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You Call it Christmas, We Call it Yule Author: Peg Aloi http://www.witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=usma&c=holidays&id=2079 Try though we might, it is not easy to escape the influence of Christmas in this country. It is easy to become jaded and cynical about it, wondering why it is not the magical time we all experienced as children, wondering how it ever got so commercial. For modern pagans who may still observe the holiday because their families do, it is a confusing time of year; how to celebrate this as a seasonal festival when so many of our associations with this holiday have to do with gifts, food and merrymaking? Even for those who celebrate this day as the birth of Christ, it must be difficult to stay focused on that significance, with the tinsel and shopping and office parties and the newest toys for kids clouding their vision. I for one find that cynicism abounds at this time of year, and that many adults dread the "holidays" because of family issues and stresses that seem to become more pronounced. The emphasis on having a picture-perfect "Martha Stewart" style celebration is a set-up for disappointment; and kids these days are so focused on getting presents that they hardly have time to enjoy the more sensual pleasures of the season (winter activities, traditional foods, music, decorations). Of course Christmas was not always this way; modern societies are far removed from our ancient connections to Nature; yet we still retain customs derived from the agricultural calendars of our ancestors. Perhaps there is something to be said for examining the modern traditions of Christmas in light of their ancient origins. It may be surprising to find that many of the customs still associated with Christmas today are, in fact, derived from ancient pagan traditions. The seasonal observance of holidays such as Channukah and Kwaanza are tangentially influenced by the overwhelming emphasis on Christmas, and in the United States it has become common in recent years to give a more even representation of these holidays alongside the more popular one: Christmas. Yet the religious significance of the season seems remarkably absent much of the time. And of course the symbols of the season are very secular in nature: trees, mistletoe and holly, Santa Claus, reindeer...how do such symbols relate to the birth of Christ? Christ's Birthday? or Winter Solstice? To begin, let us look at the actual reason this holiday exists: for Yule and Christmas are not so very different, underneath it all; both celebrate the arrival of the sun/son; or, if you like, the light of the world... Ronald Hutton, in his excellent book The Stations of the Sun, has this to say about the story of the Nativity: It "makes sense on a mythological level--an archetypal representation of the birth of a hero at the junction of many worlds, (who is) engendered partly of humans and partly of the divine, born in a location that is neither indoors nor in the open air, belonging partly to humans and partly to animals, and adored by those on the margins of society." Most modern pagans acknowledge Yule as the rebirth of the light half of the year; some traditions perform the play of the Oak King and the Holly King, just as it is done at Midsummer, to mark the change of the seasons as one of them reigns over the other. It is also generally accepted that the date of Christmas is an arbitrary one; that it was chosen to coincide with the pagan solstice celebration, as a way of "converting" the "heathens" (or country folk, heath-dwellers) to the Christian way of life. The first written record of the reason for this holiday's occurrence on December 25th was in 354 AD, in Rome, when one scholar wrote: "It was customary for pagans to celebrate the birth of the sun...when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a leaning to this festival, they took counsel and resolved that the true Nativity should be solemnized on that day." However, the tradition of celebrating the solstice on this day is not much older, at least according to extant records: it was officially decreed in the year 274 by the emperor Aurelian. A century later, the archbishop of Constantinople observed that fixing the date of the "Nativity of the Sun of Righteousness" was necessary because "while the heathens were busied with their profane rites, the Christians might perform their holy ones without disturbance." Saint Augustine encouraged Christians to honor "He who made the sun, not the sun itself." As an aside, the word "Yule" is believed to derive from a colloquial Scandinavian term meaning "wheel." There is also some speculation it is dervied from the Old English word for "jolly." But its exact etymology is still debated. The concept of the wheel makes more sense to me, since this date marks the definitive point in the Wheel of the Year, and for many cultures and calendars it is the start of the new year. We know that the observance of the winter solstice was very significant in ancient times. Since this date represented the moment when the days would again become longer, when light would return to the land, the rural folk who faced lean times in winter had reason to be thankful. The use of candles as decorations and ritual objects, dating from ancient times, clearly indicates the importance of honoring the deities of light. The sun's return meant spring was on its way,and with it, the birth of new animals to the flock, and the softening of the soil tilled by our ancestors who lived as animal herders and farmers. Their celebration of this date as a holy day, when they worshiped and honored the sun as a deity, was an affirmation of their survival of the cold months of winter. They subsisted on the dried meats of the animals they slaughtered at Samhain, and what little produce they could preserve from the final harvest. Much of the folklore surrounding winter solstice rituals from various cultures has to do with very basic symbols of agriculture and animal husbandry; in other words, the dormancy of winter as a time of scarcity, and the return of the light as a harbinger of new growth. In Frazer's The Golden Bough it is observed that Bethlehem means "House of Bread,"and that this indicates an association of the birth of Christ with ancient rituals honoring a god of grain and vegetation. The Christian mass includes as its central climax the sharing of bread which represent Christ's body; such symbology dates from well before the dawn of Christianity. And the drinking of the fruit of the vine, in addition to honoring ancient harvest deities like Bacchus and Dionysus, was also believed to insure a bountiful grape harvest in the coming year. In areas where other fruits were the important crop (like apples in England), many rituals developed around blessing the orchards at Yuletide. Called "saining," these rites blessed fruit trees and livestock so that they might bring abundant food in the seasons ahead. Many of the "wassail" songs reflect this in their lyrics, such as "And here is to Cherry and to his right eye; May Yule bring our mistress a good mincemeat pie." During these rites, Cherry, a common name for a roan-colored cow, might even have a cup of cider tossed in his face; the way his head turned in response was considered a way of divining the health of the herd in the months to come. The Holly and the Ivy; Did Someone Say "Tree Worship?" Another potent symbol of Yuletide is the use of evergreen plants to decorate indoors, including holly, ivy, and mistletoe. In the British Isles, it has been customary since time immemorial to decorate with flowers or greenery at all seasonal celebrations; the traditional "evergreen" plants were those that flourished in the winter months, and also included rosemary, gorse, bay, cypress, and yew. The tradition of kissing under a bough of greenery first became widespread in the late 18th century; but this was as likely to be made of holly or gorse as it was to be mistletoe. The ancient association of mistletoe with the Druids was mentioned in a Christmas short story by Washington Irving in 1819, around the time of the revival of interest in Druidism in England. But apparently its vibrancy during winter and its lovely white berries were the main reasons for its popularity as "the kissing bush." Many modern Witches still perform a ritual of the Oak King and Holly King at Midsummer and Midwinter. The Holly King rules the Waning year; the Oak King, the Waxing Year. The two battle each other for dominance at Litha and Yule, respectively. Just as this rite is a symbolic reenactment of the sacrifice of a young male of the tribe, to appease the gods who ruled the seasons; it is clear that Christ, like the Persian god Mithras (also born at Midwinter), is a symbol of rejuvenation and light. In cold climates, basic survival was based upon subsisting from one harvest to the next; honoring the return of the sun was believed to ensure a bountiful crop, and healthy livestock. In the British Isles (the birthplace of modern Witchcraft, and a region bursting with centuries of religious conflict and mystery) many other rites and customs still exist that reflect these "heathen" (heath-dweller, or country folk) ways of life. Eat, Drink and Be Merry, or, How Not to Diet During the Holidays One undeniable feature of the Christmas holidays centers around traditional foods, and the time-honored "tradition" of feasting (and, in our sedentary society, over-eating). Many of us who celebrated Christmas as children have vivid memories of special dishes (some we loved, some we hated! my own favorites were a rosemary-roasted chicken prepared by my grandfather, and my dad's fried smelt; but I watched in horror as other family members ate calamari or Yorkshire pudding). The sheer plethora of traditional cookies and sweets of the season, from many cultures but especially prevalent in Germany, Italy and the UK, is testament to an elaborate history of foods created especially for the season of Yule. Originally, feasting at this season had several purposes: one, to acknowledge the return of the season of growth with eating heartily during a season of scarcity was a way to give physical expression to the hope for abundance in the year to come. Second, in countries where winter meant a very bleak time of inactivity (as in the fishing and farming communities of rural Scotland), a feast was a way of alleviating boredom and depression. Third, the elaborate Yuletide activities of the nobility from the Middle Ages onward gradually developed into status-conscious events wherein households vied with each other for acts of generosity to their communities: for the poor, this meant eating well and receiving much-needed gifts of new clothing or shoes. During the Protestant Reformation, when Yuletide festivities were all but banned, there were still some stubborn monarchs and lords who persisted in their celebratory rites of feasting and of treating their household servants to a fine meal; to do less would be disastrous, as growing levels of poverty meant food shortages in winter. As Christianity gradually usurped the pagan ways of worship, the custom of Advent, which is a month-long fast before Christmas, reflects these times when people had to survive eating very little. A "fast" meant no eggs, meat or cheese could be consumed, among the wealthy; the poor generally ate very little meat anyway, and so for Advent gave up other staples, such as cider. It then became a custom to feast on the 25th, and to mark this day with acts of hospitality and generosity. The rich were expected to open their doors and purses for all; this could well have been the precursor to the tradition of helping those less fortunate at the holidays, and giving gifts to those who serve others all year, such as mail-carriers, domestic help, etc. But there were instances when the nobility merely entertained their social equals, not their inferiors, on this day. One poem from this period says: "At Christmas we banquet, the rich and the poor, Who then (but the miser) but openeth his door?" Until the virtual collapse of the English aristocracy this century, it was still very common to see remnants of these traditions taking place among the rural nobility. For two excellent portrayals of the Christmas celebrations of English country manor homes in the early 20th century, I recommend the films A Handful of Dust (starring Kristin Scott Thomas, Rupert Graves and Sir Alec Guinness) and The Shooting Party (starring Sir John Gielgud and James Mason). The first contains an authentic version of a masque; the second a wonderful exploration of relations between the peasants and the aristocracy,and how this class distinction is blurred during the holidays. The concept of feasting during the Middle Ages was naturally different from what it became in later centuries, when advances in farming and hygiene allowed more people to be fed more efficiently. As the years wore on, feasting at Yuletide/Christmas became very elaborate, particularly among the nobility. One common table centerpiece for wealthy households was the boar's head; it was first recorded as being requested for Yule by the bishop of Hereford in 1289. So notorious did this dish become, as it was something of a status symbol to be able to serve it, that there were even songs written in its honor, like "The Boar's Head Carol": "The boar's head in hand bear we, bedecked with bays and rosemary." As the wild boar gradually became extinct (it all but disappeared from the forests of Scotland bythe 16th century), its presence at the Yuletide feast was more and more reserved for the nobleman who could afford to outfit a hunting party to procure the elusive beast. The symbology of the boar in Celtic myth is well-known; its strength, ruthlessness and intelligence made it a prize among ancient Celtic warriors, as is portrayed among many artifacts and pieces of jewelry and armor from the Bronze Age. It was highly-valued as a food source at military gatherings, wherein men would honor the animal's qualities and invoke them, as they feasted upon its flesh. Its tusks were worn as talismans to confer bravery on the wearer. Many royal banquets at Christmas had memorable menus that included huge amounts of exotic foods. Richard II once held a feast for 10,000 people that served 200 oxen and 200 tubs of wine. Henry V held one unforgettable event where a dish called brawn (the flesh from the boar's belly) was the main dish; there was also "dates with mottled cream, carp, prawns, turbot, perch, fresh sturgeons with whelks, roasted porpoise, eels and lampreys, leached meats garnished with hawthorn, and marzipan," among other delicacies. The food was not the only spectacle, however; it was also customary to hire entertainment for these feasts; whether harpers, singers, story-tellers, or minstrels. While the feasts hosted by the wealthy were very opulent, it was also common for communities to organize their own, more humble, events, with church parishes pooling their resources to purchase food and drink, and to hire their own entertainment, or to put on their own productions (this tradition is still very much alive in the U. S. with the traditional "Christmas pageant"). It is not hard to see how Christmas, over time, evolved into a holiday of excess, centered upon food, drink and fun; and, of course, gift giving. Though the orgy of shopping makes us numb to the true pleasure of gift giving, its origins at this season were based in very simple values of generosity and hospitality. Gift giving seems to originate in another December holiday. The feast of Saturnalia (which honored the god Saturn) was long established by the Romans before they invaded Britain, and was celebrated from December 12-17. It was a time when masters waited on servants at mealtime, and gifts of light were given, particularly candles (this may have been in honor of a solar deity for the upcoming solstice). Other traditional gifts exchanged were coins, honey, figs and pastry. Honey and figs were believed to be aphrodisiacs, but also they were highly-prized for their nutritional value (honey is a natural preservative and is believed to restore youthfulness to the skin). The giving of coins predates the traditions in England of handing out coins to the less fortunate, or the opening of a lord's purse to feed his household servants. These Roman customs surrounding the use of candles, and the exchange of gifts at midwinter, shows that many later Yuletide traditions may have originated in the older festival of Saturnalia. It may also be where the tradition of wassailing and caroling door to door, in expectation of gifts of money, arose, but many of these customs developed somewhat naturally over the years out of various practices by both the nobility and the peasant classes of England. Wassailing, for example, is a well-loved custom that inspired many songs written especially for the occasion. "Wassail, wassail, all over the town, Our bowl it is white and our ale it is brown Our bowl it is made of the white maple tree With the wassailing bowl, we'll drink to thee." The term wassail in Old English means "your health." The traditional bowl or cup full of mulled wine originates in the fourteenth century; the leader of a gathering would take up a bowl and cry out "Wassail!" and toast the others; the cup would then be passed on to the next person, with a kiss, until all in the room had drunk from it. Interestingly, some modern Wiccan covens observe this tradition when passing cakes and wine in circle. On another note related to modern Wiccan practice, Hutton also observes that a traditional dance developed that over time that was performed with the customary wassailing carols; and that this dance was performed with a ring of men and women holding hands! Sounds like many a Gardnerian ritual circle I have been to...this is one more example of an ancient folk custom of rural Britain being passed down to modern times and utilized in Witchcraft rites.

What is Magick?

What is Magick? Amoung different schools various definitions of magick are used, though most have many similarities. The spelling of MAGICK with a K is commonly used as compared to "magic" as meaning slight-of-hand or illusion (i.e. The Great Bobomimi). Here, I offer my own. Magick: The manipulation of energy to cause a change in one's environment where the cause and effect relationship is not fully understood. Got you confused yet? LOL! Well let me give some examples. 500 years ago (and in many locals today) 90% of what we now call science was or would have been regarded as magick, just think of the excitement your computer would cause. Electricity as a whole was regarded as magick, as was magnetism, and even the fermentation of alcohol. But let me ask, how many people even today understand how Electricity works? How many of us just assume that if they hit the switch the light will come on? Magick does follow laws (See Laws of Magick in my other blog). However, only in the past few decades has magick (often under the name Psychic phonomena) been given the scrutiny it deserves. Auras, aromatherapy, color magick are all assuming the attributes of science, as they are being more understood. This definition will undoubtedly piss off some purists who view magick as belonging only in the realm of religion and what I have written here as an affront to paganism. "So sorry", but the empirical evidence of the validity of magick only serves to strengthen my own believes in the majesty and beauty of the Gods.The mechanics of nature and magick can be understood - and are MEANT to beunderstood!!! The HOW is not the WHY. And it is the WHY I worship, not the HOW.
Glossary Of Terms Commonly Used In Witchcraft This is the start of this Glossary, It will be expanded greatlyin the near future. AKASHA- the spiritual ether (or Aether); the omnipresent fifth occult element which embraces the other four- earth, air, fire, and water; and from which they stem. This is the realm of "pattern" or causality, from which the realm the normally thought of "five senses manifests. Some define it is the "other" of the "two worlds" that the witch or magician walks between. AMULET- a magickally charged object used for a specific purpose, usually protective or attraction. ARADIA- Daughter of the Goddess Diana, and a name for the Goddess used by Italian Witches or Strega, commonly used in many Wiccan traditions today. ASPECTING- Any advanced magickal activity in which a practitioner manifests a particular aspect of the Goddess or God, in thought, feelings, behavior, appearance, etc.; Often as a direct result of a "Drawing Down". Often a minor variation of this phenomena occurs with the selection of a "Magical Name", of Craft Name. ASPECTS- Forms, facets, or personas of Deity: for example, Brighid, Iseult,Eos, and Kore are all aspects of the Maiden, and the Maiden is an aspect of the Goddess. ATHAME- (ah-THAM-ee) usually a black handled, double edged dagger. Principally used to cast and dissolve the circle, for which purposes it is interchangeable with the magic sword. A tool of the "Element" of Fire in the Georgian Tradition and some others. BALEFIRE- a fire lit for magickal purposes, usually outdoors. Balefires are tradional at Beltaine, Yule. and Midsummer. BELTANE- May Eve festival. One of the Ancient Celtic "Fire Festivals." on this night, the cattle were driven between two bonfires to protect them from disease. Couples wishing for fertility would " jump the fires" on Beltane night. Also the traditional Sabbath where the rule of the "Wheel of the Year" is returned to the Goddess. This Festival also marks the transition point of the threefold Goddess energies from those of Maiden to Mother. BESOM- a broom BOLLINE- a white handled knife, used in spellcraft and wiccan ritual for cutting herbs. contrast Athame and Black handled knife BOOK OF SHADOWS- Traditionally hand copied book of rituals, recipes, training techniques, guidelines, and other materials deemed important to a Witch or a coven. Each tradition has it's own standard version of the Book and each Witch's book will be different as he or she adds to it with time from many different sources. Only another Witch can see your book of shadows. Also, traditionally, it may never leave your hands or possession until death, when it should be destroyed, or (in some traditions) returned to the coven to be disposed of. BURNING TIMES- a term used by some Witches for the period of persecution in the Middle Ages and later. It is in fact a misnomer in some places, as Witches were only burned in Scotland, and on the continent of Europe. In England and the U.S., they were hanged. CANDLEMAS- Festival held on Feb. 1 or 2. One of the 4 Celtic "Fire Festivals. Commemorates the changing of the Goddess from the Crone to the Maiden. Celebrates the first signs of Spring. Also called "Imbolc" (the old Celtic name). This is the seasonal change where the first signs of spring and the return of the sun are noted, i.e. the first sprouting of leaves, the sprouting of the Crocus flowers etc. In other words, it is the festival commemorating the successful passing of winter and the beginning of the agricultural year.This Festival also marks the transition point of the threefold Goddess energies from those of Crone to Maiden. CARDINAL POINTS- North, South, East, and West, marked in the Georgian Tradition by candles of green, red, yellow, and blue, respectively. The Circle is drawn to connect these four points. CENSOR- An incense burner. Symbolizes the element of AIR. CHALICE- one of the tools of the Witch. Placed on the altar to represent the element of Water. CHARGE- to infuse and object (such as a stone) with energi. Charging is an act of Magick CHARGE OF THE GODDESS- The Traditional words of the Goddess to her followers, or "hidden children". Normally declaimed by the HPS at every coven Circle. CIRCLE- the area in which the magickal worship and spells takes place. Can also be used to designate a particular group of Witches or Pagans such as "Silver Acorn Circle". CONE OF POWER- power raised in the circle by the Witches assembled, and sent out into the world to work magick, is usually visualized as being retained and built in the form of a "cone" prior to release. COVEN- an organized group of Witches, led by a High priestess and/or a High Priest who meet regularly for worship and fellowship. The traditional membership is 13, but in fact most covens number considerably less. 3 is the minimum in the Georgian Tradition. In Middle English, "Covin" a group of confederates; In Old French "Covine" a band or group with a single purpose; Latin "Com"-together, "Venire"-to come or move. COVENSTEAD- regular meeting place for a coven. Usually the home of the High Priestess or High Priest. COWAN- a non-Witch. Formerly used in a very derogatory manner. Still used in Masonic Ritual to indicate the non initiate and/or pretender to "real craft". Not often used today among most Witches. COYOTE ENERGY- trickster energies. Named for the American Indian Trickster, Coyote, who tricks man into learning what he needs to learn. Applies to one who constantly jokes and clowns. Also applies to the concept of "Holy Fool" in many traditions. CROSS QUARTER DAYS- The modern name for the Celtic Fire Festivals of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lammas. DEOSIL- clockwise, or sunwise. Traditional direction for working "building" magick. DRAWING DOWN THE MOON- Ritual invocation of the spirit of the Goddess into the body of the High Priestess by the High Priest. DIVINATION- magical method of exploration or inquiry into a situation via such methods as Tarot cards, runestones, I- Ching, etc. DIVINE POWER- the life-force, the unmanifested, pure energy that is the Gods EARTH POWER- the natural energi found in herbsm rocks, nature. Compare to Personal Power ELEMENTS- Earth, air, fire, and water, plus spirit, which includes them all. These are regarded as realms or categories of nature (both material and non-material) and are not to be confused with the physicists table of elements, which the modern witch, of course, accepts. ESBAT- weekly or biweekly meeting of a coven. Traditionally held either on the full moon or the new moon. EVOCATION- Calling up either spirits, elementals, or Gods, that their energi might be used in magick or ritual. Compare Invocation. FAMILIARS- Either a Witch's pet animal which has been trained to be a magickal helper, or an artificially created "elemental" which performs the same functions as the animal friend. GOD, THE- The male supreme spiritual entity who may go by many names, Cernunnos being the most common today. Originally, the God of the Hunt, was viewed as having antlers and cloven hoofs. Christianity made this God into their Satan. The Consort and EQUAL partner of the Goddess. GODDESS, THE- The female supreme spiritual entity who may go by many names, Isis, Diana, Brigit, and Luna being the most common today. All share the trait of being a multiple Goddess: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. These stages are determined by the phase of the moon. Consort and EQUAL partner of the God. GNOMES- an "entity" or "elemental" that dwells in the plane of Earth or is associated with the EARTH Element. GREAT RITE- The rite which is the main feature of the third degree initiation, and which is also laid down for certain festivals. It is sexual in nature, but may be `actual' (and private to the couples concerned) or symbolic, as the participants wish. HALLOWS- name used by some traditions for Samhain, or Halloween HANDFASTING- Wiccan equivalent of a wedding. It can be made legal if the Priestess and/or Priest are registered as clergy with the local authorities, or it may only be considered binding within the coven. HIGH PRIEST/ESS- Technically speaking, a Witch who has received the 3rd. degree initiation. More usually, the male and female leaders of a coven. IMBOLC- Celtic name for Candlemas. INVOCATION- The ritual "calling-in" of an entity (or energies) higher than human, either for communication with the caller through a medium or by visible manifestation or else to enter into a human body as in the Drawing Down the Moon. In some traditions, a Prayer. Compare Evocation. LAMMAS- August 1st. Witch Festival. The Old Celtic name for this festival is Lughnassadh. It is the Festival of the First Fruits, and is the first of the 3 harvests. This festival also marks the change of the Threefold Goddess energies from that of Mother to Crone. MAIDEN- An appointment held by one of the women of the coven. She is virtually the assistant High Priestess. This term is also the descriptive term used to describe the first of the aspects of the Threefold Goddess Energies (Maiden, Mother, and Crone). It is traditionally associated with the Waxing Moon, and the period from Imbolc (Candlemas) to Beltane (May eve) where the energies are those of initiating, beginning, and creation. OLD RELIGION- another name for the Craft. PAGANING- Presentation of an infant to the Circle and to the Gods. PENTACLE- a disc shaped talisman; in particular, the disc which is inscribed with a pentagram, represents the earth element among the witch's working tools. PENTAGRAM- The five-pointed star. Usually, with a single point uppermost, it represents the human being. Inverted, with two points uppermost, it can have Satanist associations; but not necessarily. Some traditions of Witchcraft use the inverted pentagram to signify an initiate of the second degree or during binding spells. PERSONAL POWER- the energi which corresponds to our life force - Magick is ofter the use/movement of this energi in a planned way to achieve a desired goal. QUARTERS- The North, East, South, and West parts of a magickal circle or other ritual area. (See also "Watchtowers") REDE- rule or law. SABBAT- one of the Eight festivals or high holy days of Wicca. SALAMANDER- an entity that dwells in the realm of Fire. SAMHAIN- The festival of remembrance for the dead, held on the eve of Nov. 1st. It is the last of the three harvests. This festival also marks the transition of rulership of the "Wheel of the Year from that of the Goddess to that of the God. SCRYING- divination, usually using such methods as crystal gazing, or divination via incense smoke, or water as opposed to tarot or other manipulative means. SPELL- a prayer, or verbal direction of magickal energies toward the accomplishment of some goal. SUMMONER- The male officer of the coven who corresponds to the Maiden. He is the assistant High Priest. SYLPH- an "entity" or "elemental" that dwells in the plane of Air or is associated with the AIR Element. TRADITIONS- any of the various "sects" of Wicca or witchcraft such as Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Georgian, Seax, etc. UNDINE- an "entity" or "elemental" that dwells in the plane of Water or is associated with the WATER Element. WAND- A rod or staff that is prepared so that it may be used for magickal or psychic purposes, usually to project some form of power. WARLOCK- a term coined in the Burning Times. It was used to denote a traitor to the Craft, or one who had betrayed the followers of the Old Religion. It's origin is Scottish. Because of the negative connotations, it is not used by most Wiccans or witches today. WATCH TOWERS- Originally from the Enochian branch of Ceremonial Magick, now incorporated into many "Traditions" of Wicca, these are the four elemental "directions" or "quarters" (corresponding to the appropriate points on the compass) called to protect the Circle during its establishment. Each of them have a correspondence between the compass point, an element, and (varying amongst different traditions) color associated with them. WICCA- the Pagan Religion consisting of the use of magick in a ritual means. It comes from the Anglo-Saxon word Wic, meaning to bend or to shape. Correctly: Male- Wicca; Female- Wicce WITCH: A person who utilizes Magick on a regular bases, usually utilizing personal power as compared to "borrowing" that of a God/dess. A Witch may or may not be Wiccan. WITCHCRAFT- the use of energi to accomplish a desired goal. WIDDERSHINS- counter clock wise. Used for "tearing down" OR BANISHING magick. WHITE HANDLED KNIFE- the working knife of a Witch. It is used to carve candles, and for fashioning the other tools. Traditionally, it can only be used in a Circle.


THE LAWS OF MAGICK This section contains 2 versions what could only be called the Laws of Magick. The first is by P.E.I. Bonewits, ; "Real Magic"; Creative Arts Book Company 1979. His URL is http://www.pagansonline.com/~bonewits/ As for the second version, I don't know who it is by, but if anyone can fill me in, I'll be happy to give credit. Law of Knowledge understanding brings control;the more that is known about a phenomenon, the easier it is to exercise controlover it. Law of Self Knowledge the most important kind of knowledge is about oneself; a magician must be familiar with her or his own strengths and weaknesses. Law of Names knowing the complete and true name of an object,being or process gives one control over it. Law of Words of Power there exist certain words that are able to alter the internal and external realities of those uttering them, and their power may rest in the very sounds of the words as much in their meanings. Law of Association if any two or more patterns have elements in common, the patterns interact "through" those common elements and the control of one pattern facilitates control over the other(s), depending (among other factors) upon the number of common elements involved. Law of Similarity effects are liable to have one or more outward physical or inward mental appearances similar to one or more of said appearances of their causes. Law of Contagion objects or beings in physical or psychic contact with each other, continue to interact after spacial or temporal separation. Law of Identification it is possible through maximum association of the elements of one's own metapattern and those of another beings to actually become that being, at least to the point of sharing it's knowledge and wielding it's power. Law of Synthesis the synthesis of two or more "opposing" patterns of data will produce a new pattern that will be"truer" than either of the first ones. Law of Polarity any pattern of data can be split into at least two patterns with "opposing" characteristics, and each will contain the essence of the other within itself. Law of Balance if you wish to survive, let alone become powerful, you must keep all aspects of your universe inbalance. Law of Infinite Data the number of things or phenomena to beknown is infinite and one will never run out of things to learn. Law of Finite Senses every sense mechanism of every entity is limited by both range and type of data perceived, and many real phenomena exist which may be outside the sensory scanning ability of any given entity. Law of Pragmatism if a pattern of belief or behavior enables a being to survive and to accomplish chosen goals, than that belief or behavior is "true", "realistic", and/or "sensible". Law of Infinite Universes the total number of universes into which all possible combinations of existing phenomena could be organized is infinite. Law of True Falsehoods it is possible for a concept or act to violate the truth patterns of a given personal universe (including a single persons part of a consensus reality) and yet still be "true" provided it "works" in a specific situation. Law of Personification any phenomena may be considered to be alive and to have a personality, and may be effectively dealt with as such. Law of Invocation it is possible to establish internal communications with entities from either inside or outside of oneself, said entities seeming to be inside of oneself during the communications process. Law of Evocation it is possible to establish external communications with entities from either inside or outside of oneself, said entities seeming to be outside of oneself during the communications process. Law of Synchroncity two or more events happening at the "same"time are likely to have more in common than the merely temporal. Law of Unity every phenomena in existence at any point in space or time is liked, directly or indirectly, to every otherone. Law of Perversity if anything can go wrong, it will in the most annoying way possible. 1. Law of Knowledge: to effect/affect a thing you must know the thing. The more you know about yourself the more you can know something else. 2. Law of Identification: with your will you can become anything- be one with anything. (Our only tool is the brain) 3. Law of Contagion: anything that has been in contact with something else maintains contact with that thing through the ether. 4. Law of Names knowing the True Name of something defines the action you take to focus a function on that thing. 5. Law of Cause and Effect: under exactly the same conditions using the same actions you will always obtain the same results. 6. Law of Infinite Data: there is more in the universe than we can sense or know. Learning never stops. 7. Law of Association: if a thing reminds you of something else it can be used as a simulacrum for that something else for magickal purposes. 8. Law of Infinite Universes: change your perspective in one area and you change your universe. There are always three choices available. 9. Law of Invocation and Evocation: there are forces outside and inside of you that you can tap and direct through your brain. 10. Law of Pragmatism: if it works, it is true. 11. Law of Predestination and Free Will: events are predestined, each person chooses whether and to what extent to participate in them. 12. Law of Polarity: everything contains and implies its opposite. COROLLARIES: a. As above so below. You can extrapolate the universe from one atom. b. Rhythm serves as a counterbalancing pendulum. c. "Chance" is a Law which tends to be ignored. d. "Time" is a function of perspective, subject to the aggregate psychological outlook of your society. e. Matter is a function of energy, energy can be converted but not destroyed. f. The combination of any two energy forms will result in a third energy form more complex that the combination of the original two. g. Even though there are always three choices available, you can always think of another one. And Choosing to do nothing is still a choice. h. There is no such thing as a wrong emotion, just an incorrect interpretation and manifestation thereof. i. Don't take yourself too seriously, you are a physical function of a very young race. And Life is a lowlife clever practical joker, that loves to piss on your plans - keep your sense of humor. j. It may not matter 10,000 years from now, but if it affects you it matters. Understand it and react accordingly. k. Don't pee in the beer.

Wicca is

Wicca is a deep appreciation and awe in watching the sunrise or sunset,the forest in the light of glowing moon,a meadow enchanted by the light of day. It is the morning dew on the petals of a beautifil flower, the gental caress of a warm summer breeze upon your skin, or the warmth of the summer sun on your face. Wicca is the fall of colorful autumn leaves, and the softness of winter snow. It is light, and shadow and all that lies in between. It is the song of the birds and other creatures of the wild. It is being in the presence of Mother Earths nature and being humbled in reverence. When we are in the temple of the Lord and Lady, we are not prone to the arrogance of human technology as they touch our souls. TO be a Witch is to be a healer, a teacher, a seeker, a giver, and a protector of all things. blessed be, ~~~Anon~~~

The Gift

Maybe the Gods/Goddesses want us to meet a few wrong people before we meet the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift. When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we spend so much time looking at the closed door to notice the one which has been opened for us. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you’ve ever had. It’s true that we don’t know what we’ve got until we lose it, but it’s also true that we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it arrives. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they’ll love you back! Don’t expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart, but if it doesn’t, be content that it grew in yours. It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. There are moments in life you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy. Always put yourself in others’ shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person too. The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything they have. Happiness lives for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you’re the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying. Please send this message to those people who mean something to you, to those who have touched your life in one way or another, to those who make you smile when you really need it, to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down, to those who you want to let them know that you appreciate their friendship. And if you don’t, don’t worry, nothing bad will happen to you, you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone’s day with this message.
Excellent Witchvox Essay By Author: Firewolf Posted: October 8th. 2006 Today, we live in a country in which we, as followers of the Old Religion, prosper and grow at enormous rates. Our religion and craft grow larger every day, and as a result of this rapid and seemingly unchecked growth, it appears that more misunderstandings are created through the dilution of misguided practioners and teachers of the craft. As Witches, we seem to have forgotten the true meaning of the Old Ways. We cast our circles and perform our rites, yet in many societies throughout our nation, the true meaning of the Old Ways is diluted and depleted as each day goes by. Of course, this is not addressed to those who strive to fix the misconceptions, but to those important societies and organizations who are supposed to represent us, yet portray us in a negative, if not egocentric, manner. There seem to be many of us arguing over whether so-and-so’s tradition is wrong, historically genuine, or works the best. They frown on those whose blood and tears granted us the rights we have today, because of their arrogance and ignorance. We seem to have forgotten why we are here and that we are all connected to each other in the universal web of life. In a manner, we have forgotten that the point is to revive the Old Ways and not suppress them. Modern Wicca and Witchcraft is not an ancient religion; it is a revival of old pagan ways and worship. To improve the understanding of the Old Religion, and to keep its antiquity, we must stand against the misconceptions, which most either don’t believe exist or to which they turn a blind eye, and educate those who are willing to listen. Compassion is the key to the Witches' Magick. The ability to understand and relate to those who suffer, and to project kindness and healing to those around us, is what true Witchcraft embodies. We stand hand in hand in our circles, but allow our egos to overcome us at times and drive us to judge those whom we feel to be our inferiors. In the ways of the Old Religion, there is no superior or inferior. We are physically and emotionally very different, and yet we are still the same, and we must learn to nurture the diversity each human being has to offer. In the process of accepting and respecting other's diversity, we may learn something and place it in our own lives to act as a catalyst for growth and magick. We must all strive to show the compassion and love of the Gods in everything we do, for love is the true key to the mysteries of the Goddess. Now we come to those who seem to be compassionate, and yet who, in the end, suffer from hardship and disrespect. Sovereignty is the Crown of the Witch—it is the ability to project compassion while keeping a positive sense of self-control that grows and prospers. In my day, I have met many “weak” people who cling to magick and spells as a resolution for everything wrong in their lives. We as witches must take responsibility for this major misconception. We must once again have the sovereignty to educate those who have been guided onto this path of ignorance. Within all communities there will always be differences and disagreements, but do we want the future generation of Witches to see us as arrogant, pompous, self-absorbed Priests and Priestess, looking for a way to control others? Especially when, in reality, those who seem to control others are those who have no control over themselves? We must learn to balance our egos—not to suppress them--for they are of our nature, but to balance them and understand ourselves. Knowing ourselves creates the energy for us to grow and become better and healthier people. We must take a stand, turn the protesting signs around, and look at what we are becoming. We are becoming what we hate: those self-righteous people who are absorbed with in their own life but who judge the lives and spiritual progression of others. When I say “we must take a stand, ” I mean in our own personal lives. We must learn and educate ourselves so that, one day, our world will be more tolerant if not more understanding. And we must change ourselves to become more tolerant and understanding of the things around us as well. We need to stop hiding behind these masks of weakness, arrogance, and blame, and stand up for ourselves, and for the Gods our Ancestors so dearly treasured. The Gods, above and below, teach us to love, to dance, and sing in their honor…and it seems we have forgotten that. Bless those who fight, honor those who have died, and show compassion to those in need. We need to ask ourselves, “What makes a Witch?” Is it lineage, age, tradition, degree…? A true Witch strives to balance his or her own life, to bring about a better connection with the Divine. Our Ancestors knew this, and yet it seems as though we are on a path which causes us to forget. And in the end of all ends, what does it matter what your lineage is, or who you were initiated by? All that matters is who you are as a person and as a follower of the Old Religion, and what is in the deepest places of your heart. Look inside and ask yourself: are you a Witch? Are you, right now, striving to build a better connection and understand the Powers that be? If yes, then you are on the true path of our Goddess. If no, don’t give up; learn to bring about change and make a stand in your life for the better. We need to stand in our circles of magick and connect with those around us and become channels of love and magick for the world to see. We must learn to Honor those who teach, bless those who are willing to learn, love all of the Old Ways, not what we pick and choose to love, and to draw the magick of Sovereignty and Compassion into our lives and use them as tools of magick and knowledge. We have no right to judge, for in the Old Ways, there is no judgment—only love and understanding! In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust! RIPPED FROM VICTORIA http://www.lostcherry.com/blog/10874
Everyone is psychic. Some people are more so than others and every one of us possesses this ability. You do. I do. And we can further develop, train, and direct, what we already possess . . . expand our psychic potential until every measure of our lives is vastly improved. Psychic abilities are practical and usable. This is true because psychic abilities are merely extensions of faculties normal to us. For instance, clairvoyance extends the ability to see, clairaudience extends the ability to hear, telepathy - the ability to communicate, precognition - our sensing faculties, deja vu - past memory recall. Every psychic ability you've ever heard of is but an enhanced version of what is normal and typical for each member of the human race. What does it take to extend our faculties? First and foremost, a positive attitude and the ability to relax and imagine and trust. Faculty extensions (what most people refer to as "psychic abilities) allow us to access multiple layers of information, and sometimes simultaneously. And they enable us to reach that wellspring of inner knowingness which resides in the deeper depths of our being. Our intent, that directive force of our attitudes and beliefs, determines the type of results we can achieve once we accept our psychic potential and begin the process of developing this inner resource. As with any other talent, practice makes perfect - use establishes value. You may notice that the process of extending faculties normal to you has a special "feel" to it. This feeling signals the coming together of your head and your heart. When the energy of head and heart join and function as one unit, all aspects of yourself unite as if teammates working for the same goal. Amazing things occur when this happens. You become healthier, happier, more loving and patient, wiser; and you attract more friends and exciting opportunities. Literally, to be alive, truly alive, is to be psychic. Developing your innate psychic abilities is one of the best investments you can make in creating a better future for yourself. The fact that you are reading this tells me you are ready to take this positive step forward. So let's begin - right now! What follows are the four basics necessary to improve and expand your psychic potential. They are: a positive attitude, the ability to relax, imagine, and trust. Simple explanations and easy exercises are provided. A POSITIVE ATTITUDE: Research has consistently shown that a positive state of mind automatically increases your psychic abilities. The more positive and enthusiastic you are, the more your faculties will stretch beyond any limitations you may have thought you had. Negative thinking or excessive skepticism (some skepticism is desirable), will impede this process or block it altogether. To insure that you remain in a positive frame of mind, read uplifting and inspirational literature, at least a few pages, each morning before you go to work or begin your day's activities. This starts you out on the right foot, and helps you to maintain a sense of objectivity as the day progresses. Also use affirmations. Post them at eye level in your home; an especially good place is around or on your bathroom mirror. Make certain your affirmations can readily be seen, and that includes in your car and at work. Most bookstores and gift shops sell a broad range of such eye-catchers, or you can make your own. Try affirmations such as these: "Every day and in every way, I am getting better and better; I am becoming more and more." - "I am peace. I am love. I am joy." - "Health and wealth are my birthright, success my tool, kindness my standard." - "I am beautiful and loved RIGHT NOW, for I accept and express the goodness which resides within me." By noticing affirmations like these posted throughout your environment, your spirits will perk up; smiles will replace frowns. Incredible as it may seem, what you affirm on a regular basis often manifests in your life. THE ABILITY TO RELAX: The more thoroughly you can relax while remaining consciously alert, the quicker you can unleash your heart's ability to feel and your mind's ability to create - hence, your psychic potential. Relaxation alters your state of consciousness. The deeper the relaxation, the more benefits you receive. As your brain decreases the speed of its brain waves, breathing slows from the normal twelve breaths per minute to about six, for the average person. When this happens your body uses less oxygen, thus enabling your metabolic rate to lower. The result? Tension and stress melt away. Cellular repair and new growth accelerate, as your body uses this opportunity to rid itself of toxins. Relaxation also fosters patience and understanding. It gives you the "time out" you need to wind down from the day's many activities and switch into "neutral" - that wonderful, non-judgmental state where all things are possible, and you can feel good about yourself. Here's a way to relax that is quite effective: - Sit in a comfortable chair, with both feet flat on the floor, legs parallel to each other, spine straight. Your head will automatically balance itself on your neck, as if cradled by your spine, thus a head rest on the chair is unnecessary. Shoulders and arms simply hang loose, as your hands lie effortlessly atop your legs - or to one side. Eyes are closed. - Breathe slowly and deeply, allowing your abdomen to fill to capacity with air. Establish a breathing rhythm. With each inhalation affirm that you are protected and whole, and that all is well. With each exhalation, affirm that all tension and stress, problems and concerns, are released. - Move your consciousness to each area of your body, one section at a time, beginning with your feet and ankles. In your mind's eye, envision your feet and ankles at peace and completely resting. - Continue to move your consciousness, this time to the area of your lower legs, knees, upper legs, and hips - relaxing each member as you do. Affirm complete and total peace for all. - Now travel in consciousness to the trunk of your body, its many organs and functions. In your mind's eye, focus on each section as you affirm the reality of its perfect peace, perfect rest. - Next, become aware of your chest, back, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, and hands. Clearly focus on each member, knowing that it is resting and at peace. - Your neck, head, face, and brain are now totally relaxed as well. Know that this is so. Feel it. Affirm the peace that you are. - While you drift in the joy of being completely relaxed, be aware that at some special spot within you is located your center - the very center of your being. Move your consciousness to that spot. Go there now. You know your center. You recognize the place. It is that part of you still connected to the purity that is the oneness of all creation. Your center is a place of radiance, of perfect love, perfect joy, perfect peace, perfect knowing. Just be there. Be in your center, safe and warm, secure in the knowledge that you are wonderful, and that you have the right to be who you are. For you are an expression of the God/dess's blessings, part of The Great Spirit and A Greater Plan for All Creation. When it feels right to leave your center and return to full conscious awareness, do so slowly, in steps, knowing that at the count of three you will be wide awake and ready to resume your day. Counting one... affirm that every part of your being is healed and whole. Counting two... feel surges of energy refreshing and reinvigorating your body. And counting three... eyes open; you are alert, joyful and happy. THE ABILITY TO IMAGINE: The faculty of imagination is just as important to your health and well being as any other faculty you possess. Your imagination enables you to visualize possibilities, to act out in your mind and rehearse before you physically perform any given task. Athletes use this ability to great advantage, for it enables them to practice and prepare, over and over again, before they ever move a muscle or take a step. Artists of any kind also find this ability invaluable, since it is on the "canvas" of their imaginations that they initially splash their "paint" and explore the mystery of form. In science and in math, the imaginative faculty is what often proves to be the final connecting link, enabling problems to be solved that were formerly unsolvable. Einstein fully credits his imagination with producing the actual formula of E equals MC squared - the theory of relativity - that revolutionized the entire world of rational thought and scientific inquiry. To exercise this incredible storehouse of invention and fun, create fanciful daydreams for yourself. Let your mind run wild. Don't try to make sense of anything. Just play. Pretend you are a child again, and see how creative you can be. Daydreaming helps you to visualize storylines. To hone this ability, to discipline the imaginative process, train yourself to visualize carefully and in great detail. For example, place an apple on the table in front of you. Look at the apple. Note its contours, blemishes, features. Now close your eyes. Can you still see the apple? Does it look like it did when your eyes were open? Are there differences? Open your eyes and compare the real apple with the apple you saw in your mind's eye. Try again. Practice holding the image inside your head, until what exists in your imagination exactly matches what exists on the table in front of you. Practice with other items; even walk through unfamiliar environments, using the same technique, until you can visualize in your mind what you see with your eyes - with the same exact detail. Eventually your mind will catch on, and you will be able to imagine anything you want without ever having physically seen the item first. Expand this ability to include smell, taste, sounds, textures, and feelings. The better you can imagine the more psychic you can become. It all begins with the innocence of belief and the child-like desire to play. TRUST: The root word of "psychic" means "soul." Thus, psychic abilities are really soul abilities. The "gifts of spirit" you hear so much about are no different than psychic abilities. These gifts and talents differ only in the label you apply to them, in how they are used, and what for. Because it is so easy for thoughts of greed and selfishness to distort such gifts and talents, it is wise for all of us to remember this simple truth - we are not the author of the greatness which exists within us. The power of our being, the gifts and talents we possess, are merely on loan from The One Power, The Creator of All Things, the God/dess within who doeth the work. Give the credit where it belongs. It has been said that "The God/dess can do no more for you than through you." This is true. We supply the "elbow grease," the initial effort. The rest unfolds in ways both magical and miraculous. That initial effort is based on our choice, our freedom to decide. As our free will is inviolate, so is everyone else's. No one has the right to interfere with or try to control the life of another. This is a universal law based on the sacredness of individual choice. The only person you can ever change is yourself. The only things you can ever really control are your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. Put your trust in the divinity of being and in your given right to improve yourself; strive to be all that you can be. You may want to investigate and learn various methods of how to meditate and pray affirmatively. Both skills are invaluable assets for a successful and satisfying life. WAYS TO USE YOUR PSYCHIC ABILITIES: Give yourself fifteen to twenty minutes each day to practice the techniques presented here. Pick a time of day and a particular place in your residence where you can be alone without being disturbed. If you live with other people, politely request that no one interrupt you during your special periods of silence. Unplug your phone. Turn off the radio and television set. Practice what you have learned thus far until your state of mind improves, and it is easier for you to relax, imagine, and feel comfortable with issues of trust and faith. After you have been doing this for awhile, test yourself. How quickly can you relax and still receive full benefit? Can you form clear images in your mind by simply deciding to, instantly? How confident are you of your ability to improve your life, to be all that you can be? Are you willing to trust your inner guidance? Are you willing to trust yourself? Are you willing to love yourself? Look in a mirror. See the eyes of perfection looking back. Say to your face in the mirror - "I love you. I appreciate you. I forgive you of any mistakes you have ever made. Today is a new day. The past is gone. I choose to begin anew, better, wiser, kinder than before. I choose the path of excellence because I am unlimited in how wonderful and productive and creative I can be. I treat others as I want to be treated. I respect the rights of others, and I choose to respect myself. I am grateful for my life, my health, and my intelligence." When you resume activities, after your period of silent relaxation, notice the objects around you. Allow your vision to slip lightly past the first object you see, almost as if you were beginning to see double. Do you see anything unusual? Look again. Eventually you will begin to notice a white misty band of energy around the object, usually an inch wide, some times wider. Scan the room you're in. If you are still relaxed, you may notice that everything in your room has this same band of light surrounding its surface. This is an aura. Everything that exists has an aura; people, animals, objects, plants, the land. That misty band of light you see is caused by the speed that in individual or object is vibrating, and by their temperature and degree of consciousness. Many times, especially around people, the aura will be colored and have designs in it, such as rays or spirals. Artists throughout history have painted auric bands around the heads of wise leaders and saints, as a way to depict holiness. But the fact is, everyone and every thing has an aura - some larger than others. To test this, invite a few walls that are white or lightly colored. Remove all decorations so you have a blank surface. Dim the lights. Have one person stand with his or her back to the wall, looking straight ahead. This person should take a few deep, quick breaths to increase air capacity, and relax, empty of thought or expectation. The other people should stand at least half-a-room away from the person in front of the wall. When looking, allow your gaze to slip slightly past the individual, as if you are seeing double. Does an aura appear? Most people will see a white glow around the individual almost immediately. Some will see colors. Others will see designs in the colors. Have the individual in front of the wall move his or her consciousness to the left, then right, then high up near the ceiling. (This is done by the person deciding to; thinking makes it so.) Does that person's aura change location as his or her consciousness moves around? Most people will see this, especially after practicing for awhile. Don't try too hard, though, as too much effort actually blocks your ability to see an aura. Once you are able to see auras in dim light, you can begin to train yourself to see them in full light. Tell yourself you can do it and you can. Trust the process. It works. Find books about auras and read what is known about possible meanings to the colors and designs. Each color or hue seems to be reflective of how an individual feels, including moods and basic personality. Large, expansive auras of bright, clear colors are usually found around people with a lot of strength and charisma, and who are healthy. Training yourself to see auras can be a beneficial extra, especially if you are in the healing profession or work in sales and promotion. Open your hands, bend your fingers somewhat, and bring both of your hands together, stopping just before the fingers of both hands touch each other. Relax, and blank your mind of thought. Can you feel anything between the palms of your hands? Is there any heat or energy movement pre sent between your finger tips? If you feel nothing, rub your hands together rapidly until you create some static electricity. Now, repeat the exercise. Bring your hands and fingers almost together, but not quite. Do you feel anything this time? Most people will feel something akin to a body of energy or a presence between the hands and fingers. Some recognize that this energy or presence is elastic, and that they can stretch it as they slowly move their hands further apart. The body of energy you feel is the power of your auric field. You can see the aura, as in the exercise you did before this; or you can touch it, in this simple hand demonstration. While you're looking for books on the aura, search also for books on healing hands, touch for health, or working within the auric field. Once you train yourself to sense and see this energy, there is no limit to what you can accomplish once you put the skill to use. For instance, staying about three inches away from a person's body, you can glide your open hands through the air around that person, moving down the body to relax the individual, and moving up the body to energize the individual, until you have massaged the entire auric field of the person involved. Historically, this kind of sharing, of helping another to feel more comfortable and cared for, was reserved only for religious or spiritual rituals, and practiced during services dedicated to healing. Now this type of knowledge is universal, and anyone who wishes to can practice the skill. The effectiveness of this gentle technique is incredible! When distraught, confused, or nervous, use the relaxation technique given earlier (when you put your consciousness in your center). This time, once you have aligned yourself with your center, remain there for awhile, affirming and knowing that Divine Order is in effect, that you will be guided to take the right step and do the right thing that is the most appropriate for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned, when full consciousness returns. This is all you need to affirm. Be in your center, that place of perfection and wholeness. Relax and be. Invariably, once you are alert again, you will be guided or inspired in a positive way and any confusion you once had will either lessen or disappear. Train yourself to reach your center without much effort. A few deep breaths should be enough to free your mind from its present state, and take you there. Relaxation is the key. Intent is what makes it happen. I knew a man who built his entire house using this technique. Knowing basic construction methods and with a few how-to books handy, this is what he did - each time he needed advice, he would clearly and in detail outline his problem within his mind's eye, and propose a question. Then he would sit down, take a few deep breaths, relax, blank his mind, and align his consciousness with the center of his being. His, yours, mine; everyone's center is THE CENTER OF ALL KNOWINGNESS, all power, all wisdom, all perfection. And we can go there whenever we need aid or advice or assistance at any time, no matter where we are. When this man returned to his wide awake, alert state, he took the first thing that popped in his mind and actually did it. His finished house is one of the most ingenious dwellings I have seen, a tribute to the power we all have within us, if we would but tap into that wellspring of knowing within us and discipline ourselves in how to access what is there. One way to clear your residence and your body of any distracting energies or unwanted spirit forms is the following: relax fully and in your mind's eye imagine a giant circular disc. This disc is radiantly powerful, unbreakable, and functions as if a screen or sieve. Envision that this huge radiant disc is located in the ground below your residence, and that it is large enough to fully encompass your entire property. Now, slowly lift this disc with your mind (you do it by deciding to); silently tell it to lift. As it does, see and know that all discordant and distracting energies are caught in its sieve-like screen, and are removed from your environment and from your body. Continue to see the disc lift higher and higher, until it has passed through your residence, your body, all objects, air space, walls, floors and ceilings, until it dissolves in the upper stratosphere, leaving no trace of any essence, spirit-form, or substance caught in it. Your environment is now clean and cleansed, and so are you. If you feel the need, repeat this exercise two more times. Open a few windows to let the air circulate freely. Place a house plant or bouquet of flowers in a central location to add that final touch of freshness and beauty. The circular disc technique is an example of using creative storylines (like when you practiced how to daydream), that can have an immediate and positive impact on your life. Another example of this is when you are about to have surgery. In a relaxed state, prepare your body for what is about to happen. Envision all parts of your body, each cell, listening to you and paying attention. Explain the surgery in detail, illustrating in your mind's eye that only what medication is needed will be utilized, and anything else will be immediately flushed out of your system. Show your body how appropriate this surgery is, and how much better it will be able to perform once it has healed. Affirm Divine Order, that all medical personnel will accomplish their tasks ably and efficiently and without difficulty. When the surgery is over, rehearse any movement you might make in your mind first, and in detail, before you actually do it. Rolling over, sitting up, going to the bathroom, eating, bathing, whatever. During your psychic rehearsals, affirm and know that as each movement and task is made, there will be little or no pain and you will be able to accomplish that movement without risk or problem. Make no exceptions. Practice in your mind's eye before you do anything, all the while imagining a speedy and safe recovery. In most cases, a technique like this will bring about stunning successes and incredibly rapid healing. Surprise your doctor, try it! Thank you for reading this and for taking the time to do what was suggested. Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you use your psychic abilities, the broader their range and the greater your accuracy. RIPPED FROM VICTORIA http://www.lostcherry.com/blog/12571/36991

So You Wanna Be A Witch...

I hear alot of people on the NET asking about "credible sources" and "what books should I read" and "how do I become a witch". Pretty much I have been answering everyone the same. Different interpretations will continue to abound both in written materials and in any teachings that you may encounter. There will NEVER be only One Way of practicing Witchcraft. Get used to it. No one has the "one true answer"...and any teacher, High Priest or Priestess worth his or her salt will tell you this up front. If they don't - RUN FAST!!!

1) Learn to ask SPECIFIC questions of other Witches or Pagans when you need help. And ask yourself some questions, too. "What do I think Witchcraft is? What do I find here that has meaning for me?"

2) Tell the truth. Can seasoned Witches tell if someone is "full of it"? Yes, they can and rather quickly, too! Be honest about what you know and what you don't.

3) Learn something every day, no matter how insignificant or profound. Read as many books as you can on History, Myths, Poetry, Psychology and Science as well as books on Witchcraft or Magick.

4) THINK... ponder... reflect. No one else can or will learn the lessons for which you have chosen this life. YOU are your own teacher and healer. This is your life. Live it well.

5) Witchcraft is NOT the ultimate anwser. It is NOT a easy trip to power. It is NOT a head game without responsibilities. If you are looking something along these lines you are probably wasting your time and that of others. If you ARE interested in learning about yourself, about nature, and the spirituality inherent in the Multiverse, then you ARE on the right track.

"Approach all diety and religious
practices with reverence, integrity, and sincere intent and I
believe you will find sacredness."


The Buddha on Belief
from the Kalama Sutta

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men. Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all. Then accept it and live up to it."

The above (although I edited it rather heavily) and more can be found at The Witches' Voice. Everything you need to know is in your self, but The Witches' Voice is a good place to start. Another GREAT site is Gwenivere's The Enchanted World of Whtwicca.

Here is a reading list that I hope will be helpful, but try to read everything that you can get your hands on. As for the Scott Cunningham books, they have gotten a bad rep as being sugary sweet. Well, this IS a Beginner's list of books. I say let them enjoy their innocence. They just need to know at this stage that for every Yin, there is a Yang.

Margot Adler "Drawing Down the Moon "

Scott Cunningham "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner "

Scott Cunningham "Wicca: A Further Guide For the Solitary Practitioner "

"The Farmers Almanac" (A great book for following the phases of the moon)

May the Goddess and God guide you in your path.

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