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The Cowboy Way Ch. 07

It had been a long while since Jack and Tori had played. Even though they saw each other almost daily, there lives had been very busy. They had been together for almost a year now and were happy living a normal life and enjoying the D/s relationship on their own time. Tori was kneeling on the floor in the loft, naked, staring straight ahead. Her eyes fixed on some imaginary spot on the far wall. Jack stood before her; Tori could tell that he was already aroused by the bulge in his jeans. She tried to keep her focus, but was having a hard time. Jack grabbed her by the hair pulling her head back. "Is there something you want?" "Your cock, Sir." Tori tried not to wince at the strength of the hair pull. "Well, you'll just have to wait." He released her hair, and stepped back. More to cum later Tori took a quiet deep breath, the anticipation of this evening had been building all day. It had been a long time since she had even gotten a playful swat on her ass, that she was already dripping wet. Jack walked over to the wall and grabbed wrist, ankle cuffs, and a blindfold. He walked back to Tori, and slipped the blindfold on making sure she couldn't see. "Give me your wrist." Jack attached the wrist cuffs, making sure she couldn't pull out of them. As he tugged on them to test them, Tori could feel the moisture building between her legs. "Stand up." Jack attached the ankle cuffs to her ankles, again making sure she couldn't pull out of them. Once the ankle cuffs were secure he softly ran his finger up her leg, feeing her moisture that was already there. He carefully guided her across the room to the St. Andrew's cross and attached her wrist and ankles. Tori sighed as the links clicked in place. She could feel the anticipation in the air. They both needed this night. She relaxed against the boards anticipating what he would use on her. She heard the music turn on, and could tell by the music what kind of mood Jack was in. She shivered in anticipation. This kind of music usually meant he was in a little bit of a rough mood, and since it had been so long she was ready for that herself. She could hear Jack selecting what he would use on her. He would comment under his breath and she had to hold back a giggle listening to him. Jack started with a light weight flogger, to warm up both him and her. His strokes were sure and just hard enough to turn her backside a light shade of pink. After a few minutes of the light flogger he switched to a heavier one. Tori sighed as the sensations went through her body. She started to relax a little more, feeling her tension slip away with each smack of the flogger. Jack switched to a leather strap that he always enjoyed using on her. The first hit was a shock, but then she just let herself feel. She started to drift into that special place Jack always took her when they played. It always left her feeling as if she was floating outside of herself and watching what was happening to her. "Color?" Jack questioned, as he could tell she was starting to space. "Green Sir." Jack continued to use the strap for a few more strokes, and then switched to the paddle. This paddle could be used for just sensation or for a true punishment, the last time he used it on her, it was a punishment. One she didn't forget quickly. This time he didn't use the paddle so harshly, he just used it for some sensation. The first smack from the paddle had her flinching. She knew which paddle he had in his hand. She just hoped it wasn't used the same way it was the last time. She felt the next hit and relaxed, he wasn't going to beat her ass with it this time. "Color?" "Green still, Sir." Jack continued to paddle her for a few minutes, by now her backside was a nice shade of pink, just starting to turn red. Jack walked close to her and gently stroked his hand down her back. Not wanting to break the contact of the scene, he reached around in front of her. Taking both of her breast in his hands, he began to kneed and pull on them. He knew this was something she enjoyed. He could feel and hear her breathing quicken at his touch. He could smell her scent too. He knew she was very aroused. He continued to pull and pinch, hearing her breathing getting harder, knowing he was sending her farther onto the edge. He leaned close and gently kissed her neck and ear, keeping the contact light. Jack reached down and grabbed the nipple clamps he had sitting on the side. Carefully he placed the clamps on her nipples making sure they weren't too tight, but tight enough for her to feel them. He tugged on the chain hanging between them, and smiled at her moan. "Yes little one, I know you like that." Jack whispered in her ear. He continued to tug and caress her breast, causing Tori to wiggle a little. Jack continued to touch her while he got out of his jeans. Once he was free of them, he undid her ankles so that he could pull her hips back a little. He slowly entered her from behind, all the while playing with her nipples and breast. He slowly stroked in and out of her, feeling her walls clenching against his hard throbbing cock. He continued to stroke her, getting a little faster and harder. He could tell she was getting closer to an orgasm by her movements. "Not yet." he ordered. "Yes Sir." Jack started to pump her harder and faster, causing Tori to be almost flat up against the cross. As Jack started to orgasm he spoke one command to her, "Now." They both came in a long orgasm that left them both gasping. Jack continued to caress her breast and slowly undid the clamps from her nipples. Gently rubbing them as the blood rushed back into them. Tori sagged against the cross, coming down from her orgasm. Jack gently released her wrist and guided her to the saddle. He pushed her forward so she was lying over the saddle. "Oh what a lovely site that red backside is over the saddle." Jack laughed as he lightly ran his hand down her back. "Thank you, Sir." Tori smiled. Tori could hear Jack moving around near his toy collection. She wondered what he had in store for her now. She was feeling pleasantly sore, and more relaxed than she had been in a long time. Jack walked back to Tori, again running his hand down her back.. He set several things down next to her on the saddle. Jack gently ran the small paint brush down Tori's spine. He watched her shiver as he reached her lower back. He repeated the process back up to her neck. He then proceeded to use the small brush over her entire back. When Tori felt the brush run down her back, she couldn't figure out exactly what it was at first. The feeling was soft and almost tickled. It took her a moment to realize it was a small paint brush that he was using on her. This was something that he had never done before. It was a very relaxing sensation. Wherever the brush touched left her skin feeling tingly. Jack continued to use the small brush on her back and used a larger brush on her legs. Tori involuntarily opened her legs wider when Jack got close to her inner thighs. Jack gave her a light smack on the ass. "Be Still." He then proceeded to use both brushes on her at the same time, one on her back, the other on her thighs and ass. The one he was using on her thighs and ass he kept teasing her clit with it real lightly making her moan and wiggle. Jack lightly used the handle of the brush to smack her ass. He did this several times leaving small red stripes on her ass. He then continued to tease her clit with the brush, just as she was getting close to the brink he stopped. He ran the brush down her right leg, then back up her left leg. Jack tossed the brushes down and smacked her ass a few times really hard with his bare hand. "I think your backside has had enough for the night, you're pretty red here." Jack commented as he helped Tori off the saddle. He wrapped her in his arms and held her. Knowing she would need the comfort and touch. "Thank you Sir." Tori whispered as they headed out of the loft.

The Cowboy Way Ch. 06

Jack called Tori later that afternoon, hoping that she would be done with everything that she had to get done. He didn’t analyze why he wanted to spend more time with her. He just knew that he enjoyed being around her. Both her submissiveness and her personality in general were pleasing to him. “Hello.” Tori answered sounding distracted. “Tori, its Jack.” “Oh, hello, Sir.” Tori snapped her mind back to what she was doing. “Is everything all right?” “Yes, Sir, everything is fine. My mind was just on something else when I answered.” “Will you be free to get together later?” “ I should be finished here in about an hour.” “Good, are you up for going out again tonight?” Jack questioned cautiously. “Yes, Sir, that would be fine. I don’t have to be up early tomorrow so it won’t be a problem.” “Good, I’ll pick you up around 7, wear something comfortable.” “Yes Sir.” They said their good byes and Tori went back to work so she could make sure she had enough time to get ready. Tori decided to wear a black dress that had a fitted bodice and a flowing skirt. She put a turquoise belt around her waist to give the dress some color. She decided to wear her hair down so that it hung down her back. She added a pair of medium heels and was ready a few minutes before Jack was to pick her up. Promptly at seven her doorbell rang. She opened the door and Jack stood on the other side holding a single yellow rose. “You look very nice this evening, Pet.” Jack commented as he handed her the rose. “Thank you Sir.” Tori accepted the rose and couldn’t resist sniffing it. “ Please come in and sit down, I’ll just be a moment while I put this in water.” Tori walked to her kitchen and started to look around for a vase to put the flower in. Jack followed her and stopped in the doorway. He just stood there watching her. He enjoyed watching her in her own environment. She finished putting water in the vase and gently set the rose in and turned around and almost dropped it. “Oh gosh, you startled me.” Tori put a hand to her heart. “Sorry.” Jack smiled. “It’s OK.” Tori set the vase in the center of her small kitchen table. “May I ask what we are doing this evening?” “We are going over to a friend of mine’s. He wanted my opinion about a new technique he has been working with.” “Oh.” Tori was a little surprised, but she thought it might be interesting to see how other people were together. They left Tori’s place and headed to Jack’s friend’s house. Jack had been there before and liked the play area. They got to the house and Jack could sense that Tori was nervous. “Relax, Pet. You’ll like Jeff and Lee” Jack whispered as they stood at the door. Lee opened the door, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and Tori felt overdressed. A big smile spread across Lee’s face. “Jack, it’s good to see you again Sir. Please come in.” “ Hi Lee, I’d like you to meet Tori.” “ Hi Tori, welcome” Lee smiled and Tori instantly relaxed. “Hi, Lee, thank you for allowing me into your home.” “I’ve known Jack for a while now. I trust him as I trust my own Master. He wouldn’t bring you here unless he trusted you.” “Where’s Jeff?” Jack asked quickly. Knowing that Lee would just stand there talking if you let her. “He’s getting the toy bag out of the garage.” Just as Lee answered they heard Jeff enter the house. “Lee? Why aren’t you getting things ready?” “Our guest are here, Sir.” Lee answered laughing. “Jack, it’s good to see you again.” Jeff shook hands with Jack. He glanced at Tori liking the way she looked instantly. “Who do we have here?” “Tori, I’d like you to meet Jeff, the Master to this crazy woman here.” Jack smiled as he looked at Lee. “Hello, Sir.” Tori whispered. “Jack, you need to get this girl to speak up. Especially if she’s going to be around Lee.” “I think she’s a little nervous, give her a little time. She can be a bit crazy at times too.” Jack was thinking about the night before and what got Tori her spanking. Tori blushed but didn’t say anything else. “Well why don’t we all go down to the playpen. Can we get either one of you anything?” “I’m fine.” Tori spoke a little louder this time. “Nothing for me.” Jack took Tori’s hand and led her to the downstairs area that his friends called the “Playpen”. Tori stopped as she reached the last step. The room was smaller than Jack’s play loft, but there was still plenty of room to move. Tori spotted a few things she recognized and saw a few that she could determine by looking at them what they would be used for. “Jack, why don’t you and Tori sit over on the couch, that way you have a good view of what is going on. “ Jeff pointed to a comfortable looking leather couch that had a sign on the wall that was an arrow that said Bad Girls. Tori smiled when she saw it. Jack sat down on the couch and Tori wasn’t sure if she should sit next to him or sit on the floor. Jack took care of her doubt by pointing to the floor. Tori knelt on the floor next to his feet. “If you get too uncomfortable kneeling, you may just sit on the floor.” Jack leaned over and said in her ear as she got on the floor. “Thank you Sir.” Jeff put some music on the CD player; it was what Tori would describe as a light rock. It had kind of a soothing quality, but had a harder back beat. It was this back beat that Jeff picked up on while he was preparing Lee for the scene. He had her cuffed to chains that were raised and lowered by a turn wheel. He raised Lee’s hands a little higher then locked the wheel so it would not come loose during the scene. Lee put her head down for a moment, then raised it again. Tori could see the change in her face. It was almost as if she had gone to someplace else. Jeff gently ran his hand down her back, then lightly smacked her bottom. He took a hair clip and lovingly put her hair up so it was off of her back while he flogged her. He walked over to his toys that were hanging on some hooks from the ceiling and picked up a flogger, and gently started to flog Lee's back. Tori was instantly mesmerized by the way Jeff moved. It was like an artist painting a portrait. The strokes against Lee’s skin were confident and sure. He very rarely stopped touching her, when he did it was only for brief moments when he changed implements. Soon Lee was begging for release, but Jeff quietly told her “no”. Lee stomped her feet and fought off her orgasm, as Jeff continued to flog her backside, using different floggers and whips. Tori sat at Jack’s feet totally mesmerized and was becoming very aroused. Lee’s skin was a nice light shade of pink. Tori wiggled a little to get more comfortable and to try to relieve some of the discomfort she was feeling without being obvious. Jack watched Tori squirm and knew that watching Jeff and Lee was affecting her. Lee continued to beg for release but Jeff refused to grant her permission. Jeff switched to a paddle like object but it was flat and flexible leather, the end looked something like a snake tongue. When he used it on Lee, she turned and gave him a look that said, “hit me with that again, I’ll kill you”. Tori smiled, she had that feeling herself once or twice with the smacks that Jack had given her. Jack casually reached down and stroked Tori’s hair. He could almost feel her anticipation when he touched her. She was totally entranced by the scene taking place in front of her. She was lightly bunching the skirt of her dress in her hands. Jack smiled to himself. He had a feeling that Tori would be ready to cum in about two minutes if he were to touch her. Lee’s skin had a light pink glow to it, and Jeff was watching her intently. He knew she was ready to cum. He squatted down next to her and continued to lightly paddle her butt with a leather paddle, with his other hand he reached between her legs to play with her clit. Lee started begging to be able to cum. Jeff quietly gave her permission, and Lee’s knees went to the floor as she orgasmed. Jeff tossed the paddle to the side, then grabbed a blanket and a chair. He unhooked Lee from the ropes, and gently sat her in the chair. He walked over to her drink and kneeling in front of her had her sip. He kissed her forehead and made sure she was comfortable. Jeff and Lee stayed like that for a few minutes. Lee looked behind her and was very surprised to see Jack and Tori still there. “Oh, you’re still here.” Lee smiled. “Yes, we are. You’ve done nicely here Jeff.” Was the only comment that Jack made. Jeff smiled his thanks to Jack. Jack decided to make Tori wait until they got back before he would let her have her release. He could see it in the way she sat on the floor still in a daze of watching Jeff and Lee. “Why don’t we go upstairs and relax for a few minutes. Or if you’d like to have some time with Tori you’re welcome to.” Jeff suggested. “No thanks, I’ll wait until we get home. I have a few things planned for this little lady tonight.” Jack just stroked his hand down Tori’s head. He reached his hand down to help her up off the floor. Keeping her hand in his they followed Jeff and Lee up the stairs. “I think Tori and I are going to head back to my place. I think she is going to need to be taken care of real soon.” Jack smiled a wicked grin at Jeff. “Your little mouse got worked up did she? You don’t want to share that with us?” Jeff grinned back at Jack. “No, not this time. I have something special planned and I’d rather do it in private to see how she reacts first.” “I understand.” Jack and Tori left shortly after that. Once Jack had Tori settled and he was headed back to his place he casually reached over and inched her dress up her legs. Pulling the long skirt up to expose her naked pussy. Jack brushed his fingers against her sex and Tori sighed. “ A little wet there are you little one?” “Yes, Sir. A little.” Tori glanced over at Jack while he was driving and rubbing her sex casually with two fingers. “ Sir, if you keep doing that I may not make it home.” Tori told Jack quietly. “You will NOT cum. Is this understood?” Jack rubbed her clit a little harder. “Yes Sir.” Tori fought to control her need to orgasm. The drive back to Jack’s place was pure torture for Tori. She was happy when they finally got to the house so Jack would stop rubbing her clit. To Tori’s surprise Jack didn’t get out of the truck, instead he pushed Tori’s skirt up and pressed two fingers into her pussy. Pushing them in and out feeling her wetness building. “Please Sir, please may I cum for you?” Tori begged. Wiggling against Jacks hand. “Please Sir, please may I cum?” Jack pushed his fingers in farther and said “Cum.” Tori let out a moan and squeezed his fingers inside her. Tori closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the headrest. Taking slow deep breaths. “Good girl.” Jack smiled at her. Tori opened her eyes and looked into Jack’s smiling face. “Thank you Sir.” “You’re welcome little one. Now why don’t we go into the loft and do a little more playing of our own.” “If that is your wish Sir.” Tori smiled. “It is.” Jack climbed out of the truck and walked around to open the door for Tori. Tori stepped out and straightened her the skirt portion of her dress. She waited for Jack to start walking the started after him. Jack reached back and grabbed her hand, casually walking to the barn. When they reached the barn Jack turned on the lights and headed towards the loft. He motioned Tori to go up before him and when she started up he casually smacked her on the ass. She just smiled and kept climbing. Once up in the loft, Jack walked over to a cabinet that Tori had never seen open before. He removed several objects and put them on a cart next to the table. “Come over here and disrobe, Pet.” Tori walked over to Jack and removed her belt, then slipped her dress over her head. She was wearing a lacy bra and matching thong underwear, along with thigh high stockings. She slipped off her shoes, then went to remove her stockings when Jack stopped her. “No, leave the stockings on. In fact leave what you have on and lay on the table on your back.” “Yes, Sir.” Tori climbed on the table, and lay on her back. Forcing herself to relax she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. Jack walked over and took her right arm and raised it over her head and bound her wrist to the table with a cuff, then did the same to her left arm. “Are you OK like that?” “Yes Sir.” “I’m going to blindfold you tonight. I just want you to relax and feel. You are going to have to lie very still though. I’m going to be using knives on you and I don’t want to cut you.” Tori’s eyes went wide, but she replied “Yes Sir.” Jack slipped the blindfold over her head and made sure it was on comfortably. He gently ran his hands down her body starting with her hands and working his way down. When he reached her breast he gently played with her nipples through her bra. Then he slowly ran his fingers down her body to her thong. He hooked his fingers in the waistband and dragged them down her legs and put them with her dress. He gently spread her legs open and cuffed them to the table. He walked over to the table where he had placed the knives and unsheathed one of the smaller ones. Talking softly “Don’t move now.” Tori felt the tip of the knife on her arm ever so gently being moved downward. She kept telling herself to remain still. Her skin tingled as the blade move slowly down her arm. He reached across and did the same to her other arm. He paused for a moment and Tori shivered. Jack bent down and touched his lips to hers, lingering there for a moment. He could almost taste her excitement and fear. Jack eased his lips from hers and brought the blade to her throat tipping her chin up with one finger, he gently ran the blade done along her throat tracing it lightly across the artery in her neck. Across her collarbone and along her right shoulder. He then brought the blade back, and repeated the steps on the other side. He could feel Tori tense up. So he paused again. “Relax” Jack said softly. He wanted to keep his voice soft so as not to startle her. Tori let out a long shuddering breath. Then took a deep breath and eased her breathing again. Jack put the knife at the base of her throat and slowly trailed the blade downward. When he reached her breast he slowly eased her bra down to expose her right breast. Slowly he trailed the blade around her nipple “framing” it with the blade. When he finished the right breast he bent down and gently suckled her nipple making her moan. The process was repeated with her left breast. Jack moved the blade down her stomach to the edge of her clit. Again he paused giving Tori a chance to relax. Tori’s body shuddered as she took in a few deep breaths. “Are you OK pet?” “Yes Sir, I’m OK.” Tori replied shakily. Jack set the knife aside and pulled a chair up to the end of the table. Jack lightly brushed the edge of his finger along Tori’s clit. He could see her tense up knowing she thought it was a knife he was using. He ran his finger over her clit again, this time in a downward stroke. Then he leaned in and ran his tongue along her clit in the same motion that he had used his finger. Tori let out a soft sigh. Jack moved in closer taking her clit into his mouth and softly sucking and nibbling on it. Pulling it with his mouth making it enlarge. Tori was wreathing in her bonds on the table, moaning. He knew she was almost ready to orgasm by the way her body was reacting to his mouth. “Sir, please may I cum for you, please. I really need to cum.” “Now.” Was Jack’s muffled response as he pulled her clit into his mouth again as she bucked against his mouth on the table. Moments later Tori was lying limply on the table, her body had a light sheen of sweat on it. Jack kissed her once more on her clit then slowly ran his hands up her body as he walked towards her head. When he reached her head, he lightly ran his fingers over her face, keeping her relaxed. Then he bent forward and took her mouth in an almost brutal kiss. Nothing like Tori had experienced before. She totally surrendered her mouth to him and let him take her where he wanted. This kiss lasted longer than any other they had shared, their tongues dancing in a frenzied mating, that when they parted they were both gasping for air. Jack untied Tori’s hands and rubbed her arms a little as she brought them down to her sides. Jack then untied her feet rubbing her legs in much the same way he had done her arms restoring the circulation in her legs. “May I remove the blindfold Sir?” Tori asked softly. “Yes, you may.” Tori slipped the blindfold off her eyes and blinked in the light. She focused on Jack standing between her still spread legs. She could see his arousal pressing tightly against his jeans. “How would you like me to please you tonight Sir?” “You’ve already pleased me a great deal, but I would like to relieve myself in your pussy. Slide down this way.” Jack pointed towards himself as he undid his jeans and slipped out of them along with his briefs. He slipped out of his shirt so he was standing naked before Tori. She took a long look at him, as she didn’t always get a chance to do so. Tori sat at the end of the table waiting for Jack to tell her where he wanted her. Jack pulled her off the table and set her down in front of the table. “Turn around, I’m going to do you doggie style.” Jack growled in her ear. Tori turned around and bent forward on the table, Moments later she felt Jack slip his hard cock into her already wet pussy. Jack slowly started to stroke in and out of her in long slow strokes, but soon was stroking her in short fast strokes as he came closer to orgasming. Tori could feel herself getting closer as Jack slammed into her harder and harder. “Please, Sir, Please may I cum for you?” Tori sobbed as Jack started to release his hot cum into her. “Now” was the only thing Jack was capable of saying at this time. As they both came down from their orgasm’s Jack leaned against Tori’s back. Holding her close to him gently nuzzling her neck. “Thank you for a wonderful evening Sir. I have truly enjoyed this experience.” “You’re most welcome Pet. How about we shower and go to bed?” “Yes Sir.” They gathered up their clothes and climbed down from the loft and headed to the house. The early morning breeze was cool against their heated flesh. They walked quickly to the house, and hurried up the stairs where they showered and climbed into bed.

The Cowboy Way Ch. 05

Tori got home from Jack's and hurried inside hoping she didn't run into any of her neighbors. She was dressed as she was when she left last night, and she didn't need anyone asking any questions. She hurried into her apartment, and headed to her bedroom. She pulled her robe out of her closet, stripped out of her outfit and heels and headed to the kitchen. She listened to her messages, making a mental note to call her girlfriend back later. She started some spaghetti sauce for supper, thinking she could take left overs to work with her. She cleaned up her living room, putting away some magazines and straightened the cushions. While she worked she thought about what had taken place that weekend. She found herself thinking differently about Jack. He had always been a buddy, since he had started teaching her how to ride a horse, but now she was having other feelings for him. She was coming to respect him as a Dom and possibly more. She wandered back into the kitchen to stir the sauce, and see what else she could make with her spaghetti. She found some garlic bread and some sausage she could add to the sauce. She cooked up the sausage and added it to the simmering sauce. She wandered around the house her thoughts on Jack. She checked her sauce once more, then grabbed a book hoping to take her mind off of Jack for a while. Tossing all these thoughts around in her head was just making her more confused. She curled up on the couch and opened the book, but she just couldn’t concentrate. Her thoughts kept drifting back to when she and Jack were in the shower. She wasn’t sure if the heat and longing she felt with him was more than just the heat of the moment or not. She didn’t know how he felt either. Tossing the book aside she went back to the kitchen to stir her sauce. She put water on to boil for the noodles, just as the phone rang. “Hello.” “Tori, its Jack. How are you feeling?” “I’m fine Sir. Just making some supper” Tori felt as nervous as a schoolgirl talking to her first crush. She smiled to herself. “ I was wondering if you’d like to go out Friday night? To a local bar do some dancing.” “I umm sure, that sounds like it would be fun.” Tori’s palms began to sweat. She couldn’t figure out why this invitation had her so worked up. “Are you sure you’re all right?” Jack questioned. “Yes Sir I’m fine. Just have something else on my mind at the moment.” “Okay, if you change your mind just give me a call. Dress casual jeans and shirt are fine. I figured we could go country dancing if that is all right with you?” “That sounds fine to me.” Jack wanted to see how she was in a more relaxed setting. He knew how she reacted to him when they were alone, but he wanted to see how she would be in public. He figured some dancing and that being among a lot of people would be a nice casual evening. I’ll pick you up around 7 p.m. is that OK?” “Yes, Sir that will be fine.” Tori hears the water boiling and dumps noodles into the water. They say their good byes and hang up. Tori shakes her head and decided to not think about it any longer. She would just take her relationship with Jack one step at a time. Friday evening, Tori dressed in a long black skirt that fell to her ankles, and a yellow peasant blouse that she left off of her shoulders. She placed a gold choker around her neck and a simple pair of gold earrings in her ears. She pulled her long hair up into a ponytail, knowing that if she danced she would get too warm with it on her neck. Checking her appearance in her full-length mirror she nodded. She wanted to look good for Jack. She wanted him to be pleased by the sight of her. She paused for a moment. She couldn’t remember when she wanted a man to be pleased by the sight of her. She always dressed for herself. She always felt better when she looked good. She lightly sprayed her favorite perfume on and walked into the living room just as Jack knocked on her door. She took a deep breath as she opened the door. She smiled and motioned Jack inside. “You look lovely this evening, Tori.” “Thank you, Sir.” Tori smiled shyly. She turned and picked up her purse from the kitchen table. “ Are you ready to do some dancing, and relaxing?” “Yes Sir, I am.” They walk out to the truck, and Jack opens her door for her and waits while she climbs inside. He makes sure she gets all of her skirt inside before he closes the door. He walks around to the driver’s side, and climbs in. He starts the truck and they drive in silence for a few minutes. “How was your week?” Jack asked as they got on the freeway. “It was good, nothing exciting happened. How was yours?” “Same thing for me, just keeping the ranch running. Getting ready for a few of the mare’s to become mothers. Hoping for some good strong racing horses.” “ Sounds like your everyday is a little more complicated than mine. I have enough trouble keeping up with all the details of my work. I’m not sure I could run a ranch.” Tori laughed softly. They arrived at the bar, and Jack opened the door for Tori, and helped her out of the truck. They went inside and were immediately assaulted with the smoke and beer smell that is so prominent in a bar. They managed to find an open table in a far corner. “Would you like a drink? Some wine or something else?” Jack leaned close so he could be heard over the noise. “Just a Sprite would be fine. I’m not much on drinking” Jack got up to make his way to the bar. He figured they would have a long wait for a waitress with this many people in here. Jack walked up to the bar and ordered soda’s for both of them. While he was waiting a friend of his walked up next to him. “Hey Jack, how are you?” Bill slapped him on the back. “Doing OK Bill, and yourself? I haven’t seen you in quite a while.” “I’m doing OK, trying to keep my submissive in line like usual.” Bill laughed as he indicated the woman standing behind him. “Hello Lisa” Jack looked over Bills shoulder. “Hello Sir.” Lisa replied quietly. “ Yes, I know what you mean. I’ve got myself a new submissive as well. She’s hiding in the corner at our table if you’d like to join me. I’m sure the women can chat while we talk.” Jack led the way back to the table with Bill and his lady following him. “Bill and Lisa, I’d like to introduce you to Tori” Tori stood up. “ Hello Sir, and Lisa.” Tori glanced at Jack wondering if she had made a mistake in saying that. But he just stood there smiling. “Hello Tori, Lisa why don’t you sit here by Tori and you two young ladies can talk while Jack and I talk about Ranching.” “Yes, Sir.” Lisa sat next to Tori and the two of them talked quietly. They decided to go do some line dances since the men were involved in a conversation about ranching. Both of the Dom’s watched them as they made their way to the floor. Both girls had men watching them as they made their way to the floor and joined in the line dancing. The two of them danced and laughed through a couple of songs. As they walked back to the table, two of the guys who had been watching them on the floor stopped them. Bill and Jack kept a careful eye on the exchange. They saw both girls shake their heads no, and start walking away. The girls came back to the table and sat down, before either one of their bottoms hit the chair Bill was questioning Lisa. “What did they want?” “They wanted to know if we would join them for a drink, Sir. We told them no” Lisa replied quietly. “Is that all they wanted?” “Yes Sir it is.” “Maybe we should get going, the two of you on the dance floor may cause nothing but problems” Jack spoke up. “But…” Tori stopped at the look in Jack’s eyes. “Yes, Sir.” The four of them left, the men deciding to go back to Jack’s place since it was closer. The drive home was quiet, neither Jack nor Tori had much to say. When they pulled up to the house, Jack finally spoke. “ Go out to the barn, you and Lisa can stay in there and talk while Bill and I take care of some things.” “Yes, Sir” Tori replied quietly. She wasn’t sure if Jack was upset with her or not, but felt it was best to not question him. Bill and Lisa arrived moments later and Bill sent her towards the barn where Tori was already waiting. “I’m up here Lisa.” Tori called down from the play area. Lisa climbed up the steps to the loft. “Oh wow, I never knew he had all of this here.” Lisa said in awe. Tori laughed. “I imagine my eyes were as big as yours when I first saw this place. I like it though lots of room.” “I can see why.” Lisa laughed. Lisa walked over to the wall where all of his floggers and clamps were hanging. She casually picked up a clamp and opened and closed it. She had a dreamy look on her face. “ I’ve always wanted to put clamps on another female.” “Oh, ummm.” Tori stammered. She watched Lisa closely; not sure that Jack or Bill would be pleased if the two of them were to be caught playing. “Oh come on. Neither one of them will know what we are doing. If I know them we can play for a little while before they come in here. They are discussing ranching. That will take them a while.” Lisa pleaded with Tori. Tori took a deep breath, looked around nervously, and nodded her head. Lisa walked slowly towards Tori. A small smile on her face, she could see that Tori was nervous, guessing that Tori had never played with another woman before. She circled around Tori, looking her up and down. She stroked her head from behind, causing her to shiver. As she walked back in front of her, she stopped and grabbed both of her nipples through her blouse and pinched them hard. Tori winced, but didn’t say anything. Lisa smiled; she was enjoying watching Tori’s reactions. Lisa slowly started to drag Tori’s top off of her shoulders, leaving it bunched at her waist. Tori stood there mesmerized by the look on Lisa’s face. It wasn’t like watching Jack, but she still had the desire to please Lisa the same way she always pleased Jack. Lisa lightly smacked each of her breast with her hand, then squeezed her nipples again. In the house Bill and Jack watched the scene unfolding in the play loft. Both had small smiles on their faces. “Let’s let them play for a bit, I’d like to see how this unfolds.” Jack suggested to Bill. Both men sat back and enjoyed their cigars and cognac. Jack was glad he had put the security system up in the play loft and the rest of the barn. Back in the play loft Lisa now had Tori standing in the center of the room naked. Lisa, slowly stroked Tori’s body until Tori was wiggling around in response to her touch. “Open your legs for me” Lisa purred in Tori’s ear. Tori’s legs opened, even though Tori could not consciously remember doing so. She was totally in Lisa’s power. She never expected to feel this way with another woman. When Lisa’s hand touched Tori’s clit, she was stunned at the feelings going through her. She never expected to enjoy having another woman touch her. She had always thought of it as taboo, but Lisa’s fingers stroking her clit were quickly bringing her to an orgasm. “Don’t wait to ask for permission with me, just let it happen” Lisa knowingly told Tori. Moment’s later Tori had a hard orgasm. Her whole body was shaking and trembling she had to grab Lisa’s shoulders to keep herself upright. “Oh gawd” Tori sighed as her orgasm subsided. Lisa leaned in and touched her lips to Tori’s. Tori hesitantly responded. It was a different feeling, than kissing a man, one she wasn’t used to. Tori slowly relaxed and reached out to touch Lisa’s breast. Gently squeezing, kneading her through her blouse. She slowly pulled her blouse off, exposing her naked and perky breast. Tori just had to taste them. She pulled one nipple into her mouth and sucked greedily. Then she did the same to the other. Lisa’s hands were never still; they were constantly touching Tori. Tori slipped her hand under Lisa’s dress, finding her wet and warm clit; she started to stroke it. Making Lisa moan much the same as she had moments before. Tori watched Lisa’s eyes glass over as she stroked her to an orgasm. Both girls were spent and relaxed as the men walked into the room. Tori dropped to her knees as Jack walked into the room, his face a mask of his true emotions. “Just what have you two been doing here?” Bill asked. “Umm, playing Sir.” Came Lisa’s soft reply. She also had knelt when the men came into the room. Her eyes were downcast and her hands were behind her back. She couldn’t tell by the tone of Bill’s voice if he was upset or not. “ We can see that. Did you have our permission to play or to cum?” Jack questioned. “No Sir.” Came the reply from both girls. Tori was shaking. She had no idea how to tell what Jack’s mood was. “ I don’t know Bill, do you think we should just let them get away with this little act of disobedience? Or should we give them both a little punishment?” Jack was standing directly in front of Tori his hand resting lightly on her head. He could feel her nerves, making her shake. He smiled as he looked at Bill. Bill moved to stand in front of Lisa, mimicking Jack’s stance he could also feel Lisa shaking a little. “I think we should give them a little punishment. Seeing as we knew what they were doing in here all along” Both girls looked up in confusion. “ You both provided us with a very nice picture on the monitor.” Jack casually picked up the conversation. “ We know exactly what you two were doing in here, and yes we let you get away with it, but I still think a bit of a punishment is in order” “You saw us?” Tori whispered. She never realized that Jack had a video camera set up in the loft. Knowing this gave her a slight thrill and a slight bit of fear. “Don’t worry. Little one, no one else will ever see it. I wasn’t recording, I just had it on monitor. I wouldn’t ever do something like that without your knowledge or consent” Tori took a deep breath. “Thank you Sir.” “Stand up, ladies” Jack quietly commanded. Both girls stood, their eyes still downcast. Slightly trembling before their Master’s. “What should we use Bill? Hands, paddles, crops, straps, a combination of all of them?” “ I think I’d prefer to use my hand and a paddle on Lisa.” He gently swatted Lisa’s bottom. “ That sounds like a good plan to me, but why don’t we make this just a little more interesting for these inquisitive ladies. Why don’t you spank Tori, and I’ll spank Lisa” Both of the girls let out small audible gasps. Neither one of them had been touched by anyone other than their Master. “Now that would truly make this a punishment. That sounds like a fine idea to me. Why don’t we let the girls watch each other get the spanking, while they are being spanked. We can do over the knee spankings with the chairs here and each girl can watch the other.” “Excellent idea. Tori go get me two paddles and the two chairs” “Yes Sir.” Tori rushed to do as he asked. Inside she was a bundle of nerves. She took a moment to realize that Jack had promised to never hurt her, so she quickly realized that he wouldn’t let Bill hurt her either. Lisa still standing in the center of the room was having similar thoughts. She took several deep breaths to calm herself. Tori came back with the chairs and paddles then stood next to Lisa once again. While Tori had been getting the paddles and chairs, Bill and Jack were having a quiet conference on how many smacks to deliver to the girls. They decided on thirty, fifteen with the hand and fifteen with the paddle. They walked back over to the girls, Jack took Lisa’s hand and Bill took Tori’s. They led them to the chairs, they pulled the girls over their knees so that each girl could see the other girls bottom getting spanked. “We have decided on thirty strokes for your little act of disobedience. Fifteen with the hand, and fifteen with the paddle” Jack told them quietly. “ Are both of you ladies ready?” Jack asked but didn’t expect and answer. The look of terror on Tori’s face nearly undid Jack. He knew Bill wouldn’t hurt her. He brought his hand up just as Bill did and the twin sounds of smacks echoed in the room. Fifteen times the men brought their hands down upon the bottoms of the ladies across their laps. Both of the girls bottoms were turning a nice shade of red. Then both men picked up the paddles and even though the girls could see that the paddles were being used now they both jumped at the first smack. Tori felt as though her bottom was on fire by the time Bill got to the tenth smack with the paddle. Lisa was struggling not to cry out as the paddle continued to connect with her bottom. The last five smacks were given harder than the others had been, both girls were fighting the need to vocalize the discomfort they were feeling. After the last smack, Jack and Bill stood the girls up and had them walk back to their Master. Jack just pointed to the floor where Tori knelt in front of him. “ I’m sorry Master.” Tori whispered as she knelt at Jack’s feet. “Excuse me, did you say something?” Jack leaned closer to Tori. “I said I’m sorry Master. I didn’t mean to disappoint you.” “ You’re forgiven Pet. When we are alone I’ll want you to service me, and since you have already had one orgasm tonight I think I’m going to deny you the release you are so desperately craving right now. “ “ Yes Sir.” Was all Tori could manage. Bill was having a similar conversation with Lisa. They prepared to leave, Lisa getting dressed slowly as her bottom was still a little tender. She finished dressing and turned to Tori, and gave her a hug. “Don’t worry everything will be fine. I enjoyed all of it” She whispered in her ear. Tori could only smile. They walked Bill and Lisa out, then headed for the house. Once inside they headed for the bedroom. Jack had Tori undress him, then had her suck his hard cock until he exploded inside her warm mouth. His hot cum dripping down her throat while she drained his balls. She licked him clean then knelt before him, her head bowed. “Come to bed Little one. “ Jack requested softly. Tori climbed in, and laid down next to Jack, not sure if she should be touching him or over on her side. So she just laid where she was. Jack reached out an arm and pulled her close. Trapping her beneath his arm. “ Go to sleep” was the last thing he said before he drifted off to sleep. Tori laid awake for a while, her body still aching for release and her ass still smarting from her spanking. She eventually got her body to relax enough to fall asleep. When she awoke the next morning she was still trapped by Jack’s arm. She smiled and snuggled closer. Jack woke up and kissed her forehead. “Morning.” “ Morning Sir. I really need to get home. I have so many things that have to get done today. Would you like me to make you some breakfast before I leave?” “No, that wont be necessary. Will you be able to come back later today. For dinner?” “ I’ll have to see how much I can get done. I’d enjoy that though. I’ll call you later and let you know if I can come back. Is that OK Sir?” “That will be fine, and since you’re leaving I’m going back to sleep for a little while.” Tori smiled as she climbed out of the bed and got dressed to leave. By the time she came back into the bedroom to say goodbye Jack was sleeping again. She quietly let herself out and headed home.

The Cowboy Way Ch. 04

The next morning Tori awoke with a start. It took her a moment to figure out where she was. She smiled to herself as she remembered the play party the night before. She went to get up to go to the bathroom and found her hair wrapped around Jack's hand. She sighed to herself, then tried to move again with no luck. "Sir?" she spoke softly not sure if he was awake or not. When he didn't reply she spoke a little louder. "Sir?" "Hmm." was the only reply. "I need to use the washroom, and you have my hair wrapped around your hand" Jack tugged her braid. "So I do, and what would be the proper way to ask me to release your hair?" "Please Sir, would you release my hair so that I may use the washroom?" "You may use the washroom, but I want you to come back here when you are finished." Jack unwound her hair from his hand. "Yes, Sir. Thank you." Tori scrambled off the bed and went into the washroom. She ran her fingers through her bangs as she answered nature's call. She turned to look in the mirror before she walked back to the bedroom. Her back and ass were a light shade of pink still. She smiled. When she got back to the bedroom Jack was sitting on the edge of the bed. Jack just pointed to the floor at his feet. Tori knelt in front of him. "How are you feeling this morning little one?" Jack asked with a smile. "I'm fine Sir." "Good. I'm going to give you a choice here, once again because you are new to this. You can go home after we have breakfast, or you can stay here and you and I will play a little more. I need some help exercising one of my horses." Tori's eyes went wide. "Don't worry you wont have to do anything but sit on the horse, while I walk it in circles, playing with the whip." Tori hesitated in answering. She wasn't sure she understood him correctly. "Sir, I don't have any clothes to ride in with me, and umm what exactly do you mean by play with the whip?" "You don't need clothes little one. There is no one else here. You can ride bareback, with nothing on. In answer to your second question, I'll be using the whip on both you and the horse. Don't worry you will be safe and the horse wont bolt and try to throw you. I'll give you until after breakfast to make your decision." Jack got up from the bed heading towards the door. "There is a robe on the inside of the closet door if you would prefer to wear that instead of roaming around my house with nothing on. While we have breakfast, you can ask any questions you may have about what we have done so far or any concerns you may have thought of." "Yes Sir" Tori pulled the robe out of the closet, not feeling sure of herself enough to sit down to breakfast without it. She knew without him saying so that this would not always be an option for her. Jack made coffee and the breakfast. Tori figured a bachelor living alone must know how to cook a little. He made small talk with her while he moved around the kitchen with minimum fuss. He didn't waste any movements. Soon Tori had a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast in front of her. "Eat up" Jack invited as he sat down next to her. Tori ate in silence, not sure what she should say. She had questions about their association; she didn't want to term it a relationship, but was afraid to ask. "So, do you have any questions at all?" Jack looked at her curiously. "I do, but I'm not sure how to ask them" she replied quietly. "Tori, we really haven't talked a lot about this, so lets at least start here and we can work on things as they come up. For right now I will be your Master or Dom whichever you prefer to use. We can keep things between us as simple as friends, or we can explore where things may go otherwise. I don't want you to be afraid to ask me questions." "There are several things you need to remember. You may be a submissive, but you are not a doormat. As your Dominant I have a duty to you to protect you and make sure you are safe. You do have say in what happens. There may come a time when I will ask you to do something that truly frightens you or you just don't want to explore. You will have to tell me if that happens. I'm not a mind reader." "I believe as a Dominant, I have to take into consideration your feelings, and thoughts on things that affect your well being. D/s isn't just about being whipped, flogged or spanked. It's about a total power exchange. What I mean by that is if we take things farther than just play partners and develop a relationship between us, then I would be totally in charge of your well being. " "I'd decide what you should do, when, who you should associate with. But, before I could make decisions about any of that I would need to know what your thoughts were. I'm not going to take all of your friends away from you. I'm not going to tell you to turn over your paycheck to me. For one we don't know each other well enough, and for another I don't think that is important unless we were to become husband and wife. Yes, there are husbands and wives who are Dominants and submissive. They just make their relationship work in a vanilla world." "Some people would say you were crazy for enjoying the things we have done. That is because they don't understand that you need this to make you happy. "Jack stopped to drink some coffee. "That makes me feel better, knowing I do have some say in what happens. I was always under the impression, that whatever the Dominant wanted he got. It's nice to know that it isn't always that way." Tori gave Jack a shy smile. "With that being said, have you decided what you would like to do? Are you going to go home or would you like to stay a while longer?" "I think I would like to stay." "Good, I'll explain what we will be doing. First of f, like I said earlier, you will be on the horse naked. I'll have the horse on a lead line, and we will just be going around and around in a circle. Sometimes at more than a walk, but nothing you haven't done before and that you wouldn't be able to handle now. I will occasionally use my whip on you, hitting you in various places, you will have to be careful to not yell out and startle the horse. If I miss you and hit the horse, the horse will forgive me." Jack said with a grin. Tori smiled and laughed. "Yes I know it is warm outside, but when we are done you can come in and cool off in the shower. Does this appeal to you at all?" "Yes it does. I've never been on a horse bareback before. I imagine it will be unusual especially being naked." "Well, lets go outside then and get started. Wait over here by the fence and I'll get Starlight." A few minutes later Jack came back leading a beige colored horse to the fence. "See she's harmless" Jack stroked the mares nose. Tori reached up and ran her hand down the horse's neck. A slight tremor shook her body, partially from excitement, partially from fear. "Grab a hold of her mane, and I'll give you a leg up" Jack cupped his hands so Tori could put a foot in to get up on the horse's back. "Oh, before I forget, you need to put this in before we can start." Jack pulled a little egg shaped object out of his pocket and handed it to Tori. "Insert that into your pussy and make sure it is all the way in. " Tori did as instructed but wasn't sure what the little egg was for. Jack started Starlight out at a slow walk, after a few moments Tori heard the crack of the whip near her and she almost leaped off of the horse. Jack let out a soft laugh at the look on her face. He took the horse to a canter making sure Tori was still comfortable. He reached in his pocket and turned on the remote control for the egg. He started it off very lightly. He could see the look of confusion cross Tori's face. He increased the speed a little more as the horse continued to canter. He cracked his whip again, this time catching Tori on her back, lightly. She flinched, but didn't make a sound. Her clit was becoming very aroused as Jack kept increasing the speed of the egg. Tori found it very hard not to wiggle, while Jack increased the horse's speed. Occasionally Tori would feel and hear the crack of the whip upon her flesh. She was finding it more and more difficult to remember what she was supposed to do while the horse was trotting around in a circle. Her clit was on fire and she wanted release so badly. "Please Sir, May I cum" Tori called out as the speed in the egg hit high. "No, you may not" Tori almost cried in frustration. Jack could see it in her face and almost laughed. A few minutes passed and again Tori asked for permission. "Yes" was all Jack said and Tori visible trembled upon the horse's back bouncing out of sync with the rhythm. Jack slowed the horse down and stopped her. He reached up and pulled Tori off the horse and she crumbled at his feet. She was totally weak from her orgasm. "Are you okay?" Jack asked as he knelt down next to her. "Yes, Just a little shook up is all" Tori gave him a weak smile. "More intense than you thought it would be?" Jack just grinned at her. "Why don't we go inside and clean up then if you want to you can head home." He helped Tori to her feet and made sure she was steady before he headed towards the house. Once inside he directed her to the bathroom. Tori started the shower and was surprised when Jack stepped into the bathroom and stripped. He climbed into the shower and motioned for her to join him. She stepped into the shower stall with him not sure if she should be behind him or in front of him. He dunked his head under the shower spray sending water everywhere. Jack grabbed the soap and handed it to her. Surprised Tori took it and worked up lather in her hands, then she tentatively touched Jack. This was the first time she had really been allowed to touch him other than having his cock in her mouth. She ran the soap over his chest down his stomach, and hesitated at touching his already aroused cock. Tori glanced up at Jack, and he had a smirk on his face. He was watching her intently, seeing how she would react. Tori swallowed hard and continued to wash Jack's body. She washed his cock and balls, then moved on as quickly as possible. She wasn't that comfortable with washing someone else, but she did find it somewhat enjoyable. As she washed his back he leaned forward and let the water and her hands relax him. When she finished she wasn't quite sure what to do next, so she stood there waiting for him to say something. He turned around and took the soap out of her hand, then proceeded to wash her body. Slowly making her ache for more at each touch. As he stood there washing her breast he leaned in and gave her a kiss that took her breath away she had to grab on to him in order to keep from sinking to the floor. He deepened the kiss letting the soap slip out of his hands. He reached around and cupping her bottom brought her up against him. She let out a soft moan, as he moved from her lips to her neck. She let her head fall back in complete surrender to him. His lips moved over her wet skin, heating it where it had once been cold. Sending shivers chasing up her spine leaving her weak. His hands roamed up and down her slick body, caressing and molding. By the time the water turned cold, both of them were completely aroused and wanting. Jack opened the shower door, and pulled her with him. Jack simply picked her up and carried her to the bed. Where he laid her down and swiftly entered her. They both quickly became fully aroused and were soon searching for release. "Please, Sir, please may I cum" Tori begged as her body trembled. "Now" Jack's ragged voice ordered as he released his hot seed inside of her. It took several minutes for both of them to breathe normally again. Jack was collapsed on top of her. He pushed himself up enough to roll off of her and drag her to his side. "Now that is what I call a hot shower" he chuckled in her ear. "Yes Sir it was, but I really need to get home. I have stuff I have to get done today before I go back to work tomorrow." "Okay, little one. You may go, but I would like you to call me later tonight to let me know how you are feeling." "Yes Sir, I will." With that Tori got up, and found her clothes from the night before, got dressed and headed home.

The Cowboy Way Ch. 03

Tori called Jack when she returned home then prepared for bed. She was feeling very satisfied and a little sore but it was a good feeling. She climbed into bed and fell into a deep sleep that was riddled with unusual dreams, when she woke up the next morning she felt the need to orgasm very intensely. She pushed her feelings away and got ready for her day. She went to work, went about her day and every so often thoughts of what happened would sneak in and brings out a big smile on her face. If anyone noticed the change in her attitude they didn't say anything. Tori arrived home to find a message on her answering machine. She knew it wasn't her mother as she had just spoken with her. She pushed the play button and was surprised to hear Jack's voice leaving her a message. "Tori, this is Jack. I forgot to mention to you last night that I'm having a group of friends over on Saturday night. They are all in the lifestyle, and we get together once in a while for play parties. I know you are new to this and if you choose not to participate in this I will understand. If you could call me and let me know what you would like to do that would be good. I'll be back here at the house after nine p.m." Tori stood looking at the machine as if it had sprouted horns. Play party? Doing what they did in front of others? She didn't know if she could do it. She decided to fix some dinner and do some serious thinking. While she nibbled on her dinner she thought about being spanked and touched in public. If it was only Jack touching her she thought she could do it. If someone else were to do something she didn't know how she would react. She decided to wait and talk to Jack and see what he had to say about it. She did some laundry and talked to her friend Becca online for a few minutes. She didn't tell Becca about Jacks invitation yet. This was something she wanted to keep to herself for now. A little after nine she called Jack to talk to him about Saturday. She smiled when he answered, the rich timber of his voice calming her. "Hi, Jack, its Tori. I'm calling about Saturday night. I have a few questions." "Hi Tori, I'd be concerned if you didn't have some questions. Go ahead and ask away." "Well, if I do come on Saturday will I have to let anyone else touch me?" "No, we can specify that you are not available for anyone else to play with. At least for now. You may change your mind in time about it. ," "Thank you Sir. That makes me feel better. How many people are going to be there?" "I think there will be about six couples if that. I still have two that haven't responded yet." "OK," taking a deep breath and a quick thought about Saturday, ," I'll be there. Is there anything special that I need to do?" "Just wear something really sexy, no underwear, heels if you have them too please, and thigh high stockings are allowed." "Yes Sir," "Then I will see you Saturday at seven p.m. Good night," "Yes Sir, good night" Tori hung up the phone, and wandered into her bedroom, mentally running through her wardrobe trying to determine if she had anything suitable to wear. She walked to her closet and started sorting through her clothes. Rejecting the plain clothes she owned. It was too late to go shopping tonight, but tomorrow after work she’d go shopping. The next day at work she could barely contain her excitement. It had been too long since she had bought herself anything new. And the outfit she had to purchase for Saturday had to be really special. Finally her workday was over; she headed straight to the mall. She wanted to stop in the leather shop first. She found a leather mini skirt that barely covered her butt, and a strapless leather top that left little to the imagination. She went to the dressing room to try them on. Feeling a little naughty to be buying something so provocative, she stepped out into the main room to look in the three-sided mirror they had there. The young sales guys jaw visibly dropped open when she stepped out. She walked over to the mirror, looking this way and that to make sure it was what she wanted. “That, that outfit looks really good on you," the young man said from behind her. She smiled in the mirror at him. “Thank you, It’s perfect for what I need," she headed back to the dressing room quickly changing back into her work clothes. She paid for her outfit and walked out of the store, the young man just watched her as she left. Smiling to herself she headed to the shoe store next. She decided on a pair of black pumps that were a little higher than she normally would wear but were very comfortable. Driving home, Tori realized she was happier than she had been in a long while. Submitting to Jack was helping her to be more relaxed and happy. She tried not to think too much about Saturday, she was nervous, as she wasn’t sure what would happen with other people around. When she got home she fixed herself a light meal then went to soak in a bubble bath. She slipped into the fragrant bubbles, and sighed with contentment. She grabbed her razor, and shaved making sure she had her legs silky smooth. Before she left on Saturday she would shave again just to be sure. The rest of the week went by quickly. On Saturday morning, Tori got up and did her chores, then decided to splurge on going to the hair salon. She called and made an appointment just to have her hair braided. She knew that would eat up a little time and help make her more presentable for Jack. That was the one goal Tori had in mind was to make her presentable for Jack. She took her time getting to her hair appointment, and then relaxed as she let them do her hair. “So you have a date tonight Tori? It’s been a while since we’ve seen you in here?" Nan asked as she started washing Tori’s hair. “Yes, and I just wanted my hair out of the way and something different than in a ponytail.” “Okay, I’ll make sure it looks good then” Tori smiled and closed her eyes. It always relaxed her to have someone else do her hair for her. A half-hour later, Tori walked out of the salon, her hair falling in a braid down her back. She went home and decided to take a bath and relax, and fix herself something light to eat. She was starting to get really nervous about tonight. She was so afraid of making a mistake, or saying something she shouldn’t. She almost called Jack and told him she wasn’t going to come after all, but she couldn’t bring herself to cancel her plans. After putting on some light makeup, Tori got dressed in her new outfit. She checked herself in the mirror and hoped that this is what Jack had in mind. Tori made the short drive to Jack’s house and pulled into the yard. There were no other cars there yet, she took a few deep breaths and climbed out of the car. Her hands were slick with sweat, and her heart was pounding in her ears. Tori said a quick prayer that when she saw Jack; she would calm down again. She walked to the door and rang the bell. Still taking deep breaths to calm herself she waited impatiently for Jack to answer the door. When Jack opened the door she held her breath, she had never seen him in anything other than work shirts and jeans. Now he stood in front of her in all black. Tight snug fitting jeans that molded to his lean hips and buttocks, a black shirt and a black leather vest. “Hi," Tori finally managed as she licked her suddenly dry lips. “Hello, come inside, no one else is here yet but I expect them shortly." Jack’s eyes roamed up and down as she walked in. He smiled as she walked past him. ," You look very nice this evening.” “Thank you, Sir," “Tori, relax, nothing will happen tonight that you don’t want to happen. You may even know a few of the people who are coming this evening. Would you like something to drink?” “No, I’m fine thank you," Tori was unsure of what was really expected of her this evening. ," Sir, may I ask you a question?” “Yes.” “What is going to be expected of me this evening? Am I just going to be here to see what happens or do you plan on playing with me as we have the past few weeks?” “Well you will have time to see what the others are doing, and yes I would like to play with you this evening, but only if you are comfortable. I realize this is all new to you. During the play parties there is no sexual contact. If you and I scene together this evening, I would very much like for you to stay here this evening and service me, but again that choice will be yours. Please realize that this will not always be an option for you, I am allowing this only because it is your first experience with this and I don’t want to frighten you.” “Thank you, Sir. ," The doorbell rang just then and Tori almost jumped out of her skin. ‘Stop it’ she admonished herself. Jack went to answer the door, and she heard several different voices saying hello. Tori stood still in the middle of the room, feeling a bit like a deer caught in the glare of oncoming headlights. “Tori, I’d like you to meet, Richard and Pam, Steve and Cindy, Robert and Rebecca," Jack introduced people as they walked into the room. Everyone nodded and said hello. When Rebecca walked in the room, Tori almost fainted. This was her best friend from online here at Jack’s house. Jack walked up to Tori and gently placed an arm around her waist, giving her a gentle squeeze for encouragement. Tori watched Becca whisper to her Master quickly. ," Jack, it seems our two submissive’s know each other already, but have never actually met. Becca would like to talk to Tori for a few moments if it is okay with you.” “Yes by all means. We can all mingle for a bit then head out to the loft," Jack smiled at Tori then walked over to one of the other couples. Becca walked up to Tori and hugged her. “Oh my God Tori. If I had known you were talking about this Jack I would have been able to prepare you for this. I’m so glad we finally get to meet. “ Tori smiled. “I’m so glad to finally meet you too. We have never been able to make our schedules match. At least now I can put a voice and face with the name.” “This is great. Jack always has great play parties. His loft is open and big enough for all of us to move around without tripping over each other." Becca hugged her again. ," Why didn’t you tell me about this? Then I would have known who you were talking about.” "I wasn’t sure what to tell you, I’m very nervous but feel better knowing you’re here and you know Jack.” “Becca?" her Master called her from the other side of the room. “Yes Sir?” "Bring me a drink please” “Yes Master," Becca swallowed her impatience and went to fix him his drink. Tori did notice that it was only soda and water that was being served, there was no alcohol at all. Tori watched Becca take her Master his drink. When she handed him the drink, he didn’t say anything to her, but pointed at the floor. Becca went to her knees and knelt next to him. He absently stroked her hair while she held up her hands like a cup to hold his drink for him. Tori watched them fascinated. The two other submissive's were kneeling next to their Master’s also. Jack caught Tori’s eye and she walked over to stand next to him. "During the play portion of our evening, I’m going to request that I be the only one to play with Tori this evening. She is very new to the lifestyle and this is her first play party. All of the other rules of our play parties will remain the same. When you are ready, we can go out to the loft.” Within a few minutes everyone was heading across the yard to the barn. Most of the couples stopped at their cars and picked up bags. When they got to the barn, Jack turned on the lights upstairs and everyone climbed up to the loft. Tori instinctively went to kneel where she normally would when she played with Jack. Jack walked up to her and smiled, pleased that she had knelt to wait for him. “Stand up." Tori stood before him, her knees trembling. She was more nervous tonight than she was the first time they had played together. Jack gently touched her cheek, and smiled. “You’re doing fine,," he said softly. “Relax for a few minutes and just watch, I need to turn on the music." Jack walked over to the wall and selected several discs and put them in the player. Soon, relaxing music filled the barn. Tori turned to her right and saw Becca and her Master, at the spanking saddle as she had come to term it. Becca was lying over the saddle, her naked body awaiting her Master’s touch. Richard and Cindy were preparing to play together. Richard had cuffed Cindy’s hands in front of her and attached them to the chain hanging from the beams. Steve and Pam were by the long table. Tori felt like she was intruding watching, but she couldn’t make herself turn away from what was happening in front of her. Jack walked up behind Tori and tugged her braid, her head going back. “Let’s go over to the cross, you haven’t been on that yet." Not letting go of her hair he led her to what appeared to Tori to be a giant X. Jack put cuffs on her wrist and made sure she couldn’t slip her hands out of them. He helped her to stand in front of the cross; her body still barely covered in the leather outfit she wore. Jack moved around behind her setting out various crops, paddles, canes, and gloves. He wanted to start her out slowly and build. He had a good idea of what she was capable of withstanding, but he didn’t want to push her too far to fast. Tori could hear the other submissive’s being flogged or spanked around her. She could just see Becca out of the corner of her eye, could hear her soft moans as her Master, flogged her back. She smiled to herself remembering how she felt the first time she had laid across that saddle. Jack walked up behind Tori lightly running his hands up her legs under the hem of her skirt. Giving her buttocks a light squeeze. “Remember you can stop me at anytime. I want you to remember you r colors too. I’m going to be using new things on you this evening. I’m not going to blindfold you, but I will request that you close your eyes and just feel. “ “Yes Sir," "I do think we need to lose this outfit though," Jack commented as he tugged the zipper of her skirt down. Exposing her naked buttocks to his gaze and to anyone else who cared to look. Tori felt the cool air caress her skin, leaving her a little chilled, but only for a moment. Jack lightly smacked her bottom as he set her skirt aside, and undid her top. He gently caressed her breast, before he moved away again. Tori closed her eyes awaiting the first touch from Jack. She jumped involuntarily when the flogger met with her bare skin. She felt the sting, and then a releasing of muscles as Jack continued to flog her. Every so often Jack would make one of the smacks sting more than the other, and Tori just sighed with the pleasure of it. Jack used a variety of floggers on her back and buttocks. Her skin turned a light shade of pink. He switched to a wooden paddle that Tori felt all the way through her, her hands clenching tight against the rings on the cuffs. Jack, then used something on her that she couldn’t figure out what it was, it was painfully sharp and erotic at the same time. Up and down her back, squeezing her buttocks, trailing up and down her legs. He reached around her front sliding his hands up and down her body. Causing her to arch against him. He cupped her nipples, sending pinpricks of pain and pleasure through her. She moaned as she pressed her body back against him. He kissed her neck lightly, and continued arousing her senses. He gave her a few smacks with his bare hand that had her getting very wet and moaning. Jack smiled to himself. He was enjoying the way Tori was responding to what he was doing. He mentally stored this in his mind, and continued to flog her. Her back was now a light shade of red. He switched to a heavier flogger, and flogged the back of her legs below her butt. Then moved his way up her body, he watched her hands tighten and release against the rings of the cuffs but she didn’t stop him. He steadily continued to use various things on her, even giving her a few smacks with the cane, just at the base of her buttocks, top of her thighs. She whimpered but didn’t ask him to stop. “Tori, are you all right?" he asked in her ear as he came up behind her. “Yes Sir," she sighed. Jack carefully took her down from the cross, not sure how she would feel once he released her. She looked a little dazed to him, and he wanted to be very careful with her. He sat her down on a chair, and handed her a cup of water. He knelt down in front of her so he could be on eye level with her. “You did very good tonight. I’m very pleased. How are you feeling right now?" “I’m okay Sir. I can’t describe what I feel right now. It’s a combination of sore and pleasure at the same time. I’m sure I will be feeling a little sore tomorrow." She smiled at him. "Well, the party will be done soon. You can remain seated here or if you wish to you can kneel in your designated spot. Just remember normally, you will be kneeling after any playing we do. Tonight I did more than normal and want to make sure you are okay.” Wanting to please Jack she rose from the chair and walked over to where she knelt to wait for him, when they played alone. Tori became aware that the others were still playing, she could hear the sounds of floggers, and other implements being used. Soon, the room was quiet except for the music. Tori didn’t know how long she had knelt there waiting. Her mind was thinking about what would happen after the others had left. Jack had told her he wanted her to stay. “Tori, time to call it a night," Jack stated quietly. Tori glanced up at Jack and saw the smile on his face. She got up, and went to pick up her clothes. Becca walked over and hugged her. “I’m so glad we got to meet. I’ll talk to you soon okay.” “Yes, I’ll talk to you soon” Everyone went down to the main level; the other girls were putting their clothes on, as they had to drive home from Jacks. Tori still held her clothes in her arms, not sure if she should get dressed or stay naked. “Let’s go inside before you get chilled standing out here," Jack took Tori’s hand and led her into the house. He locked the doors and directed her to his room. Tori had never been in the house before so following Jack’s directions she found his room. She stood at the foot of his bed waiting for him to come in the room. He walked in, unbuttoning his shirt as he walked. He laid it over the chair, then took off his boots, and undid his jeans. Tori could only stare at him, her mouth dry he was a well-built man, solid muscle. Tori knew he had strength that he kept under control. Jack sat down on the side of the bed. His cock already standing, waiting to be attended to. “Come kneel over here in front of me” Tori did as he requested, kneeling between his legs. She knew without him saying so he wanted her to suck on his cock. She waited for his instructions. “You’ve pleased me tremendously little one. Now I’d like you to take my cock in your mouth and pleasure me.” “Yes Sir," Tori leaned forward and slid his already hard cock into her mouth, taking it in as far as she could. Running her tongue up and down the sides. She started stroking his cock, with her mouth and she heard him let out a muffled moan. She worked that much harder to bring him satisfaction. As she stroked his cock, he reached out and grabbed her hair, and pushed himself deeper into her mouth. She tried not to struggle against the pressure he was putting on her head. Soon Jack’s cum was squirting into her mouth and throat. Tori didn’t have time to think she just naturally swallowed. She continued to suck and lick until Jack released her head. Slowly she slid her mouth off of his cock. Looking at him, awaiting his next set of instructions. “Very nice little one," Jack smiled. “We are almost done for the night, but I will say this. I would prefer you stay here this evening. I want to make sure you are okay. You have had a big night. Is there anything preventing you from staying?” “No Sir there isn’t," Tori responded softly. “Good, then stand up and lay over my lap for a moment. I want to do a little experiment before I let you rest." When Tori stood, she noticed there were several items on the bed wondering what Jack had planned, she did as she was instructed. "I noticed when we were playing, when I spanked your bottom with my hand you became aroused, more so than when you got flogged, am I correct?” “Yes Sir," Tori tried to hide her emotions here. For her getting an old fashioned spanking made her horny and very wet, she liked that Jack was so observant. “Spread your legs open a little," Jack’s finger probed her clit area, noticing that it was already wet, but not overly so. His hand came down on her bottom with a crack that had her jumping in his lap. Over and over he spanked her bottom leaving it red and tingling. He paused for a moment, to feel her clit again. He could feel her juices beginning to flow. He picked up a paddle, and using that on the lower part of her butt gave her several smacks, he even placed a few on the back of her thighs. Knowing when she sat down tomorrow she would remember what happened. Again, he checked her clit; she was dripping wet now. He picked up his belt, folded it in half and gave her several smacks with that. He could feel Tori’s juices on his leg, knowing it wouldn’t take much more to have her orgasm. He probed her clit with his finger, moments later she was moaning. Please Sir, may I come for you, please," Tori begged. “Now," was all he said as her body was racked by a hard orgasm. Soon Tori was lying like a limp rag doll across his lap. He gently helped her up. Then pulled down the covers on his bed and told her to climb in. He pulled her close to him, and gently wrapped the end of her braid around his hand. “Thank you Sir," Tori said as she drifted to sleep.

The Cowboy Way Ch. 02

Tori headed for the bathroom as soon as she got home. She couldn't stop grinning. She had just had her first D/s experience. She couldn't believe Jack was a Dominant. She had always had an attraction to him, but never thought anything would come of it. She absently rubbed her backside while she hunted for some clothes. She pulled out a set of shorts and top, not planning on going anywhere else this evening she could be comfortable. She walked into the bathroom and turned on the water, when she heard her phone ring. She dashed across the bedroom to grab the phone from the nightstand. "Hello" she said a little breathlessly. "Tori, it's Jack, are you all right?" "Hi Jack, yes I'm fine, I just dashed across the room to answer my phone" "Good, I was just calling to make sure you were OK from our little session this evening." "Yes, I'm fine, in a little bit of shock that it happened, but I'm not sorry it did." "Are you interested in continuing this new aspect of our association?" "Yes Sir I am" she replied without hesitation. "Good, that pleases me to hear that. Would you be willing to do something for me, for the next time we meet?" "Yes Sir." "I would like you to write down your thoughts when you masturbate. What things turn you on, what you would like to experience? I would like you to enjoy what we do as much as I will enjoy doing things to you and having you please me." "OK, Sir" Tori sat on her bed just listening to Jack's voice. It had such a rich deep timber to it, that she felt like her insides were melting listening to him. "Next time you are here, we will talk in a little more detail about things. I don't want to scare you away after only one time with me" "Yes, Sir." "Good, then I will see you next Saturday" Jack hung up the phone quietly, smiling to himself. He had a good feeling about Tori, that she would prove to be a very good submissive. Tori walked back into the bathroom, and checked the water. Ice cold. She started the shower and climbed in. Maybe the cold water would cool off her body, as she suddenly felt warm. After washing her hair Tori, picked up the soap and slowly started lathering up her body with it. Using slow circling motions on her breast, making the nipples turn hard as pebbles. Slowly she ran her hands down her body to her pussy. Where she stroked her clit, building the pressure she felt between her legs. Just when she thought she would orgasm, she pulled her hand away taking deep breaths; she laid her head against the tile wall in the shower. Once she caught her breath, she rinsed off and climbed out of the shower, quickly drying off and getting dressed. Tori sat down at the computer, and signed online. She needed to talk to her friends; to find out if what she was feeling was real or if she should stay away from Jack. Tori was relieved to see that one of her long time friends was online. She knew Rebecca would help her sort out all these strange feelings she was having. Hey Tori, how was your riding lesson tonight? Hi Becca, it was ummmm interesting. Have you got a few minutes to talk? Sure, I've got nothing but time. Lol Actually Sir is out at the moment so I do have a few minutes free what's up? You'll never believe what happened tonight. You know I've been taking riding lessons for a while now. Well I know how to ride a horse so I told Jack I thought we should discontinue with the lessons. He agreed that this would be our last lesson. He had me go up to the loft in his barn, where he had all sorts of interesting things hidden. He had some whips and crops and all sorts of things. What???? Your telling me that Jack is a Dom? Yes, well if he isn't he gives a very good imitation of one. He spanked me tonight Becca, but only after he asked for permission. He called me when I got home to make sure I was all right and he wants to see me again next week. I'm so antsy right now I don't know what to do. Take it easy Tori, start at the beginning and tell me what happened. Tori relayed the entire story to Becca then sat and waited while Becca absorbed what she had just told her. Well, it sounds like he knows what he is talking about. I think you should just be careful, and next time you go out there make sure someone knows where you are and when to expect you back. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I've known Jack for a long time. I trust him completely. But I will let someone know where I am if it will make you feel better. It would. I need to leave Sir is home. Take care of yourself and I'll talk to you soon. Becca signed off leaving Tori with her thoughts. Tori sat there just staring at her monitor for a few minutes. She went into the chat room that she normally hangs out in and after a round of hellos; she just sat there. Her mind was full of all sorts of thoughts. She felt so free when Jack had stood in front of her and put his cock in her mouth. That was pure heaven for her. She wanted nothing more than to please him, and since he called her to see how she was she supposed she must have. Everyday for the next week she wrote down her thoughts and feelings when she masturbated to the point of wanting to cum but she managed to control the actual release. She thought that by Saturday morning she would go crazy. When she got to Jack's on Saturday evening she was visibly nervous. This was different, she wasn't here for a riding lesson, she was here for a lesson in submission. Sometime during the week she started looking at it along the lines of being taught. It made her feel a little more at ease with the whole thing. Jack was standing outside the barn like he had been last Saturday, a slow smile spread across his face as she walked towards him. She was wearing an incredibly short pair of shorts, and a tank top that barely covered her. "If it gets much hotter and no rain, we are going to end up in a water crunch early this year" Jack commented as she stopped in front of him. "Yes it is unseasonably warm "Tori smiled tentatively. Jack seemed more imposing now, but it didn't frighten her it excited her. They walked into the barn, and Jack shut the door. Go ahead and head up to the loft, please remove your clothing and kneel like I taught you the last time. I'll be up in a minute. Tori climbed up to the loft, and took off her shorts and top. She went to the area where Jack had her kneel last week, and knelt with her hands behind her neck looking straight ahead. Jack smiled as he came up the ladder. She followed his orders so far, but he wondered if she would object to other things. That was one of the things that they would have to discuss before long. Right now he just wanted to get her used to obeying his orders and enjoying the pain and pleasure he could provide her. "Very good Tori, I'm pleased to see you follow orders exactly" Jack walked towards her stopping directly in front of her. Tori wanted to look up at him, but didn't want to risk upsetting him. The only thing Tori could see in her line of vision was a pair of black leather chaps. She glanced down and saw spurs on his boots. She couldn't imagine what he would be doing with spurs on. Her heart started beating faster. She could just see the gold trim on the spurs. She prayed he would not use them on her. He walked away from her and she could hear the spurs jingling. She took a hard swallow. She saw him pick up a piggen rope, and a dogging bat. He walked back in front of her. Gently he stroked her hair. "Put your hands out in front of you wrist together" When Tori put her hands together in front of her, he took the piggen rope, and bound her wrist together much like they do the cattle when they have roping contest. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled up, bringing her to her feet. "If at anytime you need to stop, I want you to say Red, is this understood?" "Yes Sir" Tori's heart was pounding fast in her chest, almost as if a hummingbird had taken flight there. Jack tugged her hair to get her walking. He led her over to the saddle again, just as he had the first time. "I'm going to do a few different things to you tonight. Nothing that will harm you. Remember your colors and give them to me at anytime." "Yes Sir" Still leading her by her hair, he laid her across the saddle, face down with her hands still roped together in front of her. He stroked a hand down her naked back. Feeling her soft sigh. He gave her a quick hard smack on her ass, then walked over to the wall where he had several crops and straps hanging. He grabbed his favorite crop, that had then end like a whip, left a nice little red stripe, but not a lot of pain afterwards. He also grabbed a paddle, and a strap. He'd start out with his hand and see how she reacted. Work up to the strap and crop. He stepped up behind her, pulling her legs apart and binding them to the eyelet's set in the stand for that purpose. He admired the way she looked draped over the saddle. Her already wet pussy lips gleaming in the light. Her smooth calves and thighs tense and waiting for the first smack. He wanted to prolong her wait just a little more before he started. So he stepped in front of her and pulling her head up by her hair smiled down at her. "So Tori, tell me what types of thoughts you had while you played with yourself this week? And did you ever forget yourself and cum while you played? "Umm, well Sir. A lot of the time when I was playing, I would picture myself over your lap. You would have my hands tied much like they are tonight, in front of me. You would spread my legs wide and sometimes tease my clit, laughing to yourself at how wet I would be already. Then you would start to smack my ass usually with your hand first. When it was pink, you would switch to something else. Sometimes it was a paddle; sometimes it was a belt. I've never felt either one on my bottom, well maybe when I was a young girl, but not in a long time. Then you would turn my bottom a nice shade of red. And I'd be wiggling in your lap from both the pain and the pleasure. Then I would be almost ready to cum, and I'd stop. When I would be thinking about all of this, I would be playing with myself." "Well, I think I may be able to make some of that a reality for you. You didn't answer my second question though." "Only once did I forget and cum while I was playing Sir." Tori whispered this, she felt bad for not following his orders too not cum. "Don't look so sad little one. I'm still proud of you. You've done a very good job so far." He stroked her hair. He walked back behind her, and gave her smacked her bottom repeatedly. Jack then picked up the paddle, this was just a small round paddle, and he shifted his position a little and let the first hit land solidly on the center of her bottom. "Oh" Tori cried out but said nothing more. Again Jack smacked her bottom, this time getting into a little bit of a rhythm alternating between once side and the other. Her skin was now turning a light red color. "Color?" "Green" Jack, switched from the paddle to the strap. He knew this would sting, so he kept the full strength out of his swing. He didn't want to harm her or frighten her. Jack gave her several smacks with the belt. Tori said nothing just wiggled her bottom a little. He increased the swing a little. Again several smack. "Yellow" Tori hissed out the last stroke. "Good Girl" Jack eased off again, but continued to use the strap. Tori's bottom was now a very bright red. He picked up the crop, and brought it down on the center of her bottom. So the edge landed against her anus. He started off softly, then increased the swing. "Yellow" Tori had tears in her voice. "You've done very good. I'm very pleased. We aren't done yet though. Can you handle some more?" "Yes Sir" Jack undid the fasteners on her legs, and pulled her back so she was standing but still leaning forward on the saddle. "Don't move" Jack walked away from her, and then came back a moment later. Jack pulled her legs back a little farther, then gently spreading her ass cheeks he took his index finger, which he had lubricated and inserted it into her anus. He felt her instantly tighten. "Relax, concentrate on the feeling not the sensations" Tori tried to do as he requested. She forced herself to relax, and after a moment or two she started to feel the pressure building between her legs. She could feel the moisture on her pussy lips, knowing Jack had to be able to see it. After a few minutes of stroking her anus with his finger, Jack inserted a small butt plug. He knew he would have to slowly get her used to this. He pushed the plug in fully, then lightly smacked her bottom. He could see her muscles clenching and unclenching around the plug with each smack. He glanced down and saw she was very wet, he wondered how quickly she would beg to cum at this point. He ran his hand down her leg, and then back up. He reached between her legs, and gently opened her lips a little wider; finding that little nub he knew would put her over the edge. He brushed his finger over her clit he watched her shudder. A smile spread over his face. He knew she was close. He rubbed a little harder, concentrating on the center of her clit. Moment's later Tori were begging in a strangled voice to cum. "Please, Sir, please let me cum. Please Sir." "Now" he rubbed her clit fast, feeling her juices slide down his hand, the sweet smell rising up to greet him. Tori came hard, breathing in uneven breaths she whispered "Thank You Sir." Grabbing a handful of her hair he forced her down to her knees. "Turn around." Tori turned so she was facing him again. Still breathing a little heavy, but feeling more relaxed than she had all week. "You've done very well so far little one. I'm very pleased. I know the plug in your anus is a little uncomfortable, but that is preparing you for something that will happen shortly. Rest for a moment, I need to do a few things for the last part of this lesson. " Tori stayed where she was, feeling a little overwhelmed. She never imagined she could feel this way. What she thought getting spanked and paddled would feel like didn't match reality at all. She liked the reality much better. She glanced cautiously to where Jack was across the room, preparing something. She knew she would still feel the soreness in her bottom tomorrow, but that was OK. That would be her reminder that she was a submissive. Jack walked back to stand in front of her again. He reached down and grabbed her left breast. Pulling on the nipple, squeezing the nipple, making it hard. He put a clamp on her nipple tightening it a little, until he heard her hiss out a breath. He repeated the procedure for her right breast. When the clamps were on, he attached a chain to the clamps, and tugged to make sure it was secure. Tori winced, but remained silent. Jack reached down and grabbing her still bound wrist walked her over to a chair, He pushed her forward so she was braced on her arms. He wiggled the butt plug back and forth making her moan taking it out slowly. He stepped between her legs and slowly and carefully entered her anus with his throbbing cock. Tori moaned. Jack grabbed her hair, pulling her head back, and slowly started to stroke in and out of her anus. She could feel the leather of his chaps rubbing against the back of her legs, feel the pressure of him sliding in and out, the more he stroked, the faster he got. Soon he was fighting his own orgasm, then with a slap on her ass, he exploded inside of her. He held himself there for a moment, then slowly slid out of her. "Kneel" Tori were thankful for the chance to get off of her feet, as she wasn't sure she could stand any longer. Jack went and cleaned himself up, then walked back over to Tori, undid her wrist, and pulled her to her feet. He gathered her close, and just held her for a moment. "How do you feel?" "A little dazed, but generally good Sir." "Are you feeling well enough to drive home?" "Yes Sir, it isn't that far, and I'm sure I can make it home safely." "I want you to phone me when you get home, just let my phone ring twice then hang up. I'll give you a call later tomorrow to check on you." "Yes Sir."

The Cowboy Way Ch. 01

He leaned against the door of the barn, and watched her walk across the yard. He pulled his hat off and wiped his brow. A slow smile spread across his face. He knew she was here for her riding lesson, but he had something else in mind for her today. If he read her correctly, she was as submissive as the day was long. Today she was wearing jeans and a long shirt that covered up most of her body. Her hair was pulled up into a pony tail, and a pair of sturdy boots covered her feet. She walked with slow steps, as if she wasn't totally comfortable in her surroundings, the look on her face was kind of sad. "Hi there Tori, how are you today?" "Hi, Jack I'm ok and yourself?" "Good, another hot one today. Are you ready for your lesson?" he asked with just a hint of a smile in his voice. "Yes, even though I'm not sure why I'm still taking them. It's not that hard to ride a horse Maybe we should make this the last one. You've done what you promised. You taught me to ride a horse." " Fair enough, but you may change your mind after today's lesson. Why don't you come up to the loft in here for a minute, then we can get started." He watched her walk in ahead of him and smiled. " Go on up, I'll be there in just a minute" Tori slowly climbed up the ladder leading to the loft. She couldn't imagine what he wanted to show her up here. As her eyes became adjusted to the light she could make out various objects, some she was familiar with others she was not. There was a saddle that appeared to be attached to a frame. Several crops, and a lunge whip. There was a strange looking piece of wood that looked like a giant x in the other corner. She couldn't imagine what any of it was used for. She heard Jack climbing up the ladder, and felt a little uneasy when he reached the top. He had taken off his shirt, and she knew he was muscular, but wasn't prepared for the hair that covered his chest and tapered down to a v at the waistband of his jeans. He walked over to the far wall and flipped a switch turning on lights overhead. Her mouth watered as she gazed at his retreating back. "So Tori are you ready for your lesson?" "Yes" " Well, as you can see this isn't your usual hay loft. This is what I call my loft dungeon. Do you know what I mean when I call it a dungeon?" he watched her reactions closely. "Yes, I do… Sir " "Good… and have I made a mistake with the fact that you're a submissive?" "No, Sir" "Relax, I won't hurt you. I didn't bring you up here to attack you. Have you ever been with a Dominant before Tori?" "No not in real life only in my fantasies. I've never met anyone that knew what it was. I was beginning to think I was just strange." "No, you aren't strange. There are a lot of people in this world who enjoy the things you've imagined. How do you feel about exploring some of those things? I'll only do a few things this first time. I don't want to scare you away. What things do you think you will enjoy or have you fantasized about having done to you?" "Oh, I don't know. Being spanked has always made me very excited and I guess turned on. I've imagined being tied up, and flogged. There are so many things I've heard about online, that I can't even being to imagine having it done to me. " "I'll ask you this, since you have known me for a while now. Do you trust me, and when I ask that I mean to not permanently harm you, or do anything you don't feel comfortable with?" "Yes Sir I do trust you" "Good, so how about we have our first lesson. I'd like you to take your shirt and bra off and kneel here on the floor in front of me with your hands behind your neck." Cautiously, Tori takes off her shirt and bra, and kneels if front of Jack where he indicated. Her hands clasped behind her neck. Jack pulls a low stool over in front of Tori. He sits down and grabs her ponytail and tugs her hair. "Don't fight it, let your head go back it hurts less" Tori let's her head be pulled back so she is gazing up at him. " Good girl" Jack smiles, and tugs just a little harder. He can see her wince, but she doesn't say anything. "Stand up." Tori gets to her feet and stands before him. "Remove your boots, socks and jeans." Tori hesitated for only a moment then did as he requested. Standing before him in a thong only she had the urge to cover herself up, but forced herself to stand still. He could tell she was nervous, so he moved slowly with her. He knew she had time, and he didn't want to scare her away. He had a feeling she would be an excellent submissive. "Turn around and put your hands behind your neck again" Tori did as requested. She felt one of Jack's strong hands run down her back, to her ass. He kneaded her ass, then smacked it. She flinched but didn't move. She felt the moisture between her legs build. Jack grasped her thong and slid it off of her, leaving her completely naked and feeling vulnerable in front of him. He stood up, and walked around her. Grabbing her breast in both hands, squeezing, twisting, pulling. Watching her face for her reaction. He could tell she enjoyed it just by the look on her face. He stroked a hand down her body, felt her quiver in anticipation. His hand found her moistness between her legs, and easily slipped inside her. He could feel her go weak and stroked her wet pussy with his fingers. "Go over by the saddle and lay over it, with your legs spread a little" "Yes Sir" Tori walked over to the saddle and pulled herself over, feeling slightly awkward to be laying like that, but didn't protest. Jack walked in front of her and took her right hand and cuffed it to the leg of the stand, then did the same with her left. "I'm going to leave you ungagged for now, but I may in future sessions decide to gag you" I'm going to spank and flog you now. If the pain gets to be too much for you, tell me red. If it is fine and you feel you can take a little more the color will be green. If your bordering between the two the color will be yellow. I'll ask you for colors so I know how you are doing. Understood?" "Yes Sir" Tori replied with as much dignity as she could in this position. Jack went to stand behind her again. Gently rubbing her ass. Feeling her muscles relax again. He knew if she was tense it would hurt her faster. He wanted her to enjoy her first time. He started smacking her ass softly. Turning it a nice shade of pink. "Color?" "Green" He increased the strength on his smacks. Her bottom turning a nice shade of red now. He stopped spanking her with his hand, and gently rubbed his hands over her ass. Feeling the heat, smiling to himself. He picked up a deerskin flogger, which he felt would be good for her first time. Gently he ran it down her back letting her feel the softness. Her heard her let out a soft sigh. He stepped back and brought the flogger down on her ass. She jumped at the contact but didn't say anything. He repeated his movements.. This time she didn't flinch. So he continued to strike her buttocks, thighs, and back. "Color" he waited a moment for her to answer. When she didn't he asked again. "Color Tori" 'Green Sir" "Are you sure?" "Yes Sir" He switched to a bullhide flogger next. This one stung a bit more, but she could feel the moisture between her legs, slowly trailing down her thighs. He repeatedly slapped her with the flogger, concentrating mostly on her bottom. After several minutes of this he asked again for a color. This time she stated yellow, so he backed off a bit. Decided to give her a bit of a rest with the flogger. He walked in front of her, and using a foot switched raised the saddle upward. He raised her until her face was level with his penis. "Now Tori, do you know what I'm going to ask you to do?" "Yes Sir, I think so" " Do you have a problem with this?" "No Sir not at all" her tongue slowly ran along her lower lip in anticipation. He slowly undid his jeans, stepped out of them and pulled his briefs off. He stepped closer and put his cock in her mouth. She greedily sucked and licked pulling him in farther. His hands gripped her head holding her still as he slowly fed his cock into her tight throat. She continued to lick and suck, pulling on his cock with her mouth making him moan. As he started to cum, he pulled out of her mouth and shot his cum over her back. Tori laid there unable to move, but feeling frustrated as she had not had any release yet. She wiggled her hips a little against the saddle which Jack noticed. He walked back behind her, and picked up a leather slapper. He pushed her legs open farther so that he could just see her clit from behind. He smacked her wet pussy with the slapper, making her moan. He knew she was frustrated, he could tell it from the way her hips were rocking on the saddle. He wanted her to suffer a little more before he gave her some relief. Jack methodically smacked her ass, clit, thighs and legs, knowing she would have a hard time sitting tomorrow. He could see how wet she was, he slipped two fingers into her dripping pussy, stroking in and out slowly. Occasionally he would spank her with the slapper. He could feel her getting more and more excited and closer to orgasm. He continued to stroke her pussy with his fingers building up her anticipation. When he sensed she was close he stopped. " I know you want to orgasm Tori, but this time I'm not going to allow you to. I'm going to give you a homework assigment. " He walked back in front of her and undid the cuffs on her wrist and lowered the saddle back down so she could slide off without falling. " Your assignment will be to play with yourself however you choose to, but you can't orgasm. When you come back here next week you will tell me how you chose to pleasure yourself. I expect you to be honest with me. If you do orgasm, I want to know. Then when we meet again next week, I'll allow you the orgasm you are so desperately craving right now." Tori swallowed hard, but quietly agreed with his terms. " You may get dressed now. " Tori carefully walked over to where her clothes were carelessly tossed and got dressed. She winced as the denim slid over her sore flesh. "Sir?" "Yes" Jack turned to her with a smile. "Thank you, for showing me what I've been missing. If it's all right with you, I'd like to continue my lessons" Tori grinned. "I think we will both enjoy your lessons" They climbed down from the loft, and Tori walked back to her car with a grin on her face.
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