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Lady Neptune's blog: "Religon"

created on 02/10/2008  |  http://fubar.com/religon/b186848
Releasing Negative Beings You can make this ceremony as simple or as elaborate as you like. To perform this ceremony you will need a smudge stick, a candle, and lavender or some other pleasant scent. Start by calling on your protector. Once you feel its presence, say a simple prayer of protection, such as: "Creator, Great Spirit, Universal Energy, I call upon your love and your protection. I call upon the beings of light and all those beings that help lost souls. See this being that has lost its way home. It believes it is of the dark; it has forgotten it is of the light. Please surround it with your love and gently guide it back to the light so that it may heal. Please surround this place and all within it with your love and protection. I give thanks. " Light the candle and smudge stick. Thoroughly smudge the area and yourself and allow the smoke to clear the area of any negativity. Then stand in the center of the room and declare that only beings of light are allowed in your aura or dwelling place. Call upon beings of light to protect you and your location. Demand that all lower energy forces leave now and return to the light. Declare that this place is only for those who live in love and light. See yourself and the room filled with and surrounded by bright white light. Know you are safe and protected. Sprinkle lavender around the room. Make sure you protect yourself for a few days after you release the beings. One way to do this is to visualize your energy field and see it filled with white light. Mentally seal it with white light and see flecks of green and pink light floating around your body. Do this several times a day for the next few days. You tend to be more open to negative beings once one has been removed, and this process will help seal up your energy field. If you again feel a negative presence, repeat the ceremony.

empowering ur talisman

Devotion Ritual To empower a talisman Ritual of dedication to make a talisman effective: To be really effective, a talisman, amulet, gri-gri or even a simple medal must be devoted. To prepare, make a small mound of soil or sand on the ground and place the object on the top of the mound. The mound only needs to be large enough to support the object. While the object lay on top of the mound, speak aloud the following words: Mother Earth, from whom all that is has come, To this object lend your heart, that yet so small, It shall become large in your power, That weak, it shall become mighty in your eye, That alone, it shall be with the many. After the words have been spoken, remove the object from the mound, and in its former location, place and light a small amount of pungent incense of your choosing. Allow the smoke from the incense to rise and then begin passing the talisman or other object through the smoke of a pungent incense of your choosing. While passing the object through the smoke, generate and focus on thoughts of your objective or desire, of which you wish to reach through the power of the talisman, amulet, gri-gri or other object you wish to employ and are now consecrating for that determined purpose. Repeat the following words aloud as you continue to pass the object through the smoke: Seven spirits, carriers of the powers of the seventh star, Guardians of the seventh door, whose names remain unspoken, I entreat you, in the silence of your seven names, To grant me the whole of my request, and in this thing, I beg your attention and power that no wish be left unheard, That no sight, go by unseen, In your care I lay my trust that thus it may be done. When you have finished, extinguish the incense. Your object is now charged and devoted.

What is Beltane

Beltane Correspondences Beltane (beel-teen or bell-tayn) bel is`shining/brilliant, tene is fire. Hence, Beltane means "brilliant fire, - Major Sabbat (High Holiday) - Fire Festival April 30-May 1st AKA: Bhealltainn, Bealtaine, Beltaine, Beltinna, Lady Day; Samhradh; La Baal Tinne May Eve, May Day, Walspurgis Night, Rudemas, Walburgal, Giamonios, Shenn do Boaldyn, Galan Mae, Whitsun, Rudemas, Festival of Tana(Strega) Animals/Mythical beings: the white cow, goats, giants, rabbits, honey bees, faeries, satyrs, pegasus Gemstones: emerald, orange carnelian, sapphire, rose quartz, lazuli, sapphire, yellow agate, bloodstone Incense/Oil: passion flower, frankincense, tuberose, vanilla, lilac, rose Colors/Candles: red & white (symbolizing God and Goddess), dark green, dark yellow, rainbow spectrum, blue, pastels, all colors Tools/Symbols/Decorations: maypole & ribbons, flower crowns, fires, bowers, fields, May baskets, white flowers and ribbons, daisy chain, flower chaplet, white wine in clear crystal glass, chalice, butterchurn, blackthorn & hawthorn branches, seasonal fruit Goddesses: May Queen, Flora, Maia, Flower Goddesses, Lady of the Greenwood, Divine Couples, and Goddesses of the Hunt, Aphrodite(Greek) Blodewedd(Welsh), Erzulie(Voodun), Baubo(Greek)Rhea(Cretean), Prithvi(Hindu) Gods: May King, Jack in the Green, Horned God(European), Herne (Greek), Green Man, Bel(Celtic), Baal (Phoenician), Gods of the Hunt Essence: compassion, youthful play, exhuberance, sensuality, pleasure, action Dynamics/Meaning: sacred marriage of the Lord and the Lady, arrival of the Tuatha de Dannan in Ireland Purpose: fertility festival, celebrate 1st day of Celtic summer, 1st day of the light half of the year Rituals/Magicks: The Great Rite, love, romance & fertility magicks, elf & faery power, offerings to elementals, crop blessings, relighting sacred fires, divination, building shrines, fire-calling, honoring house guardians, snake dancing, bathing faces in the morning dew of May to retain their youthful beauty Customs: maypole erection, dancing around the maypole, bonfires, jumping fire, mating, picking flowers, making flower baskets, frolicking throughout the countryside, archery tournaments, sword dances, feasting, drinking and music, moving the herds to high pasture Foods: dairy, honey, oats, red fruits, herbal salads, red/pink wine punch, large round oatmeal/barley cakes, sweets Herbs: almond, angelica, damiana, hawthorn, hibiscus, saffron, ash tree, bluebells, cinquefoil, daisy, frankincense, hawthorn, ivy, lilac, marsh marigold, meadowsweet, primrose, roses, satyrion root, woodruff, yellow cowslip, yarrow Element/Gender: air/male
Sweep Away the Past Spell Incense of the day: Cedar During Passover, Jews are not allowed to eat chametz, or leavened bread, or to have any in their possession. Homes are traditionally cleaned from top to bottom, so as not to allow for the possibly of a single breadcrumb to remain. Likewise, this is the perfect time to do your own spring-cleaning, both of the physical and the spiritual sort. As you sweep, vacuum, and scrub, imagine removing any negativity that has built up right along with the dust and dirt. When you are done, set up a white cloth on a table or shelf near the heart of the house and place a bell, sage or cedar incense, a lighter, salt, a chalice or cup filled with water, and a stirring device on this altar. Place a new broom nearby, then use the broom to symbolically sweep the house, beginning in the back rooms and always going toward the door. Open the door and sweep all of the negativity that you have gathered outside, saying: "I sweep out the old and gather in the new." Shut the door and return to the altar. Light the incense, saying: "By air and fire, I cleanse and bless my home. Let it be a place of wisdom and love." Go around the house in a clockwise circle, smudging, making sure to get into every nook and cranny. Finally, pour three spoonfuls of salt into the water and stir, saying, "By water and earth, I cleanse and bless my home. May it be a place of healing and sanctuary." Repeat the clockwise circle, carrying a chalice of salt water from which you carefully sprinkle. Return to the altar and ask for the blessings of your patron deities. "By my will, and with your blessings, this rite is done." Ring the bell.

wolf protection chant

WOLF PROTECTION CHANT Candles three, green and white, Protect me here upon this night. The Moon is full, the sky is clear, Bane and evil disappear. The mighty wolf shall guide my way, and protect my spirit night and day. Come hither! Come hither! Spirits of the Wolf, strong and great! Guard me in this circle and through my life.

The moon godess

The moon-Goddess has been known in many times and cultures. She is usually the protector of women, and rules majick and childbirth. It is said that the moon-Goddess created time and it's measurement, and ancient calendars were based on the moon's phases and menstrual cycles. To many, She is the Triple Goddess. The waxing, full and waning phases represent the three aspects of womanhood: maiden, mother and crone. The divine creatress was called Luonnotar in Finland, and Hina by the Polynesians. In Scandanavia She was Mardoll, Moon Shining Over the Sea. Gala or Galata is the original moon-mother of Gaelic and Gaulish tribes. Albion, or Milk-white Moon-Goddess, was an early name for Britain. In ancient Thessaly the moon Goddess was invoked in a rite called "drawing down the moon", which is still practiced today. Virgil said moon-priestess could also "stop rivers in thier courses, turn back the wheel of the stars, or bring trees marching downhill". Artimis is the virgin Moon Goddess, The Lady of the Beasts, whom roams the forest with her band of nymphs protecting pregnant beasts and thier young. She is Korythalia, Astateia of the Amazons, the personification of instinct and natural law. She is Akua'ba in Africa; Chang-O, Queen of Heaven, in China; Luna to the ancient Romans. To the Lakota Indians, the moon is "The Old Woman Who Never Dies." She was "The Eternal One" to the Iroquios. One of Her Native American names is Athenesic. To the Aztecs, the moon was Mictecaciuatl, the devourer of the dead, and She had the same role among the Maoris and the Tartars. Several cultures believed that the moon was the Land of the Dead. Peruvian, was either Mama Quilla or Mama Ogllo. Diana's name means "Light", and she was originally the Italian Goddess of the sun, moon and open sky. She also bestowed sovereignty and conception. Her feast day is August 15, and Her Sacred Wood is at Nemi. Christians adopted Her as St. Anne, Mary's mother, the "Grandmother of God".

paganism means

Paganism Means Paganism is the practice of a polytheistic religion. Polytheistic means more than one deity. Some pagans worship only one deity while still acknowledging the others and some worship an entire or pantheon or several pantheons. Types of Paganism There are many different types of paganism. Types of paganism are usually referred to as paths. Wicca seems to be the most common but it is not the only one. Some follow one specific tradition, like Celtic or Norse. Others draw their practices from many different traditions and belief systems. This is called eclectic paganism and it is becoming very common. Eclectic paganism allows a person to choose what they agree with from each belief system and mix them to match what they believe. Some pagans practice in groups or covens and others are solitary. Most of those that practice in groups follow a specific tradition. Spells and Rituals Most pagans use some type of ritual in practicing their beliefs. Rituals usually, but not always, consist of casting a circle. The circle is usually divided into quarters, each quarter representing an element. East represents air, south represents fire, west represents water, and north represents earth. The elements are called in each quarter to help guard the circle and keep balance in the ritual. Not all pagans call on the elements. For example, the may call watchtowers, deities, angels, or the four winds. In calling the quarters, some pagans begin in the east and work their way clockwise to the north, following the path or the sun, while other choose to begin in the north. The center of the circle represents spirit. This may be represented by a deity or the person that is performing the ritual. Rituals have many different purposes. Some honor a deity or deities, some are to celebrate a sabbat or esbat and some are specifically for spells to accomplish something specific, like protection or prosperity. Rituals may also be a combination of these things. Spells can be compared to prayer, though they are not exactly the same. Spells are intended to raise energy towards accomplishing something specific. Not all pagans use spells and not all those that use spells are pagan. Different tools are used in spells and rituals. Herbs, candles, incense, oils, stones, and runes are very common. Athames and swords are sometimes used as symbols of the element of fire, and they are also used in cutting herbs. Cauldrons symbolize water and rebirth. Wands are symbolic of the element of air. The pentacle is symbolic of spirit. The five points represent air, fire, water, and earth with the top point representing spirit. It is usually used with the single point facing up. Ethics Different pagans have different ethics. Some believe in the rule of three, meaning everything a person does, good or bad, comes back on them threefold. Many also believe in the rede an it harm none, do what thou will Some, like myself, do not believe in the rede, as we view it as meaning you cannot defend yourself. I believe every action comes back to you equally, and that I should not harm unless necessary for self defense or defense of those I am responsible for. Most pagans, myself included, believe harming someone includes imposing on someones free will. An example would be a love spell to force a particular person to love you Or to give you money. . I believe this would come back on you in that you would be controlled against your will at some point in the future. Death and afterlife Most pagans believe in reincarnation as opposed to single life. Some believe we are reborn continuously forever while others believe that we are reborn until will learn everything we need to learn for spiritual growth. Some believe we start out as plants or animals and progress to humans, while other believe animal and plant spirits are different entirely. Some pagans also believe that the soul rests in between incarnations. Wiccan believe the soul goes to a place called the Summerland to do this. Holidays and celebration: Pagans often celebrate the cycles of the sun and moon. Esbats are the full and new moon and Sabbats are the solar festivals. The Eight Sabbats are: Samhain, October 31, halfway between fall and winter. Winter Solstice, sometimes called Yule, on or about December 21 Imbolc or Candlemas, halfway between the winter solstice and the Spring equinox, February 2 Spring Equinox, sometimes called Ostara, on or about March 21 Beltane, halfway in between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, May 1 Summer Solstice, sometimes called Litha on or about June 22 Lughnassadh , Halfway between summer solstice and the fall equinox, August 1 Fall Equinox, on or about September 21 In addition, many pagans celebrate other holidays connected to specific deities. These vary by path and tradition and are too numerous to list. Blessed Be!

Basic magical protection

Basic Magickal Protection & Psychic Self-Defense. -------------------------------------------------- [posted in one of the groups i belong to] Merry Meet, all! Magic works. This is the first thing you have to learn. If you don't believe that magic gives you the power to reshape the universe, you're wasting your time. Because if you believe a spell or ritual won't work, it won't. Period. And if you do believe in the power of magic, then you need to realize that when you use it you are putting your hands on the same forces that move the tides and spawn tornadoes. And that by doing so, you have the potential to harm yourself or others. I have often compared working magic to rock climbing. It takes years of study and practice before you're ready to try it. It is fairly safe, if you know what you're doing and take appropriate safety precautions. At the same time, a mistake can ruin your whole day or worse. In this article, I will outline a few basic techniques for protecting yourself and your home. While these are essential while working magic, they are also useful anytime. For example, there's no better night's sleep than in a room that's been magically shielded to keep out psychic noise. Let's start with Shielding. This is a technique for creating a magical 'force field' around your person or a place, to keep out unwanted energy. This could be psychic 'background noise', nasty astral critters, or magical energy directed at you. Many people do this unconsciously all their lives. Others of us have to learn how. The method I use is to visualize a 'net' of energy around the area to be shielded. Remember to 'see' it in 3D, a sphere rather than a circle. (This is where those visualization exercises come into practical use.) I generally use my personal energy to power it. I visualize negative energy being absorbed by my shields and flowing into the earth. ("Ground and Center" here.) I visualize it as porous, though, so that energy I send can pass through. With practice, you will be able to shield yourself instantly, without thinking. I have found that exhaustion or alcohol quickly erode my ability to shield, so keep this in mind. Once you have shields, there is lots of nifty magic you can do with them. I'll describe some of these in an article for an advanced class. Warding is a similar technique. I define a Ward as a Shield anchored to a physical place. Instead of using your energy, though, you let Earth energy flow upward to power it. With practice, you can create a stable, Earth-powered shield. This leaves more energy for spell work, or allows you to drop your own shields and recharge. Reinforce the visualization regularly, and it can be permanent, to protect your Circle or home. I tend to anchor wards with physical objects-a stone, carved runes, etc. But it is the visualization that really matters. If the mental image fails, the shield will fail, no matter how many runes you carve. Occasionally, when going about my daily life, I will feel a 'tickle' at my aura as some kind of psychic energy contacts it. Other times, the hair stands up on the back of my neck, and I quickly raise my shields. And on rarer occasions, I feel a sudden energy drain as my shields (thank the Lady and Lord) go from standby to maximum power before I know what's happened. In these situations there are a few shielding tricks I use. First is the mirror. I visualize the outside of my shields as a perfect mirror, reflecting any energy back to it's source. Next is making the inside of my shields a mirror. I use this to contain any psychic energy I might be emitting, hopefully making myself psychically 'stealthy'. Last is the 'iron wall' or 'stone tower' visualization, changing the thin energy shield into a massive fortress. This requires a lot of power, but when huge waves of negativity are breaking over you, it really helps. Now on to a few active techniques. If negative energy keeps coming at me, I don't sit back and continue to shield until exhausted. The ancient warriors knew that any purely defensive battle is doomed, if it goes on long enough. Invoking the Lady and Lord is probably the surest and simplest defense. Malevolent entities (wether astral or earthly) tend to avoid the presence of the Deity. In fact, the nastier they are, the faster they run. But like most kids, I don't like bothering Mom and Dad all the time with small problems I've been taught to handle myself. The most basic technique is calling White Fire. This is the Light energy of the universe, the silver-white of the Moon and the fire-white of the Sun, the sum total of the magical Elements. Let it flow in from all around you until you feel like a ball of lightning, then send a directed bolt of it back in the direction the negative energy came from. While the mind alone is all you need to do this, I find my sword/athame is a perfect tool for this. (I feel the Rede does not prohibit self-defense, but that's another article, too.) If this doesn't work, you can still call on the Lady and Lord in their warrior/protector aspects to help you. So, good luck as you study the Craft of the Wise. Remember, the Bad Guys are out there, and they're after us. That's how we know we're the Good Guys.
Keeper of the Northern Fires
Date: Feb 9, 2008 8:29 PM

Basic Facts on Wicca


Wicca is an earth-based religion that is centered around the respect of all things living.

Goddess or Great Mother Goddess:
That is her name to me; usually I just call her Goddess. To others she might be Aphrodite or Kuan-Yin. She is in everything, in every person or plant or rock. You can speak to her and pray to her.
She takes many forms. She is the moon, and is often thought of as the Triple Goddess as manifested in the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Her symbol is a full moon flanked by crescent moons. According to Wicca, there is both a Goddess and a God. (However, I only believe in a Goddess.)
The God is the Sun. He is the hunter and Green Man; the father.

Goddess and God:
Traditionally, the Goddess and God are lovers. They are equals. Almost anything can be categorized as either in the Kingdom of the Sun or the Kingdom of the Moon. They are in everything, according to tradition. Wiccans in no way worship the devil. In fact, Wicca as a religion does not even believe in a devil. Although pictures of God may have horns, this was normal in ancient times and was not a sign of evil. It was common practice for conquering religions (in this case Christianity) to demonize the gods they replaced.

The "point-up" pentacle is not the sign of the devil. The five-pointed star is called a pentagram, when inside a circle it is called a pentacle. The circular board that has symbols (such as pentagrams and triangles) carved into it is also called a pentacle. It is used by Wiccans as one of their magical tools. In other terms, the star with the point up, means positve magic, (white beliefs) the star with the point down, means negative magic. (black beliefs) Hope that clears up all the confusion!

There are not many rules in Wicca, but one that most Wiccans follow is the Wiccan Rede (also known as the Wiccan Law, Wiccan Rule, etc.): "An it harm none do what thou wilt" -- meaning, do what you want, but don't harm anyone. Another law some Wiccans folow is the "Threefold Law or Law of Three". It is that what you do, good or bad, will come back to you three times as strong. Others believe in Karma, which is similar to the Threefold Law, except that what you give comes back equally as strong. Personally, I think this makes sense; what you give is what you get.
However, each person must decide for her or himself. Threefold Law, Karma, neither, or something different altogether?

Other Religions:
Wicca is not a coercive religion. Meaning, we do not try to convert or brainwash people. We respect other constructive religions and paths, the only problem we have is when a religion wishes harm upon us.

Magic vs. Magick:
Many Wiccans and other Pagans spell magic with a k (magick). This is to differentiate it from stage magic. I choose to spell it "magic" simply because I prefer the spelling. Whatever you choose is fine -- some even spell it "magyk."

Wicca can be practiced by both men and women. Male witches or Wiccans are not called warlocks; The word warlock means "Twister of Truth" or "Oath Breaker" and is an insult to male witches.

Witchcraft vs. Wicca:
Witchcraft and Wicca are sometimes used to mean the same thing. Usually, though, Wicca refers to the religious aspects, and Witchcraft refers to the practice of magick, etc.

"The Broom Closet":
When a Pagan, especially a Wiccan, speaks of "coming out of the broom closet," they are talking about revealing their religion.

Spirit Names:
Often when Wiccans (and other Pagans) dedicate themselves to their path, they will choose a spirit name.

Wicca With Other Religions:
Many people want to become Wiccan, but also want to be another religion. People have told them this is "against the rules." Please know that it is not. It is very possible to be Wiccan and another religion. HOWEVER, there are guidelines. You must, most importantly, follow the Wiccan Rede. Also, earth-loving is a necessity. If the religion you choose is Christianity, for example, it will be impossible to follow everything from Christianity. (There are passages that state, "You shall not suffer a witch to live.") But you can take what you want from each religion; don't let anyone tell you that you can't.

Solitary Wicca vs. Coven Wicca:
When a Witch practices alone, she or he is called a "Solitary Witch." When she or he practices with a group (known as a coven), she or he is called a "Coven Witch." Some people say things like "It takes a Witch to make a Witch," but this is not true. The majority of modern-day Wiccans, in fact, are probably Solitaries. They either cannot find a coven near them, the coven does not fit their needs, they simply prefer to work alone, etc.

DietMany Wiccans:
Most Wiccans choose to become vegetarian or vegan out of love for Earth and respect for all life. However, rest assured this is NOT a requirement for being Wiccan.

Witches are not green-skinned, warty old crones. We are also not black-clad, pierced, and tattooed (though individual Witches might be). Anyone who threatens to turn you into a toad is probably not Wiccan.

Black, Grey, and White Magic - Most Wiccans do cast spells. However, they are not at all like the ones depicted by the media. They are not instant, and there is a certain format that they follow. Also, interfering with someone's will counts as harming them, so spells that make another person fall in love with you, etc. are out. Almost all Wiccans try to practice what is commonly called "white magic." There are exceptions to the Wiccan Rede as it pertains to magic, as there are to any rule, but only in extreme cases. Even doing magic to benefit others without their permission is only "grey magic."

Who Are We?:
Wiccans are not "born Witches." Although some of us have "inherited" the religion from our parents, we were not born with supernatural powers that others do not have. (Everyone has access to these natural, not supernatural, powers. Witches simply choose to use them. Being Wiccan is a conscious decision.
Becoming WiccanSeveral people have asked how to convert to Wicca. I have a dedication ceremony in my BOS, but I want to make the distinction between dedication and conversion. Most Wiccans don't convert, because we don't expect you to leave behind past beliefs. As long as you live by Wicca, you are Wiccan. Initiations won't make you truly Wiccan.

The Media on Wicca:
I cannot stress enough, do NOT believe what you see on TV and in movies about witches. While some things are true, most is completely false. "The Craft", "Charmed", and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" are not accurate representations of Wicca.

Pagan Lingo:
Pagans have sayings that we use with each other. One such saying is "Merry meet and merry part until we merry meet again!" (or "Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again", etc.) Because of this we often greet eachother by saying "merry meet" and part by saying "merry part". We also say -- usually upon parting -- "blessed be" or "brightest blessings." (In Pagan chatrooms, these are often abbreviated to MM, MP, and BB.)AcceptanceThe Wiccan/Pagan community is open to everybody. Race, gender, past religion, sexual orientation, age, etc. are unimportant.

Wicca considers sexuality a sacred and powerful thing. We don't have rules against homosexuality, sex before marriage, etc. We believe those are personal choices, and must be wisely considered and decided. HOWEVER: that does not mean that we encourage "promiscuous" behavior. Sacred things must be treated with utmost care, and each individual needs to decide their own guidelines, including appropriate age. Also, a word about nude rituals: you may hear of Witches performing rituals "skyclad" -- naked. This is NOT forced, of course. Some solitaries and covens choose to perform ritual free of limitations.

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