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xxSEXITEXANxx's blog: "ME"

created on 07/04/2008  |  http://fubar.com/me/b228863


Unfortunately, love doesn't always give you the happy ending you want in the end. Sometimes you can be madly in love with someone and still know in your heart that, that person can never give you the kind of love and effort that you know you deserve. One of the hardest things to accept in life is knowing that sometimes you were only meant to make the other person better for the next person. When some people don't appreciate having a good person in their corner, sometimes that ended relationship is like a wake up call for them to get their act together for the next person. It doesn't mean that something was necessarily wrong with you, it just means that they really didn't have the tools to help maintain a healthy happy relationship with you like you wanted. Sometimes that is the only reason why you cross paths with certain people. You were never meant to be together, you were just meant to make them better for the next person. I know it's a hard pill to swallow but at least room was made in your life so the next person could love you like you deserve to be loved.

Taurus Astrology April 20 - May 20 Taurus Strength Keywords: - Dependable - Persistent - Loyal - Patient - Generous Taurus Weakness Keywords: - Stubborn - Laziness - Possessive - Materialistic - Self-indulging Taurus and Independence: Taurus is not the one who ventures out into the unknown and leads the way, Taurus is the one that will follow the leader and strengthen and build upon the discovered, in other words they are the one that will "dot the I's and cross the T's". This perseverance is given to them by their stubborn streak. Taurus stubborn streak is what gives their independence. They like to do things their way. They are perfectly fine on being alone, this way things get done they way they want them to be done. Taurus is not a follower, but they are not the brave one either. Taurus is perfectly independent. With their perseverance, they get things done and can do quite well for themselves. Taurus and Friendship: A Taurus is an excellent friend. Taurus has few close friends as opposed to many acquaintances. The few people they hold dear to them are guarded and protected. Their friends are treated like family and they are fiercely loyal and dependable. Taurus loves to be the host or hostess. Although not a total social butterfly, they can be shy around strangers, the people who Taurus let into their lives are lavishly catered to when Taurus decides to throw a party, they decorate and present everything lavishly. Taurus will always pamper themselves and their close group of friends. Taurus and Business: Taurus is a strong business person. Taurus is the one who has immense perseverance, even when others have given up, the Taurus rages on. They have a knack for finance and their financial advice is prized. They know where money is to be made and have the ability to manipulate and set the path for their own success. Taurus are not frivolous spenders but they like to live lavishly and surround themselves with nice possessions and foods, which all adds up resulting in large spending habits. They will not spend all their money and cause their business to fail because if they do, their security and stability will be gone and this will cause them great stress. Taurus Temperament: Taurus are deeply sensitive, the slightest comment or negative remark will be taken personally and they can easily get offended or hurt. Their stubborn streak results in laziness. They can be very lazy when someone gives them orders or wants them to do something they do not want to do. They are not lazy when it comes to themselves, Taurus Deep Inside: Taurus are not fond of change. In fact, is change is imminent, they get very nervous and worried. They do not like anything new because anything new is unknown and Taurus fears the unknown. Taurus needs order in their lives and when they do not have order, they get very anxious. Taurus will cut themselves off from the unfamiliar in order to avoid the feelings of insecurity that arise when new experiences and situations are present. Taurus do not express their feelings openly and their inner self is contained and secretive. Many people do not know how sensitive Taurus really is, they hide it well. As a result, they are often emotionally hurt when the wrong things are said, they take things too personally sometimes. Taurus avoids talking about their emotions and many people never really know how they feel. Taurus in a Nutshell: Taurus is the one who has immense perseverance, even when others have given up, the Taurus rages on. Solid and persistent, just like the bull, which is Taurus' well suited symbol. Taurus's have a well known reputation for being stubborn, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The stubborn streak can cause Taurus to butt heads and conflict with other strong character types. Taurus are not fond of change. They like the familiar and routine comfort of life. Taurus is easy going and not one to pick a fight but should some poor souls attempt to provoke Taurus, the wrath will be known, for they have a temper underneath the calm surface. Taurus are very responsive to their surroundings. They like decorations, color, anything that appeals to all the senses. Taurus like possessions and the Taurus home is nicely decorated with lots of things. Taurus are down to earth, they do not like gaudy, flashy or over the top things. They prefer comfortable and creative settings and objects. Taurus likes security, in every aspect of their lives from home, to love, to career. Taurus can be secretive, opinionated and stingy. Taurus tend to be self-indulgent and lazy, Taurus are master procrastinators of the astrology zodiac! They do however have a strong, persistent drive that comes to life when they chose, and no one would ever know that they are lazy. The secret to this is that their laziness is pushed aside when it comes to themselves. Taurus Love, Sex and Relationships What it's like to date a Taurus Woman: Taurus women are masters in the art of seduction. She will get what she wants but her patience is incredible, she will wait for what she wants She needs stability and security and will not tolerate a man who is not straight with her and leads her along with uncertainty in the future. She is the old-fashioned type, the type of woman who is associated with the drive-in soda shop days of the 60's. She is down to earth, protective, supportive, loving, devoted and loyal. She is openly affectionate in a relationship. Taurus women is perfect for the man who likes to be nurtured and pampered, providing you are loyal and devoted. She has a lot to give but she requires a lot in return. Remember, the Taurus woman is very sensitive although she might not seem so on the exterior. Court her and constantly try to impress her and you will win her heart and she will be yours. Cross a Taurus woman, and her temper will flare, she will become extremely stubborn. If you ever break her trust, it will be nearly impossible to gain it back again. What it's like to date a Taurus Man: The Taurus man is very sensible, he is not the man to sweep you off your feet. He is practical and down to earth. He wants a high quality woman, not a woman for one night. He will survey cautiously before he makes his approach. He is very patient when it comes to a relationship. He will survey the situation and make sure the woman has something to offer him, before he offers himself. Taurus man is a romantic man, he will put his woman on a pedestal, protect her and cherish her. Once he has chosen his woman, he will be very generous, loyal and faithful. He is not a boring man, but he is not for the woman who craves adventure and excitement. Taurus man is for the woman who craves stability and comfort, he is an incredible provider and is a very fine choice as a partner for the right woman. He is in it for the long haul so commitment is no problem for this man. How To Attract Taurus: Do not attempt to rush into a relationship with Taurus. They are very patient and expect you to be so too. Make them laugh, if they are amused and entertained by you, they will enjoy being with you. The way to a Taurus' heart is through their stomachs. Cook for them or offer to take them to a fine upscale restaurant. Taurus enjoy talking about finance, business, money and material possessions. Taurus Erogenous Zone: The throat and neck are the hot spots for any Taurus. Lightly rub the neck, kiss it gently, lick it lightly, even a soft nipple will make them melt like butter! Massage the back of the neck while you are relaxing, this relax them and set the mood for passion! Sex With Taurus: They are passionate lovers. They have lots of physical stamina and this makes up for the lack of variety in the sex life.

When the warmth of the sun touches my face, I see your smile and feel your embrace. I hear the whisper of love in the wind And I know that you are close to me again The rain speaks of tears and the thunder of pain, But soon the sun comes the earth to reclaim. As the days come and go and the world moves on, I know you're still here, you'll never be gone. On the night the Angel came and took your hand, We cried as you left for an unknown land. But Heaven rejoiced as you came into sight, For your soul was a diamond, shining so bright!


As I face myself through teary eyes I don’t recognize my reflection A shadow of my former self I see a fraud, a coward a sad soul Too ashamed to seek guidance And always thinking I’m not good enough. As I stand alone unsure what to do I hear a sweet whisper in my ear, Saying “Stay strong, have faith I will guide you and protect you” As I turn around to catch a glimpse I see brightness but was oh so brief, There was a comfort in this whisper My spirits lifted, soaring so high As I lay down and close my eyes I feel relaxed and calm, I drifted off. In my dream I awoke There stood the angel that I hoped Once again I hear a whisper Saying “I’m here to give you hope And stand by your side”


the sand was white hot under her the drops of moisture were pearls on her skin the shadow marked a line on her back hello he said tall dark and slender smile in the eyes of curiosity the waves called their unknown names the cool embraced them her legs surrounded him he grew into her so complete the seagulls laughed louder then the fulfillment of the souls melted in time to create a new star

I’m Thankful for You

Thanksgiving is the appointed time for focusing on the good in our lives. In each of our days, we can find small blessings, but too often we overlook them, choosing instead to spend our time paying attention to problems. We give our energy to those who cause us trouble instead of those who bring peace. Starting now, let’s be on the lookout for the bits of pleasure in each hour, and appreciate the people who bring love and light to everyone who is blessed to know them. You are one of those people. On Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for you. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Delights

On Thanksgiving Day we’re thankful for Our blessings all year through, For family we dearly love, For good friends, old and new. For sun to light and warm our days, For stars that glow at night, For trees of green and skies of blue, And puffy clouds of white. We’re grateful for our eyes that see The beauty all around, For arms to hug, and legs to walk, And ears to hear each sound. The list of all we’re grateful for Would fill a great big book; Our thankful hearts find new delights Everywhere we look!

Thanksgiving Feasting

When the Halloween pumpkins are gone, And the leaves have all fallen to ground, When the air has turned windy and cold, Then Thanksgiving will soon be around. Thoughts of loved ones all feasting together, Pleasant pictures from past times appear To dwell in each heart and each mind-- Then Thanksgiving is finally here! The kitchen has scrumptious aromas, The dining room looks oh, so fine, Decorations with pilgrims and turkeys, And now we are ready to dine! First the napkins are placed on our laps; Now the prayer for the meal to be blessed, Then we stuff the good food in our tummies, And we hope for it all to digest!

The Childrens Hour

Between the dark and the daylight, When the- night is beginning to lower, Comes a pause in the days occupations, That is known as the Children's Hour. I hear in the chamber above me The patter of little feet, The sound of a door that is opened, And voices soft and sweet. From my study I see in the lamplight Descending the broad hall stair, Grave Alice, and laughing Allegra, And Edith with golden hair. A whisper, and then a silence: Yet I know by their merry eyes They are plotting and planning together To take me by surprise. A sudden rush from the stairway, A sudden raid from the hall! By three doors left unguarded They enter my castle wall! They climb up into my turret O'er the arms and back of my chair, If I try to escape, they surround me; They seem to be everywhere. They almost devour me with kisses, Their arms about me entwine, Till I think of the Bishop of Bingen In his Mouse-Tower on the Rhine! Do you think, 0 blue-eyed banditti, Because you have scaled the wall, Such an old mustache as I am Is not a match for you all! I have you fast in my fortress, And will not let you depart, But put you down into the dungeon In the round-tower of my heart. And there will I keep you forever, Yes, forever and a day, Till the walls shall crumble to ruin, And moulder in dust away!

My Lost Youth

Often I think of the beautiful town That is seated by the sea; Often in thought go up and down The pleasant streets of that dear old town, And my youth comes back to me. And a verse of a Lapland song Is haunting my memory still: "A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." I can see the shadowy lines of its trees, And catch, in sudden gleams, The sheen of the far-surrounding seas, And islands that were the Hesperides Of all my boyish dreams. And the burden of that old song, It murmurs and whispers still: "A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." I remember the black wharves and the ships, And the sea-tides tossing free; And Spanish sailors with bearded lips, And the beauty and mystery of the ships, And the magic of the sea. And the voice of that wayward song Is singing and saying still: "A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." I remember the bulwarks by the shore, And the fort upon the hill; The sunrise gun, with its hollow roar, The drum-beat repeated o'er and o'er, And the bugle wild and shrill. And the music of that old song Throbs in my memory still: "A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." I remember the sea-fight far away, How it thundered o'er the tide! And the dead captains, as they lay In their graves, o'erlooking the tranquil bay Where they in battle died. And the sound of that mournful song Goes through me with a thrill: "A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." I can see the breezy dome of groves, The shadows of Deering's Woods; And the friendships old and the early loves Come back with a Sabbath sound, as of doves In quiet neighborhoods. And the verse of that sweet old song, It flutters and murmurs still: "A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." I remember the gleams and glooms that dart Across the school-boy's brain; The song and the silence in the heart, That in part are prophecies, and in part Are longings wild and vain. And the voice of that fitful song Sings on, and is never still: "A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." There are things of which I may not speak; There are dreams that cannot die; There are thoughts that make the strong heart weak, And bring a pallor into the cheek, And a mist before the eye. And the words of that fatal song Come over me like a chill: "A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." Strange to me now are the forms I meet When I visit the dear old town; But the native air is pure and sweet, And the trees that o'ershadow each well-known street, As they balance up and down, Are singing the beautiful song, Are sighing and whispering still: "A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." And Deering's Woods are fresh and fair, And with joy that is almost pain My heart goes back to wander there, And among the dreams of the days that were, I find my lost youth again. And the strange and beautiful song, The groves are repeating it still: "A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.”

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