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There comes a time in all our life’s when we need to think outside the box. This is an understatement. We all should view the world as a corporate body. Life comes at from so many different angles and we all gain abstractions or judgments. I understand your method of teaching although I don’t agree with all you believe, I do respect what you’re trying to do. As a result of your class I have learned to think more outside of my own box and get past my abstractions. You have discussed so many different topics and they all have a correlation, which is the crazy world we live in. I am not going to comment on every discussion, if that is okay. There were always a few of these topics on my mind, even before I had the privilege of attending your class. In this paper I will explain what I agree with as well as what I disagree with. You were always open to our views and this is a good thing. We always agreed to disagree in your class and this is a good thing. The decline of family morals in our country is one of the most obvious problems we face. When we brought up the internet adds pertaining to infidelity in the marriage it was not a shock to me at first; however after the viewing the web sites I was disgusted about the matter. If you don’t have a stable environment for our children to grow up in then what are we going to do? Where are they going to learn right from wrong? How are they going to know how to have a stable family of their own? Who is going to show them the way? Are we putting too much on our educators like you? Are you prepared to take the place of the parents? No! It is not your job to teach our kids the path to a strong America. You can point them in the right direction and I feel you try. You know as well as I it has to be their ideal. If we plant the seed and someone else waters it, it will grow. I paid attention to your line of questioning and it showed me your morals. Yes I believe you have morals! And I feel you understand what it means to lead without being condescending. This is one of the things I have learned from you. I always knew that you don’t persuade by telling, you pursued by asking. Also I understood you came from a different angle as to not let them know you were trying to help them with their own problems. That was cool. I am sure there will be some of your student who has it together enough to catch your drift or meaning, but you still let them think they are being prepared to help others. Clean your own back yard up before you tell someone to clean up there’s. Don’t get me wrong, they are hopefully being prepared to help others deal with today’s issues. None the less they must search their own hearts, find themselves and teach through their own experiences. I didn’t agree with your point of view on how you think Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Doctor King were making the same point. I believe that content is only a small part of a speech and that modulation and inflection are very import when getting your point across. You can listen to the major differences in their speech. This is something I have to work on myself so I am trying to get the board out of my eye, before I work on the splinter in my brothers. I can agree that they both wanted what is best for black Americans. In addition I am not in agreement with your definition of a racist. "That a person who is not trying to help fix the problem is benefiting and therefore part of the problem." I see your point; however this goes back to what I am saying about communication. If someone would treat me with respect I would reciprocate in kind. I would go to war for a friend, but for me to have a friend he must treat me as a friend and be willing to go to war for me. For this reason I don’t feel America is ready for change. I have seen more abuse of white people used since Rodney King than another time in my life. This type of behavior will only cause people to fight back. Unless all people have a leader Like Dr. Martin Luther King, they will not come together. Being a forty six year old man I seen a lot of changes. Also I know of the recording that J Edgar Hover supposedly had on Dr. King (the white girl in the hotel room being sexually abused). Even when I heard about that many years ago it didn’t change the respect I have for Dr. King. He had an approach that made people more unified. If he were alive today I would follow him anywhere. I didn’t go into all of the experiences that have shaped me (in class or in your office). Growing up in the sixty’s in Orchard Manor was tuff. The riots made life in the ghetto a lot harder. Let’s say I seen the worst come out of people. I didn’t have a dad growing up or a mentor. There was no one to teach me how to hate people who are different. Thank God with all the bad there was plenty of good to balance the messed up things that happened. But just for an example, as to what happened with me and some of the guys I hung out with, there was young men raping younger men. The young men were black and the younger men were white. It was motivated by hate and I am sure of that. However I am a firm believe that hurting people hurt people. So with this belief it is easier to keep everything on a micro level. I was later blessed, having a black man that lived beside of me in Barboursville, who treated me like a son. This man was a lot like Dr. King as far as the love that was shed abroad in his heart. His memory is one of the strongest and best of my miserable childhood. I feel this is a Yen/Yang world we live in, there is good and bad in everyone and everything. Why do we insist on pressure to change? The man I was referring to made a difference one person at a time. He was honored by having a building named after him. I am so glad to have known him. As far as your view of gender being a spiritual thing or a reincarnation of oneself, I don’t have the experience of a life before my life. I suppose it is a way of explaining why people feel as strong as they do about their sexuality. Once again we are forced to walk on eggshells or forced to be politically correct. My point was made with the young lady who was sitting in front of you in class, when you ask her “if you and I were married and I told you I was in love with a man, how would you feel?” her response was not the way should would have reacted if in fact she was in love with you. Remember I called her on it? It all is becoming such a time bomb. I see it every day in young people who don’t attend college mainly. They feel like they are being forced to accept the burdens of other people because of the color of their skin or heterosexuality. This brings me to my last topic we touched on in class, the school shootings. This was not the order in which we discussed, however I feel this order is justified. The shooters were commonly young white males who felt that they were alien to the rest of us. I have had these feelings in my life from time to time. Only by the grace of God and the help of some of my professors (no names, you know who you are) have I not acted on them. It is a strong spiritual disturbance that drives these young people to do what they do. The same pain as an addiction, is the best way to describe it. It causes a fear or panic that eats away at your core strength and drives you to insanity! How do we stop it? There is a quote that says “when the student is ready the master will appear”. I live by this and I am constantly looking for a lost soul to help. If I can just reach one person, I am doing well. My approach is an amiable one. A feel, felt, found method. Letting them know I know how they feel. Explaining how I felt the same as they do and chose another path. Finding the peace of after changing my own beliefs, repetition being the mother of skill, I chose to take the path of least resistance. I have to do this day after day or it doesn’t work. Sow a thought, reap an action, sow an action reap a habit, and when you sow a habit you reap your destiny. You don’t persuade by telling you persuade by asking. This is very noninvasive approach to making it become their ideal. When it becomes their ideal, then the pain-pleasure principle changes and they with find themselves or the answer to the question that is the root of their insanity. In the book of proverbs it says “A house divided against its self will not stand.” , we need unity so bad. However losing our own identity is not the answer. Although most of the young people are embracing rap and hip hop this seems to cause not only division with in their own culture, but it has caused people to make some really bad choices as far drugs and dangerous behaviors. If we are to have more social cohesion we need to address all of these things and fight them together without blame or anger. We need to change our beliefs about ourselves and our by helping one another. Let’s fight drugs, hedonism and crime together.
Wouldn't be wonderful if more people didn't have to die for love? I been recently divorced and been away from things for a long time. I got tested after a summer romance with a very pretty RN. So two months later I got to the Veterans Hospital and get my HIV and all other tests done. I have just in converstation told some girls that I have been tested and it turns most of them away. Now the way I see it is if it turns you away please run like hell from me!! this is sad and funny. Sad for one that told me I made her feel nasty. What the fuck is wrong with people? Are they just afraid to to know the truth? There is a good chance they are fine... Please Please Please Don't die for sex it is not worth it.
image.php?u=265969&i=2380908449&tn=1 Click and find out .. Bomb if you like it
image.php?u=265969&i=2380908449&tn=1 My Dirty Little secret! Bomb it .. I will do the same for you and may have..
thank you So*Sick 66614 she is my hero she showed my where to find this..
You will be shocked.... I had 3 friend that died in the bombing.
The airplanes did not a have true effect on the destruction of towers; they were needed to give an excuse for odd Orwellian wars at the same time when the USA is turned into a police nation, like the German Third Reich, to some extent. The towers took the impacts of crushing Boeing 767's. The towers were originally built to take impacts of Boeing 707's, which are approximately of the same size and was widely used in the 1970's. Fires that kindled from the fuel in the planes were too shortlasting and weak to be able to severely damage the structure of the skyscrapers. Even in the extreme situation, the heat from a kerosene fire cannot threat the durability of a steel trunk. With the temperature of carbohydrate fires that reaches only 825 °C (approx. 1517 °F) steel weakens at 800 °C (approx. 1470 °F) and melts at 1585 °C (approx. 2890 °F). In the skyscrapers of the WTC the surroundings were not at all ideal as there were far too many steel columns and they led heat away from the burning area. WTC 1 burned for 102 minutes and WTC 2 for 56 minutes only. A fire burning much longer, from 10 to 20 hours, could slowly increase the burning temperature down to perhaps 1100 °C (approx. 2010 °F). Provided there is more substance to burn, such a fire will damage concrete and irons, but not severely heavy steel constructions. In mid-February in Madrid, the Windsor Tower (see above) burned for over 20 hours, which led to a fire stronger and hotter than that in the WTC, but even the collapses of the Windsor Tower caused by the very strong and long-enduring fire were minimal and limited to the upper floors. If either of the WTC tower had started to collapse because of fires the collapse would have been limited to only a few of the floors and then stopped. The impossibility of a gravitational collapse is closer seen in other documents. A collapse would produce large pieces, and does not explain reports of fine dust from concrete, huge amounts of dust and pieces of steel ejected outwards. Destruction of the towers by explosions is clear according to the photographs and reports of the eye witnesses. In the picture below, a range of cutting charges have just exploded in the down left sector and a typical white cloud is formed outwards from the wall. Down right, explosions are seen as well. Even a flame is seen. In video tapes taken of the so-called collapses of the WTC, more explosions of these cutting charges can be seen. The explosions advance quickly, with a gap of a couple of floors, cutting the strong steel pillars in the outer wall. The explosions are timed so that it appears that the tower collapses occur in the same timing as in a gravitational collapse. The explosions are not completely synchronized in timing, probably a few charges are triggered by radio, and other charges explode out of the impulses of one of these charges (infrared, pressure wave). More challenging problems to the demolition men, however, were the central cores of the buildings and the 47 steel pillars more robust than the ones on the outer rounds. The pillars of the central cores were made of steel even 100 + 100 mm thick, thicker than the side armours of a battle tank. Cutting those, even with explosives, is extremely difficult. One would need to surround the whole pillars, every single pillar on every floor intended to get blasted, with powerful cutting charges. These charges would have needed to be placed in such a way that the users of the skyscrapers could not notice these preparations. As seen in the following pictures, the cores of the towers were not distracted by thousands of powerful cutting charges but by a modern thermonuclear explosive, a small hydrogen bomb. In the picture below, a hydrogen bomb explosion, the bomb having been placed in the cellar and directed to the core, has reached the roof of the tower and the upper parts of the outer walls. On its way up the waves of fire pressure partially penetrated about 100 floors of concrete and steel. Over ten million degrees of heat caused by a hydrogen bomb sublimised all water within the concrete in a moment. Water exploded extremely quickly into 1000-fold volume and totally pulverized the concrete. Even people and computers that were in the buildings disappeared turning into heat and light. That is why almost nothing of them was found in the ruins. Burning radiation is absorbed in steel so quickly that steel heats up immediately over its melting point 1585 °C (approx. 2890 °F) and above its boiling point around 3000 C (approx. 5430 °F). In the pictures down below, super hot groups of steel pillars and columns, torn from wall by pressure wave, are sublimized. They immediately turn into a vaporized form, binding heat as quickly as possible. Bursts upwards, even visible in the picture below, are not possible for a gravitational collapse or for cutting charges which are used horizontally. Storax Sedan 104 Kt shallow underground In the upper picture the explosion is in theory 100 times stronger than in the picture below, but in practice the difference is only four times due to the capability of direction of the small hydrogen bomb. In the picture at the right, the brown shades caused by a hydrogen bomb are seen, while the top of the tower that is already collapsing is breaking down and the posture straightens up as the hydrogen bomb pulverized the core and it lost all its resistance. The piles point the blasts of the cutting charges. (Gehue plate 12) Steel pillars are turned into dust. Extremely hot, sublimating pieces are not created with many methods. For comparison, pictures of subterranean nuclear explosions where the explosion is blasting onto surface and into the air: Ess1.2 Kt WTC 2 Banberry 10 Kt underground Radioactivity in air creates shades of brown. (The subterranean nuke in the picture on the right is 10 times stronger than the small nuke on the left.) This is the reason why the FBI did not search the crime scene. Ground zeros of nuclear weapons are a health risk and belong to the FEMA.
Kellogg Brown and Root(KBR), a subsidiary of Haliburton, provided water to U.S. troops in Iraq which was twice as contaminated as water from the Euphrates River, and blocked employees' attempts to tell the U.S. military at Camp Junction City in Ramadi that the water was foul or that it should immediately be chlorinated. Ben Carter, a water purification specialist who worked for KBR at Junction City, told Senate Democrats during hearnings in Washington, that KBR officials had assured him the water was being treated. When Carter discovered a problem, he started tests and learned that the water drawn from the Euphrates and polluted with sewage and other contaminates, was not being chlorinated, as reported by Reuters.
This article is about the folk artist; 'Grandma Moses' was also a nickname given to abolitionist and slave rescuer Harriet Tubman. Cornell Capa's portrait of Grandma Moses on her 100th Birthday Cornell Capa's portrait of Grandma Moses on her 100th Birthday Anna Mary Moses - better known as Grandma Moses -- (September 7, 1860 – December 13, 1961) was a renowned American folk artist. She is often cited as an example of an individual successfully beginning a career in the arts at an advanced age. She was born Anna Mary Robertson in Greenwich, New York. As a child, she used fruit juice to paint on pieces of wood or materials her father brought home for her. He brought the other children candy, but she preferred to purchase drawing supplies because they "lasted longer than candy". She spent most of her life as a farmer's wife and the mother of 5 children. She married Thomas Solomon Moses in 1887. They lived in the Shenandoah Valley before settling in Eagle Bridge, New York. She began painting in her seventies after abandoning a career in embroidery because of arthritis. Her artwork was discovered by Louis J. Caldor, a collector who noticed her paintings in a Hoosick Falls drugstore window in 1938. In 1939 an art dealer named Otto Kallir exhibited some of her work at his Galerie Saint-Etienne in New York. This brought her to the attention of art collectors all over the world, and her paintings were highly sought after. She went on to have exhibitions of her work throughout Europe and even in Japan, where her work was particularly well received. She continued her prolific output of paintings, the demand for which never diminished during her lifetime. In 1946, her painting "The Old Checkered Inn in Summer" was featured in the background of a national advertising campaign for the young women's lip gloss "PRIMITIVE RED" by Du Barry cosmetics. Grandma Moses (1953) Grandma Moses (1953) President Harry S. Truman presented her with the Women's National Press Club Award for outstanding accomplishment in art in 1949. In 1951, she appeared on See It Now, a television program hosted by Edward R. Murrow. In 1952, she published her autobiography entitled Grandma Moses: My Life's History. Grandma Moses painted mostly scenes of rural life. Some of her many paintings were used on the covers of Hallmark cards. She celebrated her 100th birthday on the 7th of September, 1960. Life magazine commissioned Cornell Capa to make a portrait of Moses for the occasion, which it printed as a cover article. New York governor Nelson Rockefeller also proclaimed the day "Grandma Moses Day" in her honor. She died at Hoosick Falls on December 13, 1961 and is buried at the Maple Grove Cemetery. Her gravestone is inscribed with this epitaph: "Her primitive paintings captured the spirit and preserved the scene of a vanishing countryside." She had outlived most of her children. For a sense of the current value of her paintings, a September 2nd 1942 piece entitled "The Old Checkered House, 1862" was appraised at the Memphis 2004 Antiques Roadshow. The painting was unique in that it showed a summer scene, as she was well known for her winter landscapes. Originally purchased in the 40s for $110, appraiser Alan Fausel assigned the piece an insurance value of $60,000.
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