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From a Native American expression for war, to be “on the warpath” is to be exceedingly angry and to be inclined to take some hostile action: “Watch out! John is on the warpath today.”

That is what my status message means. Here is the reason why Iam about to lose it at 12:30am.

I found out well yesterday now  that my Xgf's Xbf who beat my son with a belt is getting outa jail in June. There is a porblem with that he got charged with alot of shit. he got resisting arrest  disortly conduct assualt with a wepon and endangering the walfare of a minor. In the state of NJ assualt with a wepon is 10 years automatically and I would say he was looking at 10-12 years when all said and done.  This all happened in Aug of last year when all the shit hit the fan. All in the same week I lose my Gf son gets beat and one of my friends tells me she may have cancer.  So i get a txt message from babies mom X that he is getting out in June insted of Oct on parole. So at this point i dont know if i should be happy or pissed off. What pissed me off the most was the next txt. She told me that if i go after him the DA said that he will throw me and my X in jail for retaliation. Anyone that knows me well knows that my kids are my life and I will do anything for them.  What sucks is i was not there to portect my son! That what makes it hurt. There is about 20 of my friends that feel the same way and want to kick his ass too.

I was happy as hell when he gpot arrested but the great state of NJ did it again. He got the assualt charge droped and he did 11 months for the other shit and He was susspoed to be in until at least Oct and they are letting him out even earlier than that . He has a history of beating his other kid to by another girl and he beat my X and his other X. So yea you can say i went from happy to really pissed off. then again i cant be happy for to long anyway! 

So yea there are other parts of the stroy and its really to long to type out right now so I will leave it at that

Peace and love Bartab

How cold is it? It's so cold that... Travel agencies are advertising tropical vacations in Antarctica. The local Starbucks is serving coffee on a stick. When we milked the cows, we got ice cream (the brown cows were giving chocolate ice cream). ...Roosters are rushing into Kentucky Fried Chicken and begging to use the pressure cooker. ...Politicians have their hands in their OWN pockets. ...I spilled scalding-hot drive-thru coffee on my lap... and THANKED the McDonald's staff! ...Grandpa's teeth were chattering.. . while they were still in the glass! ...Angelina Jolie has been downgraded from "hot" to "tepid". ...We've set up an ice fishing shack... in the bathtub. ...To assuage my head cold, I ate a bowl of chicken soup... with a knife and fork. ...At the city morgue, you can't tell the stiffs from the staff that works there. ...For their daily good deed, boy scouts are helping to de-ice little old ladies. ...The flashers are walking up to people and just describing themselves. ...We've had to salt the hallway. ...My shadow froze to the ground. ...When we put the frozen pizza in the oven for 25 minutes, we got... frozen pizza. ...The Iowa DOT has started issuing iceberg warnings for motorists. ...Attendance at local churches is dropping (apparently, hell is actually starting to sound GOOD right now). ..People are trading in their cards for zambonis. ...Parents are actually ENCOURAGING their kids to play with matches. ...The cops aren't yelling "freeze" anymore to stop the bad guys. It's now just sort of a "given". ...Daycare workers have switched from baby oil to WD40.
"I wouldn't be the man I am today without these rules. You too would be weaker without them." -Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California and former World Bodybuilding Champion Introduction: In my 20 years of existence as a member of the male species, I have learned certain rules, nay, guidelines, nay, shit you better do or get your ass beat. Unlike girls, who backstab, cry, scream, produce delirious drama, and lead lives as if they were muses for Dashboard Confessional, men operate under a certain code. That code is as follows. I. Bros before hoes. I cannot stress this enough. Always remember, girlfriends come and go, but your boys are always there. Breaking this rule is to commit the cardinal sin against Team Testosterone. II. Never drink the last beer, unless you've been granted specific permission that it's OK. III. If a girl falls into the following criteria, she is off limits forever until the end of time: A. Was an ex-girlfriend. B. Your friend specifically told you he wanted her. C. Is you're buddy's sister. However, if it's your buddy's cousin, well she's up for grabs, and you're welcome to rub it in his face for years to come. IV. Never diss a guy if his team just lost a crushing game. I lost approximately nine friends last October who felt the need to bust my balls when the Red Sox lost to the Devil's Bitches. Just leave it alone, it's kinder to pick on them for a dead relative. V. You must never own a cat. VI. If you get 2 tickets to the big game, the priority list for granting the second ticket is as follows: 1. Your best friends (in order of how long you've known them). 2. Your acquaintances. 3. Your co-workers. 4. The mailman. 5. The UPS guy. 6. NASA. 7. John Kerry. ....1,485,726. Your girlfriend. VII. You are allowed to enjoy exactly one chick TV show, and one chick flick. (Mine are Dawson's Creek and Love, Actually). You may have no more. And if you like Grease, well, we're already too late. VIII. Birthday and Christmas presents for your guy friends are optional. Beer always makes a great gift. IX. If you go the bar with your buddies, you must buy a round of drinks at least once. X. There are no mercy rules when playing someone in Madden, hoops, street hockey, bare-fisted boxing, etc. XI. If you owe someone money, pay them back as soon as humanly possible—unless it's a gambling debt, which must be paid immediately. XII. Standard shotgun rules are as follows. A. Shotgun may only be called within full sight of the car. B. Shotgun must be called outside. C. Shotgun calls last approximately ten minutes. D. Shotgun never carries over to a second ride. XIII. NO PDA (Public Displays of Affection). Hey, congratulations, another girl can stand the sight of you. You don't need to wear her like a fucking trophy. XIV. It's alright to cheat at any game where money isn't involved. In certain circumstances, relationships may be classified as "games." XV. Don't tell other guys elaborate stories about your weightlifting exercise routine. No one cares. XVI. Never openly question another guy's sports wisdom, unless said information specifically pertains to your favorite team. It doesn't matter how ludicrous the other guy sounds telling you that Jake Plummer was better than Steve McNair last season, let him be. XVII. When out with the guys, never accept a call from your girlfriend—unless she's dying or trapped under a burning fuel truck, and if that's the case, make it quick. XVIII. Always allow a buffer zone at urinals and on couches. XIX. Never share a bed with a guy, unless there's no way around it. XX. Bros Before Hoes. I know, I already used it. I can't stress it enough, though. It is absolutely infuriating how many of my guy friends have become insufferable dicks since they've gone out with someone. Follow these rules, and be a man!

Death again

Hi all iam kinda back off and on just been alot of stuff going on in my life that I need to take care of and been Busy with that. I have to go to Viewing tonight and it scares me to death. It happened over 5 years ago and it still gets to me even today. A friend of mine Dad died last week while he was working and I have to go because I said I would but even though of death brings Flash backs to the time I almost died not once but twice. People say let it go your still alive live your life. I say easier said than done, Death does not scare me or anything like that but it does hurt to see people I know greev over someone and think that could have been me lying there. I will suck it up and go for my friend but its going to be hard for me and It all may come back it may not who knows wish me luck! For all that know me real well they know what iam talking about but for those who dont look in my death folder and then you will find out Love to all DJ BARTAB

Hello all This blog is my yearly blog of anything important. Well its that time of year again and yes its warrant time. Well I was born and raised in the state of NJ. Iam trying to pay child support and I was told by my X that they are going to be sending out a warrant for my arrest again. I know that Iam trying to find a job but its a Pain in the Ass when they suspend your license and reg for your car. I know why they do it but it makes it harder for me to get a job amd live and do what i have to do for my kids. Now i know guys in the state that are more behind than lam and it sucks that i cant find a job and trust me I have been looking. I need to get everyone off my back and I don't know who is worse the bill collectors or my mom. I love my kids to death and it kills me everyday that i cant give them what they want when they want it. I get reminded how much lam not a good father because I cant do for my self let alone 2 kids and the pressure I put on myself and everyone else might be the reason lam sick and stressed all the time. Iam not sure when or if i will go but i will let everyone know when and if i do go to jail ty all BARTAB
HELLO ALL, I was just trying to answer everyone's questions about what was wrong last night and today and might be for a little while longer. Well the first thing is my money situation. Well there is none because I have none. Iam looking for a job everyday to pay my bills and support to kids and payback mom and lift all this stress Iam writting about. ok first i dont like barrowing a dime off anyone unless i can pay them back and it kills me that i cant and my mom is the worst. She has helped me out alot if it was not for her i would be out on the streets but the only thing i hate is she wont let me forget how much money she spends on me it makes me feel bad enough iam living off a 67 year old woman who cant retaire because she is working to support her son who cant support himslef I love her to death but i cried for like a week after she told me that. Also running to mailbox and hopping there is no warrent out for my arrest for child support. I know that i have been looking for a jon hardcore weather it be out on the streets or on here. It just that I guess old fashion when it comes to the whole realshonship deal but the GF has giving me alot too and I would love her if she gave it to me or not its just makes me feel i guess like less of a man. The other reason why iam kinda upset is my son ear infections are back. He had tubes in his ears and they fell out and he was good for 2 years, then pooof this weekend he gets sick and they are back and i was going to take him to ER on saturday to and I should have but then again i though it was just the virus he had running it course and then he sipked another 103 104 temp and then i knew right then and there it was the ears and again the X did not believe me. So she took back to docs and the doc said samething. Yea and also with my kids is I have not seen my daughter for going on 3 months now and I cried on my way home from taking my son home last weekend because sweet child o mine came on by G and R witch is mine and my daughters song. Oh plus about the fever my Xs friend's daughter died of a spike of 104 so yea iam worried about that. Other then the X BS and all and those who know me well Know all about that so i wont go there or that will get me more upset. Iam trying to stick it out and all this stress is going to end up hurtting me or even worse killing me. But I will shut up now and get back to calling jobs and all feel free to read and comment

Jay Z Hard knock life

Take the baseline out, uh huh Jigga uh huh uh huh uh huh It's the Hard Knock Life for us It's the Hard Knock Life for us Stead of treated, we get tricked Stead of kisses, we get kicked It's the Hard Knock Life From standin’ on the corner, Boppin’ To drivin’ some of the hottest cars New York has ever seen To droppin’ some of the hottest verses rap has ever heard From the dope spot, with the smoke glock Fleein’ the murder scene, you know me well From nightmares of a lonely cell, my only hell But since when ya'll niggas know me to fail? Fuck Naw Where all my niggas with the rubber grips, bus shots And if you with me, ma I rub on ya tits, and what not I'm from the school of the hard knocks, we must not Let outsiders violate our blocks, and my plot Let's stick up the world and split it 50-50, uh huh Let's take the dough and stay real jiggy, uh huh Let's sip the Cris and get pissy pissy Flow infinitely like the memory of my nigga Biggie, baby! You know its hell when I come through The life and times of Shawn Carter nigga Volume 2 Ya'll niggas get ready It's the Hard Knock Life for us It's the Hard Knock Life for us Stead of treated, we get tricked Stead of kisses, we get kicked It's the Hard Knock Life I flow for those droed out All my niggas locked in the 10 by 4 controllin’ the house We live in hard knocks we don't take over we bomb blocks Burn em down and you can have ‘em back daddy, I’d rather that I flow for chicks wishin’ they ain't have to strip to pay tuition I see you vision mama; I put my money on the long shots All my ballers that born to clock Now I’ma be on top whether I perform or not I went from lukewarm to hot from Sleepin’ on futons and cots, to king size, green machinse, to green 5's Ive seen pies let the thing between my eyes analyze life's ills Then I put it down tight real I'm tight grill with the phony rappers, you might feel we homeys I'm like still you don't know me, shit I'm tight real when my situation ain't improvin’ I'm tryin’ to murder everythin’ movin’, Feel Me It's the Hard Knock Life for us It's the Hard Knock Life for us Stead of treated, we get tricked Stead of kisses, we get kicked It's the Hard Knock Life It's the Hard Knock Life for us It's the Hard Knock Life for us Stead of treated, we get tricked Stead of kisses, we get kicked It's the Hard Knock Life I don't know how to sleep, I gotta eat, stay on my toes Got a lot of beef so logically I prey on my foes Hustlin’ still inside of me and as far as progress You be hard-pressed to find another rapper hot as me I gave you prophecy on my first joint, and ya'll lamed out Didn't really appreciate it ‘til the second one came out So I stretched the game out, X'ed your name out Put Jigga on top, and drop albums non-stop for ya nigga It's the Hard Knock Life for us It's the Hard Knock Life for us Stead of treated, we get tricked Stead of kisses, we get kicked It's the Hard Knock Life It's the Hard Knock Life for us It's the Hard Knock Life for us Stead of treated, we get tricked Stead of kisses, we get kicked It's the Hard Knock Life It's the Hard Knock Life It's the Hard Knock Life
50 Things Girls Want Guys To Know January 26, 2006 Posted by The Agency 1. Saying "I love you" immediately before, during, or following sex doesn't count. 2. Real men drive stick shift. 3. I will leave if you lie. 4. You are cute in raglan-sleeved T-shirts (two-toned baseball undershirts). 5. I'm convinced I'm pregnant and obsess about it for a minimum of 24 to 48 hours before my period, even when I have no rational reason to think so. 6.I love it when you hug me from behind and whisper in my ear. 7. "Fine" is never an appropriate response when I ask you how I look. 8. Most of the time when I fantasize, it's about you. 9. I'm terrified of becoming my mother, even though I admire her. 10. I get turned on simply seeing that I have an e-mail from you. 11. I expect you to call me. 12. Only rock stars are allowed to wear leather pants. 13. I'm scared of losing my independence. 14. I'm more forgiving of you than I really should be. 15. Oral sex is your get-out-of-the-doghouse-free card. Manolo Blahnik shoes also do the trick. 16. You did something bad. I seem cool with it. I'm not. (See directly above.) 17. If I'm not having sex with you, I'm: a). having a fat day. b). not feeling "connected" to you. c). blackmailing you to get something I want. 18. Shoes determine whether you're fashionable or not. 19. I own a Debbie Gibson CD, and I'm not afraid to use it. 20. When I compare my flabby tummy to a kangaroo pouch, say nothing. 21. A man I love plans the occasional fancy-schmancy dress-up date and impromptu weekend getaways, and he buys my favorite candy in advance when we're just going to the movies. 22. You look hot in hooded clothing items. 23. You should never tell me what to do. 24. If I slept over, you owe me breakfast. 25. My breasts love much licking and sucking. 26. If you ask me out directly, I will say yes. 27. I'm very impressed when you ask for my advice. 28. I'm unimpressed with a man who doesn't take the lead. 29. When in doubt, go with the shirt that matches your eye color. 30. I want to be Madonna. 31. Women get urinary-tract infections easily, so watch (and wash) your fingers. 32. I'm in heaven when you hold my hand. 33. You're sexy when you're shaving, fixing things, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, driving, eating a peach, holding a baby. 34. I need to hear how you feel about me. Often. Tell me now. 35. Surprises, especially gifts for moi = more loving. 36. I want to be the best thing that ever happened to you--and for you to recognize this. 37. If I'm not feeling loved, I will start looking.... 38. Discussion of ex-gf's and ex-bf's should be avoided at all times. 39. I like it when you tell me what you're thinking, even if you don't know yourself. 40. Celebrating our anniversary, even if it's only been a few months, earns major bonus points. 41. I love it when you're sweaty. 42. It's best to consult your gal pals for gift ideas. 43. A lady should always be greeted with kisses. 44. I like porn. 45. I love holding your bum in the palms of my hands. 46. Even nice girls like hushed dirty talk in public. 47. It's cheating as soon as you're doing something with her that you wouldn't want me to see, hear, read... 48. For the record: I'd rather you break up with me than cheat. 49. I remember everything about our relationship. 50. You should know all this and more with-out my telling you.
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