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For My Master

I obey my master

I Love My Master

I give him my heart, my body and my soul.
Every bit of me belongs to him.
I bow down to him willing to serve him in any way he wishes.
I will forever stand by his side.
I will proudly wear his collar.
I will allow him to mark me in anyway he see's fit. Whether it be a tattoo, a piercing, or the marks left from his whip.
I will never deny any request.
I will never tell him a lie.
I will always focus and provide him with his every need.

I will always serve him, not because I am powerless to him...

Because I choose to give him power of me and I take great pride in the fact that he takes me as his slave.

Differences Between A Slave & A Submissive Many ask if slaves truly exist. In the way a dictionary and history define slavery, no they do not exist in most modern countries. (Though there is some contention that slavery rings do still exist in secret) Most people in civilized countries generally agree that the legal ownership of another human being is immoral and thus make it illegal. However, in the world of BDSM, one will find that some of the people involved call themselves by many different terms; one of these is the term "slave". Of course, this often raises the question of how is a slave different from a submissive. This question often is met with outright hostility, disbelief in the existence of slaves and the thought that the words slave and submissive (as nouns) are interchangeable terms within the context of BDSM. Many will not agree with any of those thoughts, and I am one of them. I have spent a great deal of time talking with slaves in the honest attempt to better understand them, their lifestyle choices, and judge for myself whether or not this is a healthy variation to the BDSM lifestyle. To the question of whether or not slaves exist inside of BDSM I say that yes they do. They may not be the largest group, but there are quite a few. Do slaves differ from submissives? Again, my answer is yes they do. Slaves tend to differ from submissives by the way they think, act, submit and their expectations. A slave tends to think more along the lines of black and white. They have very little room for leeway or shades of gray in their lifestyle choices. They do not seem to expect much leeway in the reaction of their dominant either. By this I mean, if a slave is feeling ill and thus doesn't complete all their usual daily tasks, they will expect the dominant to react with the usual punishment. A submissive may be more inclined to expect leniency from the dominant because they were ill. A slave thinks in terms of being owned, not in terms of submitting. To them, being in a collared relationship means they are owned, and often this translates into the statement that they do not have the "right" "choice" or "option" to walk out if the relationship goes bad. This does not mean a slave will accept an abusive relationship, though their tolerance limits for what is abusive and what is not seem to be higher than those of a submissive. This belief in ownership stems from a strong commitment on both an emotional and mental level to the dominant. There is a level of acceptance of the dominant's behavior that can be more intense and widespread than many submissives would allow. For example, a dominant wants to bring in a third to the relationship. A submissive may demand certain criteria be met before they allow ( yes, allow) such to occur, whereas a slave may say "It is not up to me, if this is what Master wants, so be it" and quietly accept this new change. To some this kind of thought process is considered wrong or somehow brought out by abuse, but this is not necessarily true. A slave thrives on the absolute fact, that they literally have no control over the relationship or what will occur within it, whereas a submissive often retains some level of control in the relationship. The thought process focuses solely on what would make the master/mistress happiest and how the slave can be most pleasing to them. Subs tend to think of themselves and their own pleasure in addition to that of their dominant. Slaves work very hard to put themselves second in all the things and their owners first. To them, this is what comes with being a slave and submitting completely. Slaves put forth a lot of effort in achieving an inner peace with their chosen position. With this peace comes acceptance of themselves, and a quiet sense of contentment. They view pride, arrogance and other such emotions as negative and unbecoming in a slave. A slave's behavior is different from a submissive as well. If you listen to slaves talk about their behavior (or watch them), they often speak of being quietly accepting, in control of themselves at all times, formal, and other such things. There seems to be more focus on how the slave behaves at any given moment, with less leeway. In many slave relationships, the slave is required to use an honorific at all times, and couldn't conceive of calling their master/mistress by any other name. Most slaves find yelling, tantrums, fits, or any other out of control behavior on the part of a slave to be reprehensible and deserving of severe punishment. Slaves put a lot of emphasis on their behavior and how they react to their dominant. They hold themselves to a high level of self-control. They require of themselves to have a pleasing demeanor as much as possible. They see no room for bratting behavior, any form of topping from the bottom, or any other form of manipulating the dominant. They see bratting as topping from the bottom, whining, cajoling or making requests after the initial denial as manipulative behavior that focuses on the slave's needs/desires instead of the dominant's and thus not proper. They look down on any behavior that is perceived as designed to force the dominant to meet a need of the slave, rather than the slave focusing on the dom's needs. A slave will strive for perfection within themselves in completing all the tasks their master/mistress gives to them, while still keeping an eye out for things that they were not specifically told to do, but think would please their owner if they did them. A slave is required to be very self sufficient and capable because they often have a lot of responsibility placed on them. Slaves often feel that a slave should not need to be micro managed by their dominant because this is not pleasing, unless of course the dominant likes to micro manage. A slave will behave with the utmost of respect in a formal situation, and with as much respect as any situation warrants. (For example, quiet time at home may not require as strict a protocol as a formal party would) None of this emphasis on behavior means that a slave can't or does not crack jokes, goof off, or engage in verbal banter. Many slaves do indeed do these things. They do so however, with a great attention to the dominant's reaction and are careful not to be hurtful or overly sarcastic. Unless of course the dominant does not like this kind of behavior, then a slave will do their best to curtail it. (Which can be quite difficult, and in my opinion unhealthy, for someone who has a very playful sense of humor as an inherent part of their personality) So please do not take this article to say that slaves are not playful, have no sense of humor or anything like that because it just is not true. Slaves have the same array of personalities that everyone else does, and they enjoy them just like anyone else does. Slaves just tend to be a lot more aware of the dominant's limits to such activities than some submissives are. They also do not use their playful senses of humor (if they have one) to brat a dominant into playing with them, unless the dominant likes this kind of role play scene. Basically they tailor their behaviors to what the dominant prefers and is most comfortable with. A slave's expectations from the dominant and the relationship are often very different from those of a submissive. A slave does not expect to have their desires met beyond their basic life supporting necessities. When their dominant does do something for them, they see it as a gift, not a necessity. Slaves tend to view things that many submissives expect in a relationship, as a luxury not a necessity. This does not mean that a slave will accept being abused or treated like they are worthless for extended periods of time, it just means they do not expect all the trappings that others expect from their relationships. (such as cuddling on demand, talking whenever the slave wants to talk, sleeping in a bed etc) Slaves expect their relationship to be difficult at times and their submission to not be easy all the time. They expect to be asked or ordered to do things they may not necessarily enjoy because the focus is not on their enjoyment or pleasure, but on that of their dominant. They expect to be treated as a slave and not pampered or cajoled to. They expect to be pushed to their current limits and have those limits pushed to expand. They expect to meet their dominants needs at all times and to not have their dominant accept any manipulation or disobedience. They expect to be used to the full extent of their current abilities and even trained (or taught through schooling etc.) to broaden their abilities to meet their dominant's needs. They do not expect to be consulted on every decision, asked their opinion all the time, or similar things. This does not mean they expect to be ignored or treated as if they do not matter, they just do not expect this as a normal part of the relationship, though most say their thoughts opinions, feelings and such are demanded by their dominant and the dominant will often take them into consideration while making decisions. A slave submits differently from a submissive as well. Slaves will set no limits on their dominant's activities. A submissive will often have hard limits that their dominant can not cross at all, and soft limits that can be pushed with prior negotiation. A slave has neither. They will not say that the dominant can't do a certain type of play or use a specific implement. They may tell the dominant that they do not like certain activities or implements at the beginning of the relationship (preferably before a collar) but they do not ban the dominant from using/doing those things. They expect to be asked to do things they may not particularly like and they consider it as part of submission because to them, submission is not about pleasing the slave, but about pleasing the dominant. Most slaves will say that because of this it is imperative that the slave chose to submit to a dominant whose likes/dislikes are a close match of their own and thus they will not be asked or ordered to do something they are totally opposed to. But even then, the slave will expect that these limits may change over time and accept it should it occur. A slave does not believe they can just leave the relationship. Some believe once they are collared it is for life and will not request release even if they feel their lives are in danger or they are being mentally/emotionally harmed. However, many relationships with slaves have guidelines in place for release of the slave should the slave truly desire such. Some slaves believe a slave can't possibly be abused since the dominant has no limits on what they can do to them, and if the dominant chooses to act in an abusive manner then that is their choice. This does not however seem to be the majority belief, but it also does exist. Many of these differences overlap, and are applicable to submissives as well. However, as a whole they exist for most slaves that I have come into contact with. A slave is not better than a submissive in my opinion, merely different. Some of these characteristics can exist in a submissive, or even all of them. The base-separating factor between the two seems to be in the area of limits within submission. A slave sets none, a submissive does. Which word one uses to describe themselves remains a matter of personal choice, and my intent with this article is not to say otherwise. Instead my intent is to help others understand slaves a bit better and not look at them as mindless robots or doormats, because those two terms just do not fit the vast majority of lifestyle slaves. Whether or not being a slave is a healthy lifestyle choice is a matter of personal preference. I believe it can be a very healthy choice, others do not agree. Like any relationship where the balance of power rests with one person over the other, abuse can occur. I do not however see any reason to say it is more widespread among slaves over submissives, or in bdsm at all.
Every Master has different needs, wants and or desires. Here is where your focus needs to be. If you want to be the perfect pet, paying attention is your first step. Sometimes in life its the little touches that tell someone you care. If you stop for a moment and consider why you got into this life, it was probably to feel that complete connection to another human being. For most of us the kinky sex is just a bonus!!! Seriously, you can't be a slave unless you WANT to serve. Some refer to it as a burning in the belly. Back to paying attention though. Each Master is different and their needs are as diverse as the colors of a rainbow. As he talks, you learn. Doesn't that sound simple? Listen as the past is told, what things (note that we are addressing things here) were important. Is there a hint of what things are still important? How about the things he abhors? When he says that his last slave always forgot to have his favorite cereal in the house your "i love to serve" alarm should be ringing! How about when he says he is doing laundry because he can't stand towels unless they are big and fluffy and all of his are dirty. (Yes, girls, your alarm should be ringing) In passing, he tells you of a lighter that once was a favorite and he has not been able to find another one just like it. Your next move is to find out what was so special about that lighter so that if you ever see one, you have found the perfect gift. Now lets talk about how we can serve this Master. Never, never, never, run out of Wheaties or fluffy towels. Sound too easy? Every time I reach and find a big fluffy towel I know my slave is caring for my needs. Late at night when I am working, she brings me a bowl of Wheaties. Has my slave moved heaven and earth to get them for me? No, of course not, but she cares enough to make sure I never have to do without. If I reach someday and the towel isn't there I know she has begun to take my needs for granted. Each Master shares their desires and need in different ways. In my home there is an hour set aside each day for just talking to my slave (we go way over that). We just discuss our life, our love for each other and snuggle. This time is not rife with structure it is our time to plan and dream and hope. We can share information and discuss our progress toward our goals. When I tell her what we are planning to do, she knows what things she must accomplish to make us successful. This gives her a chance in a loving environment to express and concerns she is carrying. We have on several occasions used this time to add to or modify our contract. There are many issues that have come up in our life together that were not covered in our contract or discussions when we entered into our relationship. Keep in mind that life is like that, it throws you a curve now and again. If you have a strong relationship those curves can be dealt with and put to rest before the harm is irreparable. A good slave has to think about her shape and appearance. A Master should know without question that his slave is taking good care of his property. She should care for herself in a way that she will last a long time (haven't met a slave yet that came with a descent warranty). She should not abuse his other property, caring not to break a dish or plate, making sure his car has oil, his clothes are clean, his home is clean and on and on. When she cares for herself and her Master she should make sure each gets a proper diet and exercise. Just because he loves biscuits and gravy doesn't mean he should eat it everyday. Being overweight or underweight are both harmful in the long run. So care must be taken to provide healthy meals and a healthy environment. He may fight you on making doctors appointments for him but it is necessary. Make one for yourself also! You can't care for a Master properly if you are not healthy and he sure can't care for you. Support his dreams. This doesn't mean you have to go along with every harebrained idea that comes to the surface. If he wants to go back to school and finish his education, how can you make that happen for him? If he wants to move to Fiji and sell hot dogs from a cart on the beach, be gentle. Ask questions. Maybe he will see this isn't the best idea to come down the path if you just ask the right questions. How much do hot dogs cost in Fiji? Is business seasonal and if so what do we do in the off-season? What is the cost of living in Fiji? Do we need a hot dog vendor license? How many hot vendors currently live in Fiji and what is their average annual income? In the end what do you do if he still wants to sell hot dogs in Fiji? That is up to you and the strength of your relationship. Please send us a postcard and let us know how it goes. Surprise him. Most Masters will tell you that they don't like surprises. Those feelings usually stem from past bad experiences. Start small with a surprise. A back rub with a special oil you found that doesn't leave him smelling like a French whore. How about making his favorite meal on a weeknight and put a few candles on the table too. Turn off the phones when his favorite team is playing so he can watch the game uninterrupted. If it is his birthday, don't send strippers to his work. That is the type of surprise that Masters are generally not fond of! Do take him out some Friday night and buy him a lap dance or two at a strip club. Seems like a fine line there, but just use some common sense.

A Slave's Prayer

Ä §låvê'§ þrå¥êr Allow me the strength to answer questions I can't fathom. Allow me the spirit to know his needs. Allow me the kindness to choke back retorts. Allow me the serenity to serve Him in peace. Allow me the love to show Him myself. Allow me the tenderness to comfort Him. Allow me the light to show us the way. Allow me the wisdom to be an asset to Him. Let me be able to show Him each day my love of my service to Him. Let me open myself up to completely belong to Him. Let my eyes show Him the same respect, rather I sit at his side, or kneel at his feet. Let me accept my punishment with the grace of a woman. Let me learn to please Him, beyond myself. Grant me the power to give myself to Him completely. Give me the strength to please us both. Permit me to love myself, in loving Him. Allow me the peace of serving Him. For it is my greatest wish, my highest power To make his life complete,as he makes mine.

Vålµê Ö£ Ä §låvê

Vålµê Ö£ Ä §låvê To many, slaves are considered owned property. Many take this to mean that those who prefer a master / slave relationship see slaves as having no value or worth, as no more important than a rug or other property. This is not true in the vast majority of cases. Legally in many countries slavery does not exist. In a master / slave lifestyle sense, slavery is a consensual state where one person has willingly given up their rights and becomes owned. In doing so, they agree to be bound by their owner’s limits (if any), rules, expectations, desires, etc. and to put their owner’s wants and needs before their own. This does not remove a slave’s legal rights in the eyes of society and the law. However, by submitting in this manner, many slaves, in their own hearts and minds, have done just that. The words slave and owner are used with this definition in mind throughout the paragraphs below. The question of a slave’s worth or value is one that often comes up in discussions and seems to be a question that many automatically believe the worst of. Many instantly assume that property must mean no value. Thus a slave who is property also has no value. This just is not true for either material possessions or slaves. Property, of any type, must have some value in order for a person to have purchased or acquired it in the first place and for them to continue to own it. Value is affected by such things as usefulness, aesthetic properties, need, price, how long the person had to wait before getting it, personal opinions/beliefs/viewpoints, emotional and psychological attachments, how well it works, and whether or not it makes the owner happy in some way. The more useful an item is, the more value it has in its owner’s eyes. For example, a dishwasher has more value in the eyes of someone who truly hates doing dishes by hand than for someone who likes doing dishes. Items such as furniture, clothing and home decorations have their value directly affected by their appearance, comfort, expense, usefulness and things of this nature. Every possession a person owns has value to them for different reasons. People in general, have value simply by being human beings. Such things as apply to objects also affect the value of people, to other people. But they also have the added areas of emotional attachment, interpersonal skills, compatibility, hobbies, intelligence and things such as these. The better people get along with one another, the more value they have to each other. The more areas of compatibility between people the more value they have to one another. The stronger the emotional tie between people also makes them more valuable to one another. Personal views and opinions that people make about others affect how valuable that person is to them. For example, men who distrust women will not value women as much as they do other men, or vice versa. So people, in general, have the added value of being people and all that entails. Many believe that a slave is automatically of greater value than other possessions simply because they are human beings and people are more valuable than material possessions. So just because a person is a slave, they are not less valuable than other people, or material goods. Some view slaves as pets. Pets are often a valuable and well-loved member of the family or household. Slaves who are viewed as pets are also valuable members of the family, or household. Because they are, in fact, people and not animals they are usually seen as more valuable than a real pet. Such things as those mentioned above affect a slave’s value. But also included in the measuring of their value are such things as experience, past training, their abilities, attitude, desire to please, their ability to be pleasing, and more. How much value a specific dominant places on these things varies, so I am speaking in generalities here. The more experience a slave has, the more value the slave has. Experience is usually a catalyst for growth; in a slave this means they have attained more personal growth than a slave with little or no experience at all. This growth affects such areas as the desire to please, the ability to please, training, attitude, behavior, abilities and more. Thus these areas will be stronger in a slave with experience, increasing that slave’s value. A slave’s abilities are also varied, but included in this are such things as cooking, handling budgets; job related abilities or any other specific task the slave is capable of doing. Some slaves are even sent for schooling or additional training in order to handle a task for their owner or just to be able to do something their owner wants them to do. The greater the slave’s ability to grow and adjust, to be trained in other words, the more valuable the slave is. The greater the slave’s desire and willingness to please, the more value the owner will place on that slave. For those who have emotional attachments to their slave, the deeper and more intense those emotions are, the more valuable the slave is to them. To those who live a master / slave lifestyle, a slave is property but valuable property and is to be treated as such. Most owners do not want doormats. They want intelligent, capable people as slaves. How much value an owner places on those things varies with each owner. But the more important these traits are to the owner, the more valuable the slave who has these traits will be. There are master / slave relationships where love is not a part of the relationship. This does not mean there is no emotional attachment at all, but romantic love is not the basis for or a basic part of the relationship. In these relationships, the slave’s value is directly affected by the services they provide and how they provide those services. Since this relationship focuses mostly on the dynamics between the people involved there is more emphasis placed on the traits that are specific to a slave’s value and less emphasis on those for other property and people in general. Their value tends to be strictly, or mostly, service based. The better service the slave provides to their owner, the more value that slave will have to their owner. So does a slave have a value? The simple and truthful answer is yes they do have value. Why they have value, and how much their owners value them, differs from relationship to relationship, and even slave to slave. But every slave has value and worth as a possession, a human being and as a slave.
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