Over 16,547,992 people are on fubar.
What are you waiting for?

The Hogwarts Halloween Ball went on that night, and Harry and Ginny attended as Harry had promised, but with Ginny still being weak from the battle, they didn't stay long, but the party lasted all night.

Harry simply left with Ginny to the Burrow, along with the rest of the Weasleys.  Mainly it was for two reasons, as he explained to them upon leaving the Great Hall.

"Look, we're exhausted, and we need the rest.  I also need some interference run for us so we can get that rest."  Harry pleaded with Molly.

Molly simply smiled and gave them both a hug.  "Go rest.  Right now, I think if you asked to become Minister of Magic you'd get it.  If we tell people you're out of circulation to get some rest, they'll let you get some rest.  Especially if *I* tell them, in the way only a mother can."

"Thanks, Mum." they both said gratefully, then disapparated to the Burrow.  They headed to Ginny's room, closed, locked, and silenced the door, and promptly fell asleep in each other's arms.  The rest of the Weasleys did the same, with Hermione sleeping with Ron.

The celebration lasted a full week.

The Daily Prophet was working overtime to keep up with the news, and the reports were coming in from all over the wizarding world.  Harry and Ginny were inundated with owls, all bearing well-wishes and thanks from all over the world.  Fred and George took over the task of dealing with the owls, and Ron and Hermione took charge of sorting out the mail.

On November 2nd Harry and Ginny finally began to sort through the Daily Prophets first.  The mail could wait.  Over breakfast they began to catch up on things.  The November 1st special edition of the Prophet covered the details of the duel in detail, including the fact that Harry had revealed his marriage to Ginny.  That drew some eyebrows from Arthur and Molly, but Harry had explained that it was necessary for the wills, just in case, which satisfied them.

It was that day's edition that drew their attention now.

Potions Professor Pardoned, to Return to Hogwarts, to be honored

Severus Snape, the Hogwarts Potions Professor, was pardoned by the Minister of Magic today of charges of the murder of Albus Dumbledore and of being a Death Eater.  Evidence of his innocence was presented by the portrait of Albus Dumbledore himself, where he revealed that he had arranged with Snape to end his life should the time come, and that Snape actually had Dumbledore's consent to kill him, so no murder actually happened.  Dumbledore also explained that Snape was not a Death Eater but was a spy working for the Order of the Phoenix.

Snape, previously fired by the Hogwarts Board of Governors has been reinstated as full professor at the school and will return to teaching next year.  Current Potions Professor Horace Slughorn announced his retirement effective at the end of the year, happy to return to private life once again.

In related news, while working under cover for the Order of the Phoenix, Snape, aided by Fred, George, and Hermione Weasley, and Ginerva Potter, developed a ground-breaking cure for Lycanthropy.  Examinations of the first three test patients, incarcerated Death Eater Fenrir Greyback and Order of the Phoenix members Remus Lupin and Bill Weasley, both victims of Greyback, reveal them fully cured.  The cure itself has been fully documented and is undergoing analysis at St. Mungo's, but it appears that it works, and the notes of Ginerva Potter as to the mental state of werewolves during transformation, which she documented using a before-unheard-of technique of Legillimency, was most unusual and helpful.  The Wizenmagot has decided that Snape, Potter, and the three Weasleys will receive Special Medical Services to the Wizarding World Awards for their breakthrough, the highest medical award in the wizarding world and equivalent to the Muggle Nobel Prize.  The awards will be presented at a later date.

You-Know-Who's Body Destroyed, Death Easters Executed

The body of You-Know-Who, along with the remains of his Horcruxes, were thrown through the veil at the Department of Mysteries last night.  Following in his wake were fourteen Death Eaters sentenced to death for their roles in the war, believed to be in You-Know-Who's inner circle:  Lucius Malfoy, Anton Dolohov, Walden Macnair, Pansy Parkinson, Gregory Goyle Sr. and Jr., Theodore Nott Sr. and Jr., Vincent Crabbe Sr. and Jr., Fenrir Greyback, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, and Augustus Rookwood.  The remaining Death Eaters, some 180 in all, are serving life sentences in Azkaban.

* * *

November 3rd

"Harry? Ginny?  Some special friends to see you," Molly poked her head into the drawing room, now no longer the War Room.  Harry and Ginny looked up to see Remus and Tonks in the doorway, holding hands, glowing with excitement.  They got up to meet them and was swept up in a huge hug.

"Congratulations, you newlyweds!  We never had a chance to say that before!" said Ginny.

"There's more than that, Ginny," Tonks said knowingly.  Ginny just looked at her a second, then squealed and hugged her.


"First night."

Harry looked at the women, then it dawned on his what they were talking about.  He clapped Lupin on the shoulder.  "Congratulations, Moony!"

Lupin looked at them.  "You'll be godparents?"

Ginny answered for them.  "Of course.  That makes two now."

"Two?" asked Tonks, surprised.

Harry grinned.  "Yep.  Ron and Hermione, too."

* * *

Vernon Dursley and Dudley unloaded their trunks from the limousine at Number Four Privet Drive, and hauled them inside.  Petunia Dursley got out of the limousine and George drove it away.

Looking at Petunia, sitting on the lawn, was a black and red greyhound, with white circles around green eyes and a lightning-bolt-shaped patch of white fur on the black head.  She moved to shoo it off her lawn, but then it changed, and Harry Potter stood looking at her.  He beckoned, and they moved to the side, out of sight.  There, they hugged.

"All right, Aunt Petunia?"  Harry asked.

"Yes, Harry.  I'm glad it's over," she replied.  "America is a huge place to tour and we had a marvelous time, but it is good to come home."

"It's over here as well, and all is well," Harry replied.  "Ginny and I are to be formally married soon.  We'd like you to be there for it."

"That red-haired girl who told me off?  She's just like Lily was."  She smiled.  "I'd like that, Harry."

"One more thing," he said.  He handed her Ginny's coin.  "Take this.  If you ever need anything, simply look at the coin, press on it, and say my name."

She took it with tears in her eyes.  "Thank you, Harry."

They hugged again, then he disapparated with a crack.

* * *

November 30th

The Great Hall was filled to capacity with students, the Ministry, and wizards and witches.  Cornelius Fudge rose and addressed the overflow crowd.

"Thank you all for being here.  Today we honor the heroes of the war, who brought us the final victory over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.  We also honor some brilliant wizards and witches for their advanced medical breakthrough in developing a cure for Lycanthropy."

"First, we honor our heroes.  Please step forward:  Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Severus Snape, Ginerva Potter, and last but certainly not least, Harry Potter."

The five made their way forward.

"To each of you, for your selfless service in defeating the Dark Lord, the Wizenmagot awards you Orders of Merlin, First Class.  To Harry Potter, for saving our world, we owe a special thanks.  Harry, to you we owe everything, and we are eternally in your debt."

The Hall erupted in applause.

"Next, we honor those who have made our world a better place.  Hermione Weasley, please step forward."

Hermione came forward and joined the group.  Harry took a step back.

"To each of you, for your brilliant and remarkable breakthrough in curing Lycanthropy, we award you the Special Medical Services to the Wizarding World.  Congratulations, and thank you all."

Again the Hall erupted in applause.

Fudge left the podium and the ceremony broke down into a modest reception.

Harry quietly slipped out a side door and headed to his office.

* * *

Back in the Great Hall a lone red-haired figure entered, looked around nervously, and made his way forward.  He went unnoticed until he reached his objective, a group of similarly-coiffed people.

"Mum? Dad?" Percy Weasley quietly said.

Molly and Arthur turned around at the voice, and looked at their son in shock.  Ginny, Ron, the twins, Bill, and Charlie all resembled a school of red-haired fish, with eyes wide and mouths open.

Molly quavered, "Percy?"

Percy looked down and his face flushed.  "I was wrong, completely and utterly wrong about everything.  I'm sorry."

Fred looked at him.  "Would you say you were an utter git and a stupid prat?"

Percy nodded, tears in his eyes.  "Yes, I was an utter git and a stupid prat."

Fred considered that, then extended his hand.  "Good enough for me."  Surprised, Percy shook it

"Oh, Percy!"  Molly burst into tears and hugged her prodigal son.  Then Arthur joined them.

"What made you see sense, Perce?" asked George.

"A lot of things, but I had to stay away until now.  I was spying for Dumbledore in the Ministry and had to keep it a secret," Percy replied.  "I decided against Dumbledore's wishes that the best thing to do was to sever family ties.  I was dead wrong, and he was dead right.  I've been passing information on to Kingsley in the Order for over two years."

Percy turned to his father and said in a low voice, "Dad, Fudge is utterly corrupt, and I can prove it."  Arthur looked at him in surprise.

"What good will that do now?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think if I expose him, he's headed for Azkaban.  I gave Dumbledore the information a long time ago."  Percy's voice dropped lower.  "I think Harry knows already, but I don't know how."

"Well, keep an eye on things at the Ministry as before," replied Ginny.  "If I know my husband, something is going to happen there soon.  He mentioned something to Dobby about advocating for the centaurs and goblins, but I'm not sure."

"All right," he replied.  "Wait a minute.  Husband?  You and Harry?  When?"

"Technically last July.  Publicly October 30th, but the formal ceremony is in the future.  We kept it secret to not alert Voldemort," Ginny replied.

"I've been out of touch lately, I guess.  I had no idea," said Percy.  "I knew Ron and Bill had the double wedding, though, and I would have been there, but I didn't want to blow it."

"Then you also don't know that you're going to be an uncle soon," Charlie replied.  "Icky Wonniekins has been busy."  He grinned, and Ron flushed at the mention of the hated nickname.

"Well, congratulations, Ron and Hermione.  All my best."

* * *

December 1st

Harry once again arrived at the Ministry, but this time he was not alone.  With him was Bane, the Goblin chieftain, and Dobby carrying a Pensieve.  They made their way together to the Wizenmagot chamber, then entered.  Proceedings were underway, but Harry, having been alerted by Arthur as to the agenda, had timed his arrival perfectly.

"Is there any item of business that any of the public wishes to discuss?" Fudge was asking.  Percy was sitting by, dutifully taking notes.

Harry raised his voice.  "I would speak, Minister."

Surprised, Fudge looked down at Harry.  "Normally a guest wishing to address the Wizenmagot needs a sponsor on the Wizenmagot.  Who will sponsor Mr. Potter?"  Every hand in the room save two went up.  "Well, that takes care of that formality.  Proceed, Mr. Potter."

"Thank you, Minister.  Ladies and Gentlemen of the Wizenmagot, the past three years have seen difficult times, and while the focus of that difficult time has been vanquished, it is past time to address an issue that if left unaddressed, will cause another difficult time.

"You see with me three individuals.  First, I introduce Dobby, the only free elf in the wizarding world.  He is employed by me but is not my servant; he is paid.  He is my equal and my friend.  Second, I introduce, Bane, head of the centaurs that inhabit the forest at Hogwarts.  Third, I introduce the Goblin chieftain and head of Gringotts Wizarding Bank.  They have accompanied me in a sign of solidarity.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, for centuries human witches and wizards have treated sentient non-human magical beings in our world with disdain, condescension, and at time outright hostility.  Goblin rebellions have happened because of this, and recently the centaurs were very close to open warfare with the wizarding world.  Voldemort himself recruited dark creatures to his cause with the promise of better treatment for them, and largely as a result of their treatment by us, they joined him.

"We can never completely defeat evil, but we can keep it driven back.  A close friend once told me a famous American quote, 'We must hang together, or surely we will hang separately.'  That holds true for unity among witches and wizards, but it also holds true for unity among all magical beings of our world, human and not.

"So, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is in that spirit that during the war, just prior to the failed attacks on Azkaban, Hogsmeade, and this Ministry that I negotiated with and secured agreements of neutrality from both the centaurs and the goblins.  As part of that agreement, they agreed to stay out of the war, and I agreed to speak to you today, and to stand with them.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Wizenmagot, I recently made history again, but I'll be the first to tell you I had help.  I'd like to make history one more time, but in this case I'll need your help.

"I come here today to propose a means to ease the tensions between humans and non-human magical beings in our world, by giving the Goblins and the centaurs representation in the Wizenmagot as sitting members.  I would also propose that similar representation be extended for other non-human magical beings should they desire it, and that they be given the representation though Dobby, who as a free elf, is in a unique position to do the job.  I ask this body to carefully consider my words, and understand that I would not be here advocating for this if I did not believe in it myself.  The three individuals who stand with me are my equals and my friends, and to two of them I owe life debts, and I proudly stand with them."

Fudge stood up.  "It is not within the scope of the Ministry to offer seating to these races.  You are aware, Mr. Potter, that both the Goblins and the centaurs have their liaison offices in the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.  That is their interface to the Ministry, and I'm sorry, Mr. Potter, but that is how it shall remain."

"I don't think so, Minister," replied Harry.  "Your own racial biases against non-human magical beings are well-known, and they disqualify you from making an impartial decision."  He turned to the assembly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that the Minister is determined to deny you your proper deliberative role.  I would request that the Minister recuse himself from this deliberation, or else I shall be forced to present evidence to require it."  He turned back to Fudge.  "Your choice, Minister."

"I will not allow this deliberation to proceed!" Fudge snarled.

"Very well," Harry replied.  "You leave me no choice, then."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please observe the following memory."  He removed a silvery bottle from his robes and dumped the contents into the Pensieve.  Immediately Fudge rose out of the Pensieve, as well as Lucius Malfoy.

"We have an agreement, then, Fudge?" asked Malfoy.  "Ten thousand galleons a month to a private account in exchange for you discrediting Potter and Dumbledore?"

"Agreed, Lucius.  While I do admit the Dark Lord is back, it is politically imprudent for me to admit it, and this arrangement makes it financially imprudent as well," Fudge replied.  "Besides, that blasted Order of the Phoenix keeps showing up the Ministry, and the best way to combat that is to make it look like they are chasing shadows."

"Dolores will send two Dementors to Little Whinging to deal with Potter, but she doesn't know that I know it.  If he uses a Patronus to defend himself, we'll know it and use it as an excuse to expel him, which will further discredit him," Fudge said.  "I'm also going to send her to Hogwarts to make Dumbledore's life a living Hell, and she'll pass on information to me that I can use to discredit him.  I'm already working to have him thrown off the Wizenmagot and removed as Chief Warlock."

"Very good, Cornelius.  I will see to the first transfer," Lucius left without a further word, and the memory ended.

Harry addressed the assembly.  "Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring forth charges of bribery and corruption against Cornelius Fudge.  I offer as evidence the memory just shown, and further corroborating evidence if the Wizenmagot so desires."

Madam Bones spoke.  "Please present your corroborating evidence, Mr. Potter."

"Call witness Percival Weasley."  There was a slight murmur as Percy came forward.  He took two drops of Veritaserum and sat down, then gave his name, age, and position as junior undersecretary to the Minister of Magic.

"You have seen the memory presented just now?"  Harry asked.

"Yes, I have.  It was my memory, delivered to Albus Dumbledore.  I was Disillusioned at the time, so neither Mr. Malfoy nor Minister Fudge saw me," replied Percy.

"Why did you Disillusion yourself?"

"I was under orders from Dumbledore himself as a member of the Order of the Phoenix.  My orders were to spy on the Minister and report suspicious doings."

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley.  Call witness Ragnok."  Percy stepped down.

The goblin came forward and took his seat, then game his name, age, and position as banker at Gringotts.

"Did you establish a private bank account at Lucius Malfoy's direction?"

"I did."

"What were his instructions?"  Harry asked.

"His instructions were to transfer ten thousand galleons from his personal vault into this account at the first of each month, and on the fifteenth of each month a matching sum was to be transferred into the vault of Cornelius Fudge."

"Did the transfers take place and were they recorded?"

"Yes, and they were recorded in this book." Ragnok lifted up a large ledger.

"Thank you, Ragnok."  The goblin stepped down.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the evidence is of the bribery is clear," said Harry.  "I ask for your verdict."

Madam Bones spoke again.  "All those finding Minister Fudge guilty of all charges?"  Every hand but two rose.  "All those finding Minister Fudge not guilty of all charges?"  One hand went up: Umbridge.

Madam Bones spoke one more time.  "Minister Fudge, you have been found guilty of bribery and corruption.  As mandated by wizarding law, for such offenses in a position of power you are hereby sentenced to twenty-five years imprisonment in Azkaban, and you are stripped of your office."

The Aurors led Fudge away, and Madam Bones spoke again.

"There is also evidence against Dolores Umbridge here.  Aurors, please remove Madam Umbridge from the room to Azkaban for furher proceedings."  Two more Aurors led a protesting Umbridge away.

"Since the office of Minister of Magic is now vacant, we must select a new Minister before we proceed to Mr. Potter's original proposal.  Please cast your nominations by parchment and deliver them to the secretary."

A few minutes passed as the parchments were written and passed in, then the secretary announced the results.

"For Minister of Magic: Kingsley Shacklebolt, twenty votes; Amelia Bones, twenty-eight votes; Arthur Weasley, fifty-one votes.  The new Minister of Magic, by majority vote, is Arthur Weasley."

Arthur took the chair, as surprised as could be.  "Thank you for your confidence, and I am humbled and surprised.  I shall do my best.  I believe the next item of business was Mr. Potter's proposal?  Is there any discussion on the proposal?"

The room was silent.

"All in favor of Mr. Potter's proposal as made?"  Every hand in the room went up.  "All opposed?" No hands went up.  "The proposal passes.  Dobby, please take your seat with the Wizenmagot.  Bane, you may take the centaur's seat, or you may select a representative."

"Minister Weasley, I select Firenze to take the seat," Bane intoned.

"So noted.  The goblins have the same option," said Arthur.

The goblin chieftain spoke: "We choose Harry Potter."

Harry stepped forward.  "I respectfully decline.  The goblin representative to the Wizenmagot should be a goblin, not a human."

"Ragnok, then."  Ragnok took his seat.

Harry spoke up one last time.  "I thank you for your time and impartial treatment.  I hope it shall continue, and I respectfully take my leave."  He summoned the Pensieve and left the room.

* * *

December 5th

"Harry, Ginny, thank you for seeing me on such short notice," McGonagall began.  "Seeing as the war is over and things are returning to normal, I think it is time to discuss your futures."

"Headmistress, what do you mean?" asked Ginny.

"Ginny, Poppy has talked with me and she has decided that not only are you ready, but are excellently qualified to do so.  She has tendered her retirement effective at the end of the school year, but only on the condition that you succeed her," McGonagall explained.  Then she turned to Harry.

"Harry, I have talked further with the Board of Governors, and they have unanimously agreed.  Right now you could walk into the Ministry and become Minister of Magic or any other post you wanted based just on reputation alone, but I hope you'll consider taking the post of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts permanently, as well as the new Head of Gryffindor House.  As Headmistress I have had difficulty being both, and since you are Gryffindor's Heir, it makes sense."

:Love, can you handle the Infirmary?

:Can you handle Gryffindor House?

Harry looked at Ginny, and she nodded.  "Headmistress, we both accept."

McGonagall smiled broadly.  "I think the Potters will be most welcome and valued additions to the Hogwarts staff and legacy."


September 16th

Potter Calls out Dark Lord!

Challenge of Duel to the Death.

In a stunning development, Harry Potter publicly challenged He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to a duel to the death.

"It's finally time to end this war," Potter said.  "If <name deleted> doesn't respond, we'll simply label him the coward that he is, and simply start exterminating Death Eaters.  Not capturing, exterminating."

When asked about the time and place of the duel, Potter replied, "It's a fitting time and place for his end.  On Halloween sixteen years ago, at Godric's Hollow, he tried to kill me, and he failed.  It is appropriate, and even a little ironic, that it will end where it started."

Per arrangement with The Boy Who Lived, <name deleted> needs to simply accept his fate or decline and be hunted down by simply sending a response to the Prophet by the end of the month.  A copy of the challenge made by Potter is on Page 2.

Apology and Retraction

In a related story, the Daily Prophet announces the suspension of Rita Skeeter.  Ms. Skeeter had written a story six weeks ago about Mr. Potter and his alleged secret love affair with Miss Hermione Granger.  Two days after the story was printed, Miss Granger wed her real fiancé, Mr. Ronald Weasley, in a surprise ceremony immediately following the wedding of Mr. William Weasley and Miss Fleur Delacour.  The double Weasley wedding was held at Hogwarts with the Headmistress presiding.  Miss Delacour was the Beauxbottoms Champion in the Triwizard Tournament three years ago.  Apparently the observations of Ms. Skeeter were part of an elaborate prank pulled by Potter and the newlywed Weasleys on Fred and George Weasley, which was revealed at the double wedding.  The Prophet wishes to apologize to the Weasleys and Mr. Potter, and retract the story.

"Well, that's that," said Harry.

"Think he'll bite?" asked Ron.

"He has to," replied Harry.  "His ego can't stand being shown up.  It's a major weakness he has. Plus he still doesn't know about my little surprises I have planned."

"What, you're not going to make it fair fight?" chided Ron.

"A fair fight is one you lose.  I want it to be totally unfair, in my favor," replied Harry.  "In the meantime, between classes, training, and the rest, I have plenty to do."

* * *

September 16th-30th

The rest of the month progressed rather normally, and as Harry had predicted, he had plenty to do, between DADA classes finally getting into the proper years' studies, the Defense Association, and his own personal training.  He even combined the two with Aurors as guest instructors dueling him, and he became better and better each go-round, to the point where he was holding his own against Flitwick, Tonks, Lupin, and Kingsley.

September 30th dawned cloudy and wet, with a fog outside left over from the rainfall the night before.  Harry was sitting at the head table when a post owl came and dropped a Daily Prophet in his lap.  Soon several more owls followed, dropping more notes.

"Well," Harry said as he detached notes from owls and then opened the paper.  "Since today is the response day, here we go."


On the last day of the challenge issued by Harry Potter to He-Who-Must-No-Be-Named, the Dark Lord has responded with an acceptance letter:

September 29th


I accept your challenge.  It is indeed fitting that I will end your life sixteen years to the day that it should have ended, at exactly where it should have ended.  I look forward to it.  You have been a thorn in my side for far too long.

I will be bringing my Death Eaters with me as well.  After I kill you, they will slaughter everyone there.  But they will not interfere with the challenge.  They will bear witness to my triumph and your destruction.  If you have any honor, any members of you wretched Order of the Phoenix, Defense Association, or the Ministry itself will do the same, watch but not interfere.  Let them all see your end before they meet theirs!

In the meantime, do practice your dueling, just to make it worth my time.

Lord Voldemort

Ginny began looking over the other notes.  "These are mainly well-wishes for the duel, a couple of bad wishes, and here's even a marriage proposal should you survive-Rolanda Vane, of course."

Harry smiled.  "I hate the publicity."

:Not to worry about Vane, love.  I'm taken by you, and taken with you, too!

:You sap!

McGonagall looked at Harry.  "I'm giving you the month off of class teaching.  Remus will take your classes, and you will spend all of your time in D.A. work and practice and conditioning."

"Thank you, Headmistress."  Harry finished his breakfast and headed to the Room of Requirement.  He looked inside and found the room already set up as a dueling arena, and Tonks, Kingsley, and Dawlish waiting for him.  A long shadow fell over the floor.

Harry didn't hesitate.  Before any of them could raise their wand, he transformed into his phoenix form and disapparated so fast that he may have simply disappeared, apparated up to near the ceiling, cast a spell, quickly disapparated again, apparated to behind them two seconds after he started, the cracks echoing through the room, stunned Dawlish, body-bound Kingsley, transformed into his lion form, and pounced on Tonks, knocking her to the floor and pinning her, wand flying out of her hand.

It was over in five and one-half seconds.

Tonks looked up at the lion on top of her that was looking at her with a toothy grin.  "Wotcher, Harry, but there were four of us."

Harry changed back into human form and waved his hand towards the ceiling.  Emmilene Vance slowly levitated to the ground, completely wrapped in ropes, looking furious.

"You mean her?"  he grinned.  He revived Dawlish and released the others, then helped Tonks up.  "Her shadow fell on the floor at an odd angle towards the door, so I knew she was up high, and I took her out in between changing forms and appearing behind you."  He looked at Vance.  "Next time, hover behind the chandelier-it gives you cover and prevents the shadows from being seen as well.  Otherwise, it was a good tactic.  Death Eaters tend to think in only two-dimensions."

He looked at the four.  "I want to bring in Ginny as well for training.  She has a huge role in this, and she can use the practice."  They nodded.  Harry opened the link.

:Love, come here, I need you.

:Are you hurt? You sense fine.

:I am fine, but I need you here.

:All right, love, be right there.

Ginny appeared with a pop.

"Ginny, you're going to train with me now," Harry said.  "I need you by my side for this."

:Team Potter, I presume?

:Of course, and I told Voldemort it would be Potter vs. Voldemort.  I didn't mention it would be both Potters.  This is why I've been keeping our marriage a secret.  He won't be expecting you with me, and it makes things much more interesting and problematic for him.

:But the punch line is that I could be killed.

:True, but so could I, and we both have the Amoeba Suits, and our phoenix forms, and I'll have some surprises from Fred and George lined up as well.  I want your reactions to be as fast as mine.

:Let's do it!  And I'm going to snog you senseless later for this!

:You want this?

:I may have beat him in the Chamber, but I still owe him.  Love conquers all, and Hell hath no fury like a pissed-off female Weasley!

:That's true!

They got to it over the next four weeks, with their link open, they quickly discovered that they worked well together, filling in each other's gaps in defense and offense, and they found that shortly they were a well-oiled fighting machine, working almost on instinct.  Soon the two of them working together could hold off six Aurors on their own, and could do so silently, wandless, and with wands in either hand.  Their Animagi were a great equalizer, and they quickly learned that wandless magic was completely possible in those forms, and the link was just as strong.

On October 15th they held off a dozen Aurors, four Hogwarts professors, and a dozen N.E.W.T.-level D.A. members in long arena-style battle that lasted almost an hour.  Ginny was slightly scratched on one leg after a bad landing against a sharp edge, and Harry broke an arm, but in the end those were the only injuries they had against twenty-eight attackers.  The whole school was there to watch, and the level of astonishment was amazing.

Afterward, they had their injuries healed by Madam Pomfrey, and they set off to dinner in the Great Hall.  Harry and Ginny entered the Great Hall to a standing ovation.

They made their way up to the head table.  Harry raised his hand, and the applause finally slowed and stopped.

"Thank you all.  I know you saw a great sight today, but please understand, this is deadly serious for us.  We win this battle, we win the war.  We still have two weeks to go until then, and a lot of work to do.  For now, tuck in!"

He sat down and everyone began eating.  He looked over at Ginny.

:We need to go to Gringotts tomorrow.


:Just in case, we need to make out our wills.

:That's not being very confident.

:It's being pragmatic.

:I suppose you're right, even though it is nothing to be happy about.

* * *

October 16th

Harry and Ginny arrived at Gringotts and went inside, asking for Griphook.

Griphook came forward and shook their hands.  "Harry Potter.  Miss Weasley.  How can I help you today?"

"We need to discuss our wills," Harry replied.

"Of course.  This way."  He led them into a small conference room.

"Is Mrs. Potter aware of the current arrangements of the accounts?"

"She is aware of the trust funds," Harry replied.  He turned to Ginny.  "Because our marriage is a secret, Gringotts is actually keeping two sets of books on the accounts.  The real ones are in the vault, and have your name on them as well.  The public ones have just my name on them.  That's only to keep it quiet."  He turned back to Griphook.  "We need to establish one more set of trust funds, like the Weasley ones, for all children of Remus and Nymphadora Lupin."

Griphook made a note.  "It shall be done."

Harry continued, "Next, as of October 31st Ginny's name can appear on the accounts.  At that point it will be a non-issue anyway, as either Voldemort will be dead, or we will.  I think it needs to be that way for the purposes of the wills."

Griphook nodded.  "It does, and it shall be done."

"As for the wills, is it better to do separate ones or a joint one?" Harry asked.

"For a married couple, a joint one is best normally," replied Griphook.  "If one of you survives your battle with the Dark Lord, they can make another will later."

"Fair enough."  Harry looked at Ginny.  She nodded.

:It seems so weird to be planning for your death at 16!

:I know.  Welcome to war, starring everybody. Follow what I do, but correct me, too.  I'm winging this.

:All right, love.

"The Potter estate is to left entirely to the surviving spouse.  If no spouse survives, it is to be divided equally among our children.  Should we have no children, it is to be divided equally amongst Molly, Arthur, William, Fleur, Charles, Frederick, George, Ronald, Hermione, and Percival Weasley, Remus and Nymphadora Tonks, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood.  Should none of those survive, the estate shall be liquidated and divided equally to all registered wizarding charities as of the date of our deaths.  No matter whom are the survivors, ownership of all magical properties under the Potter name shall revert to their tenants, fully paid."  He looked at Ginny, and she nodded.

"How do you want to make this will-Pensieve or written with witnesses?" asked Griphook.

"Written, I think.  We need witness?" asked Ginny.

"Yes, but we Goblins can do that," replied Griphook.

"Let's get this done, then," replied Harry.

While they were waiting, Ginny was able to view the account books, and was surprised to see just how much was in there.  "When you said you were loaded, you weren't kidding!"

"There's so much there that I don't know what to do with it, which is why I've spread it around."  Harry replied.  "Money is no object for any of us, so help me."

Ginny responded the only way she could: she kissed him.

An hour later it was done, with a copy placed in the Potter vault and the original with Harry and Ginny.  Thanking Griphook, they left and headed to the Ministry.

Arriving at the Ministry, they first found Arthur, who still had the note from Fudge from before, then headed to the Department of Magical Records.  There they recorded their marriage with a date of October 31st, then obliviated the record keeper again.

That finished, they returned to Hogwarts.

* * *

October 30th

Harry and Ginny woke up early and did their usual dog run around the Quidditch Pitch, then headed in for breakfast in the Great Hall.  The mood was somber and anticipatory at the same time.

McGonagall rose and addressed the Hall.  "Today will be a day of great history in the wizarding world.  Either we win this war, or all is lost.  I ask you all to keep that in mind today-that no matter what happens, tomorrow will still be there, and united we will face what comes.  At midnight the final confrontation will happen.  Classes are canceled for the next two days."

:Thank, Minerva.  Just toss the weight of the world on my shoulders again.

:Our shoulders, love.  Besides, we've been there and done that before, remember?

:True.  Hopefully this will be for the last time.  I'd like to have a normal life tomorrow.

:Normal life?  You???  Harry, love, your life will not be normal tomorrow.  Give it twenty years, maybe.  But remember, you're The Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived, and so on for now.  Plain Old Harry will come with time.

:I know.  Just keep me grounded, OK?

:You don't need my help with that.  You've never had an ego.  If anything, I need to keep you from going subterranean!

:That's true, love.  I want to be there early.

:Well, we need to get ready, and make sure we have everything set up.


They left the breakfast and headed to Harry's rooms, where they changed into their Amoeba Suits and organized their supplies.

"Felix Felicis?"  Harry asked.


"Smoke Bombs?"


"Delayed Explosion Fireworks?"


"Stun Bombs?"



"What's a Kissfor?"  Ginny asked, puzzled.

"For luck, duh!" Harry replied, grinning.

Ginny groaned and rolled her eyes.  "You're as bad as my brothers!"

"Image Projection Bombs?"


"All four wands?"


"Hufflepuff's Cup?"


"Gryffindor's Sword?"


"I think we're ready."

"Let's go."

Harry and Ginny joined hands and called Fawkes to them.  They grabbed his tail, and the three disapparated with a flaming crack to Godric's Hollow.

* * *

They arrived at the Potter Cottage.  The dueling arena, constructed by the Ministry exclusively for the Duel, loomed in the distance.

Harry took a deep breath and entered the yard.  Before him stood the remains of the house that sixteen years ago had been his home.  Now it was an overgrown mess of weeds and rubble.  But next to it stood a new house, an exact replica, freshly painted, and waiting for its new inhabitants.

Ginny took it all in with a combination of sadness and hope.

:Is that a new place, for us?

:Yep.  I had it built identical to the old place, but I had to leave the old place as is.  The Ministry wants it preserved as a memorial to my parents.  I agreed for now.

:What about your parents?

:The graveyard.  Let's go.

They set out down the street and walked about a mile, and found the graveyard.  They entered and began a search of the tombstones.  After an hour of searching, they found the stone, towards the back of the area.

Harry and Ginny looked at the stone, carved with the Potter crest, and a simple inscription:





Thrice defiant of evil, martyrs for the light, bringers of hope for the future.

In the end, love conquers all.

Harry stepped forward and kneeled at the stone.  Tears began to flow freely down his face, and his words were choked with sobs.  Ginny hung back, not wanting to get in the way of this most personal moment.

"Hi Mum and Dad.  I finally got here, and today I either join you or avenge you.  I've found true love, I saved Sirius, and cured Moony.  I found a new family.  I hope you're proud of me."

"They most certainly are, Harry," said a new voice.  Harry looked up and saw a handsome teenaged ghost smiling at him.


"Yes, Harry.  I have seen your parents in what lies beyond the earthly plane.  They asked me to give you a message.  They love you and miss you and are so proud of you, for the fight you've waged, for the man you've become.  They also said it is not your time to die today, and that you are ready to face your destiny.  They also want you to know that you and Ginny were destined for each other before she was born, and that together, you will win the day."

Harry looked at Cedric Diggory.  "Tell them I love them and miss them terribly, and that I made a vow to defeat Voldemort, and today is the day I do it.  Tell them their sacrifice was not in vain, and to give Tom Riddle Hell when they see him soon."

Cedric smiled.  "I will, and good luck."  He faded from view.

Harry was still crying, but his grief was lessened now from the message he needed to hear.  Ginny stepped forward, waved her hand, and conjured a lightning-bolt-shaped wreath of white lilies.  They settled on the tombstone.  Ginny took Harry in her arms and held him, letting him cry it out.  Fawkes trilled a soft song, which helped.

Finally, Harry had cried himself out as the sun set, and they stood, and turned to leave.  Suddenly the entire graveyard was lit up with countless lights.

The sight before them stunned them.  Hundreds of wizards stood there silently, solemnly, wands lit.

Lupin stepped forward.  "Harry, every year this happens here-people in the wizarding world come here to pay their respects to your parents.  This time, because of the Duel, turnout is huge.  These people are here for you today, Harry, and they did not want to disturb your moment."

Harry nodded, numbly.  The show of respect was overwhelming.

Molly stepped forward.  "You have never been alone, not for the past sixteen years, as tough as they have been, and you are not alone tonight, even if this battle is yours to fight."  She gave him a hug, joined by Ginny and Lupin.

They slowly headed to the gate, and the crowd parted for them.  The line of witches and wizards closest to them raised their lit wands in an honor guard salute.  Harry and Ginny walked under the wands.  The wizards were lined up all the way out of the village to the arena.  They approached the arena, which looked similar to a Muggle stadium, but not fully enclosed.  One end was open, and had a smaller seating area.

They entered the arena and made their way through a door at the ground level and found themselves in a waiting room.  Dobby was there waiting with a light dinner.

They ate and gave Dobby a long hug.  He left with the empty plates, and Harry and Ginny proceeded to go over their battle plan.  Ginny loaded her waist bag with most of the smoke and stun bombs, and the delayed explosion fireworks.  Harry took the rest of the bombs, Hufflepuff's Cup, and the Sword.

Harry pulled out the bottle of Felix Felicis and removed the stopper.  Ginny conjured two goblets, and Harry measured half of the potion into each, than handed her one.

"For love and luck." He raised his goblet.

"For love and luck." She raised her goblet.

They drank, and each felt a warm glow.

They embraced and did one final long snog, and the white glow surrounded them again, filling the room.  When they came up for air, they turned their link on full.  A bell in the distance chimed midnight.

:It's time.

Together they walked out into the arena.

* * *

Voldemort and his Death Eaters apparated to the arena.  Per previous arrangement, the Death Eaters took seats in the open end section.  The larger section that surrounded two-thirds of the arena were rapidly filling with witches and wizards.  He turned to his followers.

"As agreed to, you will do nothing to aid me in this fight, and while the fight continues, you will do nothing but watch.  Once I kill Potter, attack.  Spare none of these traitors."

At that moment the bell tower chimed midnight.

At the other end of the arena, a door opened, and two figures emerged.

* * *

Harry turned to Ginny and nodded.  She turned into her phoenix form and flew off, circling the arena.  Fawkes joined her.  Unnoticed, Fred and George, pockets bulging, slipped away from the crowd, mounted their brooms, and begin quietly circling high above the Death Eaters.

Voldemort turned to meet his enemy.

In the stands, Severus Snape stood up amidst seven Weasleys, and touched his wand to his throat.

"LORD VOLDEMORT!  Before this duel begins to your end, I would speak.  Your end is here, and your plans have failed.  You made the mistake, on this night, sixteen years ago, of trying to kill the woman I desperately and unrequitedly loved, Lily Evans.  For that, I swore vengeance.  I have spent the last sixteen years in that quest, pledged to the Order of the Phoenix and to Albus Dumbledore, then to Harry Potter."

"It was I who cast the charm on you to allow Potter unfettered and undetected access to your mind, and he used that his advantage, and he has led you by what's left of your nose to this very night.  Dumbledore was right all of these years, love is something you know not, and tonight you shall know its power, but too late.  I am glad to be here and see you get yours."

Voldemort's only response was a sneer.  "I will kill you personally, you greasy traitor, after I kill Potter.  I will not be denied my vengeance tonight!"

"I don't think so," replied Snape.  "Potter has had me under a protection charm for months, the strongest I've ever seen, and not even you could penetrate them.  My 'pain' at your curses was all an act."

Harry stood there waiting.  He removed his travelling cloak, leaving only the Amoeba Suit.

"Are we going to do this, or are you going to waste time trading pleasantries all night long?" he asked mildly.  "C'mon, Tom, I have a date for the Halloween Ball, and I intend to keep it."

Voldemort looked at Harry, then sneered.  "I have put up with your cheek for too long, Potter.  I will enjoy killing you!"

Harry just smiled.  "You can try."

Harry bowed and assumed a defensive stance.  Voldemort just stood there.

"Well, Tom?  I seem to recall the proper protocol is that we both bow before we begin."  Harry pointed out.

"I will not bow to you!" sneered Voldemort.

"Wanna bet?"  Harry cast a silent Imperius Curse, and Voldemort, to his own surprise, bowed to Harry, and straightened up as Harry released the spell.  "That's better, Tom.  That makes us even as far as that little issue from Little Hangleton goes."

Voldemort, even more outraged, assumed an offensive stance.  "You really think you can kill me, Potter?  You, a mere teenager of no great talent?"

"Funny you should ask that, Tom.  I do, and I have for quite some time."  He yelled back over his shoulder.  "HEY, HERMIONE!"

"WHAT?" she yelled back from the first row.


"YOU GOT IT, HARRY!"  She placed the memory in the Pensieve, and Trelawney towered above them.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Voldemort looked at Harry in shock and anger.  "So that's it, then?  You, a mere pathetic teenager, hold power that I don't?  That's ridiculous!"

Harry just smiled.  "Is it really, Tom?"  He continued, "Is it ridiculous that five times now you have tried-and failed-to kill me?  Is it ridiculous that I gave you a Muggle prank known as a Hotfoot and walked away laughing?  Is it ridiculous that I gave you another Muggle prank, a variation of an exploding cigar, and made you look utterly stupid?"  He silently cast a shield charm with his phoenix wand.

"You see, Tom, you have your weaknesses.  Ego, for one.  You don't understand the Muggle world, its inventions, or its innovativeness.  You don't understand creativity.  You certainly don't understand love, happiness, and friendship.  You don't understand science, magic that you have no use for, and most of all, ability over fear, Tom.  In fact, as a wizard, you are quite limited, even while being powerful within those limits.  My powers that you know not are love and knowledge."

"Well, Potter, what I have is enough to kill you! Avadra Kedavra!"  The Killing Curse shot from his phoenix wand and collided with Harry's shield.  They both glowed, then the curse fell away harmlessly.

"You also seem to have a short memory, Tom," Harry said.  "You forgot about the twin cores of our wands."

"There are other ways!  Avadra Kedavra!"  This time he sent the Killing Curse wandlessly, and it passed though the shield and hit Harry in the chest.

Harry just stood there.  Then he laughed.

"Nice try, Tom, but that doesn't work either.  Care to know why?"

"That's impossible!  Nobody survives the Killing Curse!" Voldemort screamed.

"Funny, I've done it twice now.  If you had ever bothered to figure out how the Killing Curse works, you'd also have figured out how to beat it.  I did.  So that trick won't work."  Harry replied calmly.  "You'd have thought that if we had figured out how to kill Dementors that we had figured out some other things.  Like this, for example: Musaceae Terra!" He sent the spell wandlessly, but into the ground at Voldemort's feet instead of at him.

Immediately the ground under Voldemort's feet turned into banana peels, and when he shifted his feet, he began slipping and sliding, and eventually falling down on his behind. The crowd roared with laughter.  He banished the banana peels with a wave and got up, shaking with rage.

"You dare make a mockery of me!" he screamed.

"I'm toying with you, Tom.  Just like I have been for months.  Thanks for dropping in, by the way.  Now, are you going to actually try now?" taunted Harry.

Voldemort suddenly launched a barrage of wandless jinx and curses at Harry, but Harry was ready, responding with his own.  Each dodged and ducked and deflected the other's spells.

:This is finally getting interesting down here.  Ready the image projection bombs!

:Ready, love.

:Drop 'em.

Ginny dropped a dozen Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes Image Projection Bombs in a ring around Voldemort.  Each exploded with a bang as they hit the ground, and Harry disapparated as they hit and apparated onto the ring, along with twelve other Harrys.

Thirteen Harrys spoke as one:

"Riddle me this Tom:

There are thirteen you see of me, but only one is real.

Can you find me amongst them, by sense and by feel?

When the clock strikes thirteen, what does it do?

It simply calls out an extra cuckoo!"

Voldemort began firing Cutting Curses at each Harry in turn, and the curses dissipated the images.  Finally he found the real Harry, and the curse hit him a glancing blow on his right forearm.  Blood oozed from the wound temporarily and Harry gasped in pain.  He sent three body-binding jinxes at Voldemort in quick succession, followed by a summon of Voldemort's wand.

Voldemort blocked the first jinx, dodged the second, but the dodge took him straight into the third.  His phoenix wand flew out of his hand as he fell sideways onto the ground.  Harry caught the wand.

Harry looked at his bleeding arm, and it appeared to be healing by itself without any help.  Harry felt the surge of power through the link.

:Hang on Harry, I'm healing the cut.

:Thanks, love.  Fred and George should have made this long-sleeved!

His arm healed, Harry snapped Voldemort's wand.  Suddenly a wandless stunner from Voldemort hit him in the chest.  The Amoeba Suit absorbed the spell, but the sheer force of impact sent him flying backwards.  He transformed into his lion form, twisted in mid-air, and landed on all four paws, then quickly changed back into human form.  He threw a pair of stun bombs and a smoke bomb.  Ginny dropped some delayed explosion fireworks.

Stunned, Voldemort could only lay there in the darkness as he could not see a thing.  Suddenly the world exploded around him in a series of huge bangs and bright flashes, blinding him and making him close his eyes in pain.

Finally, he shook off the stunners and body-binds and shakily got to his feet.  He waved his hand and the smoke cleared.  Harry stood there waiting.

"Going to try now, Tom?" he taunted.

This brat has become powerful, but he is running out of tricks!

"Getting by on luck, Potter?" he sneered.

"Actually, to some extent, yes," replied Harry.  He tossed a small bottle at Voldemort's feet.  "I took Felix Felicis before we started."

Voldemort looked at the bottle, then drew himself up to his full height.  "I am though playing you little games, Potter!  Your luck has run out!"

At that Voldemort began throwing jinxes and curses at Harry at an unbelievably rapid pace, except that Harry kept pace.  Some got through and caused some damage, but were just as quickly repaired by Ginny through the link.

After thirty minutes and several hundred jinxes, curses, and counterspells between the two, Voldemort stopped.  His robes were in tatters and he bore singe marks and bleeding cuts all over.  Harry, on the other had, looked to be barely scratched, and was only sweating and breathing heavily.

"It seems, Potter, that we are at a stalemate."

Ginny landed on Harry's left shoulder.

"Not really, Tom.  You just think we are.  What did I say about your ego?  If we were at a stalemate, I couldn't do this:"

Harry promptly broke into Voldemort's mind, but this time, Ginny joined him.  They quickly dismantled his mental blocks, working in tandem, and began to barrage his mind with images of them:  walking hand in hand around the Black Lake at Hogwarts, snogging, studying together, more snogging, cuddling together, napping together, even the skinny-dip in the Prefects' Bathroom.  They enveloped Voldemort in the love they had for each other, and Voldemort crumbled under the mental onslaught.  Desperately he raised a hand weakly and cried, "Avadra Kedavra!"

The green light hit Ginny.

The link broke, she burst into flame and fell off of Harry's shoulder and fell as a baby phoenix into Harry's waist bag.  Harry, through the link, felt the pain and dropped to his knees, and withdrew from Voldemort's mind.


No response.

Harry got to his feet.  Anger and grief coursed through him.

Not Ginny!  Not now, no way!

Voldemort was slowly standing up.  He looked at Harry and sneered.

"You could not beat me in a duel, and you could not destroy my mind, Potter, and I killed your little pet.  But you lied to me, Potter.  You said this duel was you against me."

"I said, you bastard, that it was Potter versus Riddle.  And that has been exactly it.  That 'pet' was the Animagus form of MY WIFE!" he roared.  "It was Potter versus Riddle-both Potters versus Riddle, and you just made your final mistake.  Hell hath no fury like a pissed-off female Weasley, but that's small potatoes to an angry Potter!"

Harry unloaded curses and jinxes on Voldemort with a fury and speed that was a blur to behold. He disapparated and apparated from all angles, and Voldemort could only defend, not attack, because as fast as he could react, Harry was even faster.  Finally a Cutting Curse took off both of Voldemort's ankles, and he fell to the ground a bloody mess.

Harry towered over him.  "Ready to die, Tom?"

Still, he sneered at Harry.  "I cannot die, Potter.  You failed in your attempt.  One Horcrux survives, and as long as it does, so do I."

Harry looked at him and sneered back.  "I have destroyed all of your Horcruxes, Tom."

Voldemort sneered and sat up.  "No, you didn't.  There were only five Horcruxes in that trunk.  One remains, for I made six."

"No, Tom.  I only returned five to you."  Harry replied.  He pulled out Gryffindor's Sword and held it in his left hand.  His right hand dipped into the waist bag.  He pulled out his last secret: Hufflepuff's Cup.  "Here, catch."  He tossed the shattered cup at Voldemort.

Instinctively, Voldemort reacted by trying to catch the cup.  He did so, and recognized it in shock.  Harry followed up his toss with a mighty swing of the sword, and it caught Voldemort in the neck, severing his head from his body.  The head fell away and the body crumpled, but the dark magic that was Tom Riddle exploded outward.

Harry was already moving backwards away from the body, summoned away by the combined spells of Ron, Hermione, and Molly.  He fired one last spell at the expanding energy.


The orange flame shot from his fingers of both hands, contacted the dark magic, and consumed it.

The body of Voldemort remained where it fell.

In the far stands, the Death Eaters saw the impossible happen, and fell into a panic.  Suddenly they were enveloped in a cloud of smoke bombs, and then the stun bombs fell from above.  Fred and George circled overhead, dropping more stun bombs as Death Eaters stumbled out of the smoke.  Within minutes it was all over.

At the other end of the arena, Harry pulled a quivering baby phoenix out of his pocket.  He set Ginny on the ground and transformed her back into human form.  Fawkes began to sing.  Harry held her and poured all of his love into her.  He still felt that spark of her inside his own soul, and fed it all the love he could muster in his tired state.  After a few minutes, he felt her through the link.


:Ginny!  Thank heavens you're back!

:What happened?

:Voldemort killed you while in phoenix form.  You burst into flame, was reborn, and fell into my waist bag.  Just now we got you back.

:I hurt all over.

:It'll get better.


:Dead.  Completely dead.


:Tired, and sore, but OK.

Behind them, the crowd erupted into bedlam.  Harry and Ginny were enveloped in a massive and tear-loaded hug from Molly, Arthur, Ron, and Hermione.

The war was finally over.

Voldemort was dead.


September 13th


Snape awoke with a start.  What is Potter doing here?

>Not here, Severus, just in your head.  I apologize for the intrusion, but I needed to speak with you in person.  Can you arrange to spy on the Order for a while?

I can try.  If I can manage it, I shall see you at Grimmauld Place tomorrow.  Now get out of my head!

>My apologies again, and thank you, Severus.

* * *

Harry withdrew from Snape's mind.  He hated the intrusion, but could think of no better way to talk to him.  But he had no such qualms about the next intrusion.

"Legillimens Silencio."  He plunged into Voldemort's sleeping mind, and planted a single thought:

Severus shall return to spy on the Order of the Phoenix.

He withdrew from Voldemort's mind, resisting the temptation to plant a song from a Muggle musical group in his head.  "While that would be perfect to drive him completely nuts, it would give it all away.  Better save that one for later.  I warned him that he should learn more than he knows, and that means the Muggle world, for starters!  He grinned at the thought and hummed the tune from They Might Be Giants as he headed off to bed:

"I'm your only friend, I'm not your only friend, but I'm a little glowing friend, but really I'm not actually your friend, but I am..."(beat, beat, beat, beat)

* * *

That evening saw Voldemort continuing his plans, but now he summoned Snape.

Snape approached respectfully.  "You summoned me, my Lord?"

"Yes.  I want you to return to your role of spying on the Order of the Phoenix, and report to me their activities.  Go now."

Snape bowed and backed out of the room.  "As you wish."

That was too easy.  I wonder if Potter gave him a "suggestion?"

Snape left Malfoy Manor, headed out the gate, and apparated to Grimmauld Place.

* * *

Snape arrived at Grimmauld Place to find Harry waiting for him.

"Severus, let me first apologize again for the mental intrusion this morning.  I really couldn't think of any better or safe way to contact you.  I have much news to bring you up-to-date on."

"Apology accepted, Potter," Snape replied.  "You did no damage, and you are right, it was the safest way to contact me, and it was brief.  Now what of this news?"

"First, what you can tell Voldemort.  I will be returning to Privet Drive alone in two days, in the belief that with the wards being lifted and the Dursleys gone, that he will overlook it as a safe place.  There I will be planning on setting a trap to lure out his Death Eaters and round them up again, to make up for the liberation of Azkaban."

Snape nodded.  "I take it you won't be there?"

"Only briefly.  I expect Voldemort to come for me himself, and I will be leaving him another token of my esteem," Harry replied with a grin.

"Second, what you don't tell Voldemort.  The Horcruxes are all destroyed, except for Nagini.  She's the only one left.  You need to kill her as soon as possible.  I think my ruse at Privet Drive will set you up on that.  Take this." Harry handed him Gryffindor's sword.  "Kill Nagini with this once Voldemort is on his way to Privet Drive, then bring the sword, Nagini's body, and you back here, where you will go back into hiding and finish the potion for Remus."

"For now, hang out a while and relax.  I don't think he'll expect you back until at least evening."

"Did you have something to do with him readily sending me here?" Snape asked.

Harry looked at him innocently.  "No idea where he got the suggestion from, Severus."  Harry turned and left, humming a tune.

Behind him, Snape smiled.

No idea? Yeah, right, Potter!

* * *

Later that evening Snape felt the Dark Mark tingle.  It was time.  He quickly apparated to Malfoy Manor.

"Report, Severus."  Voldemort's voice was as high and cold as ever.

"My Lord, Potter will be returning to his safe house in two days time.  He is isolating himself there to plan without interruption what he feels is a trap to lure us in.  I did not get any details.  He thinks that he will escape notice there since the place has been empty since he came of age."

Voldemort rubbed his white chin with an equally white and bony hand.  "He is overconfident.  He thinks he can lure us into a trap, but he gave us too much time to prepare for him."

He looked directly at Severus.  "Well done, Snape.  I will deal with him personally.  I will lose no more Death Eaters to that brat."

* * *

At Privet Drive, Harry completed the first parchment he was writing, then enchanted the seal so only Voldemort could open it.  He then quickly scrawled a sentence on a second parchment.  He left the first attached to the front door, and the second sitting on the ledge above it, and then he left, still humming the infectious tune.  He left the light in the smallest bedroom on.

* * *

September 14th

The next night Voldemort arrived at Privet Drive.  He noted the light upstairs.  Wary of traps, he drew his wand and checked for wards, jinxes, and triggered curses.  Finding none, he headed up the walk.

It makes sense that I would find nothing.  Potter wouldn't want to tip off he's here.

He reached the front door to find a piece of parchment stuck to it, with his name on it.

He is not here!  Either Snape lied, or this was no trap after all!

He opened the letter and began to read.

Hello again, Tom,

Two days hence for me means one day hence for you, means same day for me.  If you had gone straightaway you might have caught me.

Then again, most likely not.

I have to admit being caught a little off guard by the naked guts you showed at Azkaban, even if you were very predictable and we had prepared for your attempt.  No matter.  Your time is drawing near, and it's only inevitable that we shall finally meet and you shall lose.

Remember before I told you to learn more than you know?  You still haven't figured it out yet, have you?

Since you seem to be as dense as a pea soup fog over the English Channel, allow me to give you a large hint:

"There once was a famous Dark Lord,

whose soul was destroyed by a sword.

One part, or more,

as many as four,

but what of the crux of his hoard?"

Or how about this?

"Severus severs snake's soul with special sword to save sneak Snape's soul from Snake Eyes."

Now say that five times fast!

If you can't figure it out by now, then you never will.

Be seeing you again soon, Lizard Lips!

Your Conqueror,

Harry Potter

P.S. Don't crumple up this letter when you're done.

Voldemort, missing the postscript in his rage, crumpled up the letter.  It promptly exploded, covering him with black soot.  A second parchment floated down from the roof and landed at his feet.  It had only one sentence:

I told you not to crumple it!

This only made Voldemort angrier, but it quickly gave way to fear as he recognized the meaning of the Limerick.

Crux of his hoard?  Horcruxes!  He knows!  But how???  Unless that fool Dumbledore...

Then the tongue twister hit him.  Nagini!

Voldemort apparated to Malfoy Manor with a panicked crack.

* * *

Snape watched the Dark Lord leave.  Knowing he had little time, he moved to the door, then entered the private chamber.  Nagini was curled up on the bed, asleep.

Severus approached the snake and silently cast a body-binding jinx on her.  Nagini stiffened momentarily.  Severus drew the sword from his cloak and quickly severed her head.  A black wisp of smoke and a whimpering hiss rose from the body, and blood and venom spurted onto the bedding.

Moving carefully, the potions master summoned wrappings for the body and the sword, then took hold of them and disapparated to Grimmauld place.  Harry was waiting for him.

"Well done, Severus," Harry congratulated him.  "I'm afraid, however, that your days as a spy are over, though.  But you can stay here, and I believe the Lycanthropy cure still needs work."

Severus nodded.  "When the Dark Lord returns and finds Nagini missing and a pool of blood in her place, and me missing as well, my role would be ended anyway.  But the mission was accomplished.  You're right, the cure awaits, and I will welcome the challenge in safer surroundings."

They walked into the drawing room, which had been set up as a laboratory before.  Snape looked over at the table and his eyes widened in surprise.  "What happened here?  It's almost finished!"

Harry grinned.  "Hermione took a look at things while you were away and made some progress.  I hope you don't mind.  How did she do?"

Snape examined the notes and the potion carefully.  "It looks like she did it perfectly to this point!  I can finish this in a few minutes!"

Snape quickly dove into the work with barely suppressed glee.  Harry stepped out and left him to his work.  Back in the kitchen, he conjured up a trunk, then levitated Nagini's body into it, then placed inside the perfume bottle, the locket, the diary, and the ring.  Then he sealed the trunk, humming away.

Tonks came out of the fireplace.  "Wotcher, Harry!"

"Hi, Tonks.  How's things?"

"You remember that talk we had at Privet Drive?"  she asked.

Harry nodded.  "You were right, and I never had the chance to thank you."

"Well, turnabout is fair play.  I want-I want to run off and marry Remus," she blurted.

"And you want me to talk you out of it, or recommend a good place for a ladder?" Harry grinned wryly.

"A ladder?  I don't get it," she replied.

"In the Muggle world when a couple elopes, the story goes that one arrives at the window of another with a ladder at midnight, climbs up, and the pair make away in the night and get married before anyone can find out," Harry explained.  "It's rarely done anymore, but it is still an inside joke in the Muggle world."

"Oh, now I get it," Tonks replied with a laugh.  "You were asking if you should talk me out of it or encourage it."


"I don't know, Harry," she pleaded.

"Well, let me ask you what you asked me: Do you truly love him?"  She nodded, eyes full of tears.  "Does he love you?"

"I think so.  I know he cares for me deeply."

"Believe me, Tonks, he does," Harry replied.  "And I can tell you his fear is holding him back, his fear of his 'furry little problem.'  I also know you were there in the Shrieking Shack this last transformation despite his wanting you not to be there.  You've seen it, and you've seen how we can help.  He doesn't know you know, though.  You ought to tell him."

"When?" she asked.

"Soon.  The cure is close, and I think once we've got that, it will be time.  I had to face my fear.  With him, we may be able to remove it entirely."

Snape came hurrying into the room, an excited look on his face.  "It's ready, but we need to test it."

"That can be done.  I need Fred, George, Ron, and Hermione here immediately," Harry replied.  "How much dose is needed to do it?"  Tonks left to get the four.

"I have four bottles made," Snape replied.  "One for testing, one for Lupin, if they work one for Bill Weasley, and one for later analysis."

"Excellent.  Severus, I said before that when this is over I would see that you would be a free man.  I will also see that you get proper credit for this discovery.  You deserve it."  Harry smiled.

"Not I alone, Potter.  The three Weasleys deserve credit as well since they helped," replied Snape.

"Severus, that's very good of you," replied Harry.  "You really have changed for the better.  Even Dad would have noticed."

"Well, even though having to put up with Black all the time can be bothersome, we have been able to discuss some things and work out a lot of issues." Snape smiled.  "It feels good to put that behind me."

A moment later four Weasleys and Tonks appeared.

"Everyone, Severus has completed the cure, but we need to test it.  We need to retrieve our test subject, so wands out and ready, stunning only if necessary," Harry explained.

"Fawkes?"  The phoenix arrived with a flash.  "I need you to go to Malfoy Manor and bring back Fenrir Greyback."  The phoenix looked at him with a skeptical eye, but made what looked like a very human shrug of the shoulders, then disapparated with a crack.

A minute later he returned with the werewolf in tow, struggling under him.  Fawkes let him go and Greyback fell to the ground with a crash.  He rose to find six wands pointed at him.  He felt for his own and found it missing, then he saw it in Harry's other hand, exactly where it had been summoned.

"All right, Greyback, you're surrounded and outnumbered, so it's best you cooperate," Harry said with authority.

"Potter!" he growled.  "I should have known!  My fellow Death Eaters saw my abduction, and they should be searching for me soon."

"Don't bet on it, Fuzz Face," retorted Harry.  "Your dark Lord is busy chasing shadows and your fellow Death Eaters are only loose because I choose to let them be loose, and they have no idea where you are."

"You will not learn anything from me!" snarled the werewolf.  Snape poured one bottle of potion into a goblet.

"I have no intention of trying.  You are here for a different purpose, and you specifically," replied Harry.  "You can either do this the easy way or the hard way.  The easy way is you take the potion Severus is holding and drink it.  The hard way is that we bind you up and pour it down your stinking throat.  Either way, you will drink it.  It shouldn't kill you, but if it does, well then, that's what happens for being a Death Eater.  So which is it? Choose now!"

Greyback looked around and realized he had no choice.  He was stuck.  "The easy way."

Snape handed him the goblet, then waved his wand over him.  "Lycanthropus Revellus.".  Greyback glowed a slight yellow color for a moment.

Greyback looked at the goblet, sniffed it.  "What is it?"

"Drink now, answers later!" snapped Tonks.

Greyback drank the potion.  Severus took back the goblet.

For a moment, nothing happened, then Greyback began to glow a vivid purple, and he began to gag.  A silvery wisp escaped his mouth, nose and ears and he began coughing.  He collapsed to the ground, writhing, and began to lose fur.  In a minute he was completely human again, but had passed out.

Snape waved his wand over the unconscious form. "Lycanthropus Revellus."  Nothing happened.  "It appears he is cured."


Greyback awakened, and said in a small, human voice, "What happened?"

Harry looked down at him and snapped his wand.  "You are no longer a werewolf.  You are cured of your Lycanthropy."

"What? That's impossible!  There is no cure for that!"  Greyback looked panicked.

Ron conjured a mirror.  "Look for yourself."

Greyback looked in the mirror and saw, for the first time in decades, his human form.  He fainted again in shock.

Harry quickly bound and gagged him.  "Impossible only means it hasn't been done yet.  Tonks, get him to Azkaban, then get back here.  You've got some eloping to do!"

She took her charge and disapparated with a crack.  Hermione squealed, "We did it!  Wait a minute!  Eloping?  Tonks?  Moony?"

Harry grinned.  "You bet.  This potion is a wedding present from all of us."

Tonks quickly returned.  She hugged Hermione, then Harry, Ron, Fred, and George in turn, and even hugged Snape, to his astonishment.  "Thank you all!  Time to go steal me a husband!"  She disapparated with a pop.

Snape looked at her in amusement.  He was still holding three bottles.  "I think Miss Tonks forgot something."

A moment later she returned again, blushing.  "I forgot the bottle."  Snape handed it to her, and she disapparated again.

* * *

She arrived at Lupin's London flat, and promptly threw some of their clothes into a bag, then shrunk it and put it in her pocket.  She had just finished when he walked in the room.  She threw herself on him, showering him with kisses, and before he could get a word out, disapparated with him to an Auror safe house.

There, she looked at him and directly told him she loved him, and they were going to be married one way or another, and presented him with the potion.  She explained what happened with Greyback.  By the time she was done, he was in complete shock.

"You did that for me?"

"All for you, my love.  Now, drink.  It's time for you to be cured."

Still feeling stunned, he drank to potion in one gulp. Nothing happened except a slight tingling.  Tonks waved her wand and said the incantation.  "Lycanthropus Revellus."  Nothing happened.

"Remus Lupin, you are cured of your Lycanthropy.  Marry me, you ex-werewolf!"  She grinned at him from down on one knee.

Stunned, he took her hand and helped her up.  "When?"

She laughed, then kissed him and looked into his eyes.  "Right now."

* * *

Voldemort returned to Malfoy Manor, still in a panicked state.  He moved swiftly through the house, searching for Nagini, ignoring the Death Eaters' own panic and words of "Greyback" and "taken".

Finally, he reached the bedroom and on the bed, he saw the congealing pool of blood and venom.  His heart went even colder than normal.  He returned to the drawing room and summoned the Death Eaters.

"What happened to Nagini?" he demanded coldly.

Macnair stepped forward.  "We have not seen her, my Lord.  However, Snape and Greyback are both missing.  Snape disappeared shortly after you left, and Greyback was taken by a phoenix before we could react.  We have no idea where either of them went."

Voldemort's eyes narrowed.  "Did they disappear at the same time?"

Macnair looked down.  "No, my Lord, I don't think so.  I think Snape was missing before Greyback was taken."

"Well, it's obvious that Potter has Greyback now, but the brat will learn nothing from that savage fool.  Death Eaters, it appears that one of our ranks has tried to leave us, and has taken Nagini with him.  Severus Snape is now to be killed on sight.  Greyback is to be recovered without killing him unless necessary."  Voldemort looked at them.  "I have some things I need to do.  Search discreetly for the missing men.  Reconnaissance only, no attacks."

Voldemort swept from the room, walked out the door, and disapparated to a remote coastal cave.

He quickly arrived inside the cave and levitated across the Inferi pool top the center, and quickly banished the Nightmare Potion.

The basin was empty!

He knew!  Dumbledore knew!  He got it out somehow!  But that's impossible unless he had help! Potter!

Swallowing his rage, he disapparated out of the cave.

His next stop was Beeston, outside Nottingham.  He quickly entered and began ransacking the place, searching for the perfume bottle.

He didn't find it.

Turning to leave, he heard a throat clear behind him.  He whirled to find Dumbledore looking at him from a portrait.

"Tom, is such a mess really necessary?  Minerva works so hard to keep it neat, and here you go messing it up."

"You!" he shouted.  "You figured out my Horcruxes!"

"Not all me, Tom.  Regulus Black got the locket, I got the ring, and Harry got the diary.  Since you've come back, Minerva got the bottle, and Severus got Nagini.  It was a team effort, to say the least." Dumbledore smiled.  "You, of all people, should know of strength in numbers.  Harry is doing the same thing.  Good luck on your search, because you're going to need it."  with that he turned and left the portrait.

The cup! He didn't mention the cup!  All is not lost yet!  Feeling a little better, he set out for the Gaunt shack.  He was sure the ring was not there, but he had to be certain.  He was right; when he arrived he found it was gone.

I need to check the cup, and that means I need to sneak into Hogwarts, to the Chamber of Secrets.

He set out for the castle.

* * *

Dumbledore appeared in his pocket portrait.  "He wasn't too thrilled to see me, and I'm afraid he left Minerva's house a mess."

"You told him about who found the Horcruxes?" Harry asked.

"All but the cup."

"Perfect."  He coined Ron.  "Round up our four Slytherin spies.  Stun them, bind them, gag them, and meet me at the front gates immediately."

He took the trunk full of Horcruxes and disapparated to the Hogwarts gates.  He set the trunk down, attached his last note to Voldemort on top, then waited.  Minutes later a crowd came down to the gates: Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and McGonagall, carrying the bound and gagged Parkinson, Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott.  They were placed next to the trunk, snapped wands set on each of them.  The rest returned to the castle.

"Minerva, I must apologize.  It appears that Voldemort trashed your house while looking for the bottle," Harry said.

"Not to worry, Harry.  I'll clean it up later."

Harry looked at them all.  "Time to really mess with Voldemort's head, and this time I'll let him know it."  He grinned.  "I'm going to enjoy this!"

* * *

Voldemort came to a screeching halt.

>Hello, Tom.  Nice head you've got here, hope you don't mind me dropping in like this unexpectedly.  Of course, I've been doing it all summer, so what's one more visit between old friends?

Potter!  Get out of my head!

>At my leisure, Tom, and not before.  You can try to force me out, but that won't work.  I've owned your head all this time, and it has been beneficial for me.  Of course, it's rather dank, dreary and in need of a good coat of cheery paint in here, but I guess I can't have everything right now.

What do you mean?

>I mean that you can be one dense git, that's what.  We knew about your plans for the Ministry, Azkaban, and Hogsmeade, which is why we had traps waiting for you.  We knew about it because I sat here, inside your cobwebbed head, and watched you plan it out.  I also knew about the Azkaban breakout, but I let it happen to give you a false sense of security.  You killed nobody that day except a bunch of doppelgangers.

You lie!  There is no way you could have learned that from me!

>Wow, you can be dense!  You still haven't figured out how I gave you that hotfoot, have you?  I also heard that you ignored my warning and crumpled up my last note, and you wound having a blast with it.  Maybe one of these days you'll listen to me instead of dismissing me out of hand.

Why should I?  You are a teenage brat, not capable of much of anything, and I am the greatest wizard since Merlin!

>You're not even second-tier, Tom.  It was me who took out your men who attacked the joke shop.  It was me who nailed Pettigrew.  It was me who took out your men on the first attack at Privet Drive, and it was me who helped destroy the Dementors at Azkaban.  And it was me who has known every step of the way what you've been up to, which is how I've been able to leave you my little notes in advance.  Face it, Tom, I've been playing you like second violin at the London Philharmonic.

So what?  Are you here just to gloat?

>Nope.  That's the easy part.  I'm actually delivering a message or three.  First, Merope Gaunt sends her love from beyond, and she wishes that you had known love.  Second, you'll find one last message of mine waiting for you at the Hogwarts gates.  Third, I'll simply leave you now to ponder your fate, with a lingering message...

Voldemort now heard a marching beat in his mind.

I live in a place where the nuts hunt the squirrels

In a place where the nuts hunt the squirrels, ha-ha

It's a beautiful spot where I don't think a lot

And mostly I don't think of gits like you, hoo ha

I don't think of gits like you!

When I think of the traffic, and horns

And lights that flash and signs that blink

And say "Don't walk" and subways that roar

And brakes that screech

And noisy men drilling holes in the streets!

I'm mad for that place where the nuts hunt the squirrels

Where the people all smile and I play, ha-ha

And I spend all my time skipping rocks at the ducks

And I don't think of gits like you, hoo ha

I don't think of gits like you!

You drove me to this and you know that you did

To the place where the nuts hunt the squirrels, ha-ha

But I couldn't care less 'cause my life was a mess

So who needs the human race, ha-ha

I don't need the human race!

I don't have any use for gits like you

Who tell me what I should say and do

And how I should cut my hair

And shave my shoes and shine my face

I live like a nut in the human race!

So I'm mad for this place where the nuts hunt the squirrels

And it's here I shall always remain, ha-ha

It's here I shall always remain

But there's just one complaint I've had so far

They're trying to drive me sane, hee hee

They're trying to drive me sane, ho ho

They're trying to drive me sane, ha-ha

They're trying to drive me sane, hee hee

They're trying to drive me sane, ho ho

They're trying to drive me sane, ha-ha

They're trying to drive me sane, hee hee

They're trying to drive me sane!*

>Have a nice, day, Tom!

Harry left Voldemort's head, but the song remained, including the drum beat.

I can't get that bloody song out of my head!

Finally, after a lot of effort, he succeeded in blocking that strange Muggle music.  He took a deep breath of relief.  But then another started up:

I'm your only friend

I'm not your only friend

But I'm a little glowing friend

But really I'm not actually your friend

But I am

(beat, beat, beat, beat)

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch

Who watches over you?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

I have a secret to tell

From my electrical well

It's a simple message and I'm leaving out the whistles and bells

So the room must listen to me

Filibuster vigilantly

My name is blue canary one note spelled l-i-t-e

My story's infinite

Like the longest symphony it doesn't rest

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch

Who watches over you?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

I'm your only friend

I'm not your only friend

But I'm a little glowing friend

But really I'm not actually your friend

But I am

There's a picture opposite me

Of my primitive ancestry

Which stood on rocky shores and kept the beaches shipwreck free

Though I respect that a lot

I'd be fired if that were my job

After killing Jason off and countless screaming Argonauts

Bluebird of friendliness

Like guardian angels it's always near

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch

Who watches over you?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

(and while you're at it

Keep the nightlight on inside the

Birdhouse in your soul)

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch (and while you're at it)

Who watches over you (keep the nightlight on inside the)?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul (birdhouse in your soul)

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch (and while you're at it)

Who watches over you (keep the nightlight on inside the)?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul (birdhouse in your soul)

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul.**

Voldemort sunk to the ground, clutching his head.


* * *

Voldemort finally arrived at the gate of Hogwarts.  He flew into another rage at what he saw.

In the middle of the path, directly in front of the gates, were Parkinson, Goyle, Crabbe, and Nott, exactly as they had been left: bound, gagged, and snapped wands on each.  Next to them was a large trunk with a parchment attached to it.  The outside of the parchment had one line written on it:

Open the trunk first.  No tricks here.  Read the parchment second (as if you could read it first anyway!).  -HP

Frowning, Voldemort opened the trunk, looked inside and screamed.

Inside he saw the shattered remains of five Horcruxes.

Still no cup, which means they didn't find it.  They're watching now, so I'll just read the note and then depart with this mess.  The cup can wait.

He closed the trunk and opened the letter.


As you can see, we've found and destroyed your Horcruxes.  You can have your spies back as well.  They were pretty useless.

I told you it was simply a matter of time, and only I knew when.  Well, now I'm going to tell you.

I challenge you, openly, to a duel.

It will be where it all started for us, Godric's Hollow.

Midnight, Halloween.

Potter vs. Riddle.  To the death.

No Order of the Phoenix.  No Death Eaters.  No Ministry.

You've failed five times before to kill me.  Do you think try #6 is the charm?

How will what was started sixteen years prior finally finish?

I'll be there waiting.

BTW, this is going to be in the Daily Prophet tomorrow.  I'd send them a response by the end of the month.  Call it me being generous.  No guts, no glory.

Harry Potter


*"The Place Where the Nuts Hunt the Squirrels," Napoleon XIV, The Second Coming

**"Birdhouse in Your Soul," They Might Be Giants, Flood


September 11th

The next morning, Severus looked up from his potions book to see Ginny's head in the fire at Grimmauld Place.  "Severus?  I need to speak with you."

"What is it, Miss Weasley, which interrupts this work?" sneered Snape.

"Stuff the attitude, Severus," Ginny said crossly.  "It's about that work."

She related to him what she saw the previous night during the transformation.  He listened carefully, his sneer giving way to interest and then astonishment.  As she finished, he was stroking his goatee and frowning in thought.

"Miss Weasley, that is indeed impressive, and most useful.  I must apologize for my earlier attitude.  You realize what I am working on, of course.  It is most challenging."

"Understandable, Severus.  We'd all like to see a cure."

"Could I ask a favor?" asked Severus.  "Could you bottle up that memory so I could examine it better?"

Ginny smiled.  "Already thought of that."  She held out a silvery vial.

Severus took it.  "Thank you."  He placed it on the table, the suddenly gasped in pain and grabbed at his left wrist.

Ginny looked alarmed.  "What is it?"

Severus winced in pain.  "The Dark Lord is attempting to summon any remaining Death Eaters," he said through gritted teeth.  "Tell Potter.  I must resist this, since I'm supposed to be in Azkaban."

Ginny thought a moment, then raised a hand and murmured a spell.  "That should help.  I just cast an anti-apparation jinx on you."  Snape let out a visible sigh of relief.

"Thank you again.  Please tell Potter."

Ginny left the fire.

:Voldemort is up to something, Harry.  He just tried to summon Death Eaters.

:Including Snape?

:I saw him when it happened and helped him fight it off.  He told me to let you know.

:All right, I'll see what Tom is up to.

Harry reached out and broke into Voldemort's mind.

* * *

Enough is enough!  Here I am, the greatest wizard of all, hiding like a coward from a mere teenager!  It is past time to stop brooding and liberate my followers even if I have to do it all myself!

He pressed on the Dark Mark and waited.

After thirty minutes, he saw several figures apparate: four in all, cloaked and masked.  They kneeled before him.

"I do not recognize you.  Name yourselves!"

"We serve the Dark Lord," said one in a girlish voice.  "Pansy Parkinson."

"Gregory Goyle."

"Theodore Nott."

"Vincent Crabbe."

"I know those names."  Voldemort looked at the four.  "Your parents, I believe, have been my servants."

"Yes, my Lord, and they are in Azkaban, placed there by that Potter and his traitor friends," said Pansy bitterly.

"How were you able to come here?" demanded Voldemort.  "Only my Death Eaters are able to answer my call, and you have not been inducted! Speak!"

Pansy showed the Dark Mark above her left wrist.  "Our parents duplicated their marks and their enchantments."

She took a deep breath and continued.  "We come to serve you, my Lord, and to liberate our parents from Azkaban.  We also have information of the doings of Harry Potter."

Voldemort thought about it.  Young help is better than no help at all.  "Very well.  What information about Potter do you have?"

"He has grown in ability and strength, and become a skilled Legillimens and Occulmens.  He also is teaching at Hogwarts and training students in advanced spells and dueling, and physical conditioning, along with the Aurors.  His blood traitor friend Weasley married the Mudblood Granger and they are Head Boy and Girl, and he is currently dating the blood traitor's sister, who is at Hogwarts training to be a Healer."  Pansy reported.  "He is relatively safe and very popular there."

"Legillimens and Occulmens?  That explains much.  No matter now.  At this distance not even that dead old fool Dumbledore could reach me."  He turned and paced, thinking.  "We shall liberate Azkaban.  The Dementors are gone, but some well-placed work can break it down.  We will need to be able to get wands to my other servants there as we liberate them.  As we do that, we shall be able to take them all."

He turned to them.  "That means we must get wands for them first.  And that means Ollivander."

"Prepare to travel.  I will return to Britain and we shall make our plans."

The four teens bowed at his feet.  Voldemort summoned Nagini, and they set off for Malfoy Manor.

* * *

Harry withdrew from Voldemort's mind, then turned and started pacing himself.

He doesn't know that Ollivander is on vacation in Romania, seeing Charlie about more dragon heartstrings.  That's good, because it means he won't be there when they hit the wand shop.

We need to let him do this, to build his overconfidence.  Plus, it gets Snape back with him, which we need for the next steps in the plan, and if we're going to figure out the two missing Horcruxes.

He fingered his coin.  "Ron?  Hermione?"  Their faces appeared.  "Meet me at McGonagall's office immediately."  He started to walk that way, then called Ginny.

:Love? I need you here, now.


A moment later Ginny arrived with a pop.

"What is it?"

"He's on the move.  C'mon.  The war just came back into town."

They made it to McGonagall's office, and Ron and Hermione arrived a second later.  The four went up, and knocked on the door.  It opened for them, and they went inside.

McGonagall looked up with a smile.  "You lot!  To what do I owe this visit?"  Her smile disappeared with Harry's words.

"Headmistress, we need to call the Order, right now."

* * *

A few minutes later, most of the Order had arrived, as well as Cornelius Fudge, as requested by Harry and escorted by Kingsley and Arthur.  Briefly Harry explained what Voldemort had planned.  Then he dropped the bombshell.

"We need to let both things happen."  The reaction of utter disbelief was predictable.

"What?" spluttered Fudge.  "You want him to succeed?  Are you barking mad?"

"No, I don't, and I'm not," Harry replied.  "But in order to have him regain his overconfidence, it is necessary.  Plus, we can minimize the casualties."  He turned to Kingsley.  "Have the Aurors place untraceable tracing spells on all of the prisoners, especially his inner circle of Death Easters.  If they sneeze, I want to know it before they put their hands to their mouths.  If they belch, I want to know what they ate for dinner."  He turned back to Fudge.  "We show him what he wants to see, but we will be manipulating him all the while.  We give some ground, but he has to offer battle to get what he wants, and it's easier to play defense anyway.  The Ministry needs to appear to be caught flat-footed on this one.  I know politically that is bad for you, but it's necessary.  The plan is simple:  We replace the guards with doppelgangers and get them out safely.  We let them attack and liberate, then after they leave we repair things and the guards return.  Then the real war begins."

He turned to a portrait.  "Professor Dumbledore, please inform Warden O'Malley of the Order's arrival and the plan."  Dumbledore nodded and walked out of his portrait.

"Potter, why can't you simply wait there and take Voldemort down?" Fudge wailed.  "You're more than a match for him now."

"Not yet, Minister.  If I tried to take him down now, it wouldn't work.  I know that, and the time is not yet right.  It will be soon, but this has to happen first.  We will make up the lost ground, and there will be casualties, but if we don't work it this way, it will be far worse," Harry replied.

"What of Nott, Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle?" asked McGonagall.  "I don't like the idea of Death Eaters roaming around here in the school."

Harry sighed.  "I don't either, but we can't let them know we're on to them, or else they'll tip off Voldemort.  If anything, we'll use them as a conduit to show Voldemort what he wants to see, different from what is really happening.  The best you can do at this point is to give them detention for going into the Forbidden Forest."

Dumbledore reappeared in his portrait.  "Warden O'Malley is ready and waiting."

"Let's get busy."

* * *

Harry apparated to Grimmauld Place to find Snape waiting for him.

"Severus, it appears that the plans have to change.  Voldemort plans to liberate Azkaban personally in the next few hours.  You need to be there to be 'liberated' and rejoin his service.  Do not mention our Horcrux hunt."  Snape nodded.  Harry looked him straight in the eyes.  "Good Luck."

"Thank you.  My notes for Lupin's condition are here for the Weasleys to continue in my absence."  He disapparated to Azkaban with a pop.

* * *

Voldemort and the teens apparated directly into the wand shop at midnight, to find it closed and unoccupied, as expected.  Quickly, guided by Voldemort's magical detection skills and instructions, they rounded up two hundred wands, then disapparated.  They were there for all of ten minutes.

Across Diagon Alley, above Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Fred lowered his Quidditch binoculars.  He moved to the fireplace and sent a message to the War Room: "In and out in ten minutes.  No disturbance, no casualties, and they're on their way."  Then he and George went to bed.

* * *


Alarms blared throughout the prison as the Death Mark appeared in the sky over Azkaban.  Voldemort and the teens apparated to the front gates and began the assault.  The doppelgangers easily fell to the assault, killed mercilessly by the Dark Lord, as the teens began a systematic blasting of the lower outer walls with Reduction Curses.  Soon, they were able to make their way into the lower levels, accompanied by some Death Eaters who were able to get through the rubble, and there the liberation began.  Cells were opened and wands handed out, and the numbers grew as they made their way up each level.  Soon all of the Death Eaters were freed, and as one they made their way to the warden's office.

They found it empty except for Dumbledore in his portrait.

"Hello again, Tom," Dumbledore said pleasantly as if he was ordering lunch off a menu.  "Warden O'Malley spotted you at the gates, raised the alarm, and then Portkeyed away to the mainland for help."

"He'll be too late, Dumbledore!" Voldemort sneered.  "By the time his 'help' arrives, we'll be gone!  Your plans are failing, old man, and soon that Potter brat will be mine!"

"On the contrary, Tom," Dumbledore replied calmly.  "My plans ended with my death.  The plans against you are being done by others, and while this raid has caught them off guard, they will adjust.  You had the element of surprise in this case, and you used it well."

Dolohov came running in.  "My Lord, we have taken down the anti-disapparation shields and we can leave now.  Aurors are starting to arrive outside.  Do we fight or leave?"

Voldemort looked at him.  "We leave.  The task here is done."  He turned back to Dumbledore.  "Another time, old man.  Tell Potter I'm coming for him, soon."

He disapparated with a crack.  Dozens of cracks echoed throughout the tower as Death Eaters followed their master, leaving frustrated Aurors in their wake.

* * *

Dumbledore moved to his portrait at the War Room.  "It's over.  The Ministry is securing the tower, and the guards and Warden O'Malley have returned, and repairs have begun.  It appears that he only freed Death Eaters, just under two hundred in all."  He looked at Harry.  "He said that I should tell you that he would be coming for you soon."

Harry just smiled.  "Good, that means he's getting his cockiness back.  He still doesn't understand what happened August 2nd."

He sat back and broke into Voldemort's mind.

* * *

The Death Eaters assembled at Malfoy Manor.

Voldemort sat in his chair, waiting.  Finally they were all present, and he rose to speak.

"I reward my servants for their successes, and I do not forget their failures.  Pansy Parkinson, Gregory Goyle, Junior, Vincent Crabbe, and Theodore Nott, step forward."

The teens stepped forward, then genuflected before him, staying on one knee, heads down.

"These four sought me out in exile and assisted me in liberating the rest of you.  They came of their own free will and they will be rewarded for their faithfulness.  But for now, they have a job to do, returning and being my spies at Hogwarts.  Go now, and report to me directly every other day as to happening regarding Potter, and his friends.  Report earlier than that if necessary.  Otherwise, be model students and do nothing to attract notice."

"We serve the Dark Lord," they intoned, then rose and disapparated with four cracks.

"As for the rest of you, you all were bumbling fools to wind up in Azkaban!  Had you executed my plans as they were intended, none of this would be necessary, the ministry would have fallen, and we would have Potter by now!"

Snape rose and spoke.  "My Lord, we did follow your plans.  In each case there were ambushes waiting for us, and we had lost the element of surprise.  They KNEW what we were doing, and even though I was your spy, I was not privileged to the plans, so I did not reveal anything!"

"Silence! Crucio!"  Again Snape felt the curse but not the pain, and he acted it out.

Voldemort looked over the assembled.  "Such foolishness will not happen again.  We have relied on fear as a weapon for too long.  They did not fear us that day.  We will make them fear us again!  We will train and hone skills and reactions!"

* * *

Harry withdrew from Voldemort's mind, and turned to the others.

"He's mad at his people, and he's going to take a page from our book and get them on a training regimen.  Evidently he listened to those four, and they are due back at school to play spy."

He sighed.  "We continue as before, but watch where you speak, especially about the Horcruxes.  We're going to need to turn that up a notch."


September 9th

A week later, Harry and Ginny were enjoying a Friday dinner in Harry's rooms, discussing the day's activities.  DADA classes had been going well, all years on the schedule Harry had laid out, and coming up to speed nicely.  Ginny, for her part, had gotten plenty of hands-on experience in healing first- and second-years who had run-ins with Peeves, Slytherins, and Quidditch tryouts.  After dinner they moved to the couch to cuddle, and she finally had time to remember to ask Harry something.

:I've been meaning to ask you this, love.  Poppy wants us to document what happens with our Bond.

:Why is that?

:Well, since it hasn't happened in almost a millennium, she thinks that documenting what happens with us could be a priceless and unique opportunity for medical and magical research.  I agree with her, but I told her I'd talk to you about it first before agreeing.

:Do you know what she has in mind?

:Part of it the physical aspects, although when it comes to certain areas we'll have to be a little discreet, but it's also what we're experiencing emotionally, magically, and maybe even a little psychoanalysis built in if we can muster it.

:I'm not sure I want to be followed around by St. Mungo's Healers like rats following the Pied Piper.  You know how I hate that.

:I think there's an easier way.  We simply each keep a journal of the experiences.  We take time each night to write down what happened to us with the Bond each day.  Not necessarily what we say to each other, but things like, "I was able to tell when Ginny was hungry," or "I could tell Harry bit his tongue to keep from laughing."

:What about the intimate moments?  I don't exactly want to record what happened when we went skinny-dipping in the Prefects' Bathroom!

:Silly!  We can write about how the Bond deepened, but we can leave out the spicy part!

:Well, I think we can do it, but I've never been much on this type of thing before.  I always thought diaries were a girl thing.

:You prat, they are!  But this is for science and research, not girl gossip.

:I hope so.  You win, I'll do it.

:I win, huh?  As usual, love.  As usual.

:That's true.  To the victor goes the spoils.

They were simply gazing at each other, and moving closer to a snogging, when there was a knock on the door.  Rather reluctantly they disengaged from each other and Ginny went to answer it.

"Hello, Ginny.  Am I disturbing you?" Lupin looked rather distraught.

Damn straight you are, and your timing sucks!  But she smiled.

"Of course not, Moony, come in."  He entered the room and Ginny closed the door behind him.  She headed to the kitchenette and got three Butterbeers, and coined Tonks.

"What is it?" Tonks asked.

"Keep it down!  Moony's here and I think he's in a bad way.  I want you to listen in," Ginny whispered.  She headed back into the room.

"Hi, Moony!  How's things?" grinned Harry.  "What brings you around here?"

"I had to pick up the Wolfsbane potion from Horace.  Full moon is tomorrow night," he replied.  "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop in.  You see, I've got a problem."

Harry motioned him to a chair as Ginny rejoined him on the couch.  Lupin sat down and accepted the Butterbeer Ginny handed him.  "Thank you."

"So what's the problem?" Ginny asked.

Lupin looked rather sheepish and glanced down before replying.  "Women."

Harry laughed.  "Well, what are you asking me for?  I just do what Ginny tells me!"

"I'm serious, Harry," Lupin retorted.  "I'm in one mess here, and I'm not sure what to do."

"Let me guess," Harry replied.  "Is it Tonks?"

Lupin blushed and nodded.  He took a drink.

Ginny looked at him.  "Moony, do you love her?"

He nodded.  "Yes, and that's my problem.  I'm afraid to tell her that."


"James would have called it, 'my furry little problem.'"

"What, just that?" Harry asked.  "There are ways to deal with that, and you just picked up one of them from Horace."

"Harry, it's bigger than something a potion can help with.  I love her and want to be with her, but at the same time I'm scared that I'll hurt her and put her in danger each month."  Lupin had tears in his eyes, and his voice was almost pleading.

"You know where I've heard this before, Harry?"  Ginny asked.


"You.  It was the same argument you gave when you broke up with me at Dumbledore's funeral. 'I don't want you to be in any more danger by being around me,' or words to that effect," Ginny recalled.

"Oh, yeah, I had forgotten I had said that nonsense.  I was as wrong as I ever could be on that," Harry remembered.  He looked at Lupin.  "Moony, because of what you are, and because you are aware of it and are concerned about it, that tells me you're on your way to dealing with it.  Do you remember what Fleur told Molly after Bill was bitten by Greyback?  Fleur told Molly that those bites and scars weren't going to stop her from loving him or marrying him, and look at them now.  I'll bet you my trust fund that Tonks feels exactly the same way, full moons be damned."

Ginny chimed in.  "Harry's right, Moony.  Tell us, how have you been dealing with the full moons lately?"

"I've been taking the potion and isolating myself at the Shrieking Shack like always," he replied.  "I've deliberately kept Tonks away from there."

"Full moon is tomorrow, right?"  Harry asked.  Ginny nodded.

"Well, we're not Padfoot and Prongs, but would you like a couple of Gryffindor lions to keep you company?" Harry asked.

"You mean it?" Lupin gasped.

"Why not?" Ginny replied.  "I can observe your condition in that form safely as part of my Healer training, and if we can better understand what you deal with on the full moon with the potion, then that'll help Tonks as well.  I think you're afraid that she won't understand it all, but we can help her to understand it this way, and that can only alleviate your fear.  If she understands and accepts it, then you're fine.  And I think she will, too.  Tonks is a great woman and she just might surprise you."

Moony looked up and smiled for the first time since he arrived.  "Let's do it, then!"

:Werewolves!  The ultimate male equivalent to PMS, I swear!

:Watch it, Potter!  When we women get bitchy with PMS, we make werewolves look like puppies!

:I'll remember that.

* * *

Tonks listened in and tears formed in her eyes.  He loves me, but he's afraid for me!  I need to be at the Shack to see this.  Ginny's right, I don't understand it completely, and I do need to know.

I'm coming, my love, whether you like it or not!

Then she had another idea.

What the Hell, nothing to lose by trying, and Snape is probably bored to tears right now.

Surprise him, indeed!  If this works, he'll be totally speechless!

She turned off the coin, disillusioned herself, and apparated to Diagon Alley.  She had some plans to make.

* * *

Fred and George were just closing up the shop after a long day when Tonks came running up.  "Fred, George, wait!"  She tripped over a potted plant and went sprawling towards the door.

They helped her up and ushered her inside.  "What's up?  Is something wrong?" George asked.  Fred locked the door and put up the CLOSED sign.

"There is, but everyone's fine.  But I need to ask you both a huge favor, and Remus must not know," she replied breathlessly.

"What is it?"  they asked.

"Can you two work with Snape and Hermione to see if you can come up with a Lycanthropy cure?"

They looked at her, puzzled.  "I can see why you'd want to keep it from Remus, but I thought there was no cure," replied Fred.

"I think there might be one in some of the old magic books that Dumbledore left Hermione at Hogwarts.  You two and Severus are the best potion-makers I know, and Hermione has a knack for finding things and isn't so bad at Potions herself.  Could you give it a try?"

Fred and George huddled for a moment, then turned and nodded.  "We'll try," George said.  Tonks handed him her coin.  "Hermione?"

Hermione's face appeared.  "Fred? George?  What is it?"

"Tonks is here with us.  Can you Floo over here to the shop for a word?"

"Be right there." Her face disappeared.  A minute later she and Ron came through the fireplace.

Tonks quickly explained what she wanted to try, and Hermione agreed to check Dumbledore's library.  Tonks then Floo'ed Grimmauld Place.  "Severus!"

Snape appeared momentarily.  "What is it, Nymphadora?"

"Can you come over here to the joke shop for a word?"

"No pranks?" he asked.

"No pranks, Severus, this is serious," she replied.

A moment later he stepped through.

Again, Tonks explained what she wanted to try.

"Any ideas?"  she asked hopefully.

"I have a few, but I think Mrs. Weasley should begin her research while I do my own.  It is possible that between the two of us we will find something.  I take it you want me to develop the potion with all four Weasleys here?" he asked with a slight sneer.

"Just those three, Snape," replied Ron.  "You know I'm not that good with potions."

Snape smiled.  "I admit that I was getting bored being in hiding in Order Headquarters with nothing to do but put up with Black.  This will be a good challenge.  I accept.  Let's get started, shall we?  Mrs. Weasley, you get cracking at Hogwarts.  I will risk a trip to my home to check my own library.  Does Lupin have enough Wolfsbane Potion for tomorrow night?"

Tonks replied, "He does, from Slughorn."

* * *

September 10th

The next night found Harry, Ginny, and Lupin in the Room of Requirement.

"Moon rises in ten minutes.  Take the last of the potion."  Remus downed it in one gulp.

"The peppermint sprig helps the flavor immensely."

"Thank Lily, it was her twist on potions, remember?"  Harry grinned.

"Ready?"  Ginny nodded.

The two of them changed into their lion and lioness forms.

They opened the door and headed down the hallway.  They had gone down several floors and were getting close to the Great Hall when they heard a noise.

:Peeves!  Damn it, why is he here?

:I suggest we scare the bejeebers out of him!

:Big roar in tandem?

:That'll work.

Harry motioned Lupin to hang back.  They came around a corner and saw him, upside down, back to them, stuffing gum into the keyhole of the Arithmancy classroom.

:One, two three!

They both let out a deafening roar.  Peeves spun around, saw the lions, and flew away at top speed, screaming, "LIONS! LIONS LOOSE IN THE CORRIDORS!"

Quickly the three made their way outside and towards the Whomping Willow.  Harry waved a paw and it stopped moving, and they ducked into the passage.  They made their way into the Shrieking Shack.  Moonlight shone in the window.

Lupin transformed, nails and nose growing longer, fur growing, height getting taller, body more muscular.

He turned and saw the lions, then he smiled a wolfish smile, with bared teeth, then promptly laid down on the floor.

Tonks watched, disillusioned, in a corner.

:I want to try something.  Stand by.

Ginny changed from lioness into Saluki, and walked up to Lupin, sniffed him.  Lupin raised his head, sniffed back, but did not attack.  Ginny sat next to him, nose to nose.  Legillimens!

Ginny was inside Lupin's mind now, and she recognized the canine mentality, and reached out to it with her own.  Fascinated, she examined it from all sides, saw the moonlight shining on it, making it active and alive, taking over.  She also saw the effects of the Wolfsbane potion dimming the light but not extinguishing it, controlling the canine mind, and keeping Lupin calm.  She saw the human mentality around him, struggling and failing to regain full control, but having some success with the potion assisting.  Ginny understood.  The nature of the Lycanthropy caused a change in the mind when exposed to moonlight, only at full moon, when the moonlight was at maximum, and it was that strength that made the canine mind take over, but dimming the moonlight caused it to have less effect.  But how was the moonlight reacting with the human mind to cause the change?  She'd have to talk to some Healers on that.  That also meant that the waxing and waning, but not full moon, had no effect because it wasn't strong enough.

She withdrew her mind but stayed there with him on the floor.  Harry had seen it all through the link.

:You realize that nobody has ever done Legillimency on a werewolf at full moon before?

:This definitely goes in the journals.  I need to talk to Snape about this as well.  I think he can shed some light on the Wolfsbane ingredients and how they work on this.

They stayed there all night, keeping watch, waiting, ready to contain Lupin if necessary, but Lupin seemed to be in control enough to simply go to sleep.  Harry and Ginny dozed periodically but not together; one always kept watch.  At one point Harry noticed her disillusionment reflect some moonlight, and he sent a slight mental probe into her corner.  Tonks, he thought.  All the more reason to be on guard.

Tonks never slept at all.  She stayed in the corner, watching, lost in her own thoughts.

This isn't as bad as I feared.  He seems to be in control with the potion, and Harry and Ginny in animal forms seem to help even more.

I can work with this.  Hell, it's like PMS, but with a worse temper!

Nah, it just seems like it to me.  He'd say otherwise!

Morning came and the moon set.  It was over.  Moony, still asleep, slowly changed back into human form. Harry watched, then stood up, shook himself, came over, then nudged Ginny with his nose.  Her eyes opened immediately and looked around, but she did not move.  Then she stood up in a play bow, stretching, shook herself, wagged her tail, then changed back into human form.  Harry changed back into human form, and they helped Lupin to his feet, then set off for the castle.

Tonks quietly left by the front door and headed to the Hog's Head.  She needed a stiff drink, and Aberforth had what she needed.

* * *

The three arrived back at the castle.  Ginny took Lupin to the Hospital Wing to get checked over, while Harry headed to McGonagall's office.  Moments later he opened the door to find McGonagall and Hermione at a table, a stack of books next to her.  McGonagall looked up.

"Harry, is everything all right?  Peeves was heard screaming that there were lions on the loose last night, and you and Ginny were not found."  She looked at him sharply.

Harry had expected this.  He replied, "Headmistress, Ginny and I were in our lion forms last night in the hallways and we did scare Peeves.  We were escorting Remus to the Shrieking Shack for his transformation.  We stayed there with him all night.  Ginny is with him in the Hospital Wing right now.  Headmistress, something amazing happened last night, something that may have never been done before.  Ginny did Legillimency on Remus while he was transformed."

Harry recounted what they had learned, as the women listened on in fascination.

"Harry, do you know what I'm doing here?  This isn't homework," Hermione said.  "Tonks asked me, Fred, George, and Snape to find a cure for Lycanthropy.  What you just told us is a great help.  Ginny saw how the potion interacts with his mind, which tells us a lot we had never known before.  She needs to tell Snape this immediately."

"Ginny wanted to tell him as well, but neither of us knew what was going on.  At least now I know why Tonks was there last night," Harry replied.  "Moony had kept her away, but she wanted to see for herself."

"One more thing, Harry.  Tonks asked to keep this a secret.  She wants to surprise him if we get something."  Harry nodded.  He headed to the Hospital Wing, and on the way down the stairs he grabbed some bacon off the tray of food Ron was bringing up.

In the Hospital Wing he saw Lupin resting on a bed, and Ginny at a desk, writing furiously in her journal.  He walked up and noticed the quill was writing on its own, with a thick gray line extending from Ginny's head to the quill.  She noticed him and stopped.

"Never seen writing done like that before," he said.  "Is that transferring a memory directly to paper?"

"Exactly.  It sure beats having a middleman.  Dumbledore showed me how to do it in second year.  It helped me to cope with the aftereffects of the Chamber," she said with a shudder.

"Hermione was in McGonagall's office.  She wants you to tell Severus what you saw in Moony's mind."

"I was going to anyway, because I think if he knows how the potion works in the mind, he can enhance it for better effect," Ginny replied.

"Well, we'll have to do it soon.  Right now, though, I'm bushed.  I'm heading to bed.  See you there soon?"

Ginny reached up and pulled him down to her, and she gave him a kiss on the cheek.  "Soon, love.  I need to finish this first."

Harry headed to his rooms, flopped on the bed, and fell asleep.  He didn't hear Ginny arrive ten minutes later, nor felt her curl up next to him.


September 2nd

Harry looked at his first class of the day, a group of fourth-years, and began the speech he had prepared for this day.

"All right, you all know who I am, so let's get some things sorted out.  In this classroom I'm not 'The Boy Who Lived,' 'The Chosen One,' or any of that rubbish.  I am 'Professor Potter,' 'Professor,' or simply 'sir.'  This is Defense Against the Dark Arts, and everyone here needs to take it seriously."  He paused to continue as he walked around the room.

"I will not show preference to anyone, even to my own House.  Arrangements have been made to remove even the slightest hint of that.  So if think you can slide by in here because you're a Gryffindor or a 'friend of Harry's,' think again.  Voldemort is still out there, gathering new support and plotting his revenge, and if you think he'll let you slide by, you will be fatally mistaken."  There were some gasps at his use of the name.

"I only have a few rules here, and I'll make them brief and simple."

"First, you need to be on time, quiet, and ready to get busy when class starts.  Self-discipline is important in this arena, and it may save your life in the real world."

"Second, I expect and encourage full attention and participation.  There are few wrong answers here, and failure exists only in not trying and learning what you are here to learn and I am here to teach.  Every great wizard was a student once, and they learned the same way you will.  You will get out of this class exactly what you put in into it.  It is up to you to put forth the effort.  If you don't think you can do it, then ask Gryffindor prefect Neville Longbottom about his story."

Harry continued to pace.  "Third, I expect your homework to be done completely and on time."

"Fourth, the Defense Association is optional for you to learn new things and add practice time for your studies.  I encourage you to attend these sessions as they will help you."

"Fifth, do not be afraid of using Voldemort's name.  You can call him Tom Riddle, which is his real name, or Voldemort, but none of this 'You-Know-Who' or 'Dark Lord' or 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named' rubbish.  Voldemort's name only inspires fear if you let it inspire fear, and doing so gives him an unnecessary advantage.  There is nothing to fear in a name, so don't put any fear into it voluntarily."

"Last, please raise your hands for any questions, and don't shout out.  An orderly class learns better."

"Now, in order to get it out of the way, for today and today only we will do exactly two things.  First, we will go over what we will be accomplishing during the term.  Considering that in my six years here as a student I've had a teacher possessed by Voldemort, a total fraud, a werewolf that actually taught well, a Death Eater impersonating an Auror who also actually taught well, useless Umbridge, and another Death Eater as professors, I think it's safe to say the lessons have been haphazard at the least.  So for the first three weeks we will be quickly reviewing what you supposedly were taught and fill in those gaps, one year a week, with a quiz on each Friday.  Only then will we progress to this year's lesson plans.  I assure you that every other year will be doing the same thing.  Expect it to be intense."

"Second, for the rest of this period only, I will sit here and answer any and all questions you may have about me and my past.  This will only be done today, and not ever again, so get it out of your system.  I can refuse to answer anything I deem too personal, and I don't date students, so any girls with ideas on that can forget it now.  And before you ask, the first answers are: red, anything by Molly Weasley, yes, no, and no comment.  The first questions are: favorite color, favorite food, was I the youngest Seeker in a century, any siblings, and boxers or briefs."  The class laughed.  "All right, who's first?"  Several hands went up.

And so it went, each period.  Harry laid down the rules and things seemed to go well.  With the sixth-and seventh year N.E.W.T. classes having record numbers, all the classes were about the same size.  McGonagall came down during a free period just before dinner to observe him with the second-years, and afterwards they talked for a moment before heading to dinner.

"I'm impressed, Harry.  You had their attention and kept it, and that's the first step in gaining their respect and getting them to learn."

"Well, I figured that me being me had part to do with it, but I also figured that by making the expectations clear and up front it would help.  The Q&A is to simply get past the hype I've gotten," he replied.  "This isn't about me; it's about them learning.  I think I got through to them on that.  Besides," he added with genuine affection, "you did the same thing my first year and I never forgot, even if Ron and I were late for Transfiguration that first day.  You laid it out straight what the expectations were, and I just borrowed that page from your book."

She looked down at him with a genuine smile.  "Harry, I think as a teacher, you're going to be just fine."

* * *

In the Hospital Wing, Ginny began her intern studies as well.  With Madam Pomfrey it was rather simple:  they would treat students as they came in, and the rest of the time was studying, keeping the wing clean and organized, and Q&A on the studies.  Ginny had a St. Mungo's-designed plan to follow, but Madam Pomfrey supplemented it with her own expertise and knowledge.  "I've been doing this for thirty years, you know.  Until your husband and brothers came along, I though I had seen it all, and that includes Potter's father and his lot.  You never stop learning in this field, never forget that."

Ginny had another idea.  "It seems that each area I'm studying is rather specific.  Are there Healers in St. Mungo's that specialize in these areas that I can talk to as well?"

"Of course.  The tricky part is scheduling, but we can work on that.  What you'll need to do for each is come up with a list of things you'll want to talk to them about to maximize their time."

"I'd like that, Madam Pomfrey.  If I'm going to learn this right, I'm going to want to learn from these people as much as I can."

"Please, call me Poppy, and we'll get you there.  I heard today that your husband told his classes today that the only failure is in not trying, and the same is true here.  I just hope your hands-on work in here is not so much on him.  He's been in here far too much over the years."

I'll do that "hands-on" work in private!

Ginny sighed.  "True, Poppy, but he's been through far more than a normal student.  Me, too, I guess.  I still get nightmares from what happened first year."

Pomfrey looked at her carefully.  "May I ask you something?"


"What you and Harry are going through with this Soul Bond, do you know anything about it's history?" asked Pomfrey.

Ginny frowned.  "Not really.  Dumbledore wasn't even sure himself.  It's supposedly very rare and hasn't happened for almost a thousand years."

"That's what I thought.  I see an opportunity here, if you and Harry will consider and agree to it."

"What do you have in mind?" asked Ginny.

"Well, seeing as there are no real records on what happens to a Soul-Bonded couple, perhaps you two could make one?  Kind of a journal to describe it?  It would be ground-breaking research."

Ginny thought about it then gently probed Harry with the link.  "He's in the middle of teaching class right now.  I'll ask him later.  I do see what you mean, though.  Would you be looking for physiological information, or more?"

"Physiological and magical at least.  If you want to go into the psychological and emotional side that would be excellent as well, but it is your choice, both of you," Pomfrey replied.

"We'll talk it over later."

* * *

Ron and Hermione collapsed into their bed.  It had been a grueling first day, with every teacher save Harry piling on the homework.  Harry had excused them from the Q&A session, simply because, as he explained to the class, they had already heard all of it before anyway, and in fact had lived most of it.  The couple took advantage of it to get a head start on their homework, but even with that, they were exhausted.

"And we've got prefect duty tonight!" Hermione moaned.

Ron looked at his watch.  "Well, 'Mione, it's 5 now, dinner is 6-8, and we go on duty at 9.  I suggest a nap until 6:30, then dinner, then homework, and we can figure out a way to multitask homework and prefect duty." He let out a large yawn.

"How can we multitask that?"  Hermione asked.

"Let me think a minute."  Ron frowned, then brightened.  "I have it! Dobby?"

The elf arrived with a crack and a bow.  Mizzer and Mizzez Wheezy called Dobby?"

"Yes, Dobby.  Can we get dinner sent up here at 6:30, and can you ask Harry if we can borrow the Marauder's Map?  Then can you stay with us on prefect duty to help us get somewhere in a hurry if need be?"

"Easily all done, Mizzer Wheezy.  Dobby will take care of it."  He disapparated with a crack.

"Nice ideas, Ron," Hermione said.  "Now how about that nap?"

Ron smiled and lay back, and Hermione curled up in his arms.

"When did you get so organized? Hermione asked.

"You finally rubbed off on me," he replied.

"I like that idea," she purred, and rubbed his arm playfully as she snuggled in closer.

Merlin, I love this woman! was his last thought as they drifted off to sleep.


August 31st

Two days later, Harry and Ginny stood at the gates of Hogwarts, waiting, hand in hand as usual.

Ahead of them, a dot appeared in the sky, and it grew bigger and bigger.  Soon they could make out that it was two figures on a broom, moving towards them at what for that broom would be considered a moderate pace for the Potters, but nowhere near its top speed.  The pair on the broom settled in for a perfect landing as Harry opened the gates.

Ron and Hermione ran through the gates and Harry closed them behind the pair.  Ginny got the first hug from her brother, and Harry was attacked by the mess of bushy brown hair that was Hermione.  Then hugs were exchanged between best mates and best girlfriends.

"Welcome back, you newlyweds!" Ginny grinned.  "Come on, you can fill us in on the gory details later.  Right now, McGonagall wanted to see you as soon as you arrived.  She has your letters."

"Well, not all of the details, Ginny," Hermione blushed.  "Some things are best left unsaid."

"You can say that again, Hermione," Harry blanched.  "I don't want to hear a damned thing about any shagging you did!"  That earned a punch on the shoulder from Ron.

"Mate, I won't snog and tell if you don't."  Ginny turned on him.

"That's assuming you have any snogging to tell about, dear brother."

"All right, all right, settle down, we're here," broke in Hermione as they walked in the door.

"Uh, before we go up there, I need to tell you two something," Harry said.  "More people know about the Horcruxes now, and that means Ginny, McGonagall, Pomfrey, Snape, and Lupin.  Ginny because she would have found out anyway; Snape because he is still on our side and will soon be returning to Voldemort in Albania; Lupin, McGonagall, and Pomfrey because we'll be using Hogwarts as our operational base for going after the Horcruxes."  They continued along the halls.  "The good news is that we've got the locket and R.A.B. was Regulus Black.  Snape will take care of Nagini, if he can, so that leaves only two to find."

They arrived at the gargoyle.  "Tabby Cats."  The gargoyle stepped aside, the door opened, and the four jumped onto the moving staircase.  At the top they knocked on the door, and it opened for them.  They entered McGonagall's office.

"Welcome back, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.  I apologize for cutting your honeymoon short, but since the Board of Governors decided to reopen the school, thanks in part to your fine efforts, we had to contact you immediately."  McGonagall paused for a moment.  "Am I correct that you both desire to do your seventh years?"

Both of them nodded.  "You know about the Horcruxes, and if Harry's here, we're here," said Ron.

"Besides," Hermione continued, "there's life after Voldemort, and we need to graduate to get there and into our careers."

"Excellent, that's what I hope you were going to say."  McGonagall handed them their letters.  "Harry figured you would say yes, and made arrangements for purchasing your supplies in your absence."

Hermione opened her letter and the Head Girl pin fell into her hand.  She let out a squeal of joy.

Ron opened his letter and two pins fell out: Head Boy and Quidditch Captain.  He turned to Harry.  "Isn't this one supposed to be yours?"

Harry smiled.  "I asked McGonagall to give it to you.  You're a better judge of Quidditch talent than I am, and a much better a strategist, too."  He gestured at the Quidditch Cup over on the shelf.  "The Headmistress wants to hang onto that, and I think you would be well-suited for it."

"Uh, Wow!  I never thought I'd be Head Boy!"  Ron exclaimed.

"Yeah you did, Ron.  Remember first year?"  Harry replied with a grin.  "Well, dreams can come true, can't they?  You never thought you'd be married to the Head Girl while still in school, that much is sure!"

"That reminds me, Headmistress, they need to know about their new accommodations!" piped up Ginny.

"That's right.  Normally the Head Boy and Head Girl have separate private rooms off of their house's common rooms, but in this case, since you happen to be married, you will have separate quarters for the both of you in one of the guest suites."

"Sweet!" said Ron.  "I guess being married has its perks!"  The teens laughed.

"Headmistress, who's teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts this year?"  Hermione asked.

"Don't worry, you'll meet the new professor tomorrow at the Welcoming Feast," McGonagall smiled.

Ron and Hermione spent the rest of the day unpacking and telling Harry and Ginny about their honeymoon.  Since no one had any idea where they were going, including Hermione, Ron had surprised her with a trip to South America to see the Argentine steppes, Andes Mountains, and the Brazilian rain forests.  Along the way they visited her parents and delivered the news of their wedding.  Mr. and Mrs. Granger were able to see the wedding memory through Harry's Pensieve ("So that's where that went off to!") and they were going to extend it another week when Hedwig showed up, and they returned straightaway.

"So, what have you been up to?"  Ron asked next.

"Well, we told you about the Horcruxes, and the rest of the time has been Ginny studying up a storm.  McGonagall offered the chance to skip sixth year if she passed the exams.  We found out yesterday she did, and that's on top of her twelve O.W.L.s." Harry replied.

"Twelve!" Hermione look aghast.  "You beat my eleven?  I need to top that on my N.E.W.T.s!  I can't let that stand up!"

"Easy, love.  It's not the end of civilization as we know it, and when the final battle comes, it won't really matter.  Besides, she matched Percy.  Let it go," advised Ron.

Hermione slumped her shoulders.  "I suppose you're right, Ron."

At dinner they were joined again by Molly and Arthur, and the rest of the table enjoyed them recount the honeymoon.  Nobody let on to Ron and Hermione about "Professor Potter" as requested.  After a late snog or two, the couples headed off to bed.

* * *

September 1st

The next day dawned bright and sunny.  The staff received word that the Hogwarts Express was on its way, and the staff began last minute preparations for the arrivals and the Welcoming Feast.  This meant a staff meeting, and McGonagall included Harry and Ginny as well, since, unbeknownst yet to Ron and Hermione, they were staff.  Ron and Hermione, being Head Boy and Girl, were also included.  Course schedules were finalized for the years, and each professor made sure that their supplies were in order.  The house elves finished last-minute cleanings of everything in the castle, and even Filch, minus his still-missing bottle of soap, found little to complain about and actually smiled when he found Hermione giving Mrs. Norris a grooming.

Finally, dusk hit and they heard a train whistle in the distance.  Hagrid headed down to Hogsmeade with the carriages, and the squid moved the boats to the shore of the Black Lake.  The Sorting Hat and the stool were moved to room off of the Atrium.

Flitwick took his position in the Atrium while the rest of the staff headed to the staff table, leaving four empty seats: one tall stool on McGonagall's right, which was obviously Flitwick's, a large heavy bench at the end by the Atrium which was obviously Hagrid's seat, and two empty seats between Madam Pomfrey and McGonagall, directly to her left.

Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione took their seats at the Gryffindor table.

Soon the returning students arrived from their carriages and began to take their seats.  The four recognized and greeted all their friends as they came in:  Neville, Luna, Seamus, the Creevy brothers, even Dean was hospitable to Ginny considering their breakup, and even Cho said hello.  Only the Slytherins showed any hostility.  With Draco's death it seemed that the entire house took it personally and blamed Harry for it.  Crabbe and Goyle, now absent their ringleader, looked lost until they took up with Pansy Parkinson, who kept shooting murderous glances at the Gryffindor table.  At one point she caught Harry's eye and mouthed words.

"I'm going to kill you."

Harry just smiled, then cast a Legillimens spell on her.

I don't think so.  Draco died because he defied the Dark Lord, not because of me.  He made sure she heard his voice inside her head.

Then he withdrew the spell, leaving her looking at him in shock, until Nott shook her shoulder to get her attention.  She looked away, flushed.

:What was it like in her mind?

:Like a sewer with PMS.

:Ugh.  That's not the impression I want just before dinner, love.

:Sorry, dear.

They were interrupted by McGonagall standing up, and the room went silent.  The Atrium door opened, and Flitwick led in the first years while carrying the Sorting Hat and its stool, which he set down in from of the staff table.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!  I am pleased to say that after the victories this past month the Board of Governors decided to open the school for this year after all.  I will have some announcements later, but for now, let the sorting begin!"  McGonagall went silent and waited.

The Sorting Hat stirred, then a voice began to sing from a rip near the top.

I am the Sorting Hat,

And I'm here to say,

You'll all be put in houses

By the end of this day.

For that is what I do,

I know what's best, you see.

Which is why the Hogwarts Four

Placed their trust in me!

The Hogwarts Four are gone now,

But their legacy remains.

Both in this school and in its houses,

And in some people in the same.

Heir of Hufflepuff will lead you.

She is wise and strong.

Heir of Ravenclaw will teach you

In her classes all day long.

So will Heir of Gryffindor.

He will lead us in the light.

Against the Heir of Slytherin

In the last and final fight.

But though the Heirs are divided,

The Houses must not be.

Because there is strength in numbers,

And Hope in unity.

Dark times will be coming soon,

The prelude to the end.

But it all comes down to this:

Stand by your family and your friends.

Victory is possible,

If we stand as one.

But we don't, all may be lost,

When the day is done.

So here now I will sort you.

But while divided, we must be as one.

For that is the only way

This evil can be overcome.

So here now I will sort you.

Into Houses, one of four.

But remember this, at the end of the day,

It's only Hogwarts on the Door.

The students applauded at the end, and McGonagall unrolled the scroll of first-year names.  At the end of the Sorting, Flitwick removed the stool and the Hat back to the Atrium, and he and Hagrid took their seats.

McGonagall looked over the students.  "At this point, there is only one thing to say: Tuck in!"

The food appeared in front of them and the room became full of laughter, tinkling silverware and glasses, and a lot of talking.  After an hour, everyone had had their fill and the empty plates, silverware, and leftover food disappeared.  McGonagall stood again, and began her announcements.

"Now that we are fed, we must be getting on with business.  First, the Forbidden Forest is named that way for a reason.  All students are forbidden from being in it.  Second, the ever-growing list of banned items is posted on Mr. Filch's door, especially anything from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.  Third, only prefects, professors, ghosts, and the Head Boy and Girl are allowed in the corridors at night without escorts.  Fourth, everyone will receive their class schedules from their Heads of House tomorrow morning at breakfast, and you are expected to be on time to your classes, even first-years.  Do not be afraid to ask upperclassmen for help if you get lost."

"Now, then some other announcements and introductions are in order.  First, I wish to introduce you to this year's Head Boy and Head Girl, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Weasley."  Some murmurs rose from the students.

"She called that Mudblood Granger a Weasley!"

"Mr. and Mrs.?  Does that mean-?"

McGonagall raised a hand.  "Yes, it means what you think.  Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley were married here at the castle last month."  That caused a round of applause.  McGonagall raised and hand and the Hall quieted down.

She continued.  "Second, I wish to introduce you to a new intern for Madam Pomfrey. This fine young lady put in an exceptional effort on her O.W.L.s, and N.E.W.T.s and graduated summa cum laude just days ago.  She will be Madam Pomfrey's intern as part of her Healer training, and she will be most likely treating some of you for whatever injuries and maladies you may incur during the term.  Miss Ginny Weasley, please take your place at the staff table."

Harry grinned, and Ron and Hermione looked on in shock.  Ginny stood up and walked up to the staff table and took her seat next to Madam Pomfrey as the students applauded.

Hermione turned to Harry.  "You knew?" she asked.  Before he could reply, McGonagall raised a hand and the applause died down.

"Third, the organization known last year as Dumbledore's Army will continue and be known as the Defense Association.  This group will also serve as a practical application class for Defense Against the Dark Arts, and will be mandatory for any student testing for O.W.L. or N.E.W.T. in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Fourth, I wish to introduce you to our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.  This man is more than qualified for the position, and many of you know him well.  After discussion with the Board of Governors, he was really the only choice, and he graciously accepted."

Ron looked at Hermione.  "I wonder who's the poor bloke they suckered into it this year?"  Hermione shrugged.

"Please welcome Professor Harry Potter."

Ron's jaw dropped, and Hermione whirled around in astonishment, eyes wide, and speechless.  Up on the staff table, Ginny struggled to keep a straight face.  After a long silent moment, the Great Hall erupted in cheers and applause, except the Slytherin table, which looked like they had just had their dinners taken away before they could finish them.  Harry stood up and made his way to the staff table, getting pats on the shoulders and well wishes all the way up there.  He took his seat next to Ginny, who grasped his hand under the table and gave it a squeeze.

:Did you see the look on their faces? Priceless!

:I didn't realize Ron had a double-jointed jaw!  I think it's somewhere in the kitchens below at the moment!

:And we got Hermione speechless on top of it!

McGonagall again raised a hand.  "Before you ask, Professor Potter also graduated summa cum laude days ago and is a full professor, even if he is the same age as some of you.  Please remember that, and expect no favoritism either, because we have made arrangements to prevent that."

"Last, Quidditch tryouts begin in a week.  Captains, please be sure to post signup sheets in the common rooms."

"Now, bedtime, you lot!  Please follow your prefects and Head Boy and Girl to your dormitories.  Breakfast begins at 6 AM sharp!"

The students filed out behind the prefects and Weasleys.  McGonagall returned to the staff table.

"That went well, I think," she smiled.  "The reception was more enthusiastic than I anticipated, Harry, but the Slytherins didn't seem too thrilled."

"They'll come around, Minerva.  We need to watch Parkinson, Nott, Crabbe, and Goyle.  All of them have a grudge against me, and Parkinson threatened to kill me.  Not that I'm worried about that, but they could be trouble," Harry replied.

"Well, you better get your rest.  I don't want to have my newest professor be late for his own classes or not be in top form tomorrow," smiled McGonagall.

"You can say that again."

"I don't want to have my newest professor be late for his own classes or not be in top form tomorrow," said Ginny in a perfect impression of the Headmistress.

McGonagall looked at her sternly, then smiled.  "Very good, Miss Weasley.  Don't do it again."

Harry took her hand and they left the room, heading for his quarters.  They were almost there in the deserted corridor when Ron and Hermione caught them in a gang tackle, knocking all four of them down.

"You prat!" Hermione laughed.  "Why didn't you tell us?"

Harry got to his feet and helped Ginny up.  "Why, Mrs. Weasley, whatever are you on about?" he said innocently.  "Don't you realize by now that your brother and sister-in-law just could not resist the chance to prank you in front of everybody?"

Ginny giggled.  "After all, we four got Fred and George, so we just had to get you, too."

Ron stood up, laughing.  "That you did.  Here we were speculating about who the new DADA professor was, and here he was sitting right next to us!  And you Ginny, how did you pull that off with the exams?"

Ginny smiled and hung on Harry's arm.  "Team Potter, of course.  And no, Hermione, we studied together and I got to his level through our Bond, but we didn't use it on the exams."

Harry looked at Ron.  "The bad news is that you need to find a new Seeker and Chaser."

Ron's face fell.  "Oi!  That means tryouts are going be a letdown, as good as you two are."

"I'll sweeten the deal.  Whoever makes Seeker can use my Firebolt," Harry said.

Ron's face brightened.  "You sure?"

"I don't really need it anymore, except for leisure rides, and if I get the crazy idea to try professional Quidditch, I'll just get a new one."


The couples headed off to bed, sleeping soundly after some snogging, and dreamed in anticipation of what was shaping up to be a good year.


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