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enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to...


something perfect to wear if the employer,
 or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour... 


a youth she's content to leave behind....


a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....

a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra... 


one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...


a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...


eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal, that will make her guests feel honored...


a feeling of control over her destiny.


how to fall in love without losing herself.


how to quit a job,
 break up with a lover, and confront a friend without; ruining the friendship...


when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...


that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..


that her childhood may not have been perfect...but its over...


what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...


how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...


whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...


where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table... 
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...


what she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year...

The Lore of Halloween

Article-The Lore Of Halloween By Cate Cavanagh The origins of Halloween is among the most interesting as it finds its origin in the old Celtic belief system adapted into Wicca which was founded in the l950's. Halloween falls on the Wiccan New Year called Samhaim (called Sow-en) which in essence is "New Year's Eve" and observes the end of harvest and oncoming winter as integral to life regeneration in the spring. Since the old Celtic religions, like other earth based belief systems, focused on nature and its cycles for survival, Samhaim is both an ending and beginning, similar to death and rebirth(resurrection)as most Christian religions believe. As a celebration of nature's never ending renewal of the life that feeds and supports people and the earth, Samhaim celebrated impending darkness after the light and harvest of fall after which life would re-emerge again in the spring. With this in mind, Samhaim was a religious time of fasting, reflection, meditation and prayer as well as a time for casting spells to end hardship, pain, illness and hunger. It was believed the worlds of the living and the dead merged on this day and it was in order to maintain peace between the two worlds that most of our Halloween traditions evolved such as trick or treat. Fear of the roaming dead brought about many Halloween practices but first note this interesting fact. The early Christian Church changed All Saints Day, which was in May to October 31(All Hallow's Eve) in order to appease a still pagan oriented congregation. It is purported that the Halloween customs we follow today is a result of the massive Irish famine immigration. Many of our traditions stem from Irish or other Celtic countries. Take the Jack o' Lantern. In Ireland, it was said "Jack" was a mean drunkard who used to beat his wife. He played too many tricks on the devil to save his soul. Well, when Jack died, he was too bad to get into Heaven and the devil was too annoyed at him to let him into Hell either. The devil gave Jack a burning coal which Jack placed inside a partially eaten turnip, called a bogie. From that day forward, Jack wanders the earth with this lantern looking for a place to rest his soul. Since ancient times, the pumpkin has replaced the turnip. Costumes and masks were used for protection against spirits and despite conversion to Christianity, people remained afraid of All Hallows Eve, the one day it was believed spirits were allowed to freely walk the earth. In order to not be recognized by these spirits, people would leave their homes at night incognito in masks and misleading regalia. In ancient Ireland the Druid priests of Muck Olla would go to farms begging for food and money for their houses of worship. If farmers did not pay, barns would be burned or animals would disappear. These incidents were believed to have been caused by the god, "Muck" from which the word muck has come to mean trouble and chaos. Acts such as these evolved into the threat of 'tricks' (or pranks) if treats were not given. Spain also had its tradition. On All Hallows Eve, people would place cakes and nuts on graves to bribe the devil. In Belgium children begged for money to buy cakes to eat. Each eaten cake was believed to relieve the suffering of a soul. In Ireland, food were specially prepared for the dead. Often a large amount of food was set aside not to be touched by anyone until the ritual period was over. In Wales, the wealthy in a community would put together a communal feast while the poor, representing the community's dead, would ask for food in the name of dead ancestors. Favorite fall foods that begin with October 31 include apples and nuts. In ancient times, apples were considered a symbol of love and fertility. The Norse ate them for youth and what we call bobbing for apples was originally called 'snapping for apples". If a man got an apple then it mean the woman he loved, loved him back. In Scotland, nuts were used to determine whether lovers would be happy together. They would take two nuts and name them after each other. They would then toss them into a fire. If the nuts burned to ashes, they would enjoy a happy life. If they popped apart or crackled, their lives would have hardship and quarrel. Are you going or throwing a Halloween party? Did you ever think of how far back this celebration goes or why you give treats to avoid a trick, or how wearing masks and costumes got started? Enjoy your party and festivities safely and remember no party should go without a cake magic recipe. Make any kind of cake. Put a ring, thimble, a very tiny figurine and a coin inside the cooked cake in different locations. Some people will get one of these items in their slice. The ring means they will be married within a year, the thimble means you will never marry. The doll means lots of children and the coin means prosperity. While you are at it, you might want to try this popular 'spell' for money that is best done around Halloween. You need a gold coin and a pair of old shoes. Holding up the coin in daylight and say "what I see, may it increase, so I may have financial peace." Place the gold coin in the old left shoe, then put both shoes on. Walk clockwise in a circle three times. Take the shoes off and place them in a T shape where they can't be disturbed. Do the same thing for three more days. On the third day take out the gold coin from the left shoe and tape the coin in the most worn part of the shoes. Do not spend the coin as it will bring you luck!! ONLY DO THIS SPELL IF MONEY IS NEEDED NOT OUT OF GREED! If you are single, put a glass of water by your bed. It said the person you dream of on All Hallow's Eve is the person you will marry. Warning: since the dead roam this night, you might want to consider sleeping with a mask on!

Halloween facts

As you know, we adore Halloween! Here are some fun facts: HALLOWEEN FACTS Pumpkin Facts Pumpkins are a fruit that originated in Central America. The name "pumpkin" comes from the Greek word "pepon," meaning a large melon. 90% of the pumpkin is made up of water. The yellow-orange flowers that bloom from a pumpkin vine are edible. Using pumpkins as lanterns at Halloween is based on an ancient Celtic custom brought to America by European immigrants. The largest pumpkin grown was recorded on October 2, 2004 weighing 1,446 lbs. Pumpkins, and their seeds, were a celebrated food of the Native American Indians who treasured them both for their dietary and medicinal properties. Illinois grows more pumpkins than any other state in the country. It harvests nearly 12,300 acres of fruit. Halloween Facts The carving of jack-o'-lanterns originated from the tradition of carving the faces of lost souls into hollowed out pumpkins and turnips. A candle was placed inside the carvings making the faces glow. The Halloween lanterns were placed on doorsteps to ward off evil spirits. The world's fastest time to carve a face into a pumpkin is 54.72 seconds, by Stephen Clarke (USA), on October 23, 2001 (source: Guinness World Records) More than 93 percent of children go trick-or-treating each year. (source: NCA) Halloween is also recognized as the 3rd biggest party day after New Year's and Super Bowl Sunday. Trick-or-treating is thought to have its origins in a European custom called souling where people would beg for "soul cakes. " There were estimated 36.8 million potential "trick-or-treaters" ages 5-13. Legendary magician Harry Houdini died in Detroit from a ruptured appendix on Halloween in 1926.

How the Re Rates work

Heres Mikes (BabyJesus)Blog concerning rerates..thought it would help with the confusion. Rate On!!!! hey everyone, i've made some tweaks to the way member profile ratings work over the last 24 hours. the changes reduce the load on our system by a huge amount and also have the side effect of letting people earn more points by rating other members more often. basically, it works the same way as the photo rating system. you can now rate someone every 7 days, and every 7 days (or anytime after that) you'll both receive full credit for the rating (including rating count). just as before, you can *always* re-rate anyone at anytime, but if it hasn't been 7 days you won't get any points/credit for it. previously, a member could only rate another member once... and that was it. i think this new way is more fun and gives everyone a reason to show their friends more love, more often. if you notice any problems with the new system, feel free to post here. cheers! EDIT: did some of you fail reading comprehension in school? YOU DONT GET POINTS IF YOU RERATE THE SAME PERSON WITHIN 7 DAYS. -mike Thanks for reading Mychele
Wal-Mart influence on its suppliers can be felt in the cheap products it sells and the jobs it drives overseas. To keep prices low, Wal-Mart must source goods from areas of the world where employment standards are severely lacking. In fact, over 80% of Wal-Mart’s suppliers are from China. According to Duke University Professor Gary Gerreffi, “Wal-Mart and China are a joint venture.” Quintessential American businesses like Huffy, Mr. Coffee, and Master Lock have suffered under the weight of Wal-Mart’s pressure. With increased sourcing from India, local suppliers will increasingly have to meet unrealistic prices and quotas to satisfy their demands. Massive Reliance on Imports. Buying American takes second place to the bottom line -- and foreign suppliers benefit: Abandons Buy American Program. In February 1985, Walton wrote 3,000 American manufacturers and wholesalers to announce that the chain wanted to buy more American goods. Walton said: "We cannot continue to be a solvent nation as long as we pursue this current accelerating direction. Our company is firmly committed to the philosophy by buying everything possible from suppliers who manufacture their products in the United States." Today, however, over 80 percent of Wal-Mart's 60,000 global suppliers are based in China. [Wal-Mart Press Release, 3/13/85; Wal-Mart Literature, 1994; PBS Frontline, 11/16/04] Wal-Mart is China's sixth largest export market. In 2006, Wal-Mart imported $27 billion of Chinese goods. Wal-Mart's imports are responsible for 11% of the growth of the total U.S. trade deficit with China between 2001 and 2006. [Time, 6/19/05; EPI Issue Brief #235, 6/27/07] Wal-Mart's imports from China cost American jobs. Wal-Mart's trade deficit with China alone eliminated nearly 200,000 U.S. jobs between 2001 and 2006. On average, 77 U.S. jobs were eliminated for each one of Wal-Mart's 4,022 U.S. stores in 2006. [EPI Issue Brief #235, 6/27/07] Importing Danger: How Wal-Mart's Massive Food Imports Endanger America's Food Suppy In the wake of several recent food recalls, this report examines Wal-Mart's massive dependence on foreign imports for everything from baby bibs to catfish. (PDF) Increasing Dependence on India. In March 2004, Business Line reported that Wal-Mart intends to outsource $11 billion in textile merchandise over the next few years. The company has planned to buy $1.5 billion dollars worth of goods from India in 2006, and has increased operations out of its Bangalore office -- which already employs 80 staffers focused on new outsourcing relationships. [Business Line, 3/26/05; Bloomberg News, 7/11/05; Women's Wear Daily, 3/13/06] More than 60,000 Suppliers in 70 Countries. A Wal-Mart website declares: "As the world's largest retailer, we're in thousands of communities around the USA and 15 other countries. We buy products from more than 60,000 suppliers in 70 countries." [http://walmartfacts.com/newsdesk/statement-speeches.aspx?CategoryID=290#a1822] Buys Local Elsewhere. During discussions about sourcing in other countries, Amy Wyatt of the store's international corporate affairs division said that 90 to 95 percent of products in Wal-Mart's stores outside the United States -- including stores in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the United Kingdom -- are generally produced in the region. "In the United States, our local sourcing is not as high as 90 percent," she said. "The manufacturing just doesn't exist." [Tico (Costa Rica) Times, 3/17/06] Internal Report Exposes Wal-Mart's Lack Of Commitment To International Workers Rights. In a 2005 study, Wal-Mart audits its international factory inspection program and the results are not promising. Only 20 percent of inspections are unannounced and 89 percent of all inspections find medium to severe violations. With only 200 associates covering five regions around the globe, it appears workers will have to suffer under poor working conditions for years to come. [Wal-Mart's 2005 Report on Ethical Sourcing, 7/31/06] Hurting American Manufacturers. Wal-Mart works to keep the green flowing -- even if that means red ink for American suppliers: Ruining Rubbermaid. In 1994, Rubbermaid won accolades as the most admired company in the United States -- but five years later, its fortunes fell so hard that the company sold itself to a competitor. When the price of a key component of its products went up, Rubbermaid asked Wal-Mart for a modest price increase -- but Wal-Mart said no, and stopped sales of Rubbermaid products. At a Rubbermaid factory in Wooster, Ohio, that meant the loss of 1,000 jobs. [PBS Frontline, 11/23/04] Advises Supplier: 'Open a Factory in China.' To land a supply contract with Wal-Mart, the Lakewood Engineering and Manufacturing Company -- a Chicago fan manufacturer -- had to locate manufacturing operations in Shenzhen, China. Workers there make $.25 an hour -- while the company's Chicago workforce earned an average hourly $13. [Los Angeles Times, 11/23/03] Advises Mr. Coffee to Move Overseas. Mr. Coffee -- which won awards for moving manufacturing operations back to the United States -- faced pressure to shift production to China even at the height of Wal-Mart's 'Buy American' program. After Wal-Mart demanded a $1 reduction in the wholesale price of a brisk-selling four-cup coffeemaker in 1985, Mr. Coffee executives scouted for factory sites in China -- and executives say Wal-Mart encouraged offshore production even as it promoted its 'Made in the USA' campaign." [The Commercial Appeal, 6/8/01; Cleveland Plain Dealer, 11/14/04] Forces Huffy Bikes to Brake US Production. Despite decades of making bicycles in the United States, Huffy was forced by Wal-Mart price pressures to close three factories and lay off thousands of workers. The mayor of Celina, Ohio -- where Huffy closed a large factory -- said Wal-Mart's "demand for cheaper bicycles drove Huffy out of Celina." [Mansfield News Journal, 12/8/03] Minimal Social Responsibility. Suppliers pay subpar wages -- but Wal-Mart pays little mind: Norway Calls Wal-Mart's Human Rights Violations "Serious" and "Systematic." In 2006, Norway sold its 2.5 billion kroner ($415 million) worth of Wal-Mart, citing "serious" and "systematic" human rights violations in Wal-Mart's supply chain. Norway's federal pension fund - valued at almost $300 billion - is one of the world's largest. ["Norway Dumps Wal-Mart Stock," Aftenposten, 6/6/06; "Norway Backs its Ethics with Cash," New York Times, 5/4/07] Dropped from Socially Responsible Investing Index. In 2001, Wal-Mart was removed from the nation's largest "socially responsible" mutual fund, the Domini 400 Social Index, because of its human rights standards. The Domini Index is described as the "the first benchmark for stock funds to screen for social responsibility." Kyle Johnson, the project manager for the index, stated "Wal-Mart is a market leader in retail, yet has not taken a leadership position on labor issues and has been unresponsive to calls for change from shareholders." [Palm Beach Daily News, 6/12/05; International Shareholder, 4/17/01; The Los Angeles Times, 5/18/01] Wage Violations at Supplier Factories. According to Wal-Mart's own audit, "several serious violations are still found consistently at the factory level, including problems with payment of overtime compensation, coaching of workers for worker interviews, and the use of `double-books' to hide true numbers of hours worked or wages/benefits paid." [Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 2005 Ethical Sourcing Report] Neglects Product Safety. Low prices should not be offered at the expense of consumer safety. Children's Items Sold Exclusively at Wal-Mart Recalled for Lead. Wal-Mart is recalling "Faded Glory" lip gloss and jewelry. The lobster claw clasp on the bracelet contains high levels of lead, which is toxic if ingested and can cause adverse health effects. [Consumer Affairs, 7/10/08] Wal-Mart Bibs Contain Lead. Vinyl (PVC) Baby Bibs at Wal-Mart found contaminated with lead. Wal-Mart recalss a product it sold since 2004 with pressure from Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. [Illinois Attorney General Press Release, 5/2/07] Tainted Pet Food Found in Wal-Mart Stores. The first discovery of hazardous pet food came at a Wal-Mart store. Produced by Menu Foods and containing the harmful chemical melamine, this food resulted in the death of many cats and dogs. Wal-Mart did not immediately pull the pet food from store shelves, and there were reports that Wal-Mart was restocking the contaminated pet food on store shelves at night. [The News and Observer, 4/11/07] Wal-Mart Sells Tainted Peanut Butter. Wal-Mart's Great Value brand of Peanut Butter is found to be contaminated with Salmonella. The Peanut Butter, which was produced by ConAgra foods, sickened hundreds of people - many of them children. [Consumer Affairs, 2/27/07] Supply Chain Fact Sheet Wal-Mart's Global Labor Violations Over the past few years, the retailer has accumulated a bevy of sweatshops to produce cheap goods at the cost of exploited labor. (PDF) Sweatshop Labor. The drive for low prices produces another result: neglected human dignity: Toys Built in South China Sweatshop. A China Labor Watch report detailed the mistreatment of workers in a factory making small toys for Wal-Mart. As of early December 2005, violations against workers at the Lungcheong factory were as follows: the systematic denial of maternity leave, work-related injuries leading to termination, illegally denying health insurance, mandatory overtime work, insane quotas and employing underage workers. [China Labor Watch, December 2005, China Labor Watch Source (PDF)] Factory Inspectors "Coach" Employees to Lie About Working Conditions. A June, 2007 report by Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior (SACOM) investigating Wal-Mart's auditing procedures of five Chinese toy factories in exporting cities Shenzhen and Zhuhai found that the factories were going to great lengths to conceal labor abuses, in order to continue their ruthless cost-cutting measures. The report noted, "managers conducted ‘training sessions' with workers on how to answer questions from Wal-Mart's auditors in preparation for pre-announced inspections. At these trainings, managers warned workers, ‘If you answer auditors' questions incorrectly, we get to lose orders and you get to lose your job.'" [Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior, June 2007] Exploiting Child Labor. In 2006, the National Labor Committee uncovered a factory in Bangladesh where an estimated 200 to 300 children were discovered sewing pants for Wal-Mart. They were routinely beaten, forced to work overtime, cheated out of their wages, given phony time cards and told to lie about their age. [National Labor Committee, 2006] Sweatshops for Kathie Lee Gifford Products. Charles Kernaghan, director of the New York-based National Labor Committee, testified before Congress in 1996 that Kathie Lee Gifford's clothing line was being produced in sweatshops around the globe. He reported that Global Fashion Plant in Choloma, Honduras -- a Wal-Mart vendor that produces clothing for the Kathie Lee apparel line -- employed pregnant women and children under harsh conditions and paid only 31 cents an hour. In 2000, The National Labor Committee reported that workers at Qin Shi Handbag factory in Zhongshan, China -- which made handbags for Kathie Lee Gifford's Wal-Mart line -- were forced to work 14-hour shifts, seven days a week for little or no money. [Arkansas-Democrat Gazette, 5/24/96; National Labor Committee, "Made in China: The Role of U.S. Companies in Denying Human and Worker Rights," 5/25/00] Exposed on NBC's Dateline. In 1992, NBC's Dateline reported that 11-year old workers from Bangladesh were making t-shirts for Wal-Mart. [New York Times, 12/24/92] Rock-Bottom Wages. Compared to Wal-Mart's United States workers, laborers for overseas suppliers earn pennies on the dollar: Low Pay Scales. The average full-time United States Wal-Mart employee earns $10.11 per hour. In Swaziland, a worker at a Wal-Mart subcontractor earns 53 cents per hour; in Indonesia, a worker at a Wal-Mart subcontractor earns 46 cents per hour; in Nicaragua, a worker at a Wal-Mart subcontractor earns 23 cents per hour; and in Bangladesh and China, workers at Wal-Mart subcontractors earn 17 cents per hour. [Institute for Policy Studies, "Wal-Mart's Pay Gap," 4/15/05] Missing Overtime Pay. In 2004, the International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF) documented violations of overtime pay rules at Wal-Mart garment supply factories in Nicaragua, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Swaziland. In September 2005, ILRF filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of workers in China, Bangladesh, Nicaragua, Swaziland, and Indonesia. Workers in these countries complained of being "kicked and beaten, locked in factories, fired for supporting a union and not paid the minimum wage or overtime." [Institute for Policy Studies; New York Times, 9/16/05; Corporate Legal Times, 11/05] Chinese Workers Earning Too Little to Afford Wal-Mart. The influx of cheap labor from the Chinese countryside allows Wal-Mart to produce its goods at extremely low prices. The Pearl River Delta, home to some of China's newest and largest factories, is a breeding ground for poor working conditions, environmental destruction, and inadequate urban planning. With the help of the Chinese government, infrastructure improvements mean more and more workers will descend upon this area to toil away in horrible conditions. With wages around $100 dollars a month, most workers cannot even afford the products they produce. [BusinessWeek, 7/26/05; China Daily, 11/29/04; San Francisco Chronicle, 12/29/04] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What You Can Do Ready for Wal-Mart to revive its dedication to buying locally? Join thousands in signing the Handshake with Sam agreement and calling on Wal-Mart to work better with local suppliers Tell friends and family about Wal-Mart's old pledge to have vital relationships with American suppliers -- and explain how today's company falls short Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, demanding country of origin labeling on Wal-Mart products FORWARD THIS TO A FRIEND Your Email: Your Name: To: (separate multiple emails with a comma) Subject: Message: I thought you might enjoy this story from Wal-Mart Watch, a group who is starting to expose Wal-Mart for their bad labor standards, political corruptness and overall bad citizenship. It's getting a lot of attention in the press. Take a look. http://walmartwatch.com/home/pages/5521 Supplier Relations Wal-Mart Watch International ActionChina Labor WatchThe National Labor CommitteeUnited Students Against SweatshopsPBS Frontline - Is Wal-Mart Good For America?Wal-Mart's 2005 Ethical Sourcing ReportClean ClothesSEARCH WAL-MART WATCH Enter your search terms below: MAKE A DIFFERENCE WMT STOCK QUOTE 60.71 +0.59 Last Updated: 9/26/2008, 4:02pm Detailed Stock Information

The Lies Wal-Mart Tell

Wal-Mart spends millions of dollars each year on public relations hoping to counteract the negative impact the company's business practices have on its reputation. In the process, Wal-Mart's representatives misrepresent the company, even lying to protect its fragile reputation. These are some of the most common lies the company tells - and truth behind the spin. Lie #1: Wal-Mart Only Builds Stores in Communities That Want It "If they don't want Wal-Mart in their community, then just say it. Don't hide behind all this malarkey." – Lee Scott [CNNMoney, 4/6/05] Lie #2: Wal-Mart Does Not Source from Sweatshops “When we buy merchandise, we realize that our orders touch factory workers and their communities around the world. As we reflect on the impact of our sourcing, we recognize that success goes beyond financial results alone.” [“Letter from Lee Scott,” Wal-Mart’s 2006 Ethical Sourcing Report] Lie #3: Wal-Mart Provides Quality Health Care for Its Employees “At Wal-Mart, we are firmly committed to providing comprehensive and affordable health care benefits for our associates. We will continue to make sure our workforce has access to the health care they need, at prices they can afford. But no one business can solve this country’s health care crisis alone, and we welcome the opportunity to work together as we address these issues.” – [Wal-Mart Health Care Benefits Overview for 2008] Lie #4: Wal-Mart Buys Locally “We cannot continue to be a solvent nation as long as we pursue this current accelerating direction. Our company is firmly committed to the philosophy by buying everything possible from suppliers who manufacture their products in the United States.” [Sam Walton, Wal-Mart Press Release, 3/13/85] Lie #5: Wal-Mart Saves Its Customers $2500 Annually “In 2007, new research from Global Insight shows the retailer now saves American families $2,500 each year, up 7.3 percent from $2,329 in 2004.” – [Wal-Mart press release, 9/12/07] Lie #6: Wal-Mart Is Not Interested in Consumer Banking Operations "Wal-Mart is absolutely and unequivocally committed not to engage in branch banking," Jane Thompson, president of Wal-Mart Financial Services, testified at the first day of the hearings. "In fact and in practice, Wal-Mart is clearly committed to supporting community banking, not undermining it." [AP via USA Today, 4/10/06] Lie #7: Wal-Mart Has Grassroots Support "Working Families for Wal-Mart is committed to fostering open and honest dialogue with elected officials, opinion makers and community leaders that conveys the positive contributions of Wal-Mart to working families." – Working Families for Wal-Mart Organizational Website [forwalmart.com, 2/28/06] Lie #8: Wal-Mart Is Going “Green” "Sustainability 360 takes in our entire company -- our customer base, our supplier base, our associates, the products on our shelves, the communities we serve...And we believe every business can look at sustainability in this way. In fact, in light of current environmental trends, we believe they will and soon." – Lee Scott [Wal-Mart press release, 2/1/07] Lie #9: Wal-Mart Treats Its Employees Fairly “To commit ourselves to giving the associates more equitable treatment in the company, was without a doubt the single smartest move we ever made at Wal-Mart.” [Sam Walton: Made in America, 169] Lie #10: Wal-Mart Likes Its ‘Low Prices’ Image “We've only had one real problem with "Metro 7," and that is, we're having a hard time keeping up with the demand in our stores.” – Tom Schoewe [Lehman Brothers Annual Retail Conference, 5/2/06] Lie #11: Wal-Mart Pays Its Fair Share of Taxes “All taxpayers should have the right to rely on clearly defined tax laws that are reasonably and fairly enforced.'' – John Smiley, Wal-Mart Spokesman [Wall Street Journal, 1/6/2008]
Mark Your Calendar! Mystic Fest 2008 October 4th & 5th Saturday 10:00 - 6:00 Sunday 11:00 - 5:00 ADMISSION WILL BE FREE TO ALL!!!!!! I hope you will join us for a very fun weekend! Mystic Fest 2008 will be held at the Holiday Inn Central at 72nd & Grover streets in the Heartland Room. The Heartland Room is the former site of Charlie's Restaurant, and is located at the far west end of the building on 72nd Street. How to find us: Our Location The store is at: 3141 North 93rd St. Omaha, NE 68134 That is on 93rd street, one block north of Maple 'Just a little bit past the new Hollywood Diner and Former Putt Putt Golf. Down the hill by Club Mex Restaurant.

Mabon Incense

Mabon Incense Recipe Mabon is the time of the autumnal equinox and coming up soon (September 22nd, 2008). Here is a great incense recipe to celebrate this time of year: Mabon Incense 2 parts Frankincense 1 part Sandalwood 1 part Cypress 1 part Juniper 1 part Pine 1/2 part Oakmoss (or a few drops Oakmoss bouquet) 1 pinch pulverized Oak leaf Burn during Autumnal Equinox, September 22nd, 2008, or around that time to attune with the change of the seasons. (This 'Mabon Incense' recipe is from "The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews" by Scott Cunningham, Llewellyn Publications, 1989)
Please think about this:>>>> 1. Take one capful (the little white cap that comes with the> bottle) and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. (I > do> it when I bathe.) No more canker sores, and your teeth will be whiter> without expensive pastes.> Use it instead of mouthwash.> 2. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of peroxide to Keep them> free of germs. 3. Clean your counters and table tops with peroxide to kill> germs and leave a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dishrag when you wipe, or spray it on the counters. 4. After rinsing off your wooden cuttingboard,put peroxide on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria. 5. I had fungus on my feet for years until I sprayed a 50/50 mixture of> peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry. 6. Soak any infections or cuts in 3% peroxide for five to ten minutes> several times a day. My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with> any medicine but was healed by soaking in peroxide. 7. Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water and keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septic system like bleach or most other disinfectants will. 8. Tilt your head back and spray into nostrils with your 50/50 mixture whenever you have a cold, plugged sinus. It will bubble and help to kill the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes, and then blow your nose into a> tissue. 9. If you have a terrible toothache and cannot get to a dentist right away, put a capful of 3% peroxide into your mouth and hold it for ten minutes several times a day. The pain will lessen greatly. 10. And of course, if you like a natural look to your hair, spray the 50/50 solution on your wet hair after a shower and comb it through. You will not have the peroxide-burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, faddish, or dirty blonde.. It also lightens gradually, so it's not a drastic change. 11. Put half a bottle of peroxide20in your bath to help rid boils, fungus, or other skin infections. 12. You can also add a cup of peroxide instead of bleach to a load of whites in your laundry to whiten them. If there is blood on clothing, pour it directly on the soiled spot. Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and rinse with cold water Repeat if necessary. 13. I use peroxide to clean my mirrors. There is no smearing, which is why I love it so much for this. I could go on and on. It is a little brown bottle no home should be without! With prices of most necessities rising, I'm glad there is a way to save lots of money in such a simple, healthy manner! This information really woke me up.I hope you gained something from it too. Pass it on! Thanks for reading all of this Mychele

Trivia Did you know???

What was the orignal Name of Bugs bunny when he debuted in 1935? ***********************************Happy Rabbit What was the first Beatles Film? *******************************Hard Day's Night Name the river that run's through Wahington D.C.?************************************************** Potomac What happened on Blck Thursday October 29th. 1929? ******************************Wall street stock market crashed What does natural vanilla flavoring come from? ***************************Orchids What is a 5 cent called in the U.S.A.? *********Nickel Which war made Florence Nightingale famous? ********* Crimean War ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did You Know??? The Eskimo people are very percise when they discuss snow ~~ there are more than twenty words in their language to describe it ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Brothers Grimm, generally know for their fairy and folk tales, also created a German dictionary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It takes 100 pounds of rainwater to produce a singel pound of food. Between 10 and 20 pounds of water must pass through the roots of an acre of corn to produce one bushel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The term "disc Jockey" was coined by Variety in 1937 to describe radio announcers who stayed up all night "riding" discs -- or records. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Mongoose is not immune to the venom of the Cobra. It defeats it's archenemy with it's superior speed and reflexes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In 1906, a car called the Autocar was manufactured in the United States with a new invention--headlights ( they burned kerosene). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dogs and cats, just like people are either right handed or left handed. They favor either their right or left paws. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are more insects in one square mile of a ru land than there are hman beings on tentire face of earth.( that's is scary)! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In 1918 & 1919 a world epidemic of influenza killed 20 mion people in the United States and Europe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for reading ..See now you are just a little bit smarter then the averge Joe.. LOL :P
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