Christ the one I will ascend to my Father today But before I can I will show the others the way I look up to the heavens Their is a white dove I will enter his kingdom today after I show them that I did it all for love The ladies begin to walk away weeping in joy They look at me and say We are faithful til the end I look at them and I say no I was faithful til the end So you could live again All you need is to believe When it is all done you will all be in heaven with me Now off you go to tell the others I will show them my hands Where they tried to forget of me They buried me in a tomb to seal me I am my fathers son I have risen for you I am Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior of the truth
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