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Seana's blog: "Real Life Things"

created on 04/13/2009  |  http://fubar.com/real-life-things/b290599

200 things

200: My middle name is: Kay
199: I was born in: Iowa City, Iowa
198: I am really: bored and tired
197: My cell phone company is: A T & T
196: My eye color is: blue
195: My shoe size is: 7
194: My ring size is: 7
193: My height is: 5'1
192: I am allergic to: cats
191: My 1st car was: Ford Probe (very briefly)
190: My 1st job was: Iowa City Press Citizen paper delivery girl
189: Last book you read: The third book in the Twilight series
188: My bed is: a very comfy four poster wrought iron full sized bed
187: My pet: is a 11 pound Bishon Frise named Cloud
186: My best friend: is my mom, Adam, Josh and Jenny.
185: My favorite shampoo is: Garner Fructise
184: AIM name: don't have one
183: Piggy Banks are: cute
182: In my pockets: lip gloss, cell phone and pen
181: On my calendar: TONS of stuff this month! From garage sale to Snow Demon show, to Lammasfest
180: Marriage is: an ideal that I don't know is achievable to keep going in the long run anymore
179: Sponge Bob can: die lol
178: My mom: is awesome.
177: The last three cd's I bought were: ummm... I can't say. They were a gift for someone that I haven't given to them yet.
176: Last YouTube video watched: "Something in Your Mouth" by Nickelback
175: How many cousins do you have? I don't know.
174: Do you have any siblings: Yes.
173: Are your parents divorced: Never got married. And not together.
172: Are you taller than your mom? a bit
171: Do you play an instrument? I'm trying the guitar. I would really love to get a flute again.
170: What did you do yesterday? worked. And texted David (Jingles) until I fell asleep lol

I believe in:
169: Love at first sight: Yes.
168: Luck: Yes.
167: Fate: Yes.
166: Yourself: sometimes.
165: Aliens: Anything is possible until disproven
164: Heaven: ummm...
163: Hell: Sometimes I think I work there lol
162: God: To each their own
161: Horoscopes: They are fun to read if I am really, really bored...
160: Soul mates: I don't know. Everything is possible, but have I seen ongoing evidence in my life?
159: Ghosts: Yes.
158: Gay Marriage: Yes.
157: War: not really.
156: Orbs: Most of the time it's just dust.
155: Magic: Yes.

Which is Better
154: Hugs or Kisses: Both. Depends on my mood.
153: Drunk or High: Neither
152: Phone or Online: texting.
151: Red heads or Black haired: depends on who..
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Depends on my hair color lol
149: Hot or cold: hot-bikini weather please!
148: Summer or winter: Summer
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn
146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
145: Night or Day: night if I am home by myself, Day if I have time to go to the beach
144: Oranges or Apples: Neither
143: Curly or Straight hair: Curly.
142: McDonald's or Burger King: Whopper, please!
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate? neither. Milk upsets my stomach
140: PC or MAC? Mac
139: Flip flops or high heals: high heels. (the higher, the better!)
138: Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor: sexy and poor
137: Coke or Pepsi: Tea
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama
135: buried or cremated: ...
134: Singing or Dancing: Singing
133: Coach or Chanel: Neither
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Neither, Carrie Underwood.
131: Small town or Big city: Small town
130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler all the way!
128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure
127: East Coast or West Coast?: umm... is this really a question?
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas. I love giving people gifts, and hate getting them.
125: Chocolate or Flowers: potted plants
124: Disney or Six Flags: Haven't been to either
123: Yankees or Red Sox: Not a baseball fan
122: War: Should've been over with long ago.
121: George Bush: Very good thing he isn't in power anymore.
120: Gay Marriage: Good.
118: Abortion: Only in the most dire situations.
117: MySpace: I have one. I don't hardly do much with it.
116: Reality TV: Overkill!
115: Parents: Mom is awesome, Dad is a deadbeat.
114: Back stabbers: Too many of them at work, I just deal with it.
113: Ebay: Haven't been on it.
112: Sex: is the question.. and you know the answer.
111: Work: Not too bad, if not for the customers, and the bosses, lol
110: My Neighbors: I don't talk to any but one, Clint and Emily with the cutest little kids!
109: Gas Prices: I don't remember the last time I could fill my tank at one time.
108: Designer Clothes: I'd be happy to just be able to get some new clothes from Stuff. I can't picture buying full price at Target or Walmart anymore.
107: College: Not attainable at the moment
106: Sports: Cheerleading was my favorite. I like Volleyball. I wish that was a one person sport. And tennis, I love tennis.
105: My family: is very important to me.
104: The future: is very uncertain.

Last time I
103: Hugged someone: today.
102: Last time you ate: about an hour ago, mac and cheese with hot dogs.
101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: A couple of weeks ago, when I went over to Mike's.
100: Cried in front of someone: I try not to do that, ever.
99: Went to a movie theater: Quarantine
98: Took a vacation: hah! Four years ago, when I went to Nebraska.
97: Swam in a pool: When I was still dating Jeff, and went with Kirk and Marsha to one of their friend's houses with an indoor pool.
96: Changed a diaper: A long time ago.
95: Got my nails done:Professionally- A year or so.
94: Went to a wedding: Two years? It was Kirk and Marsha's
93: Broke a bone: Not jinxing myself lol
92: Got a piercing: When the girls at work needed practice a couple of months ago...
91: Broke the law: Speeding is my weakness *knock on wood*
90: Texted: Adam

89: Who makes you laugh the most: David
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: I'm leaving?
87: The last movie I saw: Grease 2
86: The thing I'm looking forward to the most is: Lammasfest
85: The thing I'm not looking forward to: Work.
84: People call me:by my name.
83: The most difficult thing to do is: get to work on time.
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Once
81: My zodiac sign is: leo
80: The first person i talked to today was: my mom
79: First time you had a crush: Danny Slaymaker or Billy Duree. It was a long time ago.
78: The one person who i can't hide things from: Mike or Josh
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: David
76: Right now I am talking to: Adam
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Who said I am going to grow up?
74: I have/will get a job: as Jewelry Sales Coordinator
73: Tomorrow: I have to work...
72: Today: is almost done..
71: Next Summer: is here.
70: Next Weekend: work and the beach if it is nice.
69: I have these pets: Didn't I already answer this? Cloud, a 11 pound bishon with a room size personality.
68: The worst sound in the world: nails on a chalkboard... and excessive chatter
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: no one
66: People that make you happy: My family, Adam and my friends
65: Last time I cried: I don't keep track.
64: My friends are: very cool people
63: My computer is: actually my mom's. Both of my computers are dead..
62: My School: was a hick school.
61: My Car: 2000 ford focus
60: I lose all respect for people who: are pushy and two-faced.
59: The movie I cried at was: I always cry in the last scenes of The Wedding Singer.. but they are happy tears. I want that for myself someday!
58: Your hair color is: auburn
57: TV shows you watch: Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, and Friends. Also, I Love Lucy and Golden Girls
56: Favorite web site: Facebook, Twitter and Myspace.
55: Your dream vacation: The coast.
54: The worst pain i ever felt: When my back was so bad, that I couldn't walk upright and worked for months that way.
53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium Well
52: My room is: very nice. Clean, orderly and comfy
51: My favorite celebrity is: is...was... Michael Jackson, Reba, and Jennifer Aniston
50: Where would you like to be: Beach!!! In the water!
49: Do you want children: Yes. Before I am too old to enjoy them.
48: Dream pet: The one I have.
47: Who's your best friend: I have a few: Adam, Mike and Josh. (Didn't we already have this question?)
46: More guy friends or girl friends: guys
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: getting the rare chance to talk to Josh
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Adam
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Not yet.
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: No
41: Have you pre-named your children: I have a few names.. but haven't really thought of it yet.
40: Last person I got mad at: Adam
39: I would like to move to: my house, but I would love to move the interstate!
38: I wish I was a professional: singer.

My Favorites
37: Candy: Milky Ways
36: Vehicle: Ford Probe
35: President: JFK or Obama
34: State visited: I haven't been to many.... but I loved Chicago
33: Cell Phone Provider: I don't have a favorite, really
32: Athlete: Mike counts, he's an ultimate fighter.
31: Actor: I have to say Brad Pitt, before he got with Jolie. Or any guy that is trim and buff.. too many guys are letting themselves go, even if they are actors.
30: Actress: Jennifer Aniston
29: Singer: A lot!
28: Band: Some are: Nickelback, Nirvana, Divide the Day, Kid Rock
27: Clothing Store: Stuff, Etc.
26: Grocery Store: Aldis
25: TV show: Ghosthunters!
24: Movie: Wedding Singer!
23: Website: Facebook
22: Animal: Cats and Dogs
21: Theme Park: NA
20: Holiday: Halloween-I love scaring the neighborhood kids lol (and Christmas, because I love buying my friends and family gifts!)
19: Sport to watch: Football!
18: Sport to play: Volleyball, football and tennis
17: Magazine: Cosmo
16: Book: Mistress of Darkness, or the Twilight Series
15: Day of the week: Sunday and Monday
14: Beach: The reservoir
13: Concert Attended: Valiant Thorr
12: Thing to cook: Mac and Cheese with hotdogs
11: Food: steak tips with mushrooms, rice
10: Restaurant: Lonestar or Outback Steakhouse
9: Radio Station: KHAK, Rock 108
8: Yankee Candle Scent: Never been there.
7: Perfume: Britney Spear's Curious or Fantasy.
6: Flower: lilies!! Potted ones, please!
5: Color: Red
4: Talk Show host: Jon Stewart
3: Comedian: Adam Sandler, Dane Cook, Jeff Dunham
2: Dog Breed: bishon or yorkie
1: Are you ready for this survey to be over? Oh dear lord, yes!

I'm a crazy woman.

Although, I don't know if that is a good or bad thing..

I do know that this once a week thing, it's getting to me. And that's most definitely NOT a good thing! (The once a week of seeing Adam, not that it gets to me.)

I had two invites to go over to people's places and hang out tonight. And I am sitting here. I'm either really crazy or really sane. Because they were both guys, and I've dated both of them before. Does this make me a good, nice girlfriend? Or an overly conscientious one? Hmmm... (not that anything would've happened, but just the idea, you know..)

I asked Adam a few times today if he was going to be able to come over tonight, after I got off work. And he said no. That this weekend would be the earliest that would work for him to have some time for us together. I got off at seven. I hung out in electronics, giving David a hard time and then came home. (It's an Iowa thing, to hang out in Wal-Mart, I assume.) I changed into comfy, (but nice looking, you know what I mean,) pants and a tanktop.

I settled myself in front of my computer, rockin' to Rock 108, and THEN he calls. It is now 9:00 p.m.

"I'll give you five bucks in gas if you come over tonight." He couldn't have made that call two hours earlier?? He knows I have to work in the morning, and I like my beauty sleep! (Lord knows, I need it!) So, as much as I wanted too go over there, I didn't.

And then, when I decline his lovely invitation, he says something to the effect that, "Oh, well.. I probably would've been complaining about how sore I am the whole time and not been good company." (He laid a bunch of brick retaining walls at his mother's house the past couple of days.. good, hard, physical labor.) But not in the self-pity sort of way, in the guilt laying sort of way...


And now it will be Sunday before I see him again, as far as I know. I am so used to seeing the guy that I date almost daily, not weekly.

Is this normal? What do you  guys think?

June 18th, 2009

10:49 p.m.

What a day!! (And not in a good way for most of it, really.) It started out well enough, I blogged/journaled a page, took a shower, talked to Mike a bit via text, and got to work just about ten minutes past ten. That's when my day tried its hardest to shoot itself all to hell~but I managed not to let it get to m,e. It was close at the end, but I survived in one piece and in a pretty decent mood.

I swear, it felt as though the store was under an artificial full moon all day and that people were going to transform into werewolves and vampires, attack each other and be done with it!

I wasn't even in the department for five minutes before Kathy said something to the effect of "Where have you been? You're supposed to start at ten, not ten-fifteen! I've been waiting to go on break forever, I get here at 7 and haven't had a break yet... yadayadaya..."

Well, for some reason reason I'm likable at work, (I know, right?) and I'm constantly stopped by people saying Hi and wanting to chat. SO I told her this.

"It doesn't matter, tell them you are supposed to be working! You don't have time for chatting with them!!" Um... excuse me? This coming from the woman who takes 20-25 minute 15's, dawdles at the computer, stands around complaining theres nothing to do, and leaves early! (Just to name a FEW things that her hypocritical statements brought to mind!)

If it was just Kathy PMS'ing today, I could've handled it, no sweat. But I think 99% of those at work were ragging today. CSM's, Management, fellow associates all included. It felt like Samantha and I were fighting for our collective sanity, while being attacked form all sides by mean tempered, ragging zombies! (how about that for a pretty picture, dear reader? Imagine us armed with just our ear piercing guns and think you'd be all set!)

I think the only people really decent today was my mom, Samantha, Dawn and Brian. Brian's pretty cool. he kept offering me shoulder massages today, but I couldn't accept since we were at work and all. Darn.

Haven't heard from Adam all day today. Might still be affected by the texts yesterday. I miss talking to him, but I've already sent him few messages last night. I didn't do anything to apologize for, so hopefully he comes around soon. But who knows? He's stubborn. One way or another I 'll be going to the beach this weekend-if it's at all nice!

Might write more later. I want to write (or start writing,) a list of things that I'll need for me camping trip to Lammasfest.

'Til next time
11:12 p.m.

Forever and a day..

11:11 p.m.

At least it feels like it's been that long since I've written any of actual thoughts and observations in any sort of detail. (And, I just notice something in my handwritten version of my journal- my handwriting is eerily like one of my closest friend's-Jennifer's!)

11:44 p.m.

Yes, a full half hour to accomplish just those few sentences. Interruptions are common in my house, at least interruptions from others to what I am doing. I also was watching "Office Space"; I picked up that classic at W-M for only about $3.75! (ten percent discount, and it was on special for the low, low princes of only $4! And if you call now...) Wait, sorry, I got caught up in the whole infomercial similarity of my writing!


I can go days or weeks, just going along with the flow-not thinking about anything in particular/ Just working, hanging out and sleeping. Then all of a sudden my brain won't stop. Surely, there's gotta be some happy medium. A mental version of working if you will- do a few days (reps) of internal hashing and then few day's resting break.

*happy dance* I remembered to register for Lammasfest 2009 this year! And I even made it in time for the early registration! It'll be so nice to get awawy for a weekend, away from work, people that I deal with on a regular basis and be able to concentrate on my life journey and my internal struggle with trying to find my way spiritually. I think the hardest thing will be to be without my puppy for a few days and nights! I worry that she wont' be taken care of as I do it. She's my princess, there's no doubt about that and I don't hide it. :)

But then, I got the thought that i don't even know how to build a campfire! hope Kirk and Marsha are camping so that I can set up my spot near them and share in their expertise!I don't know if I'll know anyone else there.

Marsha said that Jeff might be there, which I already thought of, but really that's just another stranger really. We haven't talked since we brike up_not from lack of a bit of trying on my part. I hope that he doesn't decide not to come purely because of finding out that I registered to go. I would feel bad, even though we don't talk. If that is the case, and I find otu, I would consider pulling my registration just because I wouldn't want to ruin the get together for him, Kirk and Marsha.

Onward. I can't control others, as I am constatnly, needlkessly being reminded of daily. I just keep repeating to myself...

ENOUGH WITH THE INTERRUPTIONS THAT I KEEP GETTING WHILE I AM TRYING TO WRITE! I'll try again tomorrow.. (I got interrupted in the last paragraph, and can't remember what I was about to say..)

Hope you all have/had a great night.

June 18th, 2009

(June 18th, 2009)


Man, I have really been sucking on the blogging this year! Jeezus--ONLY sixteen posts in this whole year????

I do have plenty to say, that's for sure! So, I am making a mid-year resolution! I am going to try to blog a LOT more, but with limited, uninterrupted access to my computer.. I am going to try for 2-3 times a week. But, don't fret--I printed off a bunch of pretty paper to write in way more often than that. And I will try to spend the couple of times a week that I get uninterrupted transferring the entries from paper to blog...

I have a lot to do tonight, but hopefully you will have a lot more to read from me in the future dear readers!

'Til we meet again!
Your slacking blog host

Guys, what makes women sexy, attractive and attention grabbing to you?

Ladies, what is it about the male gender that you find irresistible?

I have a movie date night with Adam on Thursday! *happy dance*

And, I'm going to have popcorn, and a few boxes of candy. It's going to be a cheesy, wonderful cuddle-filled evening! Woot!

I'm pretty happy today. I worked, and got a third set of piercings in my ears today. Samantha had to do some more training, so I thought I would go ahead and give it a shot. That's all the holes going into my head (or any other part of my body!) that I am doing!

I cleaned my house on Sunday and yesterday, and it looks so good! A clean house makes me very happy, although getting the motivation to actually get it that way escapes me often! I also rearranged my bathroom, bedroom and laundry room. Got rid of more stuff that I never need or even look at. The more junk that I clear out, the happier and more relaxed I am. It's a great feeling! I can actually see the progress I am making now.

Very exciting!

Now, I am very hungry, so I am going to go scrounge up some food and take a nice, relaxing shower and curl up in bed with my puppy and sleep. :)

Have a great night (or day, if that's when you are reading this), my dear readers!

Up to over 300 ancestors now.. and that is just stemming back from my maternal grandmothers.. exciting!

It's become addicting to work on my family tree.. I didn't want to stop last night, but  finally my headache overcame my ability to stare at the screen. I'm not used to staring at a computer monitor for 7-8 hours a day!

Just a quick typing...

A quick note about a few things:

One, I finally decided to attack my family tree and find out more about my roots. I spent most of today just doing the maternal line of my family. Ancestry.com is AWESOME! I usually only can take a little bit of staring at a monitor at a time, but I think I spend at least six hours on the computer today, working on my lineage. I started with just a few papers that I received from my aunt, approximately 25-30 people.. and now I am at 181 of my ancestors figured out. Yeah!

Two, I wish that if people hinted or suggested that they were going to do something that they would follow through. It's rather annoying to be expecting some sort of event to occur, when it was mentioned in promising words.. and then nothing. Not even a few words to say that it wasn't going to happen. GRRR.... And that's all on that topic. I am not usually one to dwell.

Three...Being at home, grounded by my defunct car is pretty okay, I am figuring out. More about what happened with my car, perhaps tomorrow morning.. but it shows me how much people really want to see me when I am not the one driving to them. It gives me more time to focus on myself and activities that I've been procrastinating.

Four.. work is going okay. I am slowly getting the person that is trying to cause problems for me out of the department. (I hope.) At least management can see now that I am not the incompetent one, because now others are complaining about her with things she's done and said to them. All in due time, All in due time..

Five.. Adam and I are still dating. I am not used to only seeing the guy that I am dating only once a week, but I guess it'll work out. He makes me happy, and I hope I do the same for him.. so it's all good.

All for now. I must go wrap up things for the night. My eyes are hurting from so much screen exposure today. Good night, everyone!

Late, but here it is. Adam and I went to the Raptor Center this weekend, and got out in nature for the first time together. It was great! I always prefer to be around trees instead of concrete, and it was great to experience it together. Another thing that we have in common is the fact that we both love being outside. I love climbing around on the rocks, hiking and breathing in more fresh air than you can find here in town. We went around and saw the birds first, and then made our way down to the lake and climbed the rocks around the lake. We found some great fossils, but unfortunately I forgot the few that I was going to bring home. (Oh well, I can find even more the next time I go!)

Then, I started to take pictures. So, we made our way back around the cages and down to the bird watching station. Not only did we see some pretty birds, but saw a momma deer and two babies. Deer are such pretty creatures.

The pictures that I took are in my albums, have a look!

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