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Fifa16coins0 Like Rugby for the BIG games then a video ref should be used. FIFA take note. The 2010 Dutch Home shirt is tightly cut and in line with previous years very retro with a round collar with plain orange color and two white stripes to the side. The Home shirt will officially be launched by Nike in April. The top line growth transferred to the bottom line as the company's gross margins expanded from 43.9% in the fourth quarter of 2013 to 45.6%. These improved margins were due to innovative and premium products for which customers were ready to pay premium pricing and ultimately resulted in a higher demand impact.And here's the Wikipedia illustration of the offside rule (not "offsides" please) which is probably the most complicated thing a newbie needs to understand fut 16 coins since it underpins elements of both attacking and defensive strategy. That pass out to the winger who'll tear down towards the corner before pu
Love So Sweet
My mind wanders back to the previous week, when I saw you standing in a shop, looking as radiant as you ever did. My heart missed a beat and my stomach turned inside. I stood and watched as you went about your tasks. I must have passed that shop, so many times before but I never noticed you. I stood and waited hoping the shop would empty, so I could go inside. My mind went racing to many years ago. The laughs, the smiles, the times we had together. Gentle moments we shared, a love so special. Then came my drinking, the gambling, and the deceit. You tried to stand by me, but I was forever pushing you away, never sharing my problems, just telling you it was my life and I would live it the way I wanted. Then came that fateful night, returning home in my drunken state and penniless yet again. As I turned the key in the lock, a funny feeling came over me. The flat was in darkness as I gently called your name. All I could hear was silence. I ran through the flat searching every room, thin
Part Angel...part Devil In Me
Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Hit It Hard*lick It Slow@ Lostcherry
Just To Say Hello To All
Just wanted to say Hello to everyone,Anyone may leave me comments here, I enjoy hearing back from ppl, all is going good with me and my man, Not alot to say today, So I guess for now that is all, Hope some of you all leave me some comments, CHOW ASH
Love Poems And Other Outrageous Nonsense3
CAN YOU? Can you tell me you love me... Can you tell me its true... Can you tell me all the things... I want to hear from you... Can you tell me Im the only one... that makes you scream out loud... Can you tell me I can be so proud... Can you tell me you will stay until the end of time... thru snow...sleet...and hail...rain or shine... Can you tell me that I will always have your heart... and never will be the day that we will part... CAN YOU?
My Family
My First Blog
I take some paper on my hand, And with a pencil draw a man The dream of what I'd really, really like to be. A man with courage in his brow, Who's licked his doubts and fears somehow, A warrior of great nobility. But who am I? Just a wandering kid. A cipher on the wall, not even brave at all! And where's my dream like his that I would fight for? And where's my cause like his that I would die for? And in his eyes he's not a afraid Because you see he's got it made The dream of what I'd really, really like to be. A brave and noble, fiery youth. Who's not afraid to die for truth. Who's tall and straight, but best of all he's free! But who am I? Such a fool as I am. A cipher on the wall, not even brave at all! And where's my dream like his that I would fight for? And where's my cause like his that I would die for? But still the paper's in my hand And every day I sketch that man Who knows the truth and what life's all about! My conscience says I should be him I guess I
What Colour Represents Me
You scored as Purple. Purple is powerful, just like you. You are a very devoted person that likes to get things finished and you do this by balancing out fun and seriousness. This way you get the best of both and no matter what always end up winning. You are very competitive, driven and have an aura of mystery about you which sometimes people find astounding.Black100%Purple100%Pink100%White100%Blue83%Green72%Red56%Orange50%Yellow0%Which Colour Represents You???created with
Something New
I'm so sick of all the nasty skanks on here looking for cock. But I am especially sick of the whores who say plain as day on they're page "I'm engaged to / taken by a really great guy" and then procede to show their shit in their pictures. IF YOU LOVED THAT MAN YOU'D SAVE THOSE FOR HIM AND ONLY HIM HONEY. Don't get me wrong, swingers are awesome, but the girls/women/whore-bags who say they are taken and tell everyone not to even try and then put up picures of their tits/asses/twats are just disgusting attention craving sluts. Face it girls, men want LADIES on the streets and freaks in the sheets not the other way around. Keep your clothes on. (No offense to any of my lovely swinger friends, this isn't for you.) Feel free to repost.
Cherry Popping Daddy
pop my cherry and make me a man . tears will flow like the rivers of japan . hey lttle sister just wait and see we will all be thankful once my cherry bleeds . so pop my cherry !!!!
Dances In Rain
You are 73% fuckable! Take this quiz at
What Is Wicca Contrary to what those who choose to persecute or lie about us wish to believe, Wicca is a very peaceful, harmonious and balanced way of thinking and life which promotes oneness with the divine and all which exists. Wicca is a deep appreciation and awe in watching the sunrise or sunset, the forest in the light of a glowing moon, a meadow enchanted by the first light of day. It is the morning dew on the petals of a beautiful flower, the gentle caress of a warm summer breeze upon your skin, or the warmth of the summer sun on your face. Wicca is the fall of colorful autumn leaves, and the softness of winter snow. It is light, and shadow and all that lies in between. It is the song of the birds and other creatures of the wild. It is being in the presence of Mother Earths nature and being humbled in reverence. When we are in the temple of the Lord and Lady, we are not prone to the arrogance of human technology as they touch our souls. To be a Witch is to be a healer, a teacher
The Fire Is The Desire!!!!!
Success or Happiness does any of it satisfy? I've chased both without "success" (that sounds funny) I guess it depends on what definition you pour into those words. Happiness and success. they are just words thrown around and back again. defined by the direction of the shifting winds derived from others. usually feeling good (for now) as it tickles your ears. if it is not your own it is borrowed. anything borrowed cannot satisfy, im finding. as it is out of my control and is fleeting it has always left me looking for another lender. the question success and happiness begs. am i where i am supposed to be. am i being me? i've known that feeling it was my own. hunting bugs with my daughter asking me questions just wanting to know, trying to figure life out... we just want to be known. Without a doubt it has little to nothing to do about stuff its about living life with others and helping each other figure it out. This feeling is the fire within me. when I feel it
Why Men Are Like Pumpkins!
why men are like pumpkins.... 1. Every year you get a brand new crop to choose from. 2. No matter what your mood, pumpkins are always ready to greet you with a smile. 3. One usually makes a better pie. 4. They are always on the doorstep there waiting for you! 5. If you don\'t like the way he looks, you just carve up another face. 6. If he starts smelling up your place, you can just throw him out. 7. From the start, you know a pumpkin has an empty, mush filled head. 8. A pumpkin is turned on (lit-up) only when you want him to be. and what we love... 1. They\'ve got that comfortable place on their shoulder that\'s perfect for snuggling into while we fall asleep. 2. They\'re at peace with their bodies, except for maybe some minor anxiety over height, weight, and baldness. 3. They\'re enthusiastic about our bodies, even when we\'re not. 4. They\'re beyond enthusiastic about sex. 5. They fall in love so hard, once they finally fall.
Please Excuse My Leave Of Absense
As some of you know, I've gone and stayed with my mom. I moved out here because she's dying. Cancer. No one in my family knows. Growing up, I didn't really know her. She left me and my dad, got into drugs, walked the streets. They never divorced, my dad loved her dearly. But a few years ago he couldn't take not knowing where she was and split. I havn't seen him since. Phone calls sometimes, letters thats it. I went and lived with my cousin because it was a stable environment. Got into modeling for her, but realized models are ugly people, they are cold and heartless. So wrapped up in looking good. Makeup can make anyone look pretty, look at my pictures. I don't dress like that all the time. I'm just a regular girl. I'm just saying this because, well, if I'm not around that much, now you know.
Windaz Too Thoosand
To all my Americans Friends, people from the area where I come from are affectionately known as Geordies, we dont speak english as such but a mixture of english and scottish, and at times hard to understand. Just to clarify the point here is our versions of Windows "Geordie" Windows 2000 It has come to the attention of Microsoft that several copies of a Geordie version of Windows 2000, otherwise known as Windaz Too Thoosand, may have accidentally been shipped out of Newcastle. If you have one of the Newcastle editions, you may need some help understanding the commands. You will be able to tell immediately if you have a copy of Windaz 2000 by the egg-timer being replaced by a bottle of Brown Ale. Also note: * The recycle bin is labelled " Shite " * Dialup network is called "Me mates" * Control Panel is known as "How we fook aboot wi the settins" * The hard drive is referred to as "Big disk wi aall me stuff on it" Other features to note: * Cancel - Fook that
When I See You Smile
When I See You Smile - Bad English Sometimes I wonder How I'd ever make it through, Through this world without having you I just wouldn't have a clue 'Cause sometimes it seems Like this world's closing in on me, And there's no way of breaking free And then I see you reach for me Sometimes I wanna give up I wanna give in, I wanna quit the fight And then I see you, baby And everything's alright, everything's alright CHORUS: When I see you smile I can face the world, oh oh, you know I can do anything When I see you smile I see a ray of light, oh oh, I see it shining right through the rain When I see you smile Oh yeah, baby when I see you smile at me Baby there's nothing in this world that could ever do What a touch of your hand can do It's like nothing that I ever knew And when the rain is falling I don't feel it, 'cause you're here with me now And one look at you baby Is all I'll ever need, you're all I'll ever need When I see you smile
Happy Samhain
Filename: Post: [IMG][/IMG] Link: samhainex.png HTML Image: HTML Image Link:
Black Sabbath
Wish Apond A Star
What Sex Position Are You
what fighting style do you have? Martial ArtistBruce Lee is your idol and favorite past time. you keep your composure and never panic. your a black belt in whatever style you trian in and a very worthy advisary. Wax on Wax off Take this test Whats your sex style? Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY! Take this test
myspace profile yahoo
My 10 List
the 14 of feb. i go under the knife to get my skin cancer taken off my face if there is any one out there that has went though this please help me out and let me know how you coped with it in my picks i have two picks of the cancer if there are any of you that need proof.just need some friends out there to help me deal with this thanks for the lov, illbno
Its Been Awhile
Hey everyone i thought i would finally get back on here and update everyone. Lets see well i havent been feeling good lately my back is hurting alot worse as the pregnancy progresses and its getting harder and harder for me to be able to do alot of stuff now by myself but what can i do right. my faimly is in Indiana and my friends work all day so really i dont have nayone out here but its cool. My little sister is having sugery on her shoulder she is having a metal plate put in due to a softball injury that went unnoticed so im worried about that. My due date is May 22nd but i am hoping she come in April my first one was early so i hope she follows. I am hoping to move out of the house i am in right now and move into a bigger house at the beginig of March but we will see. I\'ve also been sick lately with the weather changing and everything so it really sucks but thats the update im still alive and kicking not doing as good as i should be but hey that comes with being pregnant and havi
Be Gentle Its My First Time
hey all . be gentle with me its my first blog . im so nervous i dont know what to do , dont know what to say ......... YEAH RIGHT . like i give a damn . please y'all . sup everybody ? my meds have kicked in and im so wired for sound right now . ive got so much time and so little to say . sad life aint it ? actually it can be very rewarding . i have time to ponder on the important thangs in life , like ........... um ......... well ,........... ill get back to ya on that . (note to self , ponder more on important thangs) well til next time , drop some love on your way out please .
I Need Some Page Work Help
someone please write me back in a messgae and tell me how to change the background please its driving me crazy
My Birthday was awesome! I went over to my aunts. We had a lil party that lasted all day long! We got hellllla drunk. Went topless in the hottub. Had some of my friends come over with us.. (guys too) =P... HAD MYSELF A HELL OF A NIGHT! I really don\'t remember the night part. All I know is I woke up at my freidns house in her brothers room!... Freakie.. = ... But it was fun! it turns out he likes me =D But nothing will happen EVER between us. AND no we did not do anything lol. but he made me breakfast in bed. it was the sweeteast thing ever. God some guys can be great ahaha. but no nothing happen! GOD. SHUT UP ALREADY! AHAHA Just kidding. Love ya all. There\'s more. If you want to know ask me =D. [.Courtney.]
An Ugly Yet Beautiful World That I Travel Thru
Life isnt all that glarmous here...... Crappy roads..... Rundown houses............ Unhabitable land..... Bah.....
No Love?
Hey guys! I would really appreciate it if you could help my friend Dolly win the alluring eyes competition! Please comment on her pic as much as you can! You can find the link to her pic on the bulletins I have posted! PLeASEEEE!!!! Thank you! much love to you all... : ) xoxoxo I'll heart you forever!
Smash Mouth
Yea. Im New Here...
Yea. Im new here... Its exciting. Its intimidating. Its overwhelming. And now theres all these new people to meet... Where the hell do I begin????????????
Drummer Needed
Local Blues Rock Cover Band Looking for a drummer. Influences are Led Zeppelin, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eric Clapton, Joe Walsh, Elvis, AeroSmith, ZZ Top, Rolling Stones, Kenny Wayne Sheppard, Jimi Hendrix, Cream, Rick Derringer, Georgia Satellites, Allman Brothers, Bad Company, James Gang, Lynard Skynard, etc. If you think you are interested and want to see a song list, contact the band at or you can give me your info and I'll pass it on. Must be able to practice at least once a week. If you have practice space that would be a major bonus.
Check Out Bullitin
Life Sucks
Just Great!!
First off, I got up a couple minutes late. BUT the car started fine and didn't die on me (thank bob) I got it all warmed up and was trying, unsuccessfully, to use the windshield wipers to take off the ice.... Wasn't working. Out of desperation I turned on the defrost... praying the god the beast didn't blow up... It didn't work, just made a REALLY ugly sound.... THen, I got out of the car, came inside, got a thingy filled with water (because the hose wouldn't reach) and dumped it out the window while I had the wipers on. Didn't co-opperate..... I then preceeded to get out of the Beast, again, and scratch the ice off with my hand... that worked... for about a minute... until my hand turned into a lobster in the arctic.... The clock turned to 6:22am and I knew there was NO way for me to get to the hall by 6:30am.... since it's acrossed the damned town! Just fucking great! Why does this shit happen to me!?!? Here I am trying to make a name for myself, and he
What The Hell
this whole cherrytap shit makes no sence at all
My Crazy Life
I love to have a good time Partying is one of my hobbies I don't take things too seriously unless i need to I say the work fuck a lot I'm not a virgin... I have my tongue pierced as well as my nipples I go to college at BV and it's kicking my ass I love my friends, and family I think Wal-mart is taking over corperate America I'm very random I'm a dork I love me.. but then again.. who doesn' There's never a dull moment with me In almost every conversation I have, sex comes up I'm where the party's at.. lol and there's never a dull moment with me... oh ya.. and the president of our college knows about all of my piercings.... Keep it rocking.. Lots of uncreepy love Methy
Dardar's Thoughts
Alright i thought i would meet some kool people on here that actually want to talk about meaningful things...I'm not here to do web cam or anything like that just so all of you know..actually i don't even know if i like this site seems like it's full of perverted ppl.. I am a model that's it...There are other things other than sex ppl disturb me...expect me to be deleting this account soon unless i can meet some decent ppl Dar
To All My Friends
Sorry to all of u who r reading this, if u did not bother then u will not no. I am not feeelin so well, so if i do not get back to u in then next few days don't worry i will finish where i left off........... I was rating pics, giving thumbs up for stashes, and can't think of anything right now, just wanted to let everyone know i will be back. So plzzzzzzzz do not be upset or mad at me if i do not get to u right now. i will i promise and i do not break promises.........if it it takes longer for me to get back up, then u will know i was admitted into the hospital, so send all those prayers and love up so i can get better, and thanks for understanding and not gettting upset with me. All the thanks and love go out to all of u!!!!!! Renee...aka Tweety sweety
I'm Back
...So i have been gone for a few months....i saw shooting a spain...but i am back in the us now...i had fun in was really hot and the beach was fucking great...and my babies really loved the sand and the was my daughter's first time on a plane and in water and was funny watching her react to the sand and the waves comign at her...but we all had best friend Molly and my sister came with me to watch the babies when i was shooting...but they were happy to come...even if they had to watch the kids!!!! but the trip was a blast and i got really close to my a relationship way...i am not sure if i am bi or i just like having someone there that doesnt treat me like most guys do...but whatever...i am living my life the way i wanna and living day by today i am with a girl...but i could be with a guy tomorrow...who nows...but whatever...later hugs & kisses Tiff
> >One for the ladies > >One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his Sweat- > > >shirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, >"What setting do I use on the washing machine?" > > >"It depends," I replied. "What does it say on your shirt?" > > >He yelled back, " University of Oklahoma " > > >And they say blondes are dumb... > > >----------------------------------------------------------- > > >A couple is lying in bed. The man says, > > >"I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world." > > >The woman replies, "I'll miss you..." > > >----------------------------------------------------------- > > >"It's just too hot to wear clothes today," Jack says as he stepped out of >the shower, "honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed >the lawn like this?" > > >"Probably that I married you for your money," she replied. > > >----------------------------------------------------------- >
i'm a native american.....33years old female. i have 3 beautiful kids that i cherish very much.i come on the net to meet new friends...i'm not into that cybering thingy which i know theres alot of ppl do whatever floats your boat but i dont do it i just chill with my friends.....i have 7 tatts.i'm into harleys choppers native american history wolves white tigers.
Cherrytap Blog Entry 1
So my sister got me to sign up for this site and I am unawares of why really.I had a myspace account set up and have neglected it for awhile but she said this site is like myspace for grown-ups. So here I am. I live in Seattle, work for Jack in the Box and live in the hood of Seattle. I like to hang out with my bestfriend Mikey and go out to the local bars here when I get a chance. I work in the heart of gay mecca here in Seattle and I enjoy the exposure to the community and the closeness it provides to being near my closest friends. I have been back in Seattle since November of 2006. I miss my family in Tennessee very much and the horrible aspect of being in Seattle is being so far away from them and their daily lives. I hope to be able to return and visit them soon. Since I am new to this I am going to end this here. If you are like what you see hit me up and when I sporadiccly check this site I will hit you back. Have a good one and take care of yourselfs. Ciao!
Moroc Extreme Woods Racing Series 1st Event
Leaving tonight. Wife has the jeep loaded with beads should be a blast. AMSIOL just showed up courtesy of SOR4x4 so that will be going in before we load up along with one beadlock to be put on due to some one got the case of the dumbA** and moutned the claw backwards in a late night build frenzy. (ME) Yes the first race for Team Ballzout Motorsports season is coming up. We are pumped and ready to go Ballzout. Get out to one of the events and see the next great motorsports legend. YOu will see great hill climbs,rock crawls, carnage, and roll overs. CHeck out my racing pics for last years footage.
Ice Everywhere And A Sore Ass
yea so I was head to work today and I walked outside and stepped down the step if my houes and fell flat on my ass....ouch. So my ass was wet and I had to come back in to change my pants right? So I walk back out agian and WOOOP there I go again! I now have this huge ass bruise on my arm from where I fell not once but twice...damn I'm stupid yea so its icy and it sucks. I went into work today and it was fine, a little dusting of snow on the ground and it was set....I look out the window 2 hours later and there is ice everywhere! So I go out ot my car at 7 and I cant get it open...damn ice. I finally get my car door open and I wasnt expecting it, lost balance and fell flat on my butt! ouch. dang
Need Help To Win This ! :) Would be great if you comment and rate this pic HIIIIIIIIIIGH ... thx alot
Don't Forget
To many people take thier rights and freedom for granted.. don't forgot those that have frought and died for us to live those rights and freedoms.. Thank You
please do not need me... for i have naught to give... some days i have to reach... for the will to live... there is a barren wasteland... that used to be a heart... residing deep inside of me... before it was torn apart... was i ever really loved?... or was i just posessed?... a trinket and a plaything... just like all the rest... a "trophy" on a shelf... til u had need of me... my pain is now a badge... for all the world to see...
True Love Came
True Love Came Love ran away from me Never looked back to see The tears that came along And stained my pale cheeks Love ran away today It pack away the warmth The smiles and laughter Love cried while it ran away I called out for it to stay As it walked away for good My soul ached with pain As my love came to an end Love ran away before I could tell it how I felt Before I could show it That with me there are no doubts I thought love ran away Never to return again Until true love came To show me I was wrong True love came to me today And wrapped me up close Took away all the pain And showed me true loves worth. this poem was shared with me by a great friend © Alicia Marin A/K/A Angeleyes Music Video Codes By Music
I feel so very welcomed! Thank you all for sharing the love and comments about my page. I am learning and trying to add more to it as I learn it. Any one that can help, let me know. Would love to have a picture that morphs into something else. I got caught in the rain today here in the big state of Texas. Well, it was a down pour. Wow! Wait 10 minutes and the weather here will change. I left it was 71 degrees, and came back an hour later it was 60 degrees and pouring rain. Gotta love it! Ya'll have a good one! Finding Another place to talk about myself! LOL I guess I am getting pretty damn vain in my old age. I guess 40 almost 41 is old? Started to feel that way. I get to take a vacation by myself in April. Guess that is what happens too when you get old. Your hubby sends you off by yourself. Anyone want to come along for the hell of it?
I've experienced this wonderful explosion more than once & hope'n to experience it again. Can someone help?
My Mom's Obituary
My mom passed away recently,on April 4,2007. She was 44 yrs old.She died way before her time and I will truely never get over her death...I miss her so much. Heres her obituary: Laura Kay Munden died suddenly and unexpectedly April 4, 2007 at Saint Mary’s Hospital in Reno, Nevada. She was born Laura Kay Jepsen on December 11, 1962 in Fremont, California to Sharon and Neils Jepsen. Laura grew up in Newark, California, coming to Hawthorne as a teenager. After graduating high school, Laura went to work at DZHC where she was employed for 24 years. Laura had many hobbies and interests: she enjoyed working in her yard, she loved to paint, and she enjoyed arts and crafts, she also enjoyed cooking and baking. She loved her pets: Moffee, Troopie, Maggie and Simon. Her greatest role in life and the thing that made her the happiest was being a wife and mother. Laura graced our lives with her kindness, tenderness and genuine love. Her passing has left a tremendous hole
Miss Bubblegum
Sometime I just sit around and think about how fly me and my girls are. The way men fall to the knee...literally when we come their way. Is that Fly or what!
ok all i am new here and want to make this experience fun so if you want to keep me on cherry tap give me a reason to stay i dont know much about it but hey im up to anything
Floral Hammer Floral Hammer:6 in 1 Home Tools are the perfect tools to use to turn any house into a warm, comfortable "Home". Whether you are working on Home sewing projects such as drape, wall hangings or table cloths, or Home decorating projects such as frames, floral arrangements or re-doing furniture, these tools are sure to be needed. Great to use on all your Home Decor projects, Sewing projects or miscellaneous Craft project. Each tool has a beautiful floral design. Floral Hammer- is 5 tools in 1 which includes 1 hammer and 4 screwdrivers. The screwdrivers all fit into the handle of the hammer and includes 1 each, #1 Phillips, 1/4", 1/8" and mini. Assorted floral designs on the handles. Always wear eye protection and keep away from children. Tag Key: Floral Hand Tools,Floral Tools,Tools factory,Floral Hammer,
Got A Sexy Pic Lady's
send me any sexy pic that youd like to and then i'll give you a favor in return thank you chris
Wanting to see you. To be near you. To touch you and hold you again. Yet another dream never to be realized. I will go on living with my pain and sorrow till another angel shows me the light I long to walk into and take me out of this hell. That has been created by the loss of a dream.
Poem For The Dead.
I am not here, but do not cry. Do not waste your tears on the dead. I can not see them, I do not know you are crying. Save your emotions for the living. Tell your loved ones you love them. Realise what you have now before it is no more. Live life now, but not too fast please. Smile when you see a butterfly, fluttering in the breeze. Appreciate all the exciting, new experiences life has to hold. The world is full of wonderful and beautiful things: the first flower of spring, the warm summer sun, the wild colours of autumn, and the first snowflake of winter. When you are down and you think life can't get worse. When things don't go your way and you want to give up. Remember one thing! You have the magic of life. Don't waste it.
Men Are Dense
A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, observing his wife, looking at herself in the mirror. Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she'd like to have for her Birthday."I'd like to be six again", she replied, still looking in the mirror. On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Lucky Charms, and then took her to Six Flags theme park. What a day!He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, th e Wall of Fear, the Screaming Monster Roller Coaster, everything there was. Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park. Her head was s reeling and her stomach felt upside down. He then took her to a McDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake.Then it was off to a movie, popcorn, a soda pop, and her favorite candy, M&M's. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, "Well Dear
So school fucking sucked today...i did like 4 fucking tests in like 2 sucked....and the worst part is that i have to to it all over again tomorrow...getting up at fucking 5:30 in the morning!!!!!!! life...i got to love it, i guess
It's Time To Have Fun
Wonders What People Are Hiding From.
Wonders what people are hiding from. Always funny to see people up, and with some pictures that are not them. Wonders what they have to hide.
Me On Blog Talk Tonight!!
I will be on the radioshow ksframeofmind tonight at 7pm PST June 3rd 2007 if you can not catch the show you will be able to listen in to the archived show... or You can also call into the show and give us a talking to... So Cum on and give us a listen... Maybe a call in... 3 hot chicks Co-hosting together and a Dominatrix Chat guest tonight! The show will be outstanding tonight! Look forward to turning you on, as u turn us on!
Cum Join Me!!!!!!!
Cum join me in tha cherries gone wild lounge.... stop by & do the damn thang!!!!
Wiping Outsucks
recently I wrecked my '85 Honda Rebel and tore the front end up. besides mangling my bike the multiple large abrasions on my arms and legs make it hard to move around. So take my advice and wear a helmet and pants and do ride drunk. thats what got me in trouble.
Diva's Thoughts
I've been seeing this meme everywhere. 1.WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Kind of...My mom fund my name in a book. A Reader's Digest Condensed Book at that. The story was called "Here Come the Brides". For my birthday last year, mom sent me the Reader's Digest book and the original novel the story came from. Pretty cool. 2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Yesterday. Pat and I had a HUGE fight. 3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING ? Nope...looks like chicken scratch. 4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? Turkey, pastrami, salami 5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? 2 boys and 2 girls, and one granddaughter 6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? You bet...just so I could get thrown out of bars 7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? What's sarcasm? 8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Yep...nobody is taking those away from me! If I ever get them removed, I am going to keep them in a jar next to my bed. 9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Not a chance in hell. 10. WHAT
Hey Everyone
Hey, my name is Roger. I'm the Guitars for the Band call Society's Plague I joined this site awhile back and recently came back to see what it was all about. I have no idea how to do most of the things on here such as write an about me section or anything for that matter im still exploring. For the most part if your wanting to know something about me feel free to ask i love open conversations and questions. Feel free to check out my personal site on myspace or the band site, hope to hear from you soon Roger
Hatin Ass Bitches!
So let me tell you...! theres this girl who keeps callin my wife and i really wish she would stop! I mean she doesnt answer the phone and she just calls back to back and its just like Hello Bitch she obviously dont wanna talk to you... but i guess some people just dont get the hint! So anyways just let me know what you think about these type of girls or if you even know where im comin from
Thanksgiving Divorce
A man in Phoenix calls his son in New York the day before Thanksgiving and says, "I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough. "Pop, what are you talking about?" the son screams. We can't stand the sight of each other any longer," the father says. "We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Chicago and tell her." Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone "Like heck they're getting divorced," she shouts, "I'll take care of this." She calls Phoenix immediately, and screams at her father, "You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?" and hangs up. The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. "Okay" he says, "they're coming for Thanksgiving and paying their own w
Your Wiccan Princess
---god Bless My Boyfriend--- From The Mumms
How to tell if someone is a player or fake... 1. Their cell phone only works during work hours - no signal at their house! 2. They don't have a home phone (yet they have the internet at home???) 3. You are always on Cam and they don't have one!!!!!! (its broken, have to buy a new one, dog chewed my cord!) 4. They mysteriously hang up during phone sex or serious chat session. Due to a dead battery - Ever hear of a charger butthead!! 5. Your conversations get cut short cause they get kicked out of the IM (alot!) Only to return and apologize the next day -due to (power went off, computer froze up, dog chewed the cord) 6. Other people leave comments on their page about how fucking awesome they are, and how they cannot wait to meet them in person. (aww don't be jealous I'm just a flirt - we're just friends!) 7. They only ever refer to you as honey, baby, sweetie, hun, darlin, ect., never by your real name. (at least give me an original pet name!) 8. They are never available on IM
First Blog
Sex Game
sex game lol have fun. 1 would u be in controll 2 would u pull my hair 3 would u whisper in my ears 4 would u talk dirty to me 5 would u kiss me with a little tongue or alot of tongue 6 would u say my name 7 would u go down on me 8 would u let me give u a hickkie 9 how mant rounds would we go 10 what would we do after 11 would u take off all yourclothes then take mine off slowly 12 would u lick and bite 13 would u play our stright to the point 14 would u whant me to take my time 15 how freaky are u 1-10 16 would u whant it fast or slow 17 where would u whant to do it 18 would u be loud or quiet 19 would u whant me to be loud or quiet 20 would u mind if i licked u 21 do u like me 22 would u call me the next day 23 would u scratch me 24 would u let me scratch u 25 would u have to be drunk 26 would u date me 27 would u do it today 28 would u do it tomorrow 29 do u think it would go any further than sex-relationship or dating 30 re post for i can anser yours
Possible embilishments may occour below so be forewarned. It was only my second citation to have ever served. I had taken far too little for the job and knew better but I wanted to get the business even if it meant undercutting the competition far too much. Red flags were in abundance; A Jittery legal assistant eager to get me out of their office with only a shrug as to the disposition of the defendant. Errors on the actual address that were I not the most diligent person cost me hours and miles. And finally, the service was in a part of town I shouldn’t to be going to at any time of day. I thought, “This is where the wild things are.” And then I thought, “Shouldn’t I be in my pajamas that have the little feet sewn into them?” After an interminable drive, I arrived at the address in question which turned out to be the projects unquestionably. Squat little eight unit one and two bedroom apartment buildings right off the ass end of a noisy major highway. The sign sai
What Irritates The Hell Outa Me!!! I am pretty new at this meet someone online...then go meet them in person stuff! I find it a little weird! Call me odd...old fashioned...whatever! But...if you say...."Hey...I don't live far from you...why don't you and I meet up in real person!" You better damned well show up! I was gonna be out and about and passin' through the town that one of my "friends" lives in and she and I were gonna meet up....she was a NO SHOW! *click* *click* DELETED!!!!!!!
One Of Those Days
but it just seems like one of those days when all of the women I talk to today have an attitude. I have been nice and friendly (I think), but all I get are short quick answers (or no answer at all). Is it nationwide today? Is it me? What is going on?
I guess this is just a little clarification for all those people that just don't get horror movies... Here are a few common scenarios: 1.) "That movie was totally cheesy, the special effects were like hella cheap, and it was just dumb." Maybe alot of horror movies are cheap, and cheesy. Thank god they are, that's one less giant Hollywood blockbuster, that supposedly reinvents film as we know it, while offering nothing really worth watching. As far as the special effects go, at least you are seeing practical effects crafted by genuine fans of movies, not what the Evil Conglomerates are telling you is the movie of the year, or that if you don't see some new movie, you're a homophobe, a racist, or just don't understand a good movie... If you are looking for your enlightinment from Hollywood you have a massive problem. Give me a cheap, shitty movie made for nothing more than passion, and love, and a cast and crew that stands behind their project anyday. I'll take 1,000 of those be
A Little Help
Look to the future, outlaw the storm is coming now, race war the skies darken as night falls the battle’s coming now, your race calls we’ll carry on the fight ‘til the day we die against the people that would kill us for the flags we fly we wont surrender, we wont give in we’ll fight the fight, and we will win, now! Stand up beside us and we’ll have our day stand up against us get out of our way! The tensions rising, the flood grows the banks are bursting, overflow here it comes no, tidal wave god help our people now, mass grave join the battle, join the few stand up for your race and your nation too we know the traitors are in our midst but now they’re running like the others did People to the left, people to the right people in the middle that don’t wanna fight traitors fight against us, showdown people in the middle get knocked down We fight for freedom, we fight to win the color of our uniform, Is the color of our skin we’ve got the power, we’ve got the pride
Nfl, Nba
BEST NFL CHOOSE 5 TEAMS AFC AND 5 TEAMS CHOOSE 5 AFC TEAMS 1.Baltimore Ravens 2.Cincinnati Bengals 3.Cleveland Browns 4.Pittsburgh Steelers 5.Houston Texans 6.Indianapolis Colts 7.Jacksonville Jaguars 8.Tennessee Titans 9.Buffalo Bills 10.Miami Dolphins 11.New England Patriots 12.New York Jets 13.Denver Broncos 14.Kansas City Chiefs 15.Oakland Raiders 16.San Diego Chargers CHOOSE BEST 5 TEAMS 17.Chicago Bears 18.Detroit Lions 19.Green Bay Packers 20.Minnesota Vikings 21.Atlanta Falcons 22.New Orleans Saints 23.Tampa Bay Buccaneers 24.Dallas Cowboys 25.New York Giants 26.Philadelphia Eagles 27.Washington Redskins 28.Arizona Cardinals 29.Seattle Seahawks 30.St. Louis Rams 31.Carolina Panthers 32.San Francisco 49ers
Jesus the girl here are hot. Talking about butt-lovin, feet, fuckin, and all sorts of mess. Misty was right this place fucking RCOKS!!! On a side note, I am letting one and all know...That I, the great Kenoya, shall become the most uber thing fubar has yet to see. Mark my words ill be the first level 9trillion. Thats right, 9 trillion. How might you ask will I become level 9 trillion?! The ladies thats how. I shall vote on every picture i come across to boost my points, even if they are NSFW. I shall become uber-kenoya if its the last thing I do. My question is this though...anyone know any nice people who would let me go through all their picture and rate them? lol
My Best Poem Ever Written Always And Forever
A love that is my heart and soul A love that cant be touched A love that all the heavens will protect A love that will never keep me away! My little stinkers forever Micha,Megan, and Molley My little saints forever 3 of no kind Never forsaken too many times mistaken Three pieces of my heart that shouldnt be taken away Follow your hearts no matter where it takes you Become someone that you can respect and love Dont follow by example do what is right no matter who says it Be your own and never live to be owned in any way Never forget how much i love ya and need ya every second is so hard to breathe without seeing you Dont see this as a sad feeling every tear is hoping to see you grown forver your mortal guaudian angel that mortally made mistakes
In Between Worlds
The is a place that is called The Between Where you are neither in Pain or in Love But rather In Between the two. Within this place Neither Pain or Love exist All that is there is numbness bliss Not all know of this place Or can find it on their own Some need the help from others To be here is not painful or lovable but is simply numbness to all feelings Thus is why called the Between Here no one can hurt you Nor can they love you But here is where they accept you To be accepted for all and everything you are You need to find your place of Between Worlds. wrote 9/28/07
Nfl - Week 4 - Picks And Winners
Week 4 Oakland @ Miami (4) Miami will come away with the win 17 - 13 Houston (3) @ Atlanta Houston will come away with the win 21 – 10 Upset Pick Baltimore (4) @ Cleveland Cleveland will come away with the win 14 – 13 Chicago (3) @ Detroit Chicago will come away with the win 24 - 14 Green Bay (1) @ Minnesota Green Bay will come away with the win 27 – 17 St. Louis @ Dallas (13.5) Dallas will come away with the win 28 – 13 Jets (3.5) @ Buffalo Jets will come away with the win 21 – 10
Romantic Love
Lovers, forget your love, And list to the love of these, She a flower, And he a winter breeze. When the frosty veil Was melted down at noon, And the caged yellow bird Hung over her in tune, He marked her through the pane, He could not help but mark, And only passed her by To come again at dark. He was a winter , Concerned with ice and snow, Dead weeds and unmated birds, And little of love could know. But he sighed upon the sill, He gave the sash a shake, As witness all within Who lay that awake. Perchance he half prevailed To win her for the flight From the firelit looking-glass And warm stove- . But the flower leaned aside And thought of naught to say, And morning found the breeze A hundred miles away.
Surprise Me-fresh Meat
COME ON ALL, WE WERE NEW HERE ONCE TOO. ,hey there freinds,, here is a freinds freind and she is new,, can you all stop by and make her feel welcome,, love ya all. and ty
Full Moon Beauty
High above the World In the clear star lite sky I silently watch as I sore high Those that look up to the Heavens Upon this night each month I am welcomed unto you For I give you my All My ever full light of my shine On this Beautiful Night I smile down upon the world As I am praised for my glow and beauty As I shine my fullest for all to see I bathe in this praise For this is the only night Of each new month I do As I smile and glow upon the world Bathe in my Beauty As I lay high above you In the clear star lite sky For I am the Full Moon.
A Poem Written For A Long Lost Friend Of Mine :(
Life is so unpredictable... At one time, everyone, and everything together, happy as could be, the colors: vibrant and unscathed... Now, reality is dim, at least for me, you have forgotten so it seems... I thought we were best friends, I thought we were close, I thought that you cared, Wishful thinking at the most... We both are cold, stubborn, & scorned, No one forgives, our lives continue, separate. My pain turns to anger my anger is unleashed no one understands what I am going through. Life goes on, brutal, or not. Denial, sadness, tears, and anger wonder, thoughts, memories, laughter, knowing you, I will never have any regrets...
Cats On The Counter
My cats refuse to drink water if their bowl is on the floor. They will only drink from their bowl if it is on the counter top. Is that wrong?
Doug And Fallin's Wedding!!!
>Join Us In Celebrating the Wedding Of Bada Bing's Own Doug and Fallin Angel at Bada Bing Lounge on Saturday, November 17th at 4pm eastern time. " /> Free Graphics at Free Graphics at Plan to be there as we share and celebrate a beautiful time with these two very special friends! >Host Your Images & Videos FREE CLICK HERE!
Im This Guy
We don't care if you talk to other guys. We don't care if you're friends with other guys. But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off. It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there. We don't care if a guy calls >OR TEXTS< you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned. Nothing is that important at 2 a.m. that it can't wait till the morning. Also, when we tell you you're pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it. Don't tell us we're wrong. We'll stop trying to convince you. The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence. Yeah, you can quote me. Don't be mad when we hold the door open. Take Advantage of the mood im in. let us pay for you! dont "feel bad" We enjoy doing it. It's expected. Smile and say "thank you." K
Does the Decadent Deviance or the Dark realm groups still exist. haven't heard much from either group in quite a while. If they no longer exist i'm going to start looking for another group to run with and if there are any takers, let me know.
Show my Friend some Love Rate, Add. and Comment Her Thank You, From DHoltStingray }:{MisssButterfly}:{@ CherryTAP }:{MisssButterfly}:{@ CherryTAP
Me Me Me...
Hey that thing about getting FUBUCks for gifts is cool!!! I want some!!! Anyone can spare any??? I'll be greatful!!! AMBER
Rate And Fan
Read On Bumper Stickers
Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reason. Kids in the front seat cause accidents, accidents in the back seat cause kids. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them Learn from your parent's mistakes - use birth control It's God's job to forgive Bin Laden... It's our job to arrange the meeting -USMC Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but you are abusing the privelege U.S. MARINE CORPS.--Everything destroyed in 30 min. or the next one's free! If pro is the opposite of con, is progress the opposite of Congress? Never Underestimate The Power Of Stupid People In Large Groups If you miss your ex, reload and try again! I have nothing against god, it's his followers that I can't stand I have nothing against god, it's his followers that I can't stand eeght yers ago I coun't evn speel grauduat now i is wun I hate to think after millions of years of evolution you're the end product. It's time to pul
My Preferences With Women
My Preferences With Women I might come off shallow here, but there is no sense in me lowering my standards. I want a non smoker, at least not around me. Preferably with out kids (damn near impossible in this state). If they have kids, the less the better. Don't get me wrong, I love kids. I truly admire single moms because I am the product of one, but I need attention too. If the girl has kids, I hope she wants more, because my goal in life is to be the father that I never had. The girl must be prettier than me (yeah, I just said that). Someone smaller than me, I have to be able to pick you up. Being a little taller is acceptable. I do like them younger, but age isn't a huge deal if they meet the rest of the criteria. Someone who is supportive, and honest. Assertive, but not too controlling. Someone with pretty liberal political views. I would like a good girl, but not one who is way too uptight. I also don't want a long distance relationship, I'd prefer girls in a 20 mile radius. Also,
Thank You
Thank you to Mike, Bill, Ryan, Dave, Tiffany, Alan, Eric, Frank, Al, Peter, Rosalind, Derek and all the Bouncers and the entire fubar Family!
My Brain Is Bleeding
Another blog site, another assault on the senses only on this one you get to virtually drink and rate people... I feel like im in an online wet tshirt contest
Haiku Night swimming, moonlight Luminous beams on her love Clothes left in the dark Words are babble talk His world is lonely and sad Within his own mind Music is his gift Life reveals lyrics as song Giving harmony Garden Enter my garden, Behold the wonders to be seen. No admission fee or hours of operation, Just you and me. Enter my garden, No need to hurry to make it right. No clock to punch, We have the day and even the night. Enter my garden, Winter, spring, summer, fall. In good weather and bad, You will find yourself in awe. This garden was planted just for you, No others may enter; you are VIP. When the troubles of the day make you blue, Come walk in my garden, you will feel free. If There Is Only One Rhyme I Could Say If there is only one rhyme I could say before you are gone from my life. A line from a song; love will find a way: I never meant to bring our world strife. Sometimes sorry doesn’t heal the pain, An
To The People Of Fubar...
Do you need a reliable car, at a descent price? Check out this ad for American Auto Bargins...... This site is packed with local/distant auto auctions that will allow you to buy an awesome car the American way--Cheaper!! Copy and Paste the link below:
~in Your Eyes~
~In Your Eyes~ If I could hold you close When the dark abides, And your eyes behold At the break of light, I'd write these words by the moon And songs by the sun, And their melody and tune Would ring you're the one. Peace.
Rants Of A Sane Crazy Man
People who want to think they are cool by putting DJ in front of thier name because they think it makes them sound cool. ok for all of you that do that FUCK YOU! I have DJ in front of my name because it stands for Digital Jockey, as I'm an Online Radio DJ. I've been doing this for 7 years almost 8 now, so I have evvery right to put that in my name now. You dont get that right overnight you have to earn it. I've spent the last 7. 5 years busting my ass trying to promote my Radio stataion, as well as working for 4 other stations in that time. He''ll I still work for one of them now. Honestly you get the right to call yourself a DJ untill I say you have spent 3 or 4 years doing internet radio and promotions for that station. Oh sure while your working there you can say I'm your DJ and your name but dont call yourself a DJ when you have NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY FORM OF RADIO! DJ have been on AM, FM, Internet, and now Satelite radio. thats it. All those other "DJs" out there your not, c
Single For Life???
Joining The Graveyard Family!!
Manly, manly - Subdued Sunday All!! LOL!!!!@ fubar Hellsfire, DJ_H£LL§F@ fubar Lizzard, Lizzard69@ fubar Sketch, (B) DJ Sketch☼¿☼@ fubar Tallguy, TÁ££GÚ¥ ÊÑFØRÇÊR@ÚK ÐÊ£IGHT§@ fubar The Genetic Freak, XX The Genetic Freak XX~FTW~ Dark Realm Enforcer~@ fubar CuCu, Cucuman@ fubar Liquid, Liquid_Morphine@ fubar Silly, §1llyßÁÐß۞¥@ fubar Grimmey, __Grimmey__@ fubar Cappy, Cappy@ fubar Noexquz, Noexquz™Manager of Chill Factor Lounge@ fubar Dude,
You`r In My World Now!
Here's to all those girls who used to be his number one. The ones who waited all night for him to call, only to check the caller ID the next morning and be disappointed. The ones who made it through that bitter break up, dried your own tears, and moved on with your life, only to have him walk back in it months later like nothing ever happened. Those of you who cried on the first day you talked again because you knew exactly where this phone call was going. The ones who listened to him say, I only want to be your friend, one day, and the next, listened to him say how much he loves and misses you. We deserve something, and this is our tribute. Here's to the ones that took him back, hoping that maybe this time, he was different, hoping that maybe people really do change. We listened to our friends tell us that we were stupid for even thinking about giving him another chance, caught shit from our parents, and even snuck around to see him for a while. We went through the great s
Ladies Come Join Planet Bitch!!!!
Your gonna love it here! A womens only "Bitch" site....Even more than that...Come check us out! Visit Planet Bitch
A Soldier Reports To God
The soldier stood and faced his God Which must always come to pass He hoped his shoes were shining Just as brightly as his brass. "Step forward now, you soldier, How shall I deal with you? Have you always turned the other cheek? To My Church have you been true?" The soldier squared his shoulders and said,"No, Lord, I guess I ain't Because those of us who carry guns Can't always be a saint. I've had to work most Sundays And at times my talk was tough, And sometimes I've been violent, Because the streets are awfully tough But, I never took a penny That wasn't mine to keep... Though I worked a lot of overtime When the bills got just too steep, And I never passed a cry for help, Though at times I shook with fear, And sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept unmanly tears. I know I don't deserve a place Among the people here They never wanted me around Except to calm their fears. If you've a place for me here, Lord, It needn't be so grand, I never exp
This Loving and Adoring Grandfather... Texas Camaro Nut ©@ fubar ...lost his Brand New Baby Grandson last night! Baby Trace passed through the gates of Heaven while sleeping last night. Trace was born April 7, 2008. He had a beautiful Momma and an Amazing Granddaddy! Please send your love and support to Dave...Texas Camaro Nut...during this time of sorrow. This bulletin brought to you with Love and Respect from Sin: ^sin^@ fubar and Created with Love and Respect by PebblesinAZ: PebblesinAZ@ fubar
A Bit Pissed Off At A Few Things
Why Nice Guys Finish Last
Are you a nice guy who has always wondered why the cocky guy -- the one who barely appears interested in the girl -- is usually the one who gets the girl? Have you suffered from hearing the words, "You're a really nice guy, but I only like you as a friend," from a woman who you would do (or may, in fact, have already done) just about anything and everything for -- only to turn around and watch her date (or even chase) a guy who treats her like she's nothing special? And are you stumped wondering why she would date a guy who treats her like that when she could have you who would treat her like a princess and give her everything she wants? Well, you better brace yourself because I'm going to tell you a couple of secrets that you might not want to hear. First, "nice" equates with boring and predictable. Look up "nice" in the dictionary and you find: pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory. In other words, average -- not exceptional, not exciting, and not sexy.I'll bet you've never heard a wom
Have You Met Tappinit Yet?
Christopher aka Tappinit won me in an auction and is "leasing" me for the time being. Christopher is kind, good looking, caring, good looking, loving, good looking, and sincere. He has an awesome sense of humor, and oh have I mentioned he is good looking?!
Calling All Bombers
RaiderGoat Is In A Contest And Needs Some Help So Lets See How Many Bombers We Can Get On His Page He Needs 35,000 Comments And He hAs Been Bombing Away And Needs Some Help Can All You Bombers Get Him To 35,000 ??????? Brought to you by OneSexyAssBiotch@ fubar
To Keep Me Busy
Ok yall my son gets shipped out tomorrow and trying to keep busy, Yall aren't obligated to take these, just letting you know one smile brings happiness to me.
I am actually glad that my children know CPR. I know that if needed they will be able to help each other or someone else in that time of need. Oh my god did they forget that you can't do that to someone that is breathing?! Apparently so! Alex thought it would be "cool" to do CPR on Max. Holy mother of god! Have I said that I love my children. Really I do.
Please Help
I Just Don't Understand
I don't understand why I do everything for him. I cook,clean,do laundry,take care of the baby all by myself he don't help. I even make his plates and put them up when he is done he wants something to drink i go and get it. But I am tired of feeling like his slave with no thank you's and no appriciation then he tells me I never do anything for him. And says I never clean or anything else............ We are fixing to start fighting because he never seems to want to spend any time with me or our son and never seems to want to be around us.......... It kinda makes me wonder if maybe there is someone.But I don't think there what is a girl to do???
Level 26
Come Join Us And Become Fami
Raiders have alot of new talent They should have a solid defence and a explosive offence... (CAN'T WAIT TIL SEPT. 8 TO PROVE IT BY KICKING THE SH_T OUT OF THE BRONCOS. ON MONDAY NIGHT)
Mechwarrior Pc Games
A friend of mine and I, who have both played the MechWarrior games on PC, were talking about how Microsoft quit making PC games to concentrate on the XBox. . . They made 'Mech games for the XBox, called MechAssault (also MechAssault2), which were cheesy arcade-style games rather than simulations (power-ups for your weapons, armor power-ups that 'heal' your 'Mech). . . We have played MechWarrior games since the original 8-bit Activision game, through MechWarrior 2, Mech2 Mercenaries, all the way to MechWarrior4 Vengeance/Black Knight/Mercenaries. We were wishing that a new version of MechWarrior (MechWarrior 5, anyone?) would be developed, as it's been years since Mech4. . . So. . . With input and correction from my friend, I made a petition at MechWarrior PC Game Petition to see if we could get enough signatures to be worth sending to Microsoft to show them that the MechWarrior franchise is still a totally viable and money-making property (none of the MechWarrior games has
The Queen Of Blogs
Ok, Saturday morning my right eye was absolutely killing me. It hurts so bad that I literally cried so much that I can barely talk! All right, guys, quit pumping your arms and saying "YES!" Anyway, after battling the parents to take me to the ER, I finally drove mom's car to Terry's. I walked in, he looked up at me, asked if I had been to the doctor's yet, and when I said no and started crying, he grabbed his keys and away we went. After 3 hours, a tetnus shot, a shot of Dilaudid, Phengren and Torodol, 10 minutes of getting my eye flushed, numbed and cleaned, I was released. I still can't see out of that eye. Its all a blur! If it hasn't cleared by tomorrow, I am to make an emergency visit to a specialist downtown. The abrasion is so severe that the doctors at ER have scared me to death about the possibility that it may never heal properly because of the level of scar tissue that could develop. I have faith that I will be fine I'm on so much medication right now, that
***Are you Fu's Ready for one of the Most amazing Happy Hours Ever???***Get Ready to Rock the Fu With Kimberly!!!She's Hosting a happy hour Saturday August 9th at 4pm Fu time!!!Lets help this awesome sweet amazing gyrl get her RED back!!!F/R/A her if you havent yet!And Re rate her if you are friends with her!!She needz all our help!!We can do this...Theres nothing to it!!!All it Takes is One rate to help her get her red!!!*** ***SHOW MAD LOVE TO KIMBERLY!!SHE ALWAYS RETURNS THE LOVE***SPANK HER PAGE HARD WITH LOTS OF RATES OF HER PICS AND STASH!!COMMENT BOMB HER PICS!***AND DONT FORGET TO CHA BLINGGG BLINGGGGGGGGGG HER DURING HER FUTASTIC HH*** Kimberly**Co-Owner @ InnocentPassions**@ fubar ~*~DRINKS ARE ON KIMBERLY~*~SO MAKE SURE YOU STOP BY AND RETURN LOTS OF LOVINZ~*~ THIS PIMPOUT WAS BROUGHT TO YOU WITH MAD LUV AND RESPECT
My Life
y do people think they can cheat and then lie about it and still when they get busted they lie even more!!!!!! its makin me sick cuz i got cheated on the i busted him out and that and all he can do is lie and try turn it on me!!1 Why its makin me sick and pissin me off to no end all i can ask is y and say karma!!!
Let's Make Love lyrics (feat. Tim McGraw) Baby I've been drifting away Dreaming all day Of holidng you Touching you The only thing I want to do Is be with you As close to you As I can be Let's make love All night long Until all our strength is gone Hold on tight Just let go I want to feel you in my soul Until the sun comes up Let's make love Oh, baby Do you know what you do to me Everything inside of me Is wanting you And needing you I'm so in love with you Look in my eyes Let's get lost tonight In each other Let's make love All night long Until all our strength is gone Hold on tight Just let go I want to feel you in my soul Until the sun comes up Let's make love Let's make love All night long Until all our strength is gone Hold on tight Just let go I want to feel you in my soul Until the sun comes up Oh, until the sun comes up Let's make love Oh baby, let's make love All night long All night long Let's make love
Please Read !!
I want all my friends to know i am grateful for each and everyone of you.. There a alot of times i dont or cant get right on your page to help or return rates but i do try. I am a single mom i work 2 jobs and i have worked very hard to be where i am at now .. So please dont think i am ignoreing you cause i dont get right back to you.. And if you cant understand this then maybe you dont really want to be a friend I strive very hard to make sure that my friends are takeing care of i will run right out and make sure you get what you need if you need something if you are trying to level i am there if i can be !!! you got a contest im on it!! But Please Remember I am Just me and i am a very busy lady and i try to my best to make everyone happy ..i just cant get to everyone in a day .... OneSexyAssBiotch
What's Going On With Me
Well, after today, until the first weekend of November, I won't be on fubar, during the weekend during the day. I'll only be on in the early morning and late evenings. The Maryland renaissance festival starts tomorrow and runs until the 3rd weekend of October and the following weekend I'll be going to TX for the Texas renaissance festival . I absolutely love faire. I love dressing up (as can be seen in my faire pics) i love the people, the music, the atmosphere. It's my social life. So just wanted to let you know incase you dont see my online during the day for the next 10 weekends.
Oh, the joys of politics. As many of you know, the Republican National Convention is in town here in St. Paul, Minnesota. What's even worse, is that it is litterally right down the road from my house. I love about a hundred feet from a busy street (Marion) that goes directly to the Excel Energy Center, where the convention is being held. YAAAAYYYYY!!!!! I'm so happy I could just puke. The traffic around here is bad enough with the fast food restaruant directly across the street, but then to add the convention idiots to it, too. The security guards they hired to provide additional security aren't too bright, either. On Friday night (about 9:15), I had to go out to get some photographs for my Digital Photography class, so I decided to get one of our State Cathedral, and I had one of these idiots tell me that I couldn't take pictures of the building. W.T.F. is that all about? Since when is it against the law to photograph a church? And since when is photographing a church a security risk?
Great People That Are Sweet And Need Help With Votes
vote for her and when you need help if you are one of my sweet friends i promise you will be added to the blog for help to
My Birthday
Sunday, September 14th is Barbara's ~ Tulsa's Angel's ~ birthday!!! Barbara is my favorite blonde friend in the entire world! Tulsa's Angel~ Sarge's Bad Girl ~ Club FAR Team LOVE Captain ~ Fu Owned by Steve!@ fubar Shower Barbara with all kinds of fu love and tell her Blueroses sent you! Tulsa's Angel~ Sarge's Bad Girl ~ Club FAR Team LOVE Captain ~ Fu Owned by Steve!@ fubar Let Barbara know what birthday fu lovin is all about! Tulsa's Angel~ Sarge's Bad Girl ~ Club FAR Team LOVE Captain ~ Fu Owned by Steve!@ fubar
Someone Read Please
If anyone who reads this is a lawyer i need your advice. I was involved in a Hit and Run Accident on Sept. 3 of this year. The cops told me that i needed to call and check on my case and see if they caught the guy. Well i called several times and the same officer has sat there and told me there is nothing that he can do bc of the fact that they can not pin point the guy that hit me at the scene of the accident. Well my question is if they have the mans name, his address, and the rest of the insurance information can't they do something about it??? Even if that man was not driving, shouldn't he be responsible for his vehicle?? If you have any answer into what you think i Should do please tell me, because i am trying everything. Blueyegirl
Love And Pain
October Auction
Breast Cancer Awareness Train Tags
Just For You!!
End Of The Road
Devil Rays 3, Red Sox 1 For the life of me I can't understand why Tito had Cora in for Lowrie tonight. It made the last third of our batting order a dead zone. I'm also not sure why Tito didn't pull out Tek in the ninth for Casey. Regardless the Sox bat's just couldn't pull it off and it was basically over for our boys when Drew struck out with the bases loaded in the eighth. The only bright spot of the evening was that my Canadian Cousin spend two hours on the phone with me helping to fix my computer. Now my internet is up and running again! Oh Canada! I also had a fine time listening to the game with my Canadian Cousin as we IM'd each other for the entire game. It was the only fun part of a dreadful evening. The Sox had a great run in the play-offs. Game 5 of the ALCS was awesome and it was great to see Lester and Beckett pick it up for the last two games. I think I will always wonder though if it would have been different if everybody was healthy. With Lowell out and
Please Read Its A Fuangel Contest!!!
My F#%*ed Up Life.
Now this is fucked up shit. Its awesome that I get to travel to the British Isles free of cost. The downfall is that I got to study the technology there
Aim Or Yahoo Messenger
If you have Aim or Yahoo Messenger hit me up, also have a webcam. Aim SN : Digital2681 Yahoo SN: Digital718
A Wise Friend Gave This To Me
One day someone special will be gone. And on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of your bedroom, you might be struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more. No more hugs, no more lucky moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, No more "just one minute." Sometimes, what we care about the most goes away. Never to return before we can say good-bye, Say "I Love You." So while we have it, it's best we love it and care for it and fix it when it's broken and take good care of it when it's sick. This is true for marriage and friendships and children with bad report cards; And dogs with bad hips; And aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we cherish them! Some things we keep -like a best friend who moved away or a classmate we grew up with. There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what. Life is important and so are the people we know. And so, we keep them. I received this from s
Perfection found In a moment between Racing heart beats Penetrating eyes Memorizing every line Reaching to catch hold Not wanting to let go This moment must last Pain in losing sight Longing for return It comes, always In fleeting seconds No need to cry, sigh One moment ending Another in place.
Living With An Ex....
so, I cant seem to do anything right, no matter what I try to do for her, she constantly bitches, about me being on the phone, about me going to work, about the apartment needing repairs, about my landlord and the rent, and the bills, and nothing she likes to eat in the house, and all that would even be fine, except, SHE HAS NO JOB, no income what so ever, and I pay for everything, we have 2 daughters together, and I have a son from my first marriage, all of whom live with me, and I am trying to show my kids roght and wrong by doing the right thing, and letting her stay with me, because she has noone else, and nowhere else to go, but she is straining my relationship, and my patience, I will always love her, though I am not in love with her after everything we went thru, with splitting up, to the custody battle, to her new bf's trying to be violent, and so much more, at this point, I am wondering why I keep trying to be friends with someone, that so obviously hates me, then I look at my
Mardi Gras
Why do some people on this website take eveything so seriously?
Hotie 69 Here To Rock Ya, Need A Friend!oxoxoxo
what's up bored as hell hit me up
Nsfw Folder
If you want to see my folder, dont be nasty about it or think I am gonna sleep with you if your in my family. All you have to do to see is offer me fu bucks, that easy....however the more you offer the longer you will get to stay on my family
Haters Wtf!
Ok i am getting pretty fucking sick of this shit! The
they should never let someone who isn't sober near a computer. Because then we get into all these weird things or look up stupid things the rest of the night. So right now I'm unsober and typing away like an idiot. If I have mistakes I won't be suprised. If not, wow. But this is boring now so I'm off to look up
It Support
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Hey Ladies
This blog is only for the ladies. i been all over the internet on different dating sites. I was attack by a she hulk lesbian. i been
I just got a phone call about an hour ago from my first sergeant telling me that the Military wants to give me a medical discharge for my asthma. I can see why they would think that because three months ago we were on base conducting our first pre deployment training that consisted of a variety of things from blood work family history dental and physical exercise. I passed everything but the physical exercise which I have been passing every year and it’s not hard at all you got to do is two minutes of sit-ups and push-ups along with a two mile run under a certain time depending on your age. This year everything was looking great I was rocking the push-ups and the sit-ups and then we started the run, I got about a mile into the run and things started to become a blur and I don’t remember much after that besides what my 1 LT told me. He said that they were driving beside me to make sure that I was all right because another guy passed me and noticed my mouth was turning blue
Tired Of Ppl Telling Me How To Drink And Were And When So Kiss My Ass If Your One Of These Ppl
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♥you've Been Tagged!!!
Instructions......Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. You can't tag the person who tagged you.1. I hate when people call me Chris, short for Christy.2. I dance around my Apartment in my socks to old pop songs.3. I chew on straws all the time.4. I'm addicted to the feeling of tattoos.5. I wear ribbion in my hair.6. I once found a snake in my car.7. I eat Chiense food at least once a week.8. Vodka will make me do just about anything.9.
Thanks Giving
Thanks Giving Hail! To thee! O A-SYMP-TOTE! Source of this, that, there I wrote Cool-point-of-cherry-stoked Center-of-the-swirling-smoke Laughing-that-is-ever-broke Balanced motion, enchanting potion Graph-of-change-without-change That-rationed-mind-canst-explain From-its-vision-unrefrained I fall deep, and am: made, lame Grand! Shall thy be, Eye from which grows a tree To spiral out! An infinity So, I place a shell to ear Blood rushes as the oceans peal I wait by shore for her to heal This tremulous throat, By her dolorous note Here I am unborn Unfurling mathematically to a form Of which thirty-three adorns Twice, two suns are born And with twenty we adore That which loves us Never, more She is no longer; Our scarlet, core So, I did drift to deep When a girl she did peep "Here, he cannot sleep!" Be, cause "He is an adult!" So I weep... For the innocence they keep The wisdom she doth speak That little golden haired child... So, I sat with h
Lust And Love
Seriously Stressed!!!!!!!!!
Bling Exchanges...
Halloween Sexy Party
Sudden Death
im .looking for a good women to life with .open to gating to now my famey .im open to gat to no your famley. i love cooking .fishing.camping.
Fubar Is Not A Bar.
I find it a bit rediculous that this site has the be rated G when it is supposed to be a "Bar". I mean first off, if 18 year olds are not allowed in a real bar, why are they on here? No offence to you guys but that makes no sence. And why the feck are bikini photos being flagged? I work as a shot girl in various bars and my uniform is a bikini. This site seriously needs a reality check. On here you are allowed to get drunk. Lick people. Own people. And various things that are not allowed in a normal bar. But when it comes to photos you have to watch yourself or you can get banned? Come on. Its nothing you dont see on a daily basis at a beach or even just walking down the street on a hot day. Bunch of fecking gobshites. Only reason I am even stil here is the challenge of the levels.
Bittersweet Nothings
In A Darker Sense By: OctoberSweet
**sits back and smiles because that's what others like to see** .. about to unleash the demon!! **calm before the storm** .. Try and do things right and that gets you where? I like to keep shit in Black and White, above board .. Gray has always been my best color **let them tell it** .. If mutha fuckas don't hate me now, they about to .. I PROMISE YOU THAT!!!! and that is my WORD!! my word might not mean shit to others, but to me it means EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!
The Hardest Question For Me To Answer
How do you mend a broken heart? When the past overwhelmes you,how can you erase the memories that haunt you? Is there every any relief from emotional distress? At this point in my life,I believe that there isnt. All of my good memories have long since faded, But my painful ones still remain...simply there to torment me. Ive mended my broken heart many times now, And its healed itself over plenty Even though theres scars all over,its still working and still beating. But some cuts dont really heal.. Some hurts go too deep to ever fully heal. I fear that the stitches in my heart wont hold for much longer, And once again I'll be a broken,and shattered man. All that I cannot bear any longer.. I keep trying to find the relief that I know is out there, But for as many places as Ive looked for it,it always eludes my searching.. Leaving me wondering if there ever WILL be a relief from my inner turmoil? For a short time I had the ultimate relief.......LOVE. Love beats the demon
Pic Rating For Everyone..
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"how Sucky Was Your Day?"
My day has been pretty sucky! I had to take the Bus today cause my other mode was not working. I also got hit by some fool getting in to the parking lot. He just kept saying. How can I hit you. You were 20 feet away!. No he was so much closer! He was such a Git! Errr! Gerrrr! The Bus was late.. Man, I hate the city Bus! Out here in Arizona. It cost 1.25 to get on and then get a transfer that lasts 1 hour. So, by the end of the day. You pay up to 3 Bucks! So, You can br late and sticky hot! So, Anyone else out there have a bad day? Post: Put your gripe here->
Welcome Tomy Own Lil World Beware
well dis is my first blog entry and i dont know wat to really say i am just sittin here by myself cause everyone is gone and i am bored as hell so someone hit me up so i can talk
Oh, To Be 25 And Single...
Thoughts & Stuff
Today's Society
.I'm currently going through a divorce and have a son. I got married six months after I graduated and then had my baby boy..see I got married first then had my child, I did everything the right way or so I thought.. I found out my husband cheated on me and left him...not going into details here..but anyway I say that so u know where I am coming from. So, I talk to guys on this and in my daily life not wanting to get with a guy just friendship and as soon as they find out you have a kid..they want nothing to do with you... I'm not asking you to be my babys father or to support me nigga's I'm merely talking to you as a friend...My question is why is it more exceptable for a man to have a child and us as woman except it...but if you're a single mother u are looked down upon and judged? Or is it because you would rather not care for another man's child or show them love? In my case I did everything right and still ended up with a dog and would rather not be with a cheater but in tod
Looking For An Owner....
You scored as Hell Yea. U are totally in love, u would do anything to be with this person and u would die for them.Hell Yea100%Sounds More Like Lust33%Hell No0%Are u in love???????created with The Keys to Your Heart You are attracted to good manners and elegance. In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. What Are The Keys
Tag Your It
Tag Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I horned my friends ear =0( 2. I pick all the marshmellows out of the lucky charms box...and leave the cearal for the next person! 3. I like to pick pple. 4. I call my mommy at least 3x a day. 5. I fully believe in test driving before you buy (in EVERYTHING). 6. I am one of the most selfconscience pple you'll meet.
One Month!!!
My son is offically one month! i am so proud i could cry. never known a love like this guys
Short, Sexy, And Sassy
what does it take to make friends on this site? i have been on here so long but no action, and i was just wondering how long does it take and what should i do to make my profile better, i am a young woman and i am looking for older men that like is into younger women.... well let me know what to do to improve my me Music Video:UNPREDICTABLE (by Jamie Foxx)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
where do i start?.i have a had time making friends,let alone keep them.ask my hubby that.he has made more friends in 1 hour than i did in 3 hours.i can be a bit shy at first,once i get to know the person,i'll chat it male or female.i'll write again.
Well this is my first blog and I figured I would just talk about what happened today. Today I had a OB appt. and everything went well, even though my blood pressure is up alittle more than last time. My doctor said that everything looked good, but if I expeirence a severe headache that wont go away with tylenol go directly to the hospital. But anyways I guess im going to go, im going to go get me something to eat.
Happy Halloween
to everyone on here thanks for making me feel welcome and making new friends. I love to chat and make new friends all over the plc. i am an outgoing person and love to party and hang out and hello to everyone on here. its Halloween time. and im just trying to make it through.Im new on here and i dont no anyone yet.
Just Moved To Virginia!
Any ladies from Virginia that want to meet up give me a shout! :)
To All My Friends
First, I want you to know that you are amazing, and I love you to death. If I don't get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people that you really care about, including the person that sent it to you. If you receive at least 7 back, then you are loved. Nobody knows what they have until they loose it. You never leave the person whom you love for the one you like, because that person who you like will leave you for the person whom they love. Tonight, right at 12:00am, your true love is going to realize that they LOVE you! Then something is going to happen to you between 1:00 and 2:00 a.m. Tomorrow, be ready for the greatest shock of your life. If you break this chain, you are going to have bad luck in love for the next years of your life. Send this to 15 people in 15 minutes Roses r red Nuts r brown Skirts r up Pants r down Body 2 body Skin 2 skin Motor's runnin Lets begin. Send to 10 ppl and see if u get it b
What's Your Sex Style?
Whats your sex style? Fierce Sex Style
Bob Seger
(1)Turn the Page(2)Old Time rock N Roll(3)We've Got Tonight(4)Night Moves(5)Roll Me Away
So yeah... I got this link from a friend of mine.. and I told her I would get on later.. and I did.. and look what happened.. non-stop messages.. lol... so if I dont get back to ya please forgive me and give me a little bit of time.
I Just Got Back From The Hospital
I just got back from a stay in the Hospital Today Friday 11-17-06. I had nose surgery done. My nose had been broken when I was 17 years old. In 15 years my nose begain to give me problems. First I had shortness of breath then I could breath out of it just a little bit and here three weeks ago I couldn't breath through it at all. You see the abillity to breath is even more so important to a Pro Wrestler. I had to turn down matches because I would have blown up in no time. The surgery went off rather smooth and there was only a slight few problems. First they had to cut the facing of my nose loose in order to fix the damnage . Next when I woke up a sat up and slammed my nose into the nurses forearm. and it hurt. The doc had to check it out again as a result a 90 min surgery ended up being 5 hours but other than that everyone when fine I a will be so happy when the nose heals so I can breath once more. Thanks for reading my blog. AJ Macintyre APW Superstar!
Bubba Had Shingles
Bubba had shingles :-D Those of us who spend much time in a doctor's office should appreciate this! Doesn't it seem that more and more that physicians are running their practices like an assembly line? Here's what happened to Bubba: Bubba walked into a doctor's office and the receptionist asked him what he had. Bubba said, Shingles. So she wrote down his name, address, medical insurance number and told him to have a seat. Fifteen minutes later a nurse's aide came out and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, Shingles. So she wrote down his height, weight, a complete medical history and told Bubba to wait in the examining room. A half hour later a nurse came in and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, Shingles. So the nurse gave Bubba a blood test, a blood pressure test, an electrocardiogram, and told Bubba to take off all his clothes and wait for the doctor. An hour later the doctor came in and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, shingles. The doctor asked, Where?
Happy Thanksgiving
So people Thansgiving is here in 2 days, what is everyone going to do? I wanted to say To all of you. Hope you have a great 1.
Swingers Sites
HEY everyone have you ever been so sick of doing the same thing everyday? well if so...... I know how it is because everyday I get up at around 10 a.m and smoke a cigerette Then right away I start cleaning the house and It's like why can't thier be something more exciting to do? lol I'm so bored and I just get so stir crazy. Can anybody help me? IM SO FRICKEN BORED!!!
My Things Going On
Cold Weather Driving is Back "Hurry Up" Don't let an old battery leave you stranded! The Battery Doctors Can HelpTopRung Enterprises Home of TopRung Painting and Minnesota Battery Doctors Revitalize Your Battery to Like- "New"BIG $$$ Savings Over New Battery Prices! (218) 851-0117 Create or Transfer Your Web Site Domain Names - $12.95 5Gb Web Hosting as low as $3.32 mo.NoOneKnows Hosting Economy Web Hosting! 99.9% Uptime. NO ads. 250Gb Transfer. Forums - Blogging - Photo Galleries - More!! Check Out the $4.99 Special Use WebSite Tonight® and get a 50Mb site FREE
Notes From The Nest
Morning CT People, and elcome to the first edition of Notes from the Nest. I'll try to update this when I can, but with us going on deployment, it might be a bit harder, but in here, you'll get a glimpse into the personal life of Everyone's Favorite Phoenix. Here we go. First off, thank you to all the ppl that have added me as a friend. Lookin for lots more, so keep the ratings and the love showin comin! (cheap plug, I know. lol) Well ladies and gentlemen, it' comin up on that time of year again...time to grab the santa hat, the stocking, and hang lights up in the barracks! Yes, I still live in the barracks here on base, so I'm gonna go out today, and buy me a little fiber optic tree to put in the room. Speaking of which, if anyone lives near Lemoore, CA and wants to help me get off base, leave me a message. lol Im so happy, I finally get to go home next week, courtesy of my uncle, who bought my plane ticket home as my present, so I'm leavin on the 16th for home! *dances aroun
Vote For Me
hey whats up
Why Didnt Someone Tell Me This Shit Two Months Ago?
*If he's not calling you, it's because you're not on his mind. *If he creates expectations for you, and then doesn't follow through on little things, he will do the same for big things. Be aware of this and realize that he's okay with disappointing you. *Don't be with someone who doesn't do what they say they're going to do. *"Busy" is another word for "asshole." "Asshole" is another word for the guy you're dating. *If at all possible, try to get to know someone as best you can before you get naked with them. *If a man is really into you, nothing will stop him from being with you - including a fear of intimacy. *Whatever problems you may have been having in your relationship, they didn't merit him having sex with someone else. *An excuse is a polite rejection. Men are not afraid of "ruining the friendship." *If you can find him, then he can find you. If he wants to find you, he will. *Cheating is bad. Not knowing why you cheated is even worse. Don't
Guess Everyone Forgot My B-day
New Cherry
hey everyone just wanted to say hi..and ask for help.. i just found out about this site.. and i just a little dazed on how everything works so if anyone has any tips they would like to share i would be much appreciative..
My Son
Michael -- [adjective]: Visually addictive 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at Take my Son A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire the great works of art. When the Vietnam conflict broke out, the son went to war. He was very courageous and died in battle while rescuing another soldier. The father was notified and grieved deeply for his only son. About a month later, just before Christmas, there was a knock at the door. A young man stood at the door with a large package in his hands. He said, "Sir, you don't know me, but I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life. He saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet struck him in the heart and he died instantly. He often talked about you, and your love for art." The young man held out this package. "I know this isn't much. I'm not r
People Come Into Your Life For A Reason
PEOPLE COME INTO YOUR LIFE FOR A REASON Current mood: thankful PEOPLE COME INTO YOUR LIFE FOR A REASON People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
How Good In Bed Are You?Congratulations, according to our experts, you scored : 100% which makes you ExcellentYou are an expert in the bedroom. You know how to please your partner and keep them coming back and begging for moreHow Good In Bed Are You, find out at
Chillin...wanna Talk To The One I Like
to kick it wit the homies ike all my niggs in washington da tac ya dig but yea...aand i love talking to my girl jessica i love her man to death she is so hott and sweet and nice ......but yea...also my girl brittney she bomb ya dig....
Erotica By Me
I come into your office, and walk up to your desk. You’re surrounded by your coworkers, but we only have eyes for each other. I stand beside you, leaning over your desk like we are going over something together. Your hand is on the back of my calf. I glance up, and see no one is paying attention. I lean down further, and run my hand along your velvety thigh. Your skirt moves higher as my hand gets closer on every stroke. My fingers slide across the top of your hose; you’re wearing garters! Yummy! Our eyes meet; I feel you shiver under my touch. My fingers slide under your skirt, brushing against your panties, unhindered by pantyhose. I feel your heat. You grasp my calf, instead of crying out, as I rub your clit through your panties. I move them aside and slide my finger inside your wet, hot pussy. DEEP! You cough to cover your gasp. You had no idea I’d do this. Your coworkers are still in the room! I kneel on one knee, to get closer to you. Yo
Is Anyone As Bored As Me???
So I need pic comments really bad... I am giving away fubling for every few hundred comments and also sharing some NSFW PICS.... COMMENT PLEASE
Random Acts
I am in no way making light of the events that took place on 09.11.01 but I gotta get this off my chest. The morning of the attack I was awake and watching TV, and its what I was watching that brings me to my point. To this day on September eleventh I am reminded of MONKEYBONE So here is the task at hand for you all. Tell me the most wildly inappropriate thing that you think of and the event that triggers this thought Well for my first entry in the CherryTap blog i have decided to embarrass myself... enjoy
Things I've Learned
Things I've learned: Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul. Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the saddle. Life may begin at 30, but it doesn't get real interesting until about 60 mph! You start the game of life with a full pot o' luck and an empty pot o' experience... The object is to fill the pot of experience before you empty the pot of luck. If you wait, all that happens is that you get older. Midnight bugs taste just as bad as Noon time bugs. Saddlebags can never hold everything you want, but they CAN hold everything you need. It takes more love to share the saddle than it does to share the bed. The only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rearview mirror. Never be afraid to slow down. Don't ride so late into the night that you sleep through the sunrise. Sometimes it takes a whole tankful of fuel before you can think straight. Riding faster than everyone else only guarantees y
So Lets See Who Cares
Could You watch my life slip like sand Down between your fingers? Slipping from your hand My eyes trying to linger I bet you could Watch me fade away But the question is would You watch me come back one day? One time when no ones there And your all alone I'd come back and it would be more then you could bear Your heart colder then a stone I saw the way you looked at me With hunger in your eyes I saw what you thought I couldn't see With your soul lost in knots and ties I let you hurt me I really did I knew this couldn't be But I hid Inside a shell of silk Bare against my skin Like crying over spilled milk You and I were Sin ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Not sure about that, Just thought it was I don't know...Someone talk tome.. Could You watch my life slip like sand Down between your fingers? Slipping from your hand My eyes trying to linger I bet you could Watch me fade away But the question is would You watch me come back one day? One
Kids Say The Darndest Things!
Darned If I Know......... > > A kindergarten class had a homework assignment to find > out about something > exciting and relate it to the class the next day. When > the time came to > present what they'd found, the first little boy walked > up to the front of > the class made a small white dot .on the blackboard > and sat back down. > Puzzled, the teacher asked him just what it was. "It's > a period,'' said the > little boy. > > Well, I can see that,'' she said, "but what is so > exciting about a > period???" > > Darned if I know,'' said the little boy, "but this > morning my sister was > missing one. Daddy had a heart attack, Mommy fainted, > and the man next door > shot himself."
School Answering Machine
This is the message that the Pacific Palisades High School(California) staff voted unanimously to record on their school telephone answering machine. This is the actual answering machine message for the school. This came about because they implemented a policy requiring students and parents to be responsible for their children's absences and missing homework. The school and teachers are being sued by parents who want their children's failing grades changed to passing grades - even though those children were absent 15-30 times during the semester and did not complete enough schoolwork to pass their classes. ___________________________________________________ The outgoing message: "Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting to the right staff member, please listen to all the options before making selection: * To lie about why your child is absent - Press 1 * To make excuses for why your child did not do
This is the "War Wagon" it is a bike that my great uncle and my dad built back in the early 70's. Yes it's a Knuckle. This thing is vicious. It has two 350 chevy pistons in it, and the valves are out of an old flat head licoln. For fun the two of them used to set up chairs with a cooler of beer, and watch friends kick `er over. On the compression stroke it would throw them over the handle bars. Becuase there is a special technique to start it, to this day only four people know the technique. The bike started out as a 1932 Harley Davidson Lighting. Now it sports a coffin gastank, chrome out the ass, and a sword down the backrest. Oringinaly the sword was removable,but it had to be welded before the sheriff would sign off on the title work. Not to mention all the other metal work. This is an awesome bike, I just wanted to share it with all the gearheads out there. Raynes77
Country Girls
How I see a woman's brain, and how others see a woman's brain might be completely different. But I believe with the change of time, women have become more independent. Although in this attempt to become independent women, many sacum to just being a whore or a prude. Why.....I have yet to understand. I believe women act differently based on where there brought up. Girls from the south seem to have a better grasp of how to treat a man, then do northern girls. I could be wrong, but this is just what I see. Don't even get me started on west coast girls, cause I have no clue. But to recap on girls from the south, I think it might even be country girls in all. They seem to have a sense of commitment to there men that I often don't see from other girls. Maybe a country girl is "where it's at". Then again maybe not. Are they all the same no matter where they're from? I don't know. Yee Haw Biatch!
its 420 and im about to go get high lol anyways what is the meanen of this blog anyways holla back hi im jessica aka paht mami im new to this so i dont know what to do on this page im tryen my hardest... i been on here for a couple days hehe so once i know how to run this and then ill be on my ways knowen this sister erin and people were talken about this site so i gave it a shot..and here i am i just want u guys to know u cant find noone like me im one of a do what u do come be my friend i dont bite unless u want me to
I'm Insane...i Already Know Lol
so anyway, i find myself having to do the fuckin dishes again. god i hate that, rather scrub toilets ( mine of course lol ) than wash the damn dishes. why does that suck so bad? ugh. makes me just want to throw them away and go to wal mart for new ones, or better yet, paper plates. lol, im crazy i know. just thought i'd let you all know how insane i really am. lmao...sorry So anyway, here i find myself on this morning, so i made my profile and here I am. So what am I doing on this Saturday evening?? Absolutely nothing!! Hell, its after 6pm and i'm still in my pajamas. lol well, that happens often actually. anyways, sitting here doing nothing, smokin a cigarette and thinking about getting a shower and getting ready to go out to a party, not sure yet. it may just be a sit at home w/ Bud Light night, only time will tell i guess. so enough w/ my endless chatter, i'm sure you're all tired of it already. LOL, new and already rantin and ravin about nothing, yikes! lol...see ya

Those That Backstab
The two of you have no reason to be at my page you are both no longer part of my life got that you have lost the priveledge of being my son's godmother's and you have lost the priveledge of talking to me or anyone in my family and i would appreciate you leaving me and the man i am with alone and i mean it he is living with me and you can both go to hell for all i give a shit cuz your both backstabbing whores that use men for what you can get from them. i am not a saint but i have never used anyone for anything especially not EJ like the two of you have and taking money from him is not the way to make a friend i never asked him to help with my bills that was his decission it was his decission to quit his job to help with Daemon not mine i asked that he get his shift changed that was it. So both of you need to leave me and my family alone got it cuz i am tired of the fighting with EJ because both of you can't get it through your heads that he is back in my home if ya dont like it don't
New Videos Coming Soon
So I guess it's time for me to catch you up on what's been going on since The New Neighbors. I took a bit of time off these past few months while I tried to decide whether or not to continue doing scenes. I had gotten very frustrated after some of the stuff that went down on our last feature. But I finally did decide and my decision was to sign with an agency, something I have never done before, and see what's going on out there in pornland. This was my first official week back performing and I shot two MILF scenes. The first one was directed by Roy Karch called MILFs in Heat. It will be distributed, I believe, by Adam & Eve. The guy in the scene with me was Jenner. We shot at a house once owned by The Captain and Tenille (you'll have to be a bit older to remember this band). The house is absolutely amazing with a view of the entire San Fernando Valley and Simi Valley. I shot a scene this morning for Rob Spallone's Spoiled MILFs shot by my old friend Richard Montfort, someone I
Every Time....
Every I love you, you whisper, is like rain for the trees, moonlight for the ocean, nectar for the bee Every kiss bestowed upon me is like fragrance on flowers, heat upon the desert, mist from morning showers Every glance in my direction is like flame to the fire, a twinkling of stars, a spark of love's desire Every moment in your arms is like waves to the ocean, a rushing, primal urge, a sweet mix of emotion Every passing year were together is like joy without measure, a life without limits, I shall love you forever.
New To Ann Arbor, Michigan
BLAH new tot he area and have no freinds. it sucks man I am always so bored!!! what a fat bitch got to do to get some freinds??? dayum!!!!
Need To Get A Job In Cleveland!
Chells Thoughts
This is just a poem i dont care if you like it so ha.. Hello Hello? is any one there. This room is so dark i can barley see. Whats that?!! i think something touched me. I say Hello just one more time . Then something touches my behind. who is that i shout as i start to get scared. It is me my child. said a dark voice from like out of a grave. My name is not important the mans voice said. But what is important is why you are here. I came cus i was asked to i said with fright, He said are you here for dinner tonight. I guess i said what are you having. My dear YOU are for dinner. I started to run but that did not help he flew above me and stoped my like a rock. Please let me go i have family you know. He said i will give you a choice leave now but stay out of the light or dont leave at all the choice is yours on this All Hollows Night. I dont understand i said to this man still not have seeing his face. I am the vampire known as lastate. I can make you one to or i can ju
I have no parents: I make the heavens and earth my parents. I have no home: I make awareness my home. I have no life or death: I make the tides of breathing my life and death. I have no divine power: I make honesty my divine power. I have no means: I make understanding my means. I have no magic secrets: I make character my magic secret. I have no body: I make endurance my body. I have no eyes: I make the flash of lighting my eyes. I have no ears: I make sensibility my ears. I have no limbs: I make promptness my limbs. I have no strategy: I make ¡unshadowed by thought¢ my strategy. I have no designs: I make ¡seizing opportunity by the forelock¢ my design. I have no miracles: I make right-action my miracles. I have no principles: I make adaptability to all circumstances my principles. I have no tactics: I make emptiness and fullness my tactics. I have no talents: I make ready wit my talent. I have no friends: I make my mind my friend. I have no enemy: I make careless
Feelings And Thoughts
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.comFrom the first time our eyes met, I knew you were the one.The one I searched for,The one I longed for as a friendThe missing piece to my heart.Nothing could ever compareto this loving friendship that we share.I can't imagine my lifewithout you, and I hope I never have to.Have A Lovely Day, My Friend Music Codes at MySpace ToolBox a href="" target="_blank">
Funny Drama
I posted a new pic and am using it as my primary at the moment. The pic states "mess with me and you mess with the whole trailer park" I thought that I might as well share the story with my friends on here as to why I chose this picture. Yes, I live in a trailer park. I live in a trailer. I do not live in a mobile home community. Thats a joke, its a trailer park.We have our share of trailer trash, however just because you live in a trailer does not make you trash. Me, all trailer no trash..... Anyway about a year and a half ago the trailer next door to me was up for sale, the neighbor on the other side of me has a daughter with two grown childern, she bought it and moved in. only one child lives with her and he at the time was 15 and is a bad child. seriously a demon child. Well, we had many many problems. their late night fights, music blasting at all hours. cars comeing and going all the time, (they were selling drugs). So, of course me and a few neighbors were trying to get them
Angel Of Mercy Bomb Squad Blogs!
I'm Looking for people to join the " Angels Of Mercy " BomB Squad! If u would like to join please leave me a message and i will add u to the Bombing family! Ur pic will go on our family page! AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD@ CherryTAP If u will like to join us then leave me a message! thanks Maria Click on pic to leave message! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~~ Plz Sign My Guess Book Plz...LOL@ CherryTAP

This Tickles Me Shitless
~The Brat's Creed~ If I like it, it's mine. If I think it's mine, it's mine. If I want it, it's mine. If I saw it first, it's mine. If I give it to you and change my mind later, it's mine. If I can take it away from you, it's mine. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine. If it's in my hand, it's mine. If it's in my mouth, it's mine. If it just looks like mine, it's mine. If you even so much as think of it, it's mine. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way. If it's mine it will never belong to anyone else no matter what. If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine. If you show me anything, then it's mine. If you go out and buy something, then show it to me, it's mine. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine. If it belongs to a lover of mine, it's mine. If it looks like mine, it's mine. If it's broken, then it's yours.....
About Me From Okcupid
Pissed Off!
Ok so I'm currently going through a divorce, which is fine and dandy I couldn't be happier, except for the fact that he is being a total ass. We've been seperated for almost a year now and he has not once seen his kids, didn't send them a christmas card, no birthday cards, and doesn't call to even ask how they are doing I mean that's alright with me if he doesn't want to be apart of their life's it's his loss not their's. The part that pisses me off is he claimed all three of them on his taxes and didn't send me a dime of the money.. He is such a selfish ass and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm trying to get ahold of IRS and fill out this form but it'll take too long and he's going to end up getting the extra rebate thing in May and still I won't see a dime of it. His kids are needing clothes and my middle child has special needs and I'm running out of resources(I have to find different ways to entertain him all the time). And then the other day his dad calls me and tells me that m
My Thoughts
This is a favorite picture of mine. I love the peacefulness and the art and the everything. I'm a huge dolphin fanatic. They are creatures that are so gentle and tame but will strike out and kill one of the oceans most feared creatures, the shark, to protect themselves and their family. They are majestic and beautiful. They are also unbelievably smart and loyal. This is how women should be. There are so many females in this world that give women a bad name. They are manipulative and conniving. Men are too afraid to be hurt to trust women. I would be too if I were a man. I have seen first hand what females can do to people. Females have this power and they take advantage of it. They use people to get what they want and then they drop them like a bad habit. They are sneaky and vicious. I believe that many men act like dogs because they have been treated like dogs by these females. Why take that risk again. Why not get them before they get you right? We women need to step
Jackson Couple Looking For Fun
Tuesday July 3, 2007
Hello all!! AS promised we are starting a daily blog made by me or Rubias. For those of you that missed last night meeting, several things were talked about. I an new oc-owner was (Jessica AKA:Shadow). We also name a new Sectary...Candy. We spoke about helping bomb contests and how the family seems to be dropping the ball in places. So, please be sure do keep up to date in the blogs so that you know where the help is needed. In the pet contest there were a few family members left out when it came to getting help. Right now Cherry is in a contest and all help is needed...there is 2 weeks left and she is in 4th place right now. We need to get her in 1st place asap. Here is the contest photo link: We also spoke about the fact that in Sept. Rubias will be holding a bomb feast and we all need to have 2 salutes to be in this contest. We will join with the another family for this all support is needed....pls get your salutes up as soon as you can
Happy Birthday!
thanks to everyone that sent me a birthday greeting or, an gift It was greatly appreated!!! Glad I have my Cherry Tap Friends!
heres the thing what is it with people and their nasty remarks everytime i post a mum someone always has somthing rude to say so i see it like this dont like what was created dont say anything

Adios Mother Fucker (A.M.F.) Ingredients 1/2 oz Vodka 1/2 oz Gin 1/2 oz Light Rum 1/2 oz Triple Sec Sweet and Sour Mix Float of Blue Curacao Instructions Pour the vodka, gin, rum, and triple sec into a glass with ice. Fill with sweet and sour and add the float of Blue Curacao. Garnish Lemon Wedge and Cherry Comments You could add 1/2 oz of tequila if you like.
Chinese Zodiac
The Chinese Zodiac Tiger im the tiger leader of all TIGER 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 ..> "Born leader" is the key word for the Tigers. They are always in the lead and are most likely the ones to cry out "Let's Go"! Noble and Fearless, Tigers are respected for their courage, even from those working against them. Tiger people are daring fighters, they are capable of standing up to the better end for what they think is right. Although they could be selfish from time to time in the little things, they are capable of great generosity. Tigers are unpredictable, always tense. and like to be in a hurry. Tiger people are difficult to resist, for they are magnetic characters and their natural air of authority confers a certain prestige on them. They are tempestuous yet calm, warm-hearted yet fearsome, courageous in the face of danger yet yielding and soft in mysterious, unexpected places. Tigers are very confident, perhaps too confident sometimes. Althoug
Warning..don't Watch If Your Weak Stomached!
*WARNING* .50 Cal Sniper Rifle KillsAdd to My Profile | More Videos
"the Perfect Woman?
It seems like a lot of the ladies on MySpace/fubar have one of these "Perfect Guy" Blog entries. When a man reads one of those, it's kind of like dyslexia. You may have wrote "He won't mind going to see Melissa Etheridge with me," but what a man reads is,"He won't mind letting me walk on his back wearing 6" stilettos in front of 40,000 other women." Here's some humble requests to help weed out those girls that just aren't what a man deserves." (Please note that I don't agree with all of the following, it's just basically for women to understand what they're requests sound like to a man. And it's reasonably funny.) 1."She'll want to pay her own way on a first date, just to prove that she's not a gold digger and she wants more than a few free Jager bombs and a ride on a mechanical bull." 2."She'll understand that when I eyeball and comment on other girls, it's not due to any fault of mine, but the fact that it's been ingrained in me from childhood by the media. She'
Church Gossip
Mildred, the church gossip, self-appointed monitor of the church's morals, kept sticking her nose into other people's business. Several members did not approve of her extra curricular activities, but feared her enough to maintain their silence. She made a mistake, however, when she accused Henry, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his old pickup truck parked in front of the town's only bar one afternoon. She emphatically told Henry and several others that everyone seeing it there would know what he was doing. Henry, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just turned and walked away. He didn't explain, defend, or deny. He said nothing. Later that evening, Henry quietly parked his pickup in front of Mildred's house . . walked home . . . and left it there all night. You gotta love people like Henry...
Kingdom of Wolves an Friends.I Desire my Uncles Fubar Wife some Comment Bombing.You all Desire her Native Morphs, Bombing for Morphs.An he will though in Silverfangs Morphs as well. Here is her Picture Link Click will take u right in.Ty. .All Help is needed here,Please
Holy crap are we obsessed with food? Get out doors and away from your computers folks! Try some freaking vegetables instead of that Big Mac! Seriously, are all of your mirrors broken? It's an epidemic, don't believe me, then go through all the members here on Fubar, and tell me there's not a problem. I think all the fit ones are either in jail or off fighting for oil! Take a walk, it'll do you good, maybe even save your life!
I have played online first person shooter games for about 8 years now. And the one I have played for about 5 years now is called Raven Shield. This game has let me meet people from all over the world, including my friend Bamse. I found out today that he passed away sometime last week. I got him to join the site, because I kept teasing him that I had nudes lol... Anyhow I want to say to you Bamse you will be missed by all of us at CWAR whom have had the pleasure to hear you sing your norwegian songs. You will forever be a part of my heart. Love and miss you.
Superman Halloween Costumes
Superman Halloween Costumes Shop for super hero costumes by clicking here - fulfill all your costume and party decoration needs! It is not going to be difficult to create a Superman Halloween Costume out of the things you have at home. Check the internet, go over videos of superman to get the exact feel of the costume required. All that you require for a superman halloween costume are a blue dress from your head to toe, red underwear, superman logo, yellow felt for your belt, stockings and cape, both red in color. You can also opt for a blue shirt and blue pant, then wear your underwear over your pant. Wear your socks over your pant and fix the yellow felt as your belt. Fix the cape and logo and lo and behold Superman is here. The superman logo is easy to design, cut it from red paper or you can get the logo on the internet, just print it and stick it on your shirt. superman halloween costume, superman halloweeen dress, halloween costume, halloween dress, superhero
Beware Of Garbage Trucks
This was sent to me by a friend... How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive employee or coworker ruin your day? Unless you're the Terminator, for an instant you're probably set back on your heels. However, the mark of a successful person is how quickly they can get back there focus on what's important. Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson. I learned it in the back of a New York City taxi cab. Here's what happened . I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station.We were driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches! The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy.
Sexy Supercar
Remember the recent Pininfarina Ferrari P4/5 and Maserati GS Zagato? Well, Lamborghini is now building a specialty car of its own: the Reventón, a limited-edition version to be sold to 20 lucky customers as a designer piece. Deciding not to wait until a coachbuilder picks up a Murciélago to convert it into something different, Lamborghini decided it could do the job better and started work on project code LP640/2, aka the M.O.A., which stands for "Meanest of All." Spokesman Dominik Hoberg said the designation was decided on because the car is expected to have "at least" 650 bhp. However, we now know the final name of the car to be the 2008 Lamborghini Reventón. We all agree that the look is stunning. All body parts are new, except for the windshield. Edgy, metallic-gray carbon panels form an extreme appearance inspired by modern aircraft design. The Reventón sports LED lighting front and rear, an all-new fuel inlet and black alloy wheels topped with carbon blades.
"i Had The Balls To Take This, Do You?"
Most surveys are pointless and childish (made up by high school kids), let's see what kinda balls ya got!!!Oh and notice - NO numbers are missing!1. How many people have you had sex with in 2007?12. Weed, coke, speed, crack, heroin, oxy, acid, x, k, peyote, mushrooms... of these, how many have you done?none3. Ever been cheated on?Yes4. Ever paid for sex?No5. Ever been married?Yes6. Ever been divorced?yep7. If you had to pick one, whats your favorite sexual position?doggy style8. Do you own any guns?Yes9. Ever done more than 30 days in jail?No10. Ever been in rehab?No11. Have you ever had any sexual experiences with the same sex?Nope12. Ever have sex with anyone that you met on fubar?no13. Truthfully… size matters?It shouldn't14. Do you think Arnold could beat up Chuck Norris?Nope15. What celebrity would you want to have sex with?never really thought about it16. Ever been unemployed for over a year since becoming an adult?No17. How many states have you lived in?318. How many coun
Color Of Friendship
Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best. The most important. The most useful. The favorite. Green said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority." Blue interrupted: "You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace, you would all be nothing." Yellow chuckled: "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun." Orange started next to blow her trumpet: "I am the color of health and stren
What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life? Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions: If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. Then: H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% and K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% But, A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% And, B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T 2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103% AND, look how far ass kissing will take you. A-S-S-K-I-S-S-I-N-G 1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118% So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that While Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass kissing that will put you over
Need A Little Insight...
Just thought that I would stop and say hello to all and give a huge Thanks to everyone that has viewed me and rated me..If you would like to, go ahead and add me, fan me, rate me, you know how it works.. I will return the favor greatly.. I am pretty new to this Fubar as some of you already know...I am wondering how to get the skins and backgrounds loaded on my page...any help out there?
Add Me....message Me....rate My Pics...
No Tears
Remember him with a smile today He was not one for tears, Reflect instead on memories Of all our happy years Recall to mind the way we spoke Of all the things he said His strength, his jokes, the way he laughed, Remember these instead
My Prayer Before Bed
All Family Please Read
Will everyone please repost our family bulletion. Let your friends know so we can get bigger and stronger and kick ass out there. Send them to the home page or to Denise or Cathy Jo,s pages. Remember to Have fun with it. Also If anyone has any ideas please let us know...
Love Life
a few mounths ago i started hanging out with my new girl friend it was a blind date nothing special. the first few days almost 2 weeks i did not really think anything special about her but as we went out and had fun i noticed that i was happy with her and that she makes me get out of my shell that i called life and moved me in to this hole new world.
If I Knew!!!
If I knew it would be the last time That I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord, your soul to keep. If I knew it would be ! the last time that I see you walk out the door, I would ! give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more. If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise, I would video tape each action and word, so I could play them back day after day. If I knew it would be the last time, I could spare an extra minute to stop and say "I love you," instead of assuming you would KNOW I do. If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day, Well I'm sure you'll have so many more, so I can let just this one slip away. For surely there's always tomorrow to make up for an oversight, and we always get a second chance to make everything just right. There will always be another day to say "I love you," And certainly there's another chance to say our "Anything I can do?" But ju
Jennifer Official Promoter Of Chill Factor Lounge
Hey all come check out the Chill Factor Lounge. We Would Love to have you. make sure you join before you leave if you like.We rock and talk and just have fun. COME SEE ALL THE FUN! WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU:) Come Chill With Us "ENTER HERE"
I Am Leaving Fubar
What Tha Fuck Eva
Its the tail end of the holidays and aside from getting a PS3 out of left field for Christmas it really isnt shit to me. Well New years is and forever shall be a night of drunken debaucher, which as I see it is a good thing. Although there is a downside to new years. I have never kissed someone at midnight on new years eve. I have had a few girlfriends around the holidays and those have been the best ones since i was younger. I am tired of this shit of always being single or whenever i eventualy find someone they turn out to be completly psycho. I dont know I'm pretty much hammered drunk right now and just miss having someone who cared about me and someone i could hold. I hate this time of year maybe next year and a negative 75 pounds i will be singing a different tune.
Why Do Men Play Games?
i have come to find out that in my 12 years of dating that there are ALOT of men that like to play games with women. yes guys i know that not all of you are like that. and yes i know that women play games too but i aint interested in them. Some of you guys know how it feels to have someone play with your heart, and your head so why in the hell would you do it to someone else? noone likes to get used or to be hurt. thats why alot of women dont trust men.... it goes both ways i know..... everyone needs to grow up and quit playing games.. you dont like games to be played on you so quit playing them on us innocent people who really care.
Random Things
1. Go to and check it out! My best friend owns runs and operates it. If it does well online it will soon be in print in stores! 2. Let's help me boost me level please!!! I have added a few pics and updated a few other things as well.. That is all for now. Love you all! Mistie
How F'in Rude
OK I LIKED HER COMMENT ON A MUMM SO I FIGURED I WOULD ADD HER (Ms.Cleavage) so I rated and faned her before i added her and she shouted me and here is the rest (The shout conversation ) Ms. Cleavage: so..........................? ->MORE: so ?????/ ->MORE: lol nice Ms. Cleavage: you rate, fan and join... and nothing is stated by you. ->MORE: did i not leave you a comment why i would add you ->MORE: plus had to eat breakfeast lol Ms. Cleavage: yes... Ms. Cleavage: so that is it? ->MORE: what would you like me in a bow Ms. Cleavage: LOL... no Ms. Cleavage: did you know you get points if you leave a comment? Ms. Cleavage: real cute ->MORE: what is Ms. Cleavage: your method of comments ->MORE:what my music comments now i am rateing her and comments on some now these are not dirty one's there my usual comments like (hot legs and good morning beautiful and she had the nerve to block me whats your thoughts ??????? Ms.Cleavage #156363 http://www.fub
Dj_reble's Blog
Hey everyone, im from Paterson,NJ and yes ladies im single so start hitting me up and leavine comment and rating's, maybe,just maybe you'll get my yahoo addy so when can voice and web cam chat.
Wake Me Up Inside
The pencil on the table Your face is in my mind The way youre looking to me Gave birth to the dead inside Yet the pencil is silent There is only the will To draw the curves of your face To feel your skin. I saw you in my dreams. It was so clear and pure. And here you shine again. The only dream I had Is the one I shared with you. The others I forgot, The wind tarred them apart And the dream lifted me up Waked the artist inside. The pencil kissed the paper So tender and so sweet Gave birth to those purest Stars anyone will ever meet. So charming and so warm The pearls were dropping down Giving life to those flowers, Blossoming all around. And on the paper it carved The traces of your soul, The wonders of your sorrow The sweetness of your faith. The pencil left the paper Yet there is more to draw No one should ever see it But in our hearts we know And on the edge of darkness It was cold beside you It was ever dead, yet It lived for seeing you.
Is It Me?
One possession, my dreams of life and context of thought In a downpour of disappointment, I endure the rain. These goals of mine, should they be sought a wreckless obsession accompanied with a symphony of tenuous pain. Through growth and encouragement we seek our bitter ends with ignorance in hand but if nothing else, life reminds us we are but one Cycles of effort and absence not seen through the shell of man for they lie within chained to the heart and sinking...
My Thoughts, Feelsing And Etc.
Well today is my first day on here and without meaning to I manged to really upset and offend some people on here. As a result of this I got myself banned from a lounge which I was enjoying being in. If there is one thing I could do differently it would be to never have mentioned the subject (which shall remain nameless) which got me banned. I really am sorry for everything I caused and hope there is no ill will between all those involved. Once again my sincerist apologies. Blood Raven
Valentines Day
fucking valentines day can eat shit...what has this day brought to offer me but being hurt over and over again, by different people!! i can't be with the love of my life, cause he left me months ago, only to mind fuck me for the past 3 months, thinking we can get back together, with i love you's still, to go ahead and fuck me over, telling me it will never happen again!! oh, and wait, the one guy that i thought was totally cool, and liked, well i had to end a friendship with him to protect myself, and to protect him, cause i wanted to get close, but it couldn't happen, so, again, i get fucked!!!!! then, to find out this afternoon that my best friend lost his job, oh yeah, valentines day can kiss my fucking ass... so if you want to give in to this fucking piece of shit cooperate holiday, be my guest you stupid pieces of shit, go blow the money, and make everyone else richer!!!! Myspace Graphics Myspace Graphics Myspace Graphics Myspace Graphics Myspace Graphics
The devil is a myth...knowledge battles wisdom throughout your life experience... Adam and Eve represent (Man and pleasures) NOT a Man and Woman...The "spirit" in YOU creates and defines "states of hell" or "states of heaven"...dimensional experiences... Sex alone is unfulfilling and actually SUCKS with the wrong opposite--If sexual immorality is so Great..why did grandpa Hilton change the heir(s) of the Hilton estate...Why do strippers, porn stars, and excessive sexual conduct enduce levels of suicide, at times, death? Bill Gates would NEVER marry a Paris Hilton b/c his image and legacy is at stake...A Man with discipline and control is a King who will be honored and heard; regardless of where he's standing tall. Life makes no sense without Soldiers fighting to Live. Envy--You want to be like so and so--You wish you had live in pictures of this or that...Your truth may be Better than someone else's Truth--Stars commit suicide too...Envy and false Idols can lead t
Starting Over
I am so sick of hurting , So sick of hiding my emotions. I will not let your actions no longer affect my heart. I miss the way my heart used to love and feel so free one of the things your abuse did to me. You don't deserve the love I had in my heart for that special someone in my life. I refuse to let you hold my heart captive any longer so that someone else can set it free!!! I will let my heart free of your chains and float to the surface once again. You don't deserve the love and two beautiful children that god gave to you. I won't say I hate you but something much worse...I hope your soul burns in the eternal flames of hell for what you have done to us all!!!! You may find happiness again some day for which you don't deserve . I hope you remember the horrible things you did and feel ashamed of yourself...Don't ever tell me I am a worthless person or parent for that I know is not true. . Take a long hard look in the mirror that person is YOU!!! I am a much better person than you co
Great News
I have the most wonderful news for all my friends. I am haveing a baby. I am currently 6 and 1/2 weeks. I will keep you all informed. HUGS AND KISSES!
Its True
if only you knew ...
Bad Luck Or Bust
So my best friend invited me fishing with him at a camp. I start loading up his truck with our gear and then I can't find my tackle box. My brand new tacklebox with all the new gear and bait I had bought. So instead of looking forever, I decide to just get in the truck and go. On the way there I realize that my friend has no tackle box at all lol. Oh well, between my 3 rods and his 1, we should have enough with us to fish for a few hours, no big deal. He hooks a fish and it breaks his line. I offer up one of mine but because he never really learned how to fish or rig things up, I go to the truck so I can show him. I forgot my knife and he didnt have one so we had to use a lighter to cut the string, etc. While we're blocking the wind with the truck, for the lighter, a huge gust of wind comes up and blows my chair from the camp to the water. It had my hat and cell phone in it :-( So after cursing and fussing for a few minutes, I finish setting up the new leader and such.
Can You Help Me Out Please:d
Blog Rating & Comments
why does anyone check out a Blog and doen't bother to RATE at least and or Comment...i don't get it. I noticed like on some will say Ex: 11 views and 3 ratings....why is that ??
For All You Mothers Out There.
I want to wish the Moms who are friends of mine here on fubar the very best of days on their Mothers Day. For all the love & care that you give to your families,children & spouses. I hope you all have a great day & know that men could do worse than emulate all that you do.Free Comments & Graphics
Send Me A Voice Comment! | Copy This
Day Of Decisions...
With each passing day, things in life get less complicated for me. With each passing day, in the same breath, the day draws closer to the day of decisions. That date however, has not yet been decided. The day of decisions, is a day, no one really knows about but very few. To put it short and sweet (or bitter sweet), I have 3 kids, which anyone who knows me or has read my profile or looked at some of my pics, is obvious. My 5 year old son, my baby, starts school this fall. His dad and I have been divorced for 2 years this fall. Custody, for the school years, has not yet been determined. Why? Well, as much as I applaud his father being a caring and loving father, he is also trying to gain full custody of our son. I give him "kudos" for caring enough to want to be a part of his life. He seems to feel that he could provide a better home for our son. A better life. His reason, because, at his place, Kody (my son) would be the center of attention, the center of his fathe
Fubar Wedding
table width="100%" cellpadding="40" cellspacing="0" border="1" background=""> FUBAR PASTOR I just became a pastor ! I need some weddings to do! I will marry you anywhere and anytime! I own my on lounge and will marry you in it If you marry in my lounge I will change the background to a wedding theme.It will be a wedding you won't forget! So if your in need for a pastor then send me a private message. With the date,time and place and with bride and grooms name! I will be more than happy to marry you! Click the pic to leave PASTOR LADY REBEL a message
This Is The One And Only True Oklahoma Boy Out There!!!!!!!!!
This is the one and only true Oklahoma boy in the state!!!!!!!!!! I am fresh out of the pin and ready to things the Wright way!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong I will always be an outlaw and convict at heart be it is weather I choose to act on those thoughts!!!!!!!!! Was all the respect in the world today!!!!!!! Theses people in the world know does have lost their dam minds they better just hope they show me the same respect I show then or you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what is up in the world today! / After being gone for 4 year you come out into the world and every thing and everyone have changed!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is there to do for fun in Meeker or Shawnee Oklahoma?????????? Will I send out all my love and respect to all you good mother f$kers out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darn Giveaway Is Soooo Long,anyone Bored?
I know another giveaway, my last one for awhile, but couldnt pass up a 1 YEAR VIP. any help would be appreciated, thanks all, and as always THANK YOU for always being there for me.=) ^^^^CLICK ME^^^^ ^^^^CLICK ME^^^^ ~BRATT~.=) ~BRATT~@ fubar
Bday Wishes From Smeximilf
Its about that time! You know, the time that comes around every year for EVERYBODY...its BIRTHDAY TIME! Our very own sexi smexi FU, Confidence, is celebrating her birthday on Monday and we need to make this a very SPECIAL birthday for her! Everybody knows my girl LOVES bling, so bling, bling, bling her like CRAZY...I'm talking jets, flying monkeys, Elmos, even bling packs galore! She is always doing so much for everybody so lets go and shower her with birthday luv! BLING HER, GIFT HER, TICKER HER, BLAST HER, I'm even talking about HAPPY HOUR her...she is worth it ALL! ~*~Çðñ£ïÐêñ¢ê ï§ whå† måkê§ mê §êx¥~*~Owner Of LÏVÏÑ Ðà Ю∃ÃM Always ~N~ 4ever**@ fubar Brought to you by ME :D The Baddest MILF®~ Wifey to Fornicates™@ fubar (repost of original by 'The Baddest MILF®~ Wifey to Fornicates™' on
Things That Piss Me Off
When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her someplace expensive.... so, I took her to a gas station..... and then the fight started.... ********************************************************* I tried to talk my wife into buying a case of Miller Light for $10.95. Instead, she bought a jar of cold cream for $7.95. I told her the beer would make her look better at night than the cold cream. And that's when the fight started. ************************************************************************ After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's license to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later. The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, 'Th
Hmm... Why do people get angry or upset over nothing? Maybe they should just chill out and not assume stupid crap. What they assume may not be right. But then again to many people jump to conclusions to easily and become irate over nothing. Step back and chill for a sec. I guess I just offend to many women in to many ways. Be more confident of yourself and you won't have these problems. Oh well thats what I get for being me. No wonder I get along with men better. LOL they aren't as emotional over nothing. Not only that they are more fun by far. Oh well life goes on. Chill out and relax.
Omg Their At It Again!!
Your Invited To Come Check Out ~~CLUB NAUGHTY N NICE~ CLICK PICTURE TO ENTER Club Naughty N Nice YOUR NAUGHTY STAFF FknCrazy™~Owner/Dj @ Club Naughty N Nice~ Naughty Fu-Bunny~ Fu-Momma to Navygirl ~ Fu-Angel~@ fubar ~ Kiss Of Death~GM & DJ @Club Naughty N Nice@ fubar ~I know I'm Your Favorite ! Fu bunny ~Window peepers girl~Morning Manager @club Naughty Nice@ fubar Navygirl™~Night Manager @ Club Naughty N Nice~Fu Daughter of FknCrazy & Baby Fu Bunny/Fu Angel~@ fubar Easy E Security @ Naughty N Nice@ fubar
Gettin through the day is hard to do when your all im thinkin of, Its hard to get up in the morning when im not surrounded by your love. We talk on the phone everyday sometimes its all i look forward to, Without the ability to text and recieve your pics i dont know what i would do. I look back at choices i made and things that i could have done differently, But no matter what mistakes i've made i still love you unconditionally. When things were hard i wiped my brow and kept pushing through, It feels like we're part of a grander plan thats keeps leadin me straight to you. Ive been sittin here, cant get you off my mind, tryin my best to be strong, I drive myself crazy wishing i can feel your touch, but the truth remains... im all alone. No matter how strong i seem you dont see my pillow covered in tears, I'd cry you a river if i thought it could bring you near.
This Sucked!!!! I Had Galbladder Surgery About Two Weeks Ago, Im Still Was So Painful Cuz It Almost Ruptured!!!!!!!
The Best Lounge Ever!
What Mood I Am In!
I depend on music to help me in the mood i am in. Music helps me get by really. It just all depend on my mood and this is the mood i am in right now! so llove it like i do Close my eyes Let the whole thing pass me by There is no time to waste Asking why? I'll run away with you, by my side I'll run away with you, by my side I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride (Asking why?) I think about your face And how I fall into your eyes The out moment I trace around the one that I call mine Time to count more space And beware that your drew the line I don't need you solve this case And I don't need to look behind Close my eyes Let the whole thing pass me by There is no time to waste Asking why? I'll run away with you, By my side I'll run away with you, By my side I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride (Asking why?) Do I except you change, the past I hold inside? With all the words I say Repeating over in
Lots Of Love Train
LotsOfLove Train 1. Stop by our Hostess, Heartsoflove's page and rate her Lotsoflove folder... when Finish private message me 2 get ur tag Make Sure u Tell Me What Name 2 Use 2.Rate, Fan, Add, and Comment each person on the love List. If you are already friends with someone, check to make sure you have re-rated him/her and leave a comment... Something like Joining the lots of love train or need lots of love . 3. When new people join the love train... You must rate/fan/add/comment them back... 4.And Have Fun Starting with me the Hostess..Welcome to the love Train... ღHeart¡×OfLoveღFu-Engaged2LoveMaker{FU-BombersFamilyManager}FuOwned By Srt4Racer@ fubar My CoHost ~GoofyLady~ *Fu-Bomber*Shadow Leveler*FuAngel*@ fubar Rate Her Folder As Well Ty ☠DJ NICCI☠SARGE'S BAD GIRLS☠FU ANGEL☠ENFORCER @SYNNERS PARADISE@ fubar brutusman@ fubar ThePhantom*aka*iluvmatures~fu-
***I Am Fu Poor!!And I need Some Major Fubucks!!!I am auctioning of Different Things*** I need to Save Some Bux Up for my Oracle Gift So Come and Bid On the Different Things!!!Also Feel free to donate some bux! I will Luv U long time!lol! ***JUST CLICK ON THE PICS BELOW 2 BID*** Lets Get these Bids going Ya'll!!! Can ya Repostie plz!!Ty ! Lovies!! This Pimpout was Brought To You By.......... ☆Çðñ£ïÐêñ¢ê ï§ whå† måkê§ mê §êx¥ ÖWñÈРߥ §êx¥§åvïð®☆ &Thisisnot☆@ fubar
Driving A Hummer In Iraq
I'm trying to figure out how to put this video I got from a bud who is in Iraq.
Come Own Me If You Dare
I did it again....Can you tame me?!?!?!? Do you dare try?!?!?!?Well come and give it a try A new auction goes for a week come make your bids...Own me if you think you can... I'm in a BLING BLING BLING only Auction come bid your best..... This link will take you to the BLING BLING BLING auction....Come on you know you wanna bling me....So go do it!!!!!
Um . N E Ideas
ok anyone got a clu why i cant view MY OWN pics tells me its private go to users page ... WTF ????
Timed Contest
Asking all my friends to help my hubby he is in a timed contest for a HH. I hope all my friends help him win this he deserves all the help he can get ty all who know and love us......Please Help him!!! Just click the pic to go to contest....
Horse Sh***t
well... i am having some major computer problems... i dont know if it's my internet connection or what exactly but it's fuckin me up on here... i can't run more than 1 or 2 programs at a time,,, or one or two browser windows without it just taking a major nose dive! so... i will not be on for a bit... i am going to take the piece of shit in for repairs... if they can't fix the problem... i will buy a new one! leave me some love while im away! if ya need me... send me a yahoo if ya got my addy... will check it when i can! sabby
Live Life To The Fullest
Who Said Pole Dancing Wasn't An Art?
This my friend is ART. Need I say more?
Picture Comment Glitch
if you find an easier way, post comments here. 1. Copy the link of the picture(you will need it later) 2. Post A comment 3. Keep replying to your comment 4. bouncer doesn't seem to show up as often. 5. every once in awhile paste the picture link in the address bar above 6. repeat steps
Not-so-random Survey
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Adam Birthday: February 26th. Birthplace: Lowell, MA Current Location: Work Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Bald, but strawberry/sandy blonde normally Height: 5'8" Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Your Heritage: Irish/Polish/Seminole/French-Canadian/English/German/Austrian/Russian. Full blooded American baby! The Shoes You Wore Today: Harley-Davidson boots Your Weakness: Im a sucker for a pretty face and a mischievous spirit. Your Fears: Failure Your Perfect Pizza: Not terribly picky. No anchovies or olives though. Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Gotcha Your Best Physical Feature: Shoulders Your Bedtime: Typically 11 Your Most Missed Memory: Sailing up the coast of Europe Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi MacDonalds or Burger King: BK Single or Group Dates: Whatever Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee Do you Swear: What the hell kind of fucking question
Found Out I Have Copd
Why I Am Me
well many say i am an a$$ hole and i am fat and ugly well i am randal e matthews and i am me yes im overweight i know im not the best looking but i am me i am my fathers son and he passed on in nov and i am liveing my life as best i can sure i was married and divorced but im still looking for that right one but im still me im fun loveing hard working big hearted man so feel free to tell me who you are
Right Know!
False Hope Auction
well today i really hurt someone i really love more then anything and i dont know what to do about it i am such a freaking jerk so here i sit at the libaray and yes in fucking tears and i dont care who knows it but the reason for this is i have been talking to people in the yahoo chatrooms and i had 5 or 6 people on my list but i really made her feel like she wasnt good enof for me and i had no right to do that so she told me to leave and i did and alli want to do is run to her and hold her to tight in my arms and tell her how sorry i am but i dont even think she wants me around at this point and if i was going to cheat on her why the fuck would i of marryed her i mean we have been together for about 2 years and we have a wonderful child together and i love them both so much!!! i sent her a number of e mails and messages on here and she wont reply to me so i dont know what else to do i said i am even willing to goto talk to someone us both together to fix our problems in our marrage i
Stories I've Written
The night was cool, the windows open. I spent what seemed like an eternity bathing myself after relieving what seemed like an endless frustration. Carefully cleaning and shaving.. paying attention to make sure the job was done to what I knew you would require. The hotel was deafeningly quiet. As I sit perched on the bed brushing my hair, taking long slow strokes brushing the tangles waist length of chestnut hair. I feel the bed lower and a hand enclose my neck and another in my hair, my breath quickens and I inhale sharply. You whisper not to turn around or look until I'm told to. I feel you reach around me and I feel the coarse roughness of a rope.. one hand and then the other bound. I my breathing increases, and you tell me to stand. I start to talk, and I feel a firm slap across my ass, and you telling me I wasn't told I could speak. Then a second time, so I'm aware that you have spoken and I am to listen. This goes on for a while until I learn not to speak until my master
2 Days Of Auto's
Right now 236 miles above the earth, STS 119 (Space shuttle)is soaring by at 17,500 mph. They went up to install the s6 truss, which will complete the I.S.S (space station). Space is so cool!
I am waiting on mine salute approval. So i cant use fubar for 100% as yet
u wanna no something sad? whats sad is when the only thing you ask 4 on ur birthday is to spend time with ur favorite sibling and instead they spend time with their friends while you do work 4 them. all on ur own birthday
Colors Of Her Soul
Red Passionate, Intense Compassionate, Warmth Anger LOVE Green Quiet, Hidden Gentle, caressing Envious CARING Yellow Bright, Cheerful Happy, Bubbly Mask SHINING Grey Cold, Broken Grief, Sorrow Gone LONELY Blue Deep, mysterious Unknown, Proud Collected LOVABLE Purple Royal, majestic Beauty, poise Insecure BEAUTIFUL Rainbow of her soul Only look past the blue To see the amazing rainbow She hides from the world Making me special Because I can see The amazing person Underneath You should look too See the rainbow Her beautiful rainbow
Salutes If U Want
im makeing salutes just let me know u want one and how u want it
hey hey look at me up on fubar ima figure out this shit works eventually!!! lmao!! fuck it!!
G-sin 974
Edgar Allan Poe. . . Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door -Only this, and nothing more.'Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrowFrom my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore -Nameless here for evermore.And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtainThrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating`'Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door -Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; -This it is, a
Branding Or Tattooing
Hey one more thing my B-Day is this saturday and i will be drinking my ass off i will be 31this year. Well to let eveybody know that im about to move up to Great Lakes Il. I will be up there for about 3 years. It will be the closest i have been to my family in about 10 years. I have 2 wonderful kids a timmy jr and monike diane. I also have a loving wife that is my soul mate for life. I have 9years left in the navy. I cant wait to be done so that way i can be with my family full time.. To all live life to the fullest everyday that goes by.
Just Some Thoughts
well i just got an account here and tried to get into a bar and they asked me to get a pic and come back in .. i just got here weird...
John Smith
Dog Bite Dog Aggression Dog Bite Attorney
Steve Murrey
childrens electric guitar childrens electric guitars childrens guitars
Florida Girl
Know its early but me and my old man always have a few campers in our yard for bike week Daytona style. No kids no prudes!
GGustave Houston, British Columbia, Canada
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A Letter For Mom
Each day that goes by without my mother close by, my desire to go back to where I came from grows that much stronger. One of these days I will move down there for it is what I see in mind's eye and know in my heart. For my conversations with her bring peace to my mind and calm to my heart. I will never be taken away from you again mother for our bond and love shall never be shattered. And for as long as I draw breath and have love in my heart I will never leave your side.