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Mfkn Redd's blog: "Rants and raves"

created on 07/21/2007  |  http://fubar.com/rants-and-raves/b105707

Ok, if you have been keeping up with my latest posts you will understand this next peice. Since contacting people at the local paper, i've met with the reporter and so far, my story has hit the paper. here is the story below.


Abandoned cats raise neighbors' concern By AMY PICARD • Advocate Reporter • August 1, 2008

NEWARK — When Nick Siney’s neighbors moved out several weeks ago, he was surprised to see cats peeking out of the windows.

The neighbors no longer were living in the house, and Siney said they didn’t seem to be coming back each day to care for the animals.

But it wasn’t until another neighbor broke a window and kicked in the back door of the house on the 200 block of Mound Street that neighbors realized more than 15 cats had been trapped inside the house.

“We had seen one or two in the windows, but I had no clue there was that many,” said Kassie Norman, another neighbor. “The whole neighborhood was involved; everyone thinks it is cruel.”

Neighbors from throughout the neighborhood came out Friday morning to help feed the cats, but now they are wondering what is next.

Although the door is open, Siney said most of the cats have not made any effort to leave the house, which is filled with trash.

“We always wondered why there was never trash down at the curb,” Siney said. “It’s plain filthy. One whole wall is covered in trash bags, and there is seven or eight inches of feces on the floor.”

Toby Wills, animal control officer with the city of Newark, said he first heard about the possibility of cats in the house earlier this week.

But in order to intervene, Wills would have had to establish the animals truly were abandoned.

“We have to prove in court that the animals are suffering and no one is caring for them,” Wills said.

He said he recently left a note for the owners to make contact. If someone hadn’t responded, Wills could have obtained a warrant to enter the property and care for the cats.

But Wills said that won’t happen now. Because the door is open, the cats no longer are trapped and he won’t be able to obtain a warrant.

Other neighbors said they had tried local animal shelters but were told they couldn’t legally enter the property either. Neighbors could trap the cats themselves if they leave the property, but Siney said the cats run and hiss and it is unclear if they are diseased.

Now, several neighbors said they are running out of options.

“Nobody knows what to do,” Siney said. “I laid there last night and I couldn’t get the image out of my head. Something has to be done because nobody else is doing anything.”

Several neighbors are hoping Newark’s Division of Property Maintenance will be able to take action.

“Everybody is going to get some critters they don’t want aside from cats,” neighbor Kari Rouse said. “Since they opened the window last night, I could smell it from here.”

None of the neighbors expected the property owners to return. Licking County court records indicate foreclosure papers were filed against the house earlier this year.

Amy Picard can be reached at (740) 328-8543 or apicard@newarkadvocate.com.


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A couple weeks ago my neighbor decided to move away from his home. Upon leaving, my family and I both noticed cats stranded in the house that he had moved from. Three cats to be exact. We gave it some time to see if the previous owner would return to get his animals. No such luck. As the days got longer and the heat got worse we started to fear for the animals because of not seeing them in the window until about 2 days ago. Peering out our kitchen window that happens to look straight into the neighbors window we seen another cat. What did I do? I tried getting a-hold of the Dog Warden. Tried several times to reach him, but not luck until we talked to someone that knew the warden personally. He showed up at the house today to inspect. Together we seen 3 cats in the house just by peeking through the window. He was unable to do much help today. Instead he put a notice on the door and said he will return tomorrow to see if the notice is still there.. From there he will be locating the previous tenant who just so happened to move to Granville. The house however has been foreclosed. Later after the warden left, my wife heard some glass shatter. It sounded like it came from upstairs in our own house. It was not. It just so happens somebody in our neighborhood broke a window to the house next door so that the cats may get out and get some food. Neighbors from all up and down the street started bringing cat food, sliced deli meat, water, all kinds of things to feed these helpless starving cats. What we didn't know was that the house was inhabited by so much more than we knew of. I myself went next door to take a peak in the window. Being an animal lover myself, I was shocked by what i saw. Inside the house was mounds and mounds of trash strewn about. Animal feces everywhere. It was heart breaking to see animals being closed up inside and forced to live in such an environment like that. So a few of us opened another window, while one climbed inside and opened the door. 2 of us walked inside the building clinching our hands over our mouth and nose. The smell was unbearable. The filth was atrocious. The guy lived there for several years, and never took out the trash. It just piled up in the house. We Examined every bit of the house, opening doors, finding more and more cats everywhere. Upon going upstairs, there was more trash and feces. Doors closed shut. We opened them to only find more cats. Very heart breaking. Now that I have painted you a picture of how it looked, The heart breaking part is that the ASPCA said they could not do anything about it. The neighbor called and complained, and that was all they had to tell her. "sorry ma'am, there is nothing we can do about it".. Now.. tell me something. We all watch the news and hear about how the ASPCA rescues animals living in bad conditions, ALL kinds of animals, but yet, why can't they rescue these animals? Does there have to be a dog involved in order to get some rescuing? If you ask me, The ASPCA needs to step up their game and do what they were meant to do, and save "ALL" animals. btw. 15+ cats were found in the house. ---Nik Untitled.jpg ----------------------------------------- ***UPDATE*** ------------------------------------------ I did However take some pictures of the place.. and here they are..... 101_0456.jpg


wtf are blogs for.. if no one reads the damn things? i suppose you have to be "popular" on here.. and write about the shit thats happening with other fumembers.. like the whole "sporks" episode.. lol

Time For Change

As many of you know, (or might not)... I haven't really been on much lately. And i've been in the process of moving due to an eviction, caused by loss of job. Fortunatly, we have somewhere to stay. The move just got finished today. Kinda hard to pack everything up, get everything out of the house and into storage in 3 days. But we did it. Unfortunatly, the move will never be finished until we get a new place and everything from storage, into the new place. Im waiting for a job driving truck locally in northern kentucky, half hour south of cincinnati. Which means, we might end up living in kentucky again. which i have not problem with, because that is beautiful country down there. Some have been inquiring about my daughter, Emmalee, and how she is doing. She is doing great. She gets a little moody now and then, but thats because she has two teeth trying to break through. But other than that, she's a very happy baby. Always smiling, giggling and all. I couldn't ask for a better little angel. Jess is doing ok too. She's a little stressed because of the move, loss of job, and everything else.. We both are. And yes, its rough. Its really rough, but its something we will both overcome, as a team, as a family. This isn't the life we wanted, being broke, and almost homeless. But, this is just an obsticle, and as a trucker, i say, if you cant get over it, drive right through the fucking thing. :D My mother and chalon have been great help in this whole process. Both have been giving me some great support, and i appreciate it very much. And mom, if you are reading this.. Thank you. Thank you both, and i love you. Jess's family have been great too. Nick (jess's brother) has been helping us with the move, and has been a great help. Tami, (jess's mom) is letting us stay with her till me and jess can get back on our feet, which is a great relief knowing that we dont have to live in a car. I love you guys.. thank you so much.


For those who do know me, and know me well, you all know that i have been gone now for some time. with this being the slow season in my job, i let the internet and cable go, because money hasn't been all that great.. but guess what!? IM BACK!!!! Also... The baby is almost here! My wife started having her contractions today.... Now just waiting for her to POP THE CORK and spit the girl out!.. lol... so yes.. im excited... Im about to be a full time daddy... i can't wait.. so... *holds up a beer to all*.. CHEERS! ---nik aka dj Redd
ok.. So, i've been running around here online.. and reading shit it other peoples blogs.. (not saying any names).. but apparently.. There are alot of people, that has something, they would like to say about me... So, here it is.. This is your one time, oportunity, to speak your mind, and tell me what you really fucking think of me..If i have pissed you off in some way, or another, and you hate me, and got something you want to fucking say to me.. then fucking tell me right here.. not behind my fucking back. I dont like to hear from someone else, that someone else, is talking shit about me.. If your my fucking friend, then be a friend, not some two faced, peices of shit. Im getting sick and fucking tired of people who pretend to be your friend, and once you turn your back, they are talking madd shit. So, grow some fucking balls, and tell me your own fucking self. Fuck people, grow the fuck up, and learn to speak your mind. Stand on your own two fucking feet. This goes to everyone, who can't speak their own mind, and have to have someone do it for them.. As to my real friends, and you know who you are, Ty for always being there for me, especially when things got rough. ---Nik
As some of you know, Blitzed Out had a falling. Things were going good for some time, had a great membership in our lounge.. and alot of people.. But one day, Fubar decided to do a change in the Lounges, and force all the lounges to create new ones. It was that moment in time, when alot of places ended up going into a downward spiral of death, Although, i do not regret the merge with Wet n Wild, because for a while, it was going awesome, The merging from the old lounges to the new (so called) improved lounges.. fucked everything up. A couple weeks ago, i decided i needed to back down from ownership of the lounge. Because i was losing sleep, my health conditions weren't improving along with alot of other stuff that only a few select people know about. Although, i did back down from ownership, I was still helping out here and there, especially with the website, and a few other things. I had left ownership to Kristy, Dess, and tags. Most of all, everything pretty much fell in the hands of Kristy. in which, i felt bad for that. and i deeply appologize. She there for, just yesterday, decided she needed a break as well.. But i was my understanding that she was gonna close everything down, and just merge with another lounge with 2 other people. (and no, i do not, hate them, and i have no problems with them).. But with those thoughts in my mind, i did freak out, and say some shit that i shouldnt' have said. And it wasn't till today, that i actually got to talk with kristy aka pounce, that i found out what was truly going on, and why. I deeply regret the things i have said, and for those who are still standing side by side with me, I encourage all other talks about this, to be done and over with. Kristy and i now have an understanding about things, and everything is now in the past. We both need to tend to our families, and our health, and not be losing any sleep over anything.. because well.. this is a fucking internet site, and yes, we fell victim to its evilish ways. I do thank those though, who did work for blitz, and wet n wild, and all ofthe Wildin Out Crew. You all did a great job, regardless of how things turned out. From this day forward, Blitz and Wildin Out Should not be remembered as the Tower that fell, but should be remembered as a place that didn't go down without a fight. Alot of friends have been made in blitz.. always remember that.. and for those who didn't get to see pounces blog.. here it is... ------------------------------------------------ Ok so for some of you who don't know I used to be an owner in Blitzed out. I decided to stop for a few reasons.. The primary reason being for myself. For this I have been called a backstabber and well I guess that would seem right to some who like to look at a one sided argument. The simple fact of the matter is that I need a break from owning.. any kind of responsibility so I can get my stuff back on track. Did anyone ever bother to ask that? No.. what always mattered what was going on with them.. I'd be there to listen and help people.. So why is it now that I'm a backstabber? Because I'm friends with certain people my friends may not like and the path that I chose was to do my own thing versus trying to keep all my broken family together like I always did? Because I chose option B and chose to do not what everyone else was doing? Well fuck that I'm not going to the lounge "everyone" is in just because its a busy lounge.. I'm not responsible for what everyone else does and I'm tired of shit always falling on my shoulders. Redd you should take responsibility for your actions as well because you weren't the only one stabbed in the back.. I was stabbed in the back the day you stepped down and I was left to run a lounge that me and my friends were trying to put back together. And was that fair to any of us? NO it wasn't.. because when we merged with you we were trying to help you so you didn't quit. But then what happens you walked out on us first.. Yeah you were there here and there but going to another lounge to dj to get your name out there? How's that gonna help any of us.. I don't see how and I never will.. So my question is.. WHY is it not ok for me to have enough? Oh right.. "Pookie" is supposed to have all the answers.. Pouncy can handle it she has nothing else going on in her life. Well guess what? I made the decision for me so whoever thinks it was for other reasons needs to get their head out of their asses and try to see things from my perspective for once.. If you guys even knew how much sleep I lost over all of this you'd quit running your mouths completely. I've done this for a long time and I want to say that deciding to quit was NOT an easy decision for me and yes it does hurt like hell. I'm still going to be around and for those of you who still wanna talk to me and know and are grown up enough to know that I've always been here for all of my friends... feel free to chat.. but for those of you who are knockin me for deciding to take my own path.. I guess I figured out you never really were my true friends to begin with and you can just remove me from your lists/lives/memories whatever pretend i never existed because I will be doing the same. And for my friends who have always been there aka my wildin out friends from the beginning meaning my BEST friend in the entire world Dess, my baby Tagsy, Kitten, Grinch, Lodown, Shock, Narly,Tommy, Katie, Tarin, Becky(aka Mistress) and to my new extended family Romie,Lucky,Kelly,Klyde,Punkie, Dani, MIA, Leigha, Pumpkin, Bounty and whoever else I may have left out I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH and TY TY TY for being my REAL friends. It means alot to me and I know we will all be friends for life and this isn't the end of the journey we all took together as freinds just a new one. I'm sorry I don't have the strength to keep going as an owner. To everyone I'm sorry for that even if you are talkin mad shit about me. I can't do it anymore. My patience for it has run out the luster is gone and I just want to have fun again and come here to enjoy myself and for a long time now.. I haven't because theres always been some kind of drama to deal with. Well this chick is NOT gonna do it anymore... I'm sorry I'm done.. So there it is.. my official explanation take it or leave it.. If you're still wanting to talk to me after this cool if not thats cool too I wish everyone the best in what they do and hope that you all get what you want out of life Love always, Kristy (aka dj pounce or pookie)
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