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What are you waiting for?

I feel that there are too many people that believe in "meant to be"...To me I think more of us should believe in "let it go" or "make it happen"...We control our destiny...not the other way around. I believe that inside us is the will or desire to do better or make this world a better place. To do this we need to actively set daily goals that lead to larger dreams tomorrow...Know that to have true success you must be willing to challenge yourself everyday and exceed your goals. You will be amazed about the true power of your will backed with true faith. Know that dreams don't happen over night and that by setting goals they give us the motivation to keep going despite all of the obstacles that happen to pop up on our journey to our dreams...Because once you start moving forward. You will realize that catching up with your dream is possible...I'm not there yet but I strive to forget the things of the past and grasp the things that are in front of me now and press on to reach my goals.Phil 3:13...Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9..

Life is Tough

Life is tough. Mostly, we don't get what we want. Keep your faith strong and trust God...God will always give us the best..being a Christian doesn't mean being perfect. It means being forgiven by a God who is....My life isn't perfect and full of trials but I know it will all be worth it in the end when my Lord says "Well done my good and faithful servant this is Heaven"...I try everyday to do my best knowing God will handle the rest. Miracles happen everyday. Sometimes we have to stop and realize that our plans might not be working because God has better ones in store for us....In life there are obstacles, some are easy, others not so much. But with God in your heart you can over come anything. . . it only takes a tiny mustard seed of faith to move that mountain...just believe that if God brings you to it He will bring you through it...faith is more than knowing God can, faith is believing God WILL....Keep your faith, always believe, never stop dreaming, never give up on hope and always love with all your heart! Don't forget to pray.. You ask, he will answer...Believe you have wings. Believe that all things are possible. Believe in love. Believe that climb is worth it. Believe in God and you will have it all...Thank God for everyday even when bad. Those bad days are lessons that let you know God has bigger plans for you. He is waiting for you to reach out to him...love is more than just emotions. its a thought of what if, its the fear of good bye, its the cause of a tear, its gods most valuable emotion...So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34..."Oh LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness & righteousness come to my relief." Psalm 143:1.


Its funny how a positive mind and laughter seem to go together...We should always surround ourselves with people who make us laugh...Life is too short to be anything but happy....We need to Live, Laugh, and Love Live like there's no tomorrow, but be prepared if there is...We need to learn to laugh through the pain and learn that its only temporary...Love always...even for no reason at all...I think that people should do what makes them happy...Be with who makes you smile, Laugh as much as you breathe, and Love as long as you live...I do believe that there comes a time in everyone's life when we all need to listen, share, confide, and be understood...This is the best we can do to show the depth of compassion for those needing a friend...In our everyday life we need to always learn to always be tender to the young, compassionate to the aged, tolerant with the weak...Because in your life you will be all of these...We need to remember that showing love and compassion...Always willing to give one word of encouragement...in spite of what someones going through...Always will and surely can make all the difference in someone giving up or going on...We need to know that hope ends when you stop believing...friendship ends when you stop sharing...love ends when you stop caring, and life ends when you stop dreaming...We should learn that complaining does not change anything...The fact is negativity only brings you down and makes people not want to be around you...It Is What It Is...we need to learn to count Your blessings...Always know that everything in life is beautiful...sometimes you just have to change your perspective in order to see the beauty...I will praise you,O Lord my God ,with all my heart, and i will glorify your name forevermore. Psalms 86:12...There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when God judges you. James 2:13

Let go of the Past...

I think that too many people live in the past and in the thought of what if... We need in order to live a positive life to not let your past hold you back. We should always surround ourselves with people that inspire us, make us laugh and emulate the type of person and world that we would like to become. Today, find reasons to smile and reasons to laugh, and see if at the end of the day you can look back and say, "I had a great day." We need to be with those who make us laugh...We need to love without holding back. Please don't ever wait to count the blessings in your life, but learn to experience them every single day...I think Walt Disney said it very well when he said "Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever."...So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6 34...Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9.

Life isn't Perfect.

life isn't nor will ever be perfect... but it has its perfect moments...This morning...Waking up to a new day filled with possibilities was one of them. Know that each day brings the excitement of what's to come, the possibilities are endless. Always keep your eyes wide open and accepting of the future and all that it holds. Know that if you look for the positive in everything you will find it, but when you look for the negative in something that is all you will ever see. I can guarantee you that you will miss out on 100% of the opportunities you don't take, you miss out on 100% of the possibilities you let slip by without taking a risk...Its a choice that you have to make...If the situation isn't what you want change it...simple as that. Living a positive life is possible and you will find that when you dig deep, you will see you are open to endless possibilities. Today is really all we have...make it what you want it to be. Never allow another person to crush your outlook or dreams...Make life happen on your terms...A thankful heart is a happy heart. ~In everything give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18...I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33 .

I feel that in life we waste so much precious time striving so hard for perfection knowing very well that it doesn't exist...We need to learn that what we see and what others may see are at times different. I feel that we have to accept what we see because chasing perfection is exhausting and a waste of time. We need to accept who we are and stop trying to be what we aren't...when we do is when we will find true happiness. We should never apologize for saying what we feel. Don't strive for perfection because you will lose what you have now. Be patient and appreciate all the imperfections. Know that life is all perception...If you don't like something, change it, and if you can't change it, change the way you look at it. When David faced Goliath he didn't think his stone was too small...he believed Goliath was too big to miss...at times its how you look at things that matter. There will always be some people that see the glass half full and some see it half empty.I'm just thankful that I have a glass. The world is full of negative as well as positive, whichever you direct your focus to, so shall your world become. I feel that whenever we need a fresh perspective on life, we should listen to a child... Reminds us to see the world with innocence and grace, and replaces the value in ordinary...Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways. Proverbs 28:6..."What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, & what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9..

You can't drive forward if you are always looking back to the past...How can you go forward in your life if you are always looking in the past? To gain those things we want most we we have to have self-respect because it is the best respect...We have to have confidence, ambitions, goals,faith and knowledge...With these we will get what we need because of who we are and the way we strive forward. We have always told that the sky is the limit, but that flag on the moon has my mind thinking different. Please don't let negative people bring you down...instead use it to prove them wrong..Know that when life gets tough you must become tougher and have true faith in knowing that out of despair, disappointment and pain comes determination, strength, focus, self love and drive. Even though we don't know at times which direction we are heading in, nor the outcome of the path life takes us on, we must know God will be there to guide us through. Know that God will be with you, through thick and thin, will go over the mountains and down in the valleys, will always be holding your hand, and guiding you all the way. There are no promises that life will be easy and pain free, but Jesus promised to walk every step with us and carry us when we were to weak to walk... Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life." John 8:12...But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.They will soar high on wings like eagles. Isaiah 40:31...


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I believe that to live life we must make mistakes, make wrong choices, and then learn from what we've done to correct them...You can't change what has already happened but you can make better decisions about what will happen and make a difference. Please don't ever live your life by something someone says. Make mistakes...Have fun...Solve your problems...Just live...One of the greatest self pleasures in life is doing something others said you cannot do. Always do what you feel is right. Live life how you would want to live it. Don’t follow examples, make them. Let people follow in your footsteps.To be the true you in a world of comparison and conformity, you must make your own statement. Honor your own truth. Have the courage to be yourself; Always risk speaking your own thoughts...Stand firm for that which you most believe. Everyone says the sky's the limit...It isn't....There are stars beyond what we can see; please always reach higher and dream bigger...never settle for less than you deserve...Its ok to live...Its not ok to regret;so never regret what you do that you feel is right...Know that ambition beyond existence is the essential purpose of our being...and that dreams are what don't let you sleep...I believe that self respect is the best respect that one can acquire...you must have confidence, ambitions, goals, and knowledge...with these you will become who and what you want;however never forget or regret where you came from...Always remain humbled in your success. Know that you will never use people to get ahead in this life, because often it means you don't know how to love, you have no respect, you lack true compassion, including for yourself. I believe that when you treat others like gold they will treat you like a diamond but;if you treat people like trash then they will show you just how disposable you are...Everyone is someone, make sure they feel like it..."But I tell you who hear me: love your enemies, do good to those who hurt you. Luke 6:27...He who does not love does not know God,for God is love. John 4:8..

The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted. - Mother Teresa...I believe that the the world needs a lot less judging and more compassion...You never know what someone is going through and the majority of the time the ones truly hurting are not showing it...We need to never assume that we would last ten seconds in someone else's shoes...We each bare what we have to bear, it doesn't mean we could bear anyone else's load. Know that when you judge, condemn, criticize, or talk about another human being, it does not define who they are, it only proves what you are. When you look at another person and start to wonder about their life remember...compassion is a kindness everyone deserves. Always keep in mind that things come, and things go. We sometimes forget that stuff, is just stuff. And, we forget the value of the people that we have in our lives...that is truly our loss. A true lesson that we each need to learn is that the more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes...You are rich with love when you give love freely expecting nothing. You are rich with God when you treat your enemy with compassion and understanding..Jesus answered "I am the way the truth the life no one comes to the father except through me." John 14:6....Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 when having a bad day and think positive.


Faith knows no color nor religious boundaries. Faith could care less if the glass is half empty or full...its just grateful to have a drink. Faith doesn't know fear or doubt...instead it embraces the true believer. Faith is you shouting at the top of your lungs that which you hold so true to your heart while another shouts at the same time that which he holds to be true. Faith is blind to mans desires while holding steadfast to Gods word. Faith can be friend or foe...its your decision to accept it or not..... I have a question...I am going to give you my point of view and I want you to do the same. FAITH is the subject. What is faith and how do we accept it and then share it with others? To me faith is more than a promise or a gift that we are given when we accept Christ as our savior...I feel that faith is not the cake for special occasions but the bread for every day living... We need to realize that living the christian life doesn't mean that we are free from sin, It doesn't mean that we are perfect.. It doesn't even mean that at times we won't fall...It means that Jesus Christ will always walk with us in our beliefs. To me "Faith is the evidence of things not seen" (Heb. xi. 1)...True faith drops its letter in the post-office box, and lets it go. Distrust holds on to a corner of it, and wonders why the answer never comes. I feel that in faith we find that sometimes God doesn't give us what we think we want... not because we don't deserve it but because we deserve more and he has something better in mind for us. It is the responsibility of each of us to show and teach what true faith is and what it has and will overcome. It is our duty to show that when you think you have nothing...someone else is praying for what you have...Faith isn't about knowing everything that's going to happen but trusting that God will guide you along the best path way for your life. Always be strong in your Faith don't give up on Love, Keep Hope, and stay alive through all your struggles... For God says I will never leave nor forsake you. 1st. Peter 3:14 But even if you suffer for doing what is right, GOD will reward you for it. Do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled. "The righteous person faces many troubles, the Lord comes to the rescues each time." (Psalm 34:8)..

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