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When Aristotle (384BC - 322BC) introduced the principal of aether to the world of metaphysics, the concept had already been known for millennia; infact this ancient concept seems to be lost and then re-emerge every couple of thousand years. Aether is part of a form of energy that many cultures were aware of and have given different names to: Taoists called it ‘chi’ and the Babylonians ‘ti’. Those from the Indus valley referred to it as ‘Ódžas’ and the Japanese ‘rei ki’. Likewise, Hebrews referred to it as ‘ruach’, Tibetans as ‘šugs rlung’ and the Vedic religion thought of it as ‘prána’. In more recent times, scientist and occultist Baron Karl Reichenbach called the spatial irradiation of life energy ‘ód’, or the odic force, while others consider this strange life energy that permeates its surroundings as a form of magnetism. Certainly, this magical energy still generates a great deal of interest and discussion and as such it may be appropriate to summarise exactly what it is. In the metaphysical literature, it is usually described as ‘cosmic energy’ and this is the name we used when conducting our research. The difference between cosmic energy and aether is that cosmic energy consists of three energetic parts: the aura, the zones and the interzones, while aether consists of two energetic parts: the zones and the interzones. Cosmic energy = aura + zones + interzones Aether = zones + interzones Two become One The aura is the electro magnetic energy field that surrounds all objects or matter, not simply living organisms, as is sometimes described. By experimenting with auric fields, we discovered that when the auras of two or more objects are in contact, their auras come together to form one common aura. Other experiments demonstrated that the energies of objects that form their common aura are slowly exchanged between both objects until their energetic potentials are equal. This phenomenon has never been documented anywhere previously, yet could help us to understand many unexplainable phenomena such as psychometry and stone tape theory (the theory that rocks are able to record events through time and in certain situations replay them as ghostly apparitions). In some respects these findings are nothing new - the properties of aura, which we will be studying, were actually used 2000 years before the first pyramid was built. Written in Stone Despite a tremendous amount of research, nobody has successfully explained the motivation for so many ancient civilisations to build hundreds of thousands of megalithic constructions that vary in size and complexity from simple stone circles to enormous monuments. However, the properties of the aura may offer evidential explanation of their purpose. If we place a rock into a river or stream, the auras of both the rock and the water will merge, forming one common aura. During this process, the rock gains energy from the water. The reason that the rock gains energy is that the object in a common aura that has the lower energetic potential gains energy from the matter with higher energetic potential. This makes it easy to manipulate the size of the aura. In the lab, this is achieved quickly by using groups of capacitors with great capacitance. (capacitance being the measure of the amount of electric charge stored, or separated for a given electric potential). However, we don't recommend experimenting with capacitors charged to high voltages, because it leads to an increase of potential on the membranes of our cells, which could result in health anomalies. The Creation of Aether The aura represents the first energetic part of matter and is the energetic aspect of matter that people are most familiar with. When we consider cosmic energy, this has two further elements, zones and interzones that we are less familiar with. These are the second and third energetic parts of matter. The zones replicate the shape of the aura in layers with various distances between them. When they are at a greater distance from their source, they gain gigantic dimensions. It has not yet been possible to establish how far from the source they extend although we do know that each third zone is ten times greater than the first and the second zone. In the space between zones, there are energetically weaker ‘interzones’. There are usually four interzones but in some cases there are more and they are always located closer to the zone nearer the source. The combination of zone and interzone create a very dense three dimensional raster that we know as aether. In the regions of any form of matter, even those of gas planets or clouds, we always find three parts of cosmic energy. All objects have their own auric field and common auric field. A stone for example has its own auric field, but would share a common auric field with a pile of stones. Similarly, a single building and a group of buildings, or even a person and a stadium filled with people would reflect this relationship. Everything has its own aura, rivers, thunderstorm clouds, trees and even planets. When completely different auras come into contact, in most cases they generally form a new energetically common aura with mutual energetic parts, but there are exceptions. According to the rules we have already stated, our planet Earth has the greatest aura, so all the auras on the Earth should then share one common aura with the Earth, but many would argue that this is clearly not the case. Further research which is still ongoing will help us to examine this phenomenon more fully. Crossing zones and interzones fill the surface and surrounding area of the Earth and indeed all planets. These ethereal components are located literally everywhere throughout the space and we are able to define the density and composition of their ‘mother’ matter by looking at their changing ethereal intensity. There are specific widths and distances between zones and interzones of every object. Every object also projects its etheric elements into space, creating a unique identifier with characteristics similar to a bar code. Research is not far from being at the point where it can identify the type, amount and the distance of some elements kilometres below the Earth’s surface using specialised detectors and computers. Nothing Exists Cosmic energy and its three energetic parts have been used by people for millennia although physicists such as Einstein have disregarded the presence of aether. According to established logical thought, aether is not acted upon by gravity, it is not material - aether is ‘nothing’. It is invisible; it can't be measured nor weighed. We can't calculate it because as ‘NOTHING’ it cannot exist. The established paradigms of modern physics do not allow scientists to argue against Einstein and to accept again that aether exists. Modern physics just isn't able to accept the existence of aether based on its knowledge and therefore it must reject it. However, immaterial or as is more likely, slightly material, energetic aether does exist. The fact that aether exists is supported by satellites which have shown that lightning discharges from thunderclouds do not occur only between clouds or between the clouds and the Earth. The discharges also occur between the clouds and somewhere above them, somewhere unknown and away from the Earth. The cause of this phenomenon has yet to be explained. Similarly, a physical vacuum is associated with the generation of energy of up to 1000 times more powerful; the Cassini probe documented incredibly powerful lightning discharges on Saturn. Einstein was certainly a genius, however, he wasn't infallible, for example many now theorise that the speed of light is not the maximum speed that can ever be achieved. Registering the Aura Some individuals can identify a living thing without actually seeing it, for example some psychics talk about ‘registering’ the movement of the person’s aura. This term is not strictly correct. The average person has an auric field with a depth of about thirty centimetres. If people with extremely developed sensitivity register the etheric elements of a moving person, they don't register the actual aura to such a distance but etheric spatial impulses that are moving from the aura into the surrounding space of ‘infinitely distributed’ ethereal zones and interzones. The energetic value of an object (the level of cosmic energy) is elevated with increasing pressure. The ‘aura’ of water can also be increased by thermal or microwave heating. Another increase of energy with liquids could be realized by so called dynamisation. In the lab we could achieve dynamisation just by agitating the water, as friction causes molecules to act on each other. When sea water is dynamised by inner and outer friction near a shoreline it shows greater energetical values where this occurs, which also increases its surrounding aura or cosmic energy. Every object possesses an ‘energetic memory’. This means that if a rock gains cosmic energy when exposed to increased pressure through its contact with ocean waves, it doesn't lose the energy it has gained straight after the source of the pressure is removed (i.e. after the tide goes out). Each object, therefore, has an ability to accumulate and store the cosmic energy within itself for a period of time. Healing Waters Most people are familiar with places such as Lourdes, where people have been spontaneously cured by the healing energies of the water. Often, churches are built at many pilgrimage sites such as these, above the healing waters. Sceptics of course regard these miraculous cures in these places or in normal thermal spas with a fair degree of contempt, but that contempt may not be justified. It is very possible that the water found at these sites has been ‘energetically modified’, that for example the water has been subject to great pressure and was warmed up deep under ground. It is known that in some spas, such as Pamukale in Turkey, the water gains energy from rocks that contain concentrated metals and minerals, which would also ‘charge’ the water. There are also spas where unexpected cures occur because deep under ground the water has been in contact with radioactive rocks that contain elements such as uranium which ‘charges’ the water. In some spas the body’s energy seems to be reinforced by drinking ‘energetically intensive’ water, in others the cosmic energy is gained by immersing the body in the water. It is thought that the sick often do not need special medicine to recover, but rather a sufficiency of ‘inner’ cosmic energy, which would enable the body to initiate its own internal cure processes. The elderly especially, often lack the vital energy to regulate their own internal health processes, as their cells often contain a much lower intensity of cosmic energy. By immersing themselves in water that is ‘energy rich’, patients can affect the energy at a cellular level. Strengthening the cellular membrane in this way aids the proper functioning of these cells and also the mechanism that begins their cure. In many ways, the energetic aspects of cosmic energy have similar properties to electrical energy. By components of unknown principle that cause cosmic energy there is an effect called "suction by a point", which is similar to that of electrons. The cosmic energy flows from areas with greater energetic levels to areas with lower energetic levels. While the transfer of electrical energy happens immediately, cosmic energy transfers between different sources at a much slower rate. This is due to the fact that some properties of cosmic energy differ from those of electrical energy. Electromagnetic waves do not penetrate Faraday’s cage - an enclosure formed by conducting material, or by a mesh of such material to block out external static electrical fields, but this is not true of cosmic energy. If we place a source of cosmic energy in a safe, there is an interaction and the final energy value is a sum of both energetic sources. Energy Manipulation through the Ages If we look back in time and examine our ancestor’s efforts to consolidate the linear relationship between the intensity of mankind’s etheric potential and their health and well being there is evidence of man’s manipulation of cosmic energy and the aether to be found in the ancient monuments they left behind. Evaluating megalithic constructions from the cosmic energy standpoint we can make some interesting observations. We discover that if the point or tip of a rock is placed into the aura of a stream or into an area where there are zones from that water, it gains energy from that water source. Hence we often discover a menhir, a large single upright standing stone, close to such energy sources. With respect to the specific weight and composition of the stone, this standing point (menhir) gains greater energetic value than a man would gain. The stone works like a battery, storing the energy. Higher streams that are charged more by faster flowing water or with stone riverbeds show greater energy than lower streams with slower flows and with a soft waterbed. This is also emphasised by the fact that menhirs are often situated in the upper parts of streams, particularly in their inner bends, where the zones are denser and create greater energetic value. This can be verified by a simple experiment… Testing the theory If you take a rock that is about 2 metres tall and wind a hose around it, the energetic value of its aura can be modified by changing the number of coils or by adjusting the intensity of the water flow. However, the energy doesn't increase quickly. As we have stated earlier, cosmic energy transfers very slowly. The matter of the rock has a significant energetic inertia and the energetic increase takes place over a time period that could last from tens of minutes up to several hours depending on its mass. In a similar way, an energetic ‘dope’ (generating an increase of cosmic energy on the cellular membranes of the cells in a human body) could be achieved if a person sits on a chair that has a hose with flowing water running through it coiled around it. The standing stone could be activated not only by the energy of flowing water from underground wells, streams, rivers and so on, but also by other sources of auric energy for example metals, fire and thunderclouds. Standing Stones A classic example of an energetic gain of a rock from aether was a standing stone called ‘Mené er Groah’ which was ironically destroyed by a lightning strike. The stone was 23.5 metres high and was located near Locmariaquer in Bretagne. It is an isolated example, but is very informative, because it demonstrates the knowledge that ancient cultures possessed about the energetic properties of aether. The ancient engineers were given the task of building an energised source in that area. The easiest solution would have been to divide one high menhir into several menhirs. However, this wasn't possible, as the aether zones didn't offer the required energetic level - which was located higher that normal above the ground. Instead, the engineers had to construct a very tall menhir to attain the energy levels they required. The obelisks built by later cultures had the same energetic purpose as the ‘Mené er Groah’ menhir. The lone standing stone was the easiest megalithic structure that was capable of giving energy to many people. In order to refill or increase people’s levels of cosmic energy the ancients didn't have to sit on top of the menhir for hours, it was enough to step into the region of the stone’s auric field. People soon realised that they could gain more energy faster by standing between two or more standing stones, where the auras are denser. This inspired them to cover the tip of the menhir with another rock. This may be how the hundreds of thousands of energetically richer dolmen came to be created across Europe. The ancient engineers knew that it matters what type of rock needs to be placed on top of the ‘curing platform’. The effort to reach a maximum value of cosmic energy and the ability to compare the energetic interaction that is related to the chemical structure of individual types of rocks compelled the ancient shamans and healers to transport different rocks and stones of immense size over great distances. These engineers must have understood the energetic properties that the interaction of the different stones would cause; hence they transported big stones with unique chemical structures from great distances; Stonehenge being a prime example. Ziggurats The next stage in the development of energy-giving structures led to the construction of Ziggurats, in what was ancient Babylonia. Over time, the ancient builders constantly refined their knowledge of the energy that they worked with. This increasing awareness was applied to the construction of a variety of temples and buildings that took advantage of the energy available from the etheric zones. The energy of a ziggurat was activated by a metal – usually this was a golden statue of a god placed at the top of each structure. Later, this knowledge was incorporated into all megalithic and religious structures creating towers with bells, minarets with golden domes etc… This adornment further increased the energy of the objects. However, the indefinite increase of cosmic energy is not beneficial for human health; the energy must be regulated. When erecting religious structures, the ancient architects observed that less sometimes means more, in other words, from the point of view of modern science - it was realised that exceeding the optimal level of charge was dangerous to the cellular membranes in the same way or worse than the energetic deficit was. The structure had to be balanced by taking into account the energetic gain, the amount of time spent in the sanctuary and the number of people who were inside. Because of that, pastorates were constructed beyond the energetic reach of the religious structure. The energy could have been regulated by the number and height of towers. The towers then gained energy from sources when penetrating etheric zones, because of the established concept of suction by a point and they are activated by the metal in the bells. In the 15th and 16th centuries, bells were hung in the opposite way than it is usual today - with the tongue upwards. This was especially beneficial with heavy bells because it meant that they were easy to swing - the bell started to swing under its own weight and the swinging was maintained with a paddle. By the 17th century, this method of hanging bells was considered ‘uncatholic’ and most bells that had been hung in this way were changed and hung with the tongue downwards. The calculation of the optimal amount of matter and height of the towers was impossible before the construction had begun due to the creation of different relations between surrounding zones and interzones. These could only be observed when construction was underway, and then the energy of the object was manually regulated until it reached its optimal value. This was done by changing the volume of the matter, the amount of metal used and the type of stone or the height of the suction points. The characteristic energetic pattern of many religious structures was manipulated through their height, mass, towers, rounded shapes and then supplemented by the use of key activation elements such as metals, water, fires and so on. The Energy of Ancient Monuments The motivation for the construction of menhirs, dolmens, and other similar structures is usually explained by the builders having astronomical, agricultural and ritual motives. But there are even more mysterious megalithic structures to be found around the world, such as the hundreds of stone spheres weighing up to 16 tons found in South America. These spheres were discovered in the Delta of the Diquis River in Costa Rica during the 1930s. Many of the spheres had been carefully aligned to create straight and curved lines, as well as triangles and parallelograms. Researchers noted that one group of four balls was arranged in a line oriented to magnetic north. The reasons given for their construction vary but I think that it would have been impossible to place these spheres so exactly without the knowledge of aether; this would also explain their function. A sphere shaped rock located in an etheric zone (such as a river delta) is energetically activated and becomes an independent source, which projects spherical zones into the surrounding space. These cross other energetically stronger etheric zones, interact with them and by their conductive properties bring greater amount of cosmic energy to the area. It is probable that stone heads of the Olmecs which have similar mass could have had similar function. Modern day architecture isn't interested in the energetic potential of buildings and some structures could be so called ‘cancer houses’ or can have a negative affect on their occupants. Some would say that the steel construction and height of skyscrapers must reveal this negative effect more remarkably. The answer can be found by looking back through history; when people on the American continent built more than hundred thousand mounds, they were careful to avoid building the clay mounds on sub-soil made from rock, they also carefully isolated them using organic matter. The same technological progress was followed by Europe’s mound builders. When constructing skyscrapers, we build them on solid sub-soil made from rock. We can deduct that the contact of the structure with the seam works in the same way as grounding; that it drains the energy of the building and its occupants away into the ground. However, this may be different with some low-bed structures that have been built on earthen seams. A new Approach to understanding Ancient Knowledge It is difficult for some to believe that ancient people already possessed knowledge of etheric energy that our modern civilisation is only just starting to investigate. Thousands of researchers, scientists and archaeologists have tried unsuccessfully to understand the mysteries of the world’s megalithic constructions. The fact they have been unsuccessful in their efforts suggests that the explanation is not in the region of known facts or current understanding. Therefore, we looked for the answers of puzzles of structures somewhere else, and discovered that the answer might just lie with the aether. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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