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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

created on 10/28/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dr-turi-s-blog/b18948  |  1 followers

Girls Girls Girls

Dear readers: So many of my male friends have asked me to share some of my secrets wondering how or why I am so popular with Ladies. So I decided to give all my guys friends reading my newsletters some tips on how to respectfully and intelligently deal with women. Of course now and then I receive emails from guys (and girls) wondering about my image because of all the pretty people exposed on Myspace siteClick here Some concerned people are judging me harshly and "assume" all sorts of things that are so far from reality. Some wrote to me saying "Well Dr. Turi is you don't take all those girls down from your sites people will think you are a playboy and not exactly ready for a serious relationship" but to all of them I say; "I was happily married for 13 years with Brigitte and I have what it takes to be in a solid relationship and love, respect and honor my mate". First realize that being highly spiritual does not mean not having fun and appreciate friends, beauty and all the best that life has to offer. I am NOT a monk, been there done that in my previous life (read "Beyond The Secret) if you want to know more about my last life as a high ranking Tibetan Lama and how horribly my life ended. Sad enough some people will not exactly like me because of my direct approach to life, my honesty and my childish attitude but that is the price one has to pay with any level of fame. Like a coin I have two sides, one is highly spiritual, very serious and committed and the other very light and funny, blame it in my natal moon in Gemini (duality). I have treated every single of my friend with love, dedication and respect and am asking my readers not to speculate or judge me hastily because I innocently expose all my happy life and dear friends on my websites. Note also "The Law of Attraction" will not work for you and never in million years will you be able to attract what you hate most because jealousy steers the "law of Obstacles". Again realize that being popular with so many Ladies does not make me an abuser or a player unconcerned with women's feelings. Just the opposite I may say and if you could talk to any of these girls they only have great things to say about me. As a matter of fact each male or female friends I know is a world of mystery that I love to investigate and this is how I have learned so much about human nature. Note also that this knowledge did not come over night and thanks to my fabulous handling of "The Universal Code" even if I sound egocentric the fact is; I know much more about women than any regular guy. In this newsletter I will logically "educate" men on what to do or not to do with women to get to their heart and lead a happy and progressive relationship. The option to learn is offered to you because I love to share it all. Of course mastering Astropsychology will put you years ahead of anyone to really understand the psyche, emotion, fate, sex drive, fears wishes etc. with anyone crossing your path and this rare wisdom would indeed give you total power over anyone. But again beware of karma because true wisdom and integrity ride parallel in my work and using metaphysics for selfish end is not recommended. May be you should consider becoming an Astropsychologist and use the power of dissertation to help and guide others accurately in a very successful and rewarding career. But before doing any metaphysical work never for that' The Greater Secret Of All Is to Uncover One's Celestial Identity" this mean before considering become and Astropsychologist you MUST do a 90 MN taped Full Life reading and realize your own Divinity. May I strongly recommend you to let me do a Full Life Reading for you? Do it NOW and change your life and don't expect ANY changes unless you take chances because "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein Click here I will take good care of you Why doing a full Life Reading? Well let one of my client tell you more about it by reading the following… Incidentally I married Brigitte when the Dragon's Tail was in my 7th house of marriage and I divorced her when the Dragon's Head was right back in our marriage area 13 years later. Tell me the stars don't work! But again how many of my faithful readers who experienced a dramatic separation knows about the Dragon Head and Tail or the natal house it resides? So many things will happen to you; your business, your relationship and your life in general because of the Dragon's location in your chart but how many of you will take a chance to find out? Gee Dr. Turi this "occult" stuff is against my religion and I don't want to end in hell! How more fearful and stuck in your ignorance you really are if you thought that way and the sad reality is that those phobias are eating you alive and stop the very essence of freedom, peace of mind, love and success many god fearing Christians are so desperately looking for. Before going further read this email and judge for yourself why it is important for you to build Cosmic Consciousness and use the tools (the stars) God created for that very purpose. Get "The Power Of The Dragon" or any of my books at Click here and get a chance to CONTROL the outcome of your life or understand what's really going on with someone you care. "God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus ---- Original Message ----- From: Kelly Dear Dr. Turi, First of all, "good morning!" I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to send you a quick e-mail to let you know how much I appreciate the Life Reading you did for me back in 2002. Yes, I know I've thanked you in the past but I felt another thank you, this time even deeper and more sincere, was appropriate. You see, I just finished "re-listening" to my tape and got SO MUCH MORE out of it. I owe that to having taken your Astropsychology Class last October as well as having finished reading ALL your books and studying Astrology for the past 5 years. I know that there is still so much more for me to learn but, thanks to you and your work, I now have a much deeper understanding of it all. You've given me a much clearer picture of myself and how best to focus my time and energy. You showed me where my talents and skills lie and gave examples of how best to use them. You also informed me of my area of weakness and how I could best develop that part of myself or avoid certain problems that could arise from it. I will continue to re-visit my tape periodically in the future as I know I will continue to benefit each time from it through the years. Because of your "reading", you've helped me be able to make better choices for my future. As in everything in life, we always have "choices" to make. I appreciate how you caution your clients to use their energies for good and warn them of how they could be mis-used. Your constant reminder to "respect the Universal Laws" is so important as it keeps people mindful that every choice they make has a consequence...every thought, word, or deed. I especially love the simplicity and accuracy of your Astropsychology. I am finding that I use the information you taught me in your class everyday! You planted the "seed" of knowledge and it is continually growing. My mind is insatiable for more! I believe in this so much that I want others to learn your technique/philosophy so they too can benefit and apply it to their lives. What a wonderful (and powerful) tool from God - and you His messenger, to help us make our lives a little easier and better. You bring a little Heaven to Earth! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and "gift" with the world. You have truly blessed my life (and many others). Keep up the good work! My sincere love and appreciation to you! Blessings, Kelly OK back to "Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus"…yes-famous author John Gray is a student and a client of mine but he will never EVER endorse my work and I but it is a competitive world loaded with insecure souls wouldn't you say? The Most Obvious Blunder All Men Make With Women. If you do not correct yourself you will not "score" and ask to be abused… Many times you will see a gorgeous girl in a public place with what you may perceive as a "loser" and this really irritates you because you are such a "nice" guy. I'm sure you have had attractive female friends that always seemed to go out with "jerks" and for sure those pretty girls were never romantically attracted or even interested in you. I even had "competitive" friends telling the girls I was interested in, to STAY away from Louis because he will ruin your heart. So what's really going on here between me and any other guys? I even had guys buying me drinks saying "Hey Man, You Are The Man". This tells me that I really have something (or a few tricks) that many other guys don't have. That is CONFIDENCE and true wisdom! However if you don't want to invest in true power and real wisdom you can still make an impact by following certain rules and they are actually quite simple. First NEVER forget 99% of the time a women WILL PICK YOU up, you may dance on your head or flush all your money in her face, a decent girl will never date you if she is NOT attracted to you, period! Women don't "pick up" a guy because how "nice" a guy is. They FEEL and choose the men they do because the powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for them. Thus you may want to respect the "Law Of Magnetism" to make sure "The Law Of Attraction" works for you. Read my new book "Beyond The Secret" and BUILD as much magnetism as you can and if you smoke, may I recommend you to stop ASAP. Women have a better nose than a dog and see as good as a cat in the dark, they are NOT like us but a very special beautiful breed. It may also be a good idea for you to be aware of the 5th and 7th house or (the seat of attraction between human beings) and by asking her the month she was born you will immediately know " if The Universal Code" will work in your favor or not. This will shoot your confidence to the roof and she will FEEL it. Again realize that being nice doesn't make a woman FEEL an ATTRACTION to you and being kind or polite will not make a woman be interested in you. Now this doesn't mean you have to be rude or a jerk unless you want her to slap your face and bring you back to your place, respect is a MUST with anyone. BLUNDER #2: "DON'T try to Convince Her To Like You" A woman will not FEEL different when you first meet her and probably won't change her mind about you, so it's crucial to act RIGHT from the start. Telling her you are the best, the wealthiest, different, reliable, decent, a good match, a soul mate and ask her to drop her loser for you will not work because women are FEELING machines where "logic and reasoning" may in most case, not necessarily apply. It takes FEELINGS no reasons with women unless her UCI is loaded with earth signs such as Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Again unless you build enough Cosmic Consciousness and do her stars you can only accept your limitations in knowing her outside of what she presents to you. The most attractive girls often lack self-esteem and are very shy but they are master at covering it. If she means that much to you why not investing in a comparison chart or blow her away but offering her a 90 MN taped Full Life Reading. Unless she is trapped and religiously poisoned don't even go there and Jesus would be a good topic to approach her. She is an easy target because her emotions and imagination rules her common sense but if you are like me, born with a problem with stupidity look for a more advanced girl who will not make you wait years before enjoying sex with her. Sorry I am half French and half Sicilian and we are NOT constipated dealing and talking about sex than pious Americans… When a woman just isn't interested, men solicit, plead, beg, chase and try so hard to change her mind and rest assured this will never work. BLUNDER #3: Ask For Her Consent Or Permission No women will ever be attracted to the types of men who kiss their butt... NEVER. Again you must be decent and avoid to be slapped and you NEVER EVER lack respect for a woman. (Especially in public). But if you think that treating a woman well means, "always getting her authorization or okay for her love", you are dead wrong again. You will only get her IRRITATED if you seek her benediction and if she gets frustrated you better move on. Women like a man to be a man period. BLUNDER #4: Trying To "Buy" Her. Realize your limits and ask yourself how many times have you taken a woman out to dinner, take her to trips, bought her gifts and flowers to suffer REJECTION? While she is supporting her jerk's bad habit who never ever treated her right or as well as you did? This is happening ALL the time and girls enjoy the power they have over you. The message you are sending is very clear: "I don't think you'll like me for who I am so I have to try something you will like and buy your attention and affection". To a woman you are trying to know this come across as over-compensation for your insecurity and a weak attempt to manipulate her feelings. You can invest only on trusted good friends or on someone that truly care and respect you. Anything else you lose because most girls cell phone is OVERLOADED with "normal" guys (losers) numbers and after all you proposed to pay her for her time. BLUNDER #5: Telling her "Your Deep Feelings" Too Early. This will scare her because any pretty girl does get a LOT of attention from all men and some of those guys she dealt with in the past never heard the word END, its over or I am not interested. Girls phone are ringing constantly, women love to talk and guys haunt them all the time. This is why many of the young girls out there today have a problem facing their telephone bills talking and making plans to HUNDREDS of people per month. Incidentally a gorgeous girl has had LOTS of dates with all kind of men and they are much more experienced than you will ever be in the dating game and almost immediately they will know what to expect from you. So don't turn her off by saying you are crazy of her after your first date. This mean you are no better than any of those guys she met before you and you may fall for her too fast... and to her this may bring bad memories of guys who could not control themselves. So be cool, take it easy if she likes you she will call you or make sure you know she is interested. BLUNDER #6: Not "Getting" How Women Think in Terms Of Attraction. Women are not like us at all; they are VERY different from men when it comes to deal with ATTRACTION. Men are born hunters and a beautiful, young, sexy woman steers a powerful sexual attraction and rest assured women feel the same but there is also something else going on. I have been dating girls forever and I am extraordinary popular. Note that my Corvette (or my boat) is outside the perimeter and those expansive toys are not needed to "score" a woman. Of course it does help a bit more to take her out in my red convertible instead of a bicycle! But a real woman is into the mental exchange and into FEELING first, then your looks and position second. Women are more attracted to specific qualities in men...These subconscious inserted qualities are from their own father (she had or never had) and from an unborn UCI. Thus if she is a water sign such as (Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces) FEELINGS will rules and spiritual or mystical topics will get her attention. They will FEEL you better and won't give much attention to what you look like. Earth signs (Virgo/Taurus/Capricorn) are very different and will put an emphasis on your physical appearance and your accomplishments. After all earth sign are subconsciously motivated by a strong security purpose. But this does not take away the natural intuitive and discerning power all women possess and talking about security will bring that FEELING she is looking for in a future husband and her the welfare of her future progeny. Air signs ( Libra/Gemini/Aquarius) are very friendly and will FEEL for you if you keep them interested because they get bored so fast. Unlike water and earth signs Air sign Ladies are not as much in need of deep emotional feelings or stability but they are still very sensitive women. Again other area of the chart or the location of the Dragon or a moon sign will seriously alter the zodiacal characteristics I am divulging to you in this newsletter. Only a 90 MN Full Life Reading will answer your deepest questions involving the opposite sex attraction. The location of Mars denunciate the type pf man a woman is looking for and the position of Venus (love) the type of love she is able to offer a man. The position of Mars in a man chart depict the way he will go "hunting" or behave with the opposite sex while is Venus location illustrate his expectation for love from a woman. Many Internet dating organization can only use logic or basic psychology to "Connect" people together but I can guarantee you that NONE of those well know dating service possess Cosmic Consciousness" and like "The Secret" the consumer is made believe he found the right match. I doubt very much the powerful Dragon (karmic fate) or the moon (emotional response to life) is used in any of those "fast Internet services". Imagine if I had one of these Matching sites using Astropsychology to find the true reality of your celestial partners with all his strengths and weaknesses. So unless you decide to invest in the real thing and become a student of the true stars you can only rely on a more mundane way to understand others through your 5 physical, rational and extremely limited senses. So if you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman. For those friends of mine who know me well, anywhere I go, in any public places I am the center of action and attraction because all girls flock around me and all are cueing up for my "Cabalistic Healing Magic Touch". And if you want to have the same success you will have to LEARN how to do this. And guess what ANY guy can learn how and some of my friends are already getting the message by watching me in action... Click here I understand you can not socialize with me but there is a way to learn the basics… Go to Scroll down and order this 2 DVD. Healing With Love volumes 1 & 2 on DVD - Each 60 Min show Learn about Nostradamus' homeopathic methodology using all natural means. See Dr. Turi interacting and teaching the audience about the miraculous subconscious healing forces we all possess. Learn and use this marvelous power to restore health to your body, mind and spirit contrary to what modern medicine pledges. Some of that vital information deals directly with the interaction of your subconscious and these practical teachings which can help you to heal a multitude of diseases, eliminate back problems, and unwanted weight. A must for anyone who does not trust drugs or modern medicine. BLUNDER #7: Believing That Money And Looks Will Get You The Girl. Don't give up if you don't drive a Corvette because not all attractive women are only interested in men who have looks and money. Only young and immature or insecure girls think that way and dating a rich guy has proven them wrong and me right. Of course a highly spiritual girl won't care about your age or your looks so you are better off chasing intelligence and true happiness than a dream deceiving immature pretty girl. Once more MOST intelligent women are far more interested in a man's personality, his mind and values than his wallet or his looks. I am not ugly but I am not Brat Pitt and I can guarantee you without the shadow of a doubt that my personality traits, wisdom and confidence attract women to me like bees on flowers. I can only share so many secrets in my newsletters but if you learn what they are and how to use them, YOU can be one of these popular guys. If you know how to use your hands on her body in a public place like I do and use metaphysical language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman. Now ladies there is nothing that stops you to do the same and add tremendous wisdom and power to your natural gifts and invest in my some of my DVD or CD spiritual products. Anyone ordering anything from me make sure to mention this deal…I will add a 90 MN Hypnotherapy tape with any CD or DVD or any reading you order, but REMIND me, I am a very busy guy. BLUNDER #8: Giving Of Your Power To Women Be sure that any woman will NEVER be attracted to a man they can walk all over... Given a chance a woman will abuse you just because you give her the permission to do so. Respect and show your friendly nature but STAND strong if she passes the line. Offer her a drink but she makes a habit to ask you to pay for her weakness put her in her place and politely say no. She will respect you more for helping her to control her bad habit and in some way you will remind her of daddy's power over her. All women are looking for a tough, loving a respectful man, don't let her abuse her power over you. MISTAKE #9: Not Knowing What To Say or Do With Women. Women are machine of intuition and a woman ALWAYS knows what you're about to do or thinking. Women are master of reading body language and have no problem to perceive your inner thoughts. What ever you are up to, she already knows so what's your problem? She is waiting for you to say so or to act upon it. Yes woman are as sensual as we are and yes women love to play. What's wrong with that? Now if you want to kiss her and don't know exactly what to do getting nervous, she isn't going to help you! It's YOUR job, as a man to go for her… A woman will forgive you easily if you make an unwanted pass on her but will never forgive you do not notice her. Just make sure she is single because I had to learn the hard way not to infringe in some else's turf. If you make a mistake apologize immediately and make sure to let her know you really FEEL sorry. It may be a good idea to check how many glasses are sitting on the table before approaching her. Chances are her distrust will turn into attraction even love because you have spoken your feelings to her. So get to know what to do and DO IT with confidence and you will be fine. Now approaching a woman and getting her number does not guarantee you success if she feels that you are not confident and sure of yourself. BLUNDER #10: Manipulation Through Fears and Guilt Feelings. One of the greatest mistakes of all because playing weak or using guilt will never take you anywhere. This attitude may work with a religiously poisoned soul or someone born with a huge guilt trip. This attitude is born from a bad aspect to Neptune "The Lord of Deception". Again a magnet will not attract a piece of wood and if you suffer yourself such a negative affliction you will rely on drugs, alcohol, religion or any guilt trip to get to your weak partner. Strong practical women will see through you and your "trap" and will avoid you like the pest. Abusive Priests and Ministers alike use these convincing techniques to get you to sign up for their belief system or worse sexually abuse children. So the question remain will after reading my newsletter will you take action and order a DVD, a CD or any of my books or take on the challenge to be as good as I am and make a good use of both Astropsychology and Cabalistic Healing methodology to better yourself and get the woman of your dreams or will you simply push the delete key? I can only invite you to gather true wisdom and to start somewhere because this first step will open a bran new door to understand women and yourself. In my last newsletter I offered a free copy of my 2007 Moon Power did you download it and master the Universal Law of the Moon yet? If you did not there is no much I can do for you because you did not even make the effort to get to upgrade your wisdom for FREE and if you don't take the time to educate yourself a boring life is ahead of you. In addition to my free email newsletter here is your chance to do it right now and jump in the wagon of success. Click here Click Here for Free Newsletter And Download eBook Click here I nearly forgot one more thing... In this day and age of "instant gratification", I realize that my offers might just sound like another deceiving promise to make you rich or get the girls by next week, guess what it does not work this way. I've spent a lot of time, effort, and energy writing my books and invested 35 years in my research. Any of my books, especially "Beyond The Secret" has the potential to bring you enough Cosmic Consciousness and awareness of the creative forces of your subconscious to really bring about your wishes. Again any of my book will teach any regular guy how to use "The Universal Code" respect the Un9versal Law of the Moon and indeed be more successful in the dating world. But you will have to work at it. I know for a fact that my wisdom will DRAMATICALLY increase your success not only with women but also in all affairs in your life and I absolutely guarantee it 100%. I can only and once more emphasize how important it is for every one of you reading my newsletters to take a chance on me and order a 90 MN taped Full Life Reading and take a chance on your celestial identity. "He is happy who having learned the scheme of his nativity and knowing his guardian angel, becomes liberated from Fate." – Porphyry Sharing emails ----- Original Message ----- From: Craig DT, Only you would send a newsletter titled, "The Epidemic of Stupidity" YOU RULE DT!!! that is Great. C ----- Original Message ----- From: Denise Dr. Turi I really enjoy your emails and I honor your insight to things. This gives me food for thought for breakfast in the morning have a wonderful day! Denise ----- Original Message ----- From: VW///m The Epidemic of Stupidity Sweetheart Dr. Turi, I'm in SUCH AGREEMENT with your context below, with the EXCEPTION of your often used, or inferred, wordiage (verbiage, wording) ....STUPIDITY. (sorry, just LOVE using the incorrect usage; wordiage! ;D ) Suggestion.....: "Deluded", "Misinformed", "Misguided"..... I believe those words could keep the emphasis on your message, versus a "put down" of people who yes, have been lied to, brainwashed, deluded, medically impaired, used as cattle for benefit, misinformed, and misguided! Thank you. ----- Original Message ----- From: Charla SPIRITUAL RETARDATION IN A NUTSHELL: 2000 year old religions are “hazardous to your life”, and are “mind programs” that are “dangerous to humanity”. Charla ----- Original Message ----- From: "Todd Thank you for the email. You are so right. Best Wishes, Todd - Ashlar International “Be the change in which you wish to see the world” ..Gandhi Blessings to all Join me in San Jose, California May 26th & 27th 2007 and enjoy incredible speakers. Be There I will have my new book for sale at my booth, come and say hello. "The Cutting Hedge TV with Jim Roger celebrates its 100 Guests and guess what? I was their first guest back in March 13th, 2003 and I have the honor to be their 100th guest on June 2nd, 2007. I will be talking about "The Universal Code" and introduce my new book 'Beyond The Secret." Tune in that day on the Internet to Watch the show If you want to be part of the Live audience please email Jim to reserve your seat at: ufoshows@yahoo.com Tune in June 13th from 7:00 to 8:00 PM EST for another radio show with Gregory Norman Host/Producer, "Universal7Radio Listen to the show I will do FREE reading on air and offer my 2007 Moon Power book for free only on CTC so as always email and ask George and Tom to get me on the air soon. George Noory george@coasttocoastam.com Art Bell artbell@mindspring.com Ian Punnett ian@coasttocoastam.com Lisa Lyon lisa@coasttocoastam.com Producer, Coast to Coast AM Tom Danheiser tom@coasttocoastam.com Producer, Coast to Coast AM Lex Lonehood lex@coasttocoastam.com Shawn La Douceur shawn@coasttocoastam.com Enjoy a television show I did a few years back (I look much better now lol) for the Learning Channel and see how much I knew then about the stars. Dr. Turi - Journal of the Unknown Once you are done take the time to listen to my radio show and enjoy my feedback on "The Secret" at Click Here Join us and Gary Busey in Cancun June 18th - 25th 2007 and let's have some serious fun. SpiritualExperienceFlyer.jpg
Join us again in San Jose, California August 25th & 27th 2007 where Dr. Turi will talk about "The Rest Of The Secret" and bring the audience to a light hypnotic trance.
Be There " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." - Dr. Turi
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