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Shadowwolf's blog: "Ramblings"

created on 11/08/2007  |  http://fubar.com/ramblings/b151933

Sooner or later....

People seem to forget that I have two main problems with lots of people or even crowds. 1. Too many people. 2. Too much fucking noise. Now, there is a lot to be said for peace and quiet, and I can even see why some have been driven to kill to achieve that state of existence. For me, that place that I can at least minimize the noise is my room. And you know the house is too hectic when I am followed into the room by shadow. Today is one of those days that I really have a hard time dealing with. One more person in the household that seems to go out of his way to keep Cassie squealing and screaming. Okay, so he is playing, and since I am the only one that is getting upset by it, I will make a tactical withdrawal from the area where this noise is occurring. Unfortunately, I can see myself isolating more in order to prevent any explosive outburst of temper. The temptation to skip my fourth meal in a row is coming on strong. I would rather be hungry than dealing with excessive noise. The worse thing is that I have already hit my daily limit of the anxiety meds, and they aint helped in the least. My nerves are on edge, and I have really got the isolation bug going full blast.
Let me say, for the record, I was spanked. I am not abusive of women, children, or animals. I have tendency to think twice before I do something, especially when it might break one of Mom's rules. Yes, I am an adult, but when you think about it, Mom and Dad's rules stick with us for our entire lives. I was spanked for misbehavior, usually involving totally ignoring a parent, acting up in a store (the infamous "can I have 'x'") hitting my baby sister, refusing to go to bed at the proper time, and last but not least, back talking a parent. I grew up in the sixties, mom carried a thin leather belt when we went out shopping, wore it around her neck. She had no qualms about using it in public either, and strangely enough, she was never accused of child abuse. In fact, she was often complimented on how well behaved we were. There were no such things as time outs, it went from first warning to whipping, and rarely did we have to go past first warning. Today, I see kids acting in ways that would have gotten my backside spanked so bad my great great great grandkids would be born feeling the swats! Somewhere something has changed, and personally, I think it was that guy Dr. Spock. To quote Dr. Spock's website: "What spanking really teaches Spanking teaches children that the larger, stronger person has the power to get his way, whether or not he is in the right. Some spanked children then feel quite justified in beating up on smaller ones. The American tradition of spanking may be one reason that there is much more violence in our country than in any other comparable nation." That is complete and utter nonsense. This country has a higher rate of violence for a great many reasons, but spanking is not one of them. You want reasons there is violence in the US? Look at racism, class division by income, living environment (neighborhoods, not homes), what we call entertainment, and just the simple fact that many Americans find it easy to hate. Funny thing, those of us who grew up in households where spanking was part of the disciplinary action we could expect, have grown up pretty well balanced. People who grew up where they had nothing to worry about if they misbehaved cant say the same thing. And people wonder why I am looking for a poster that says, "Now I know why some animals eat their young."

Cliche' movie plot tools

Look, I love a good movie, but it really gets annoying when the writers cannot come up with something original. First, lets address horror movies. 1) Flesh eating monster running around, girl sees monster, monster sees girl, girl goes inside, runs upstairs to a room with no other way in or out. Monster has girlsnack. Look this has been used since the first monster movies. It has been done to death in the slasher movies. Come on, how bout girl runs into room with balcony AND weapon of some kind, girl uses weapon, slows down monster/slasher, goes out on balcony, climbs lattice work to roof. 2) Boy and girl making out in back seat of car. Slasher/Monster comes up, promptly kills them both. This happens because one of the two people stand there like idiots screaming, usually the girl. And since the 'thing' usually pulls boy out of car, why the hell cant she get in the driver's seat and take off like a bat outa hell? 3) Boy and girl having sex in bed. Dont hear or see 'thing' about to kill both of them, OR, fail to notice that there is something under the bed making noise until big steak knife gets pushed through both people. There are a bunch more, feel free to add them in comments. Now War Movies. 1) The good bye to girl at airport/bus/train station. Girlfriend/wife cries, boyfriend promises to come home.. (he wont, he gets killed in first action) hugs and kisses, barely makes it before transport leaves. 2) Combat scene. Clean cut kid always gets killed, bad egg turns over new leaf. 3) Hero saves platoon, takes bullet, dies as he walks back to buddies. 4) Pilots always seem to 'almost' get out of burning plane. Pilots who do get out are badly maimed, or end up as prisoners, or go back to girl they met and give philosophical discussion of war. 5) WW2 submarine movies. That stupid ping...ping. Half the time, no ping until they had heard something, then they come in and ping and drop depth charges. This is why there is the command "SILENT RUNNING" so the other guy dont hear you. 6) Same genre, some guy always goes nuts during depth charge attack. 7) Sub is so badly damaged it should have sunk, but somehow crew manage to save her and bring her back to harbor. Give me a break, flooding in four compartments? Batteries low? Silent running, but you turn on the pumps and bad guys DONT hear it? Bull sh*t! sound carries further UNDER water than in air. 8) Inconsistency... You see one version of vehicle in one shot, another version in another shot, OR, they use the wrong thing completely. Look Hollywood. It may not have occurred to you morons yet, but there is still a hell of a lot of military hard war from WW2, including fleet subs, two operation type VII Uboats, a large number of pt boats, aircraft, and other items. As far as capital ships go, Plenty of WW2 color combat and war bond footage, use it, then cgi the characters into the picture. Love Stories Simple, there is no way any of these so called romantic movies would play out the way Hollywood scripts it. SCI FI: Look, humanity is not going to change into a logical peace loving race in the next three centuries. So, Hollywood, when Human space ship meets alien space ship, human captain say, "it looks hostile, lets fuck with it." You will not find a crewman who is gonna go chase down the ship's cat when there is an acid bleeding monster on board. Sling shot orbits cannot be figured on the fly. There is NO shockwave in space... simply because it is a near perfect vacume! Also, no sound in space, see reason above. You cannot blow up an asteroid with a nuke. THE SPACE SHUTTLE IS DESIGNED TO NOT BE PUNCTURED BY MICRO METEORS! You think a ship going to mars will not be? Come on, think for once. If they gonna skimp to save money, it wont be in sheilding... would probably be in something like bedding, lights, entertainment. Finally, while sex in space is going to happen, it is not going to happen with the frequency the writers seem to think it will. Sleep, work, etc has priority over sex. As far as parts of the female anatomy not moving in zero gee.... look with the large breasted women you insist on putting in these movies, those breasts will move according to the laws of inertia, i.e. "What is in motion remains in motion."

A letter for the dead

Well, Mr. Roosevelt, you were partially right. Unfortunately, today people are too busy to care, and they are too concerned with the September 11, 2001 attacks. In other words sir, all those boys still inside the Arizona have pretty much been forgotten. You see, Mr. President, the Americans of today could care less about the fact that in 1941, so many men died. Patriotism is reserved only for the men and women who are currently serving in Iraq. It surely does not help that every evening we have a real time update on the number of our men and women killed. To be honest, I would say that the average American probably couldnt tell you what happened at pearl harbor, or even where it is. Mr. Roosevelt, tell those boys who stand with you now, that some of us do remember that day. Sincerely, Spc. 4, J. L. Franklin


Many familiar tunes we have all heard have their origins in some of the strangest places, and even stranger is the uses they have today. Take Amazing Grace, the music the words are sung to is a very old Irish or Scot bagpipe tune, the words were written in 1772 by a slave in England. And, if you are curious as to why the song is played at military funerals, or the funerals of fallen firefighters and police officers, it is very simple. Early in United States history, the majority of our firefighters, policemen, and soldiers were from Scotland and Ireland, a tradition that still holds true in many of our northeastern states. Oh Shenandoah, believe it or not dealt with the life of an indentured servant, usually a period of seven years. During the civil war, southern soldiers from the region took to singing the song as a way to remember home. Oh, and "when johnny comes marching home" was started in the south, in the early part of the war of northern aggression, when the rebs were kicking yankee butt, i.e both bull runs, fredricksburgh, and other places. There is Gary Owen, the air of the 7th Cav (Custer's Outfit) which is an old irish drinking song. Funny thing is that one of the versions deals with the dance of gary owen, referring to a man being hung. Yet the song is a favorite among the military, as well as some flag and drill teams in high school and college. As a regimental air, it began with the 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers, who were garrisoned in Limerick and was played throughout the Napoleonic War, becoming the regimental march of the 18th Foot (The Royal Irish Regiment.) But there is one piece of music that few will know, except for the British fubarians. It is March of the Men of Harlech, the regimental march of the The South Wales Borderers, aka the 24th foot. They epitomized British Military Honor at two places, one Isandhlwana, the other Rourke's Drift. To be quite honest in referencing this particular unit, and the only reason I have is that, in my humble opinion, they pretty much behaved like Texans. At Isandhlwana, they lost 540 dead, while at Rourke's Drift, one company of the 24th beat off repeated attacks by 4 to five thousand zulu warriors. Any way you look at it, this is something to be proud of.

Major Food Groups......

I dont care one damn bit what the medical people say are the major food groups, simply because they dont make sense. I mean, dairy, meat/fish, vegetables, grains.... that is so much BS. Its not really food groups that humans use, but more like 'vital nutrient list' that humans work on. And they change as the day goes on. Using myself for an example, I will explain what I mean. Morning/breakfast (have I ever mentioned I hate mornings) Nutrients needed immediately: Coffee, nicotine, and coffee, more coffee, nicotine. Environment: Very dark room, low sound levels, ZERO Perkiness exposure. Continued morning intake, coffee and nicotine on an as needed basis. Lunch: caffeine, nicotine, crackers sometimes something else, like smoked oysters or chili. Afternoon intake: caffeine, nicotine, and sometimes rolaids, depending on the amount of tiger sauce added to the oysters or chili. Dinner: Caffeine, meat, veggie, starch, nicotine. anti-crazy meds Evening intake: Caffeine and nicotine. overnight intake: periods of wakefulness requires ingestion of caffeine and nicotine. Now, doesnt that make more sense than this food group theory?
Lets begin with the english language. Bra, referred to in the singular, makes sense, it is one item, this is also true for shirts. HOWEVER! Pants, glasses, any kind of undergarment covering the crotch, shorts are all referred to as a pair, YET THEY ARE STILL ONLY ONE ITEM! COMMON PHRASES Yard Sale, Garage Sale, sidewalk sale... they aint selling any of these things. Words: Knee, Know... silent k, come on, a silent k? Really, who came up with that brilliant idea? Inventions.... Mankind is just a wonderful piece of work. Long before he came up with antibiotics, pain killers, cures for various diseases, he developed poisons and poison gas. Really smart, demonstrates where the human mind is. Before coming up with items to make things easier for the common man and woman, we developed siege warfare systems, cannon, firearms, etc. First use of the airplane... warfare. First use of the rocket.... warfare. First recorded use of a woman crying... war between the sexes. (women always win using this one)
Alright, while I admit that the majority of people enjoy a good action/romance movie, it is really annoying when Hollywood takes a classic piece of literature and completely changes the story. Take Last of the Mohicans, at the end of the book, Cora dies (does not live happily ever after with Hawkeye i.e Danial Day Lewis) Duncan does not get burned alive, and leaves with Alice, the younger sister. What gives? Cant Hollywood be true to the book?
Well, actually it is, with a few little problems. Last night was the first really cold night of the season, went down to 38. Not bad enough to turn the heat on, but bad enough to desire a nice warm blanket. Anyway, I go to bed last night, and per usual, Shadow (my pit/lab cross,) Lucky (my dog of questionable ancestry, sis suspects he is part demon) and Lil Red, (sis's chow/cocker/red heeler cross,) jumped up on the bed, staked out areas and went to sleep. Sometime prior to 3AM they stole all the covers to make their sleeping areas more comfy, completely uncaring that the process left me uncovered. I woke up shivering. I gave the dogs the "You rotten dogs!" look which got the "You got a problem?" look in response. You really have to understand the dogs of this household. Shadow has to sit in a chair for treats, lucky figures everyone's pillows are his, Lil Red believes all the doggie toys are hers, and Buddy, sis's rat terrier, figures that he is the center of the universe. Lucky and Shadow are rescue dogs, Lil Red was born here, and Sis brought Buddy with her when she moved down here. Of course, they play outside, games I am still trying to figure out the rules to. One consists of one dog with a stick, prancing in the yard and the other dogs trying to get the stick away from he/she. At night they have their back yard game of demolition derby. This consists of the dogs running around the yard with the purpose of hitting and rolling the other dogs in the dirt. Now Shadow cheats in this one, he zooms off into the shadows where no one can see him and then comes flying out of the dark at full speed. Of course, sometimes, if we are in the yard with them, we become the targets. One last thing, if they are already in bed when you decide to go to sleep, you need an act of god to get em to move so you can actually get in bed.


In today's world, people have begun to confuse education with learning, and there is a difference. Education is what the system teaches you based on what it wants you to know. Learning is what is done when you go out and seek knowledge yourself. Yes, it sounds paranoid, but when you consider the fact that in the case of history, the victors write the history. Consider American History for example, when the Native Americans won a battle it was called a massacre, when the US Army won, it was called a victory. Lately, the whole westward expansion and Indian wars part of American History is barely touched in high school. Dont Educate yourself, but learn for yourself the truth. Unfortunately, if the government keeps going the way it is, the truth will become forever lost.
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